"Brother Chu, I think everything can be discussed. If we go so hastily, one of them will be unmanned, and the two of them are not familiar with the place where they live. They may be killed."

"Follow me, you can't eat meat, but you can also drink soup. Don't you want to see Qingcang Mountain destroyed once?" Chu Yi sat up straight, lit a cigarette, and lighted one for Chen Dan by the way.

"You mean the Xiao family, they want to attack Qingcang Mountain"


"It's his grandma! I can't bear this anymore. How can they miss so many beauties in Qingcang Mountain!" Chen Dan's words made Chu Yi laugh for a while.

Chu Yi took a deep breath of cigarettes, and then said softly, "It's an extremely cold place, so you have to be well prepared."

"Don't worry, I have already contacted you about this."

"Oh? You still have this kind of relationship?"

"That's natural. I have a buddy who loves adventure. He has traveled all over the world. I haven't seen any big winds and waves. I have asked him to prepare for us. It is estimated that the goods will arrive in the evening." Chen Dan's words made Chu Yi Can't help but look at him with admiration.

Unexpectedly, Chen Dan was so intentional.

"That would be best."

When the two came to Chen's house, they drank a few sips of wine first, and then began to talk loudly.

And Chu Yi's cell phone rang one after another.

He simply turned off the phone, and Chen Dan picked it up.

"Sister Xin, Brother Chu, we haven't had much contact since we came back from country M. I'll let you know when I see you."

Chen Dan told Chu Yi a lie.

The two smiled knowingly, and someone knocked on Chen Dan's door.

"Xiao Chen, everything is ready."

"Xiao Chen?"

Chu Yi's heart skipped a beat, the person who dared to call Chen Dan like that must not be an unknown person.

"Brother Hu, this time, thank you very much."

"Why are you being polite, why, are you going on an expedition?"

"Ah, just play casually, how can I compare with you?"

"It's a pity, if I didn't have a group trip tomorrow, I would have gone with you."

"Hahaha, next time, next time, brother Hu, please walk slowly."

"The car is at the door for you."


Chen Dan sent this man named Brother Hu away, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is this the adventurous buddy you know?"

"That's right, this man is also a dandy. I didn't expect that in the end, he would change his ways through traveling all over the world." Chen Dan shook his head with a smile, feeling very sad.

"Okay, let's go, look at the equipment"


The two dressed and went downstairs, and suddenly saw an extended version of the off-road vehicle parked in the yard.

This length is not an exaggeration for a caravan.

"Good guy, are you sure about this car?"

"As long as Brother Chu is not in a hurry, it will arrive in ten days and half a month."

"No rush, there's nothing to worry about." Chu Yi smiled and opened the trunk door.


The two let out an exclamation at the same time.

The equipment is stacked neatly in the compartment like a hill, and the rear seats of the off-road vehicle have all been down, just to have more space for storing equipment.

There are everything from small clothes to keep warm from the cold to large tools to deal with all difficulties.

"This business is not for fun. I didn't expect that I was really well prepared." Chu Yidu nodded. This kind of professionalism is still excellent.

"Even the equipment for the expedition is ready, but why is there not much food here?"

"You are stupid, these foods are just for you to eat on the road. We are not going to the Gobi desert, nor is it a no-man's land. This kind of food supply is very convenient."

Chen Dan suddenly realized that he was not going to explore an uncivilized place, but what they went this time was still a civilized city.

Although there are no people around this dense forest, at least they will not starve to death or freeze to death.

"Okay, let's go then?" Chen Dan cast a questioning look.

Chu Yi nodded slightly, and the two immediately set off.

Along the way, the two were leisurely and contented. Chu Yi hadn't been so relaxed and happy like today for a long time.

The two old men were driving the car, humming songs, and felt like traveling by car.

The high speed along the way made Chen Dan a little bit sleepy.

The two then rested overnight, and the next day, Chu also drove.

Just like this, the two of them finally came to Shanghai.

It is not so much a city as it is a slightly larger town.

Wrapped in thick winter clothes, the two walked forward with difficulty in the face of the heavy snow.

"Brother Chu, why is Shangguang City so shabby?"

Chu Yi looked at the road, but there was no one, just like a ghost town.

"This place is already sparsely populated, let alone there are people on the main road. On the contrary, there are people, which is strange!"

Chu Yi smiled and stopped the car.

The two of them looked at the map, and if they went any further, they would not be within the reach of navigation.

This is the way into the jungle.

Chu Yi took out a paper map.

"We are in this position now, and we are still hundreds of kilometers away from this dense forest. It is neither close nor far."

Chen Dan quickly said, hundreds of kilometers, if it is on the highway, it is only a few hours' drive.

But in this freezing place, anything could happen, so the two of them still dare not relax their vigilance.

This journey may be far more difficult than they imagined.

He knew that in this situation, the safest way was to move forward quickly.

"Let's just drive slowly. The road is not easy to walk. Just don't get into an accident."

"Don't worry, Brother Chu, my driving skills, Qiu Mingshan Riding God, are so chic!"

Chen Dan took out some snacks from the trunk and handed them to Chu Yi.

Chu Yi looked at the shops and restaurants around him, but let out bursts of sighs.

"I didn't expect it. The life here is so hard. These shops and restaurants, even if they are old, have not opened yet."

"This small town is really outrageous."

Chen Yiyi looked disgusted, but Chu Yi felt unprecedentedly relaxed.

This kind of life is far from comparable to that of a metropolis like Binhai.

He knew that although it was cold and sparsely populated here, the crime rate was no less than that of a metropolis.

The tourism industry is also very developed in this kind of place.

"Brother Chu, Shangguang City is the largest place in the surrounding area. Other than that, they are all small towns. In my opinion, they may all be villages of local residents. They surround Shangguang City. Look at this road." Chen Dan pointed to the map.


"The surrounding area is full of villages, and this dense forest is a no-man's land. There are dozens of miles around, and there are no people living there. Almost no one has set foot in it. Maybe this is the hiding place of the Xiao family."

"I think we have to go further." Chu Yi smiled slightly.

He pointed to a farther place, which is called, deep in the mountains and dense forests

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