"The horror in Blair Witch is not only the horror of witches, but also the horror of friends, the horror of trust, the horror of former self-thinking.

Why are there so many meaningless shots in front of "Blair Witch"?Many people think that the director deliberately created a sense of reality for the documentary.

But, you are wrong.

If the scene is changed and the role is changed to another identity, everyone will find that what "Blair the Witch" satirizes is so real.

Three friends go to start a business together, and it is difficult to start a business. How will things develop?

In fact, friends began to blame each other, developed into quarrels, and finally separated.

Startups fail.

Even friends become enemies.

In "Blair the Witch", the three went to find the witch together, and everyone was happy to be friends at first.When they are isolated from the society around them and trapped in the forest, they start to become distrustful.

Said that the leader led the wrong way, said that the leader lost the map.

The final truth turned out to be that the complainer lost the map.

Quarrel, separation.

Look at reality, is it true for many friends?

Because of one thing, because of a woman or a man, friends no longer trust each other.

Speaking of deception, isn't the marketing plan of "Blair the Witch" telling us through such means that deception is the truth of the world?

Isn't the biggest fear the mistrust among friends?


Some media reporters wanted to interview Wen Zhiren and Werner, but they refused.The two of them didn't defend themselves online, they were just worried about how to solve it.

Over time, questioning and name-calling became mainstream.But it also made those more people buy tickets to watch because of curiosity.

What is even more surprising to many people is that so far no one has left the show midway because of this.Even if the scolding is fierce, I will insist on watching it.

In particular, it depends on the final ending, whether it is the most terrifying at the end because of deceit, as the supporters said.

Someone admitted after watching it, although it is a bad movie, although it is deceptive marketing.But I have to say, the end of the film was really scary.

Cross was depressed.He also finally realized that he had been duped by the marketing scheme of "Blair Witch".

This feeling of being fooled is very bad.

When passing the bookstore, his feet turned into the bookstore involuntarily.

The bookstore owner rested his chin on one hand and sat downcastly behind the counter.When a customer came in, he didn't bother to take a look.

He also knew that he had been lied to.Moreover, I was cheated twice and spent more money than others.

The first time, of course, was being tricked into watching "The Blair Witch" in a movie theater.

The second time, of course, because I was afraid after watching a movie, I bought a remote control device to turn off the lights.

It made him feel like a big fool, living like a joke.

Seeing the gloomy face of the bookstore owner, and thinking of the remote control switch of the bookstore owner's lights, Cross suddenly felt that compared to the bookstore owner, he was actually not too bad.

Things in the world are like this, there is no harm without comparison.

It is always inexplicably grateful to see others suffering worse than yourself.

"I didn't expect it to be a scam." Cross picked up the topic.

"Are you saying they are stupid? To make a bad film, they spend nearly 2000 million in marketing expenses. If the operation fails, they will lose a lot of money?" The bookstore owner was very angry, and first scolded Wen Zhiren and Werner for being stupid.

"Yeah, who would have thought that they would do this? If we could think of it, we wouldn't be deceived."

"Wen Zhiren and Werner, I remember them." The bookstore owner clenched his fists. "These two bastards, when I see them, I must beat them up!"

"They really are vile and shameless bastards!"

"I will never watch these two bastard movies again!"

"Me too."

"We should unite and call on all those who have been cheated to stop watching these two bastard movies in the future!"

"There are already people doing this online."

When a customer came in, Cross looked over and found that it was a coincidence that it was the customer who said he wanted to see it when he heard him discuss "The Witch Blair" with the bookstore owner.

"Hey boss, you don't seem too happy today?" the customer greeted the bookstore owner.

"You will be happy when you are teased?" The bookstore owner's tone was not very good.

"Who teased you?"

Cross asked the customer.

"Have you read 'The Blair Witch'?"

"I saw it." The customer replied. "The front is boring, and the camera shakes annoyingly. At the end, it's really scary."

"But, aren't you angry?" The bookstore owner said angrily: "They used despicable and shameless means to deceive us into saying that this is a real incident. They also said that the three people in the movie really disappeared. Now everyone has exposed it, isn't it? You do not know?"

The customer was taken aback after hearing this, and then laughed.

