"Shanghai City?" Chu Yi had never heard of such a place name, and couldn't help being a little dazed.

"The extremely cold land is almost at the northernmost point of our country. It is freezing all year round, and few people set foot in it. The wind and snow are all over the sky, and it is even more severe than the barren land." Lin Qingying's words made Chu Yi stunned.

Is this kind of place really suitable for hiding?

Chu Yi originally thought that it would be a small island or some kind of no-man's land, but unexpectedly, the Xiao family was hidden in an extremely cold place.

"I understand."

"There's another piece of news, maybe you don't want to know." Lin Qingying thought for a while, then said it out.

"Huh? That's bad news." Chu Yi's mood is a little better at this time, after all, the location of the Xiao family has been found, which is very close to his revenge.

"The purpose of the Xiao family is to get close to you and then kill you. You must know this better than me. Moreover, their ultimate purpose is to get rid of Qingcang Mountain."

"Get rid of Qingcang Mountain?"

Chu Yi was taken aback, Qingcang Mountain's reputation is not small, and not everyone can bully it. Although most of them are women, they are all extraordinary in strength, and it is not a place that ordinary people can think about at all.

"That's right, it took me all my life to find out, so I don't want to stop you as a teacher, but it's impossible for you to go alone, do you understand what I mean?"

Chu Yi frowned, his master had never spoken in such a worried tone, and now, he had a bitter expression on his face.

"I understand, isn't there my senior sisters? It's easy for the few of us to kill a wandering generation."

"Need manpower, speak up at any time, I'm going to catch up with the drama, you should pay more attention to your body."

After Lin Qingying finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Chu Yi threw the phone on the bed, and the image of meeting Xiao Mu for the first time appeared in his mind.

He did attack him, but he lost to him. Could it be that all of this was a trick.

He is not someone sent by km at all, let alone a coincidence, and this acquaintance is a complete conspiracy!

Thinking of this, Chu also wished he could rush to Shanghai Guangzhou right now and take away the Xiao family's lair.

"What's the matter with you? Now your task is to rest more. Come on, drink this bowl of medicine." Lin Su walked in with a bowl of dark Chinese medicine soup, and the room was instantly confused and smelly. Chinese herbal medicine.

"The Xiao family, I found it."

"Found it? The hidden Xiao family was found so quickly?" Lin Su couldn't believe it.

"That's natural, and their purpose is to get rid of Qingcang Mountain."

Lin Su was taken aback for a moment, and the hands that were stirring the medicinal soup stopped for a moment.

"Get rid of Qingcang Mountain"

Lin Su panicked. She knew that Qingcang Mountain was everything to her, and it was everything to Lin Qingying.

"Don't worry, senior sister, do you think the Xiao family has this ability?" Chu Yi didn't think so, took the medicinal soup, and was bored in one gulp.

"Whether they have the strength or not, we cannot relax."

"Oh, relax? They will soon lose their minds."

Chu Yi sneered, he had already decided in his heart that he was going to go to Guangzhou City.

"You don't want to go to Xiao's house, do you?"

"As expected of my senior sister, smart."

Chu Yi smiled slightly, but Lin Su was shocked.

"You don't want to die? How can you go to Xiao's house now that you are suffering from hidden illness, and be careful to lose your wife and lose your army."

"I don't have a wife, and I don't have soldiers. I can afford to lose."

Chu Yi stared at the front with a resolute expression.

"No, I don't agree, and Master won't agree either. You'd better give up on this idea. When you recover, the senior sister will naturally accompany you to the Xiao family and kill him without leaving a single piece of him."

Chu Yi grinned lightly, and said softly, "Sister, I want to rest."

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving now. You sleep more, take care of your body, what do you want to eat at night, shall we make you some soup?"

"It's all right."

Chu Yi watched Lin Su leave, and opened his eyes.

Lin Su stood at the door for a while, listened to Chu Yi's movements, saw the silence in the room, and left in peace.

And Chu Yi's actions also started.

"Chen Shan."

"Brother Chu Chu, listen to me explain that my father really didn't mean it."

"Okay, stop talking, now there is an opportunity, do you want to take it?"

Chu Yi asked with a smile.

In fact, he didn't want to have too much hostility towards Chen Dan, although Chen Guoqiang did have his own thoughts on it, after all, unconditional favors, anyone has a purpose.

Not to mention such a big family, Chu also felt relieved.

"Of course, Brother Chu, you said, as long as I can make you stop blaming my father, I can do anything."

"Don't mention this matter, I can understand him. I don't want to pursue too much about the secrets of your Chen family. I will discuss this matter later. Now, there is a more important matter that requires you to accompany me."

"I'm listening, Brother Chu, tell me."

"Prepare the car and accompany me to Shanghai."

"Shanghai City?" Chen Dan was also taken aback, he had never heard of such a name.

"The extremely cold place is almost out of the border, and the Xiao family is hiding in the northernmost forest."

"Brother Chu of the Xiao Xiao family, are you talking about Xiao Mu?" Chen Dan was very puzzled. Isn't this Xiao Mu Chu Yi's life-and-death brother? The person is also nice, is a man.

"Well, the Xiao family, I can't stay here."

Chu Yi simply said this, and Chen Dan immediately understood.

"Brother Chu, what are you doing?" Chen Dan backed off a little.

"What? Scared?"

"No, that's not what I mean. The Xiao family has always been hidden in the world, and their strength must not be underestimated. If we are not prepared, it will be easy to fall."

"I have confidence, in a word, will I go or not?"

"go with!"

"Okay, come pick me up."

After Chu Yi finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and Chu Yi looked outside the house, and there was no one there.

Now is a good opportunity to escape, a good opportunity to prevent Li Xinyueyao and her senior sisters from finding out.

Chu Yi simply tidied up, took the ancient sword with him, grabbed a piece of clothing, and slipped out.

Afterwards, Chen Dan took Chu Yi away, and the two immediately went to Chen's house to prepare equipment for going to Shanghai.

"Brother Chu, have you really decided?" Chen Dan asked with his head turned.

"What I said, is it farting?" Chu Yi leaned on the back, closed his eyes and meditated.

"I didn't mean that, I mean, Xiao Mu and you are not"

"Forget it, I was wrong. The Xiao family must die. I have no choice but to do it. Either he dies or I live."

Chen Dan was taken aback. With these words, Chu Yi was very confident in himself!

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