Chu Yi was touching while driving. Fortunately, the speed of the car was very stable and slow. Otherwise, in this situation, he would have been distracted.

Maybe car crashes are also common.

"Okay, little brother, have you touched enough?"

One of the woman's cigarettes had just burned out, and she ejected the cigarette butt out of the car, and the woman retracted her legs.

But Chu Yi's hand seemed to be stuck to it, motionless, still touching here and pinching there.

The woman frowned, but said nothing.

Chu Yi is on top!

The hand is not far away for a long time, and there is even a tendency to go further.

Chu Yi enjoyed it, after all, this kind of opportunity is not a common occurrence.

The beauties beside him could only secretly eat tofu, and such moments of fairness were rare.

Chu Yi actually increased his strength in his hand, and slowly moved towards the woman

"All right."

The woman quickly reached out and pressed Chu Yi's dishonest right hand.

"You are really bold." The woman smiled slightly, Chu Yi felt the warmth of her thigh, then moved her right hand and pulled it back

All this is like a dream, but Chu Yi is a little unwilling to let go.

"As long as you have the courage, the beauty will take maternity leave!"

Chu Yi's words made the woman laugh.

"Wan Yuan, what's your name?"

"Chu Yi."

"Well, it seems that you have often harmed girls from good families."

Wan Yuan said with great interest.

"Heaven knows, I am not like this on weekdays."

Chu Yi is still thinking about that black lace dress

"Okay, let's concentrate on our journey."

Wan Yuan seems to be very open. Although Chu Yi has no feelings for this kind of woman, there is no reason to refuse a beautiful woman who comes to her door for nothing.

The two cars just walked one after the other, and before they knew it, they had already driven to a deserted place.

There are only vast plains around, covered with thick white snow, which makes people feel dazzling.

"It should be soon. Look, it's not far from the foot of the mountain. It's estimated that after walking for a few hours, we will be there."

"Well, how about a break? Let's play something else."

Wan Yuan offered to propose.

Chu Yi frowned, and his face suddenly changed.

"Playing with flowers?"

Wan Yuan knew that Chu Yi was thinking wrong again.

"What are you thinking, stop the car."

Chu Yi blew his flute, then turned off the car and stopped on the side of the road.

Wan Yuan immediately opened the car door and wanted to get out of the car, but Chu Yi took the opportunity to touch it.

"It's really good!"

Chu Yi got out of the car in a trance, this time, it was really not in vain.

"Brother Chu, are you alright?" Seeing Chu Yi's expression of enjoyment, Chen Dan was sure in his heart that this Chu Yi must be playing tricks.

"It's nothing, let's take a good look at this kind of scenery. After passing this village, there will be no such shop."

Chen Dan carefully read Chu Yi's words, but found something was wrong.

Several people rested for a while on the side of the road, and after filling their stomachs, they went on the road again.

"Are you always exploring?"

"I've only recently become obsessed with it, and I'm very busy on weekdays, so I don't have time." Chu Yi grinned and looked at Wan Yuan.

"What do you do?"

Chu Yi was taken aback, yes, what kind of work do you do.

He had no choice but to say: "Secret."

"Yo, unexpectedly, you are quite mysterious, but in my eyes, there is no such thing as secret." Wan Yuan joked, but Chu Yi was a little embarrassed.

Could it be that he is a bodyguard?

Although being Han Lingyue's bodyguard is indeed good, but speaking out, it is indeed a bit embarrassing.

"What about you?" Chu Yi asked immediately.

"The boss of the company."

Chu Yi had a bitter look on his face. It wasn't that he didn't believe it, but that he became the boss of the company at such a young age, fair and beautiful, which was too embarrassing.

"Why, don't you believe it?" Looking at Chu Yi's expression, Wan Yuan seemed to have sensed Chu Yi's inner thoughts, and asked quickly.

"Where do you dare not believe it, I just think that this is called young and promising."

"It's all my father's property. I just have a good father."

Chu Yi nodded, as expected, it was still the age of fighting for father.

"What do you think, if you come to this kind of place, if you want to explore, isn't it more suitable for desert Gobi and snow-capped mountains?"

Chu also found that Wan Yuan's question was so tricky that he didn't know how to answer it.

"It's just curiosity. Since I was a child, I have had unique ideas about extremely cold places. I didn't expect that now I finally have the opportunity."

"This kind of place is really mysterious, right?"

"That's right, what about you? How did you come here?"

"To be honest, I'm here to find something."

"Looking for something?" Chu Yi was stunned. What are you looking for in this icy and snowy place?

Could it really be an inverted fight?

Chu also heard a lot about the tomb robbery, but when he looked at Wan Yuan in front of him, it didn't seem like the material for the tomb robbery.

"Find something that should belong to me." A stern look flashed in Wan Yuan's eyes.

This stern look was keenly noticed by Chu Yi.

"People, always let go of hatred."

Wan Yuan turned her head abruptly, looked at Chu Yi, and suddenly felt that Chu Yi in front of her was unfathomable.

"how do you know"

"I was just saying it casually."

Chu Yi smiled and did not look at Wan Yuan.

He already had a guess in his heart, and he had a bold guess about Wan Yuan's life experience.

"What do you think people live this life for?"

"Live for yourself."

Wan Yuan was startled by Chu Yi's words.

"Live for yourself." Wan Yuan smiled wryly and lit a cigarette.

For so many years, she seems to have lived for her own family, but never really lived for herself.

"Why should you let go of your hatred?"

Wan Yuan's words made Chu Yi feel black.

This girl's brain circuit is really different from ordinary people, no matter how she asks such tricky questions.

Chu Yi just wanted to end this topic as soon as possible.

"Maybe deep in the dense forest, there is an answer that both you and I want."

Wan Yuan is also very smart, and immediately understood that Chu Yi and herself were not simply exploring, and this so-called adventure was just a cover.

"You are very smart and considerate. Don't worry, I will guarantee your safety."

Wan Yuan has grown fond of the man in front of her.

"No, sister, it's fine if you don't make trouble for me. Counting on those guns in your trunk really can't protect me"

Wan Yuan was shocked, what was her own guy, but it was hidden under a pile of sundries, and Chu Yi had never checked the trunk, how did he know!

"How do you know?"


Wan Yuan raised her vigilance in an instant, and she suddenly discovered that Chu Yi, who seemed harmless to humans and animals but was only a womanizer, seemed not so simple.

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