"It turns out that you are angry about this. You have the right to be angry. After all, you were deceived. I was also deceived, but I didn't think it was okay. It was a movie's propaganda, and it was a means. Look at what those congressmen said during the campaign, you see Look at what politicians said during the presidential campaign, how many of them are true?"

"They can be deceived, why can't movies be deceived? Stock experts can be deceived, why can't movies be deceived?"

"I would be mad if I was cheated on buying an item. But the purpose of movies is to entertain, and the purpose of horror movies, the fun of watching horror movies, is to be scared. That marketing plan just makes people believe that movies are real, so It looks scary."

"Actually, everything the director did was within the rules. I watched that movie to be frightened. If I wasn't frightened, I still felt cheated. If I was frightened, the deceitful marketing plan would work. "

What the customer said surprised Cross and the bookstore owner.

"How can you think so? How can you not be angry when you are fooled? I was even more afraid, so I spent money to buy a remote control switch for the light!"

"That's a well-intentioned fool, to make this horror movie scarier. It's like April Fool's Day, everyone jokes with each other. As for you spending money on the remote control switch for the light, it is indeed a waste of money. But doesn't this mean that the horror movie is very successful? ?You're successfully too scared to turn off the lights and then the door. That's the beauty of horror movies, otherwise don't watch."

"However, if they didn't lie to me that someone was missing, I wouldn't go to the movies out of concern!" the bookstore owner emphasized.

The customer thought about it distressedly, and nodded in agreement with the bookstore owner.

"Indeed, from your point of view, you should be angry. It's like you didn't plan to buy a product, but you bought it because of the advertisement. Sorry, I apologize to you for my remarks just now."

Cross suddenly looked at the bookstore owner, feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

The owner of the bookstore put up the poster after collecting advertising fees, right?From this point of view, is the bookstore owner also an accomplice for money?

In the past, when he came to buy books, the bookstore owner would also push books.As a result, I bought it back and found that it was not the book I wanted to read.

Including the promotional posters of some books in the bookstore, and let him buy books he didn't like.

Does the behavior of the bookstore owner and these merchants count as deceit like this missing person marketing incident?

Wu Long also understands the public opinion on the Internet.He contacted Wen Zhiren and Werner.

"Sorry for putting you in this situation."

Although Wen Zhiren and Werner felt a little regretful, they didn't dare to say anything.The road was chosen by themselves, and they didn't see the traps.Besides, with Wu Long's identity, there is no need to frame the two of them.

"It's nothing, Brother Long, we can get through it."

"Brother Long, we will find a way."

Wu Long contacted the two this time to discuss a solution with them.

First, it is publicly stated that this is Wu Long's marketing plan, and Wu Long also wrote the script.They just carried out Wu Long's plan.

As long as the truth is announced, all the blame will be transferred from Wen Zhiren and Werner to Wu Long.Of course, it no longer belongs to Wen Zhiren and Werner to create such a shocking achievement.

The second method, the two remain silent.For such a thing, whether it is a netizen or a movie fan, it is just a burst of enthusiasm.After scolding, it doesn't take long. When the topic cools down, not many people will care about it in the future.

The third method is to respond appropriately.

Let's say that the two of them like horror movies, and they are also curious about similar cases.

From the experience of the two, these are all supported by evidence.

After watching "Midnight Ring", the two wondered whether witches exist, and whether witches are similar to Sadako.So I studied many stories about witches around the world, and established the "Explore Witches" website, so that people who like witches can have a place to discuss and a home of their own.

This is also verifiable, first there was the "Explore the Witch" website, and then there was a movie.As long as you are willing to check the timeline, you can prove that you are not lying.

Then, in the process of exploring witches and similar horrors, people were found to be missing, and some people died suddenly in accidents or unknown.

However, these missing and dead people did not attract everyone's attention.The two felt that this was very sad. Could it be that just because people who like this kind of love are a minority, should they not be cared by the public?

The two wrote the script and marketing plan out of wanting to draw public attention to the group of witches and horrors.

After listening to Wu Long's suggestion, Wen Zhiren replied immediately without thinking long.

"Brother Long, I agreed at the beginning, but now I can't transfer the responsibility to you. I think it's not good to just be silent. Maybe we can do it according to the third method you said."

"Brother Long, I also think that the third method you mentioned can be done." Werner and Wen Zhiren obviously reached an agreement.

