Chen Dan looked at the snow-swaying world and felt a burst of despair.

"Brother Chu, if things go on like this, we might find the Xiao family in ten days and half a month."

Chu Yi looked around and nodded.

It is indeed more difficult.

But Chu Yi didn't want to trouble Li Xin and the others. He knew that the Xiao family was not weak. If they came to help, they might get angry and add chaos to Chu Yi.

So Chu Yi still didn't let them go together just to be on the safe side.

This is done to minimize the risk.

Of course, this is also a big gamble.

The two continued to drive forward, the wind and snow were too heavy, and they almost drove at a speed of turtles.

The wind and snow all over the sky made it almost impossible for the two people sitting in the car to see the road ahead clearly.

Days and nights pass by in a hurry, and the weather in this extremely cold place can be described as unpredictable. Sometimes the sun shines brightly, and sometimes it is stormy and snowy.

They came to a village.

In the local dialect, this is called Tun.


Chen Dan muttered about a plaque at the entrance of the village in a low voice, and couldn't help but get very excited.

They haven't had a bite of hot food for a long time, so there is a ready-made village here, Chen Dan thought, taking a rest here.

"Brother Chu, look, there is a village here, why don't we stay overnight in a folk house here, what do you think?"

"It's a good choice."

Chu Yi was already in poor health, and the exhaustion of the journey made his face even more ugly.

"Got it!"

Chen Dan believes that the folk customs must be very simple in such a place where almost no one has set foot.

Because he has seen on TV that most of the villagers in this kind of place are hospitable.

Chu Yi stopped the car, got out of the car, and looked up.

This is a small village, almost all of which are wooden houses, and every house is scattered. There is a thick pile of snow on the street, and they simply don’t clean it. In this weather, even if the sun is shining , the temperature is also extremely low, and the snow on the road is almost difficult to melt away.

"Ma'am, let me ask, where does the head of this village live?"

Chen Dan stopped a woman and asked in a friendly voice.

The aunt said in a mouthful of words that Chen Dan couldn't understand: "The village chief is going hunting in the mountains, where are you from? You look like you, and from your accent, you are not from the local area."

Chen Dan said with a smile, "We want to stay here for a night. Look, can we rest?"

"It's ok, our village is very hospitable, wait a minute, come with me, you take a rest first."

The woman entertained Chu Yi and the two very warmly. Chu Yi parked the car at the entrance of the village, locked it, and walked forward with difficulty wrapped in a thick coat.

This woman's house is not big, but it is clean and tidy, and it is also very warm.

Chu Yi looked up, and there were deerskins and bearskins hanging on the wall, and it was the Orion family.

"Look, the people in our village all hunt for a living. There are no people in this kind of place all year round. You are rare visitors."

The aunt boiled water and warmed a pot of wine for the two of them.

Chu Yi and Chen Dan had a good meal, and then fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already noon the next day.

"Auntie, let me ask you something."

"Tell me, there's nothing I don't know about this film."

Chu Yi smiled, and continued: "Have any outsiders visited our village recently, just over the years?"

When the woman heard this, her brows were tightly furrowed.

"Yes, there are, but they are similar to the two of you. They are all adventurers or tourists. Other than that, there are no outsiders. You know, the people here are rare visitors. There are no outsiders. Come to this cold place."

Chu Yi sighed lightly, but he really failed to get any useful information.

The woman then resumed her work.

Chu Yi and Chen Dan also went out wrapped in thick coats, feeling the customs and customs of this extremely cold place, and it was quite a pleasure to stroll around.

"Brother Chu, tell me, it's not bad if you can live here for the rest of your life."

Chen Dan said suddenly.

"It's not bad, but relatively, there are restrictions and inconveniences." Chu Yi wiped his nose, and then continued to walk forward.

"You said this Xiao family, why did they choose to live in seclusion here?"

"Although it's cold here, at least it's rich, and you can eat game every day. Isn't it a good choice?"

Chu Yi smiled, this Chen Dan is really very curious.

The two wandered around for a long time and inquired for an unknown amount of time, but they found nothing.

The two gradually gave up, and they decided that it was better to enter the mountain rashly.

Chu also didn't want to stay too long in Majiatun, so he found an excuse and drove to a deeper place.

Chu Yi made a phone call to Lin Qingying.

"You little bastard, you actually left your senior sisters to go alone, you are gambling with your life!"

Before Chu Yi could speak, Lin Qingying cursed.

"Master, I don't let them come, it's entirely for their sake, their kung fu is not as high as mine, and the Xiao family is not waiting for it, you know, they will only add to the chaos if they come with me."

Chu Yi's words did make sense, but Lin Qingying was still very sullen.

"Master, don't worry, this time, I will solve this matter as soon as possible."

"By the way, have you found anything in the past few days?"

"No, the road was calm and calm. We have arrived in Guangzhou City now, and we are almost entering the mountain. Master, do you have a specific location?"

"No, are you thinking of farting?"

Lin Qingying is still angry now. After all, she has called Chu Yi countless times, and Chu Yi has been turned off all the time. Now, she has started to contact them again.

"Master, don't let them come, really, it will be bad."

"It's late, they're already on their way."

Lin Qingying hung up the phone after saying these words.

The two had just bid farewell to the villagers in the village when they saw a car slowly approaching.

"It's broken, it can't be my senior sister and the others!"

Chu Yi panicked, his hands trembled, and he almost dropped the car keys in the white snow.

The two stared at the slow-moving off-road vehicle with dumbstruck eyes, but felt a little apprehensive in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, a man got out of the car, and then a woman also got out of the car.

"Fuck! Brother Chu, isn't she cold?"

Chu Yi saw that this woman was actually wearing red high-heeled shoes, her legs were straight, a hip-wrapping skirt outlined the beautiful curve of her buttocks, and her top was wearing a small mink.

"The random flowers are becoming more and more attractive to the eyes. I can't tell whether they are snow white or the legs are white." Chu Yi was dumbfounded

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