Wen Zhiren and Werner haven't officially responded yet, and someone on the Internet explained it for them.

This is still a relatively well-known film critic who is easy to call, and has always been relatively objective, and it is rare to say that he receives money to publish a review.

"With regards to the marketing of 'Blair Witch' and The Missing Persons Incident, when there was no news that the film was being released, I admit that I was tricked into thinking it was real.

And many people, like me, don't have the time and energy to check.

But when it was mentioned that "Blair Witch" was going to be released, I immediately realized that it was a very magical marketing event.

I still bought a ticket to see "Blair Witch", just for this bold operation.Even if I got scammed, I would applaud the man who made the whole marketing plan as a genius.

In fact, when "Midnight Ring" was released, the film company in this country also forged Sadako's real identity and local related history in order to make "Midnight Ring" appear more real.

So, is Sadako real?


But it still doesn't stop some people from still believing in the existence of Sadako or a phenomenon similar to Sadako.

Wu Long's Amazon rainforest series, is the Predator real?Are anacondas real? Is it true what happened in The River/Mystic River?

is fake.

But it still doesn't stop some people from still believing that there are aliens and alien bases in the Amazon rainforest.

Are the supernatural events in horror movies real?


Since it is false, why are we afraid?

"Blair the Witch" is just for scaring, creating a missing person incident, increasing the sense of substitution, and making the audience even more scared.

The entire marketing plan has indeed deceived the feelings of many people, making people worry and sad for the missing.Therefore, it is not wrong for the deceived person to scold them.

But objectively speaking, I have to express my admiration for this marketing event.

In order to cooperate with this marketing event, it is really a bold idea to deliberately make the movie a bad movie.


Another TV station saw an opportunity, and asked the pros and cons to hold a TV debate to earn a wave of ratings.

Wen Zhiren and Werner issued a statement at the same time.

"I'm sorry that the marketing plan we put in place hurt everyone's feelings. Whatever the purpose, the hurt has been done and must be acknowledged.

We are lovers of horror phenomena and have explored some places where horrors are said to occur.

When "Midnight Ring" was screened, we wondered if Sadako is similar to witches in our Western culture?

Witches were burned to death.

Sadako was also rejected and killed by the people around her.

Therefore, we created the Explore Witches website, hoping to bring witch culture lovers and horror phenomenon lovers together.

We have a place to talk together, like a big family.

Among the people who like horror culture, some people will explore.For example, if there is a terrorist phenomenon in a certain place, they will investigate and shoot videos.There are also people who practice courage and take risks.

There are also people who, although not into horror culture, like to go on adventures, like to hike, and like to go out into the wild and experience nature.

Among these people, someone disappeared.

However, these missing persons did not attract everyone's attention.

We feel sorry and sad for those missing people, and feel that even if the missing people are a minority, they should attract everyone's attention and attention.

So, we started thinking about it.Linking the horror film with the disappearance incident not only makes the film but also markets the incident.

At that time, we just had such an impulsive idea, so we did it without thinking too much.

Now, seeing everyone's anger, we understand that we were wrong and should not deceive everyone.

Here, we once again sincerely apologize to those who were deceived.

In addition, we don't know if the Discovery Witches website is suitable for continuing.

We've set up a poll on the site, and if there are too many votes to close, we'll close the Explore Witches site. "

Wu Long's third method is to retreat to advance.It's better than being silent.

Because Wen Zhiren and Werner will continue to make horror films, keeping silent is not conducive to future development, but it is easy to be turned over by people.

Retreat to advance, admit your mistakes, and win the understanding of some people.

Selling miserably and pretending to be weak won the sympathy of some people.

Calling yourself a witch, a lover of horrors, gets pity from the same crowd.

Over time, even if Wen Zhiren and Werner make another horror movie, people will still watch it.Even because of their previous convictions, is it better to buy tickets to watch a new movie than "Blair Witch".

Human nature, nothing more.

As a customer in the bookstore said, which of the words of those congressmen, presidents, and politicians is true?

At the time of the election, aren't there many people who voted for them?

Whether the fish only has seven seconds of memory, Wu Long is not sure.

However, in the information age, people's memories can easily be overwritten by the next hot spot.

Seriously, who hasn't been lied to?

Who doesn't live in a society full of deceit?

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