I'm not just an action star

Chapter 480 Horror Movies 2 in a Row 3

Wen Zhiren and Werner's apology could not calm everyone's anger.But explore the witch website, many people asked to continue to open.

In the beginning, because people who were deceived heard about the Exploration Witch website, they came in one after another and clicked to close it. At one time, the number of people in favor of closing the website exceeded the number of people who wanted to keep the website.

Then, someone suggested that the Exploring Witches website be renamed, including all spooky phenomena.That way, you can get other spooky or horror fans in.

In fact, it was originally called "Exploring the Witch" because it wanted to hype "The Blair Witch".But the content of the website is not limited to witches, there are also content such as vampires, werewolves, and ghosts and evil spirits. Some netizens also post and discuss on it.

Renaming now is just to make the name of the website more in line with the content of the website, and to attract more people.

Wen Zhiren replied on the website that if the number of people who keep the website exceeds the number of people who want to close it, he will change the name of the website.Netizens can suggest what name to change.

The original website was relatively simple, but "Blair the Witch" made money, and part of it could be used to improve the website and make some classifications.Such as vampire special area, werewolf special area, evil spirit special area and so on.

The box office of "The Witch Blair" did not drop because of opposition and criticism, but because of the popularity, people who didn't plan to watch it became curious and wanted to see what kind of bad movie it was. There are so many people arguing.

Therefore, in the following time, the number of theaters where "Blair Witch" was screened increased to more than 2000, and eventually exceeded 3000 yuan for screen screenings.

The rest of the film market in North America, as well as the global film market, are also popular because of the controversy.

A month later, the North American box office of "Blair Witch" surpassed that of "Xtreme", and the global box office even surpassed "Xtreme" by a large margin.

You know, although the global release is shorter than "Xtreme Hunt", there are more screens in the global film market than "Xtreme Hunt".

"Extreme Pursuit" encountered the same situation as in North America. After the film opened, the box office opened up and down.Movie theaters around the world saw the box office surge after "Blair the Witch" opened in theaters, and immediately adjusted their strategies to focus on showing "Blair the Witch".

By the end of "Blair the Witch", the North American box office has exceeded 5000 million US dollars, and the global box office has exceeded 5000 million US dollars.In other words, outside of North America, the box office exceeded US$[-] million!

With a production cost of US$800, marketing expenses of US$2000 million, and a total investment of no more than US$5000 million, the global box office has reached an astonishing US$[-] million!

The ROI is over 10!

As soon as the results came out, the film industry went crazy.

This is so incomprehensible.If you were cheated in the early stage, it doesn't matter if someone watches it.It was already known in the later stage that it was a scam and a bad movie, but countless people still flocked to the cinema to watch it.

So, audience now, what's up?

Is it because we are behind the times?

Today's young directors are so fierce?

They don't know that in the era of mobile Internet, this year's audience is only chasing popularity, not depth.

Even those viewers who had been deceived in their feelings laughed angrily when they heard the news.

"Xie Te! This box office has my contribution, I was cheated!"

"Fack! The box office is a scam!"

"Shit, this is an era where liars win money!"

With their names on their backs, Wen Zhiren and Werner became famous.Many film companies contacted them and asked them what their shooting plans were.They can support if needed.They can also provide scripts if they are not available.

Of course Wen Zhiren and Werner knew that the success of "Blair Witch" had nothing to do with them.The script was written by Wu Long, the shooting plan was also written by Wu Long, and the marketing plan was planned by Wu Long.

Everything is just through their hands.

They reported the results to Wu Long and asked Wu Long about his next plan.Although the two of them were very excited about the olive branch extended by other film companies, they also knew that they should seek Wu Long's opinion first.

It was inevitable that Wu Long could hear the thoughts of the two of them.If you continue to control the two, it might be counterproductive.

"I don't have any plans for the two of you yet. What about yourselves? What are your plans? The box office revenue of "Blair the Witch" is in your film company, and you can decide on your own."

Decentralization, this is psychological warfare.

Wen Zhiren and Werner were really moved.This large sum of money is stored in my company account, and it is still up to me to decide. How much trust is this!

The two of them were also embarrassed to make films from other film companies, and thought about making a horror film by themselves.

After telling Wu Long about this plan, Wu Long nodded in agreement.He also specifically told the two that he has been busy recently. In addition to the post-production of "The Matrix", he also needs to cut out "Pirates of the Caribbean 3".

So let Wen Zhiren and Werner feel confident and bold to make movies without showing him the script.The two experienced the filming of "Blair Witch", so they should have their own experience.Wu Long didn't want to interfere, so as not to affect the characteristics of Wen Zhiren and Werner.

The money earned from "Blair the Witch" was used for their growth.

Wen Zhiren and Werner were moved again, and expressed to Wu Long that they would follow such words to the death.

Within two days, "The Grudge" began to be released globally.

The movie "The Grudge", in previous lives, was said by many to be scarier than "The Ring" and "The Ghost Call".

This time, like "Ghost Call", this film once again used Wu Long as the screenwriter, and began to reap the box office.

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This country is worthy of being a country of terror. On the first day of its release, "The Grudge" took the first place in this country's box office this year.Although it is only temporary, if there are no accidents, it will definitely become the box office champion on the first day of this year in this country.

When "The Grudge" set off a frenzy of horror movies in Asia, it made a comeback in Europe and North America.

Because there was "Blair the Witch" before it, and "The Grudge" immediately followed.Since the Grudge is written by Wu Long, many people compare it with "The Witch Blair".

It doesn't compare to the quality of the film, but to the degree of horror. Most people will choose "The Grudge".

After all, the only really scary place in "Blair Witch" is at the end, and there are no scary scenes in the whole process.

"The Grudge" is different, it has horror scenes.

Moreover, Wu Long mentioned a little bit when he gave the script.Speaking of horror movies like "The Grudge" with a room-themed scene, the picture should not be too clear, nor should it be too bright.Instead, there should be a sense of quaintness, so that it will appear real.

This bright, of course, does not mean that the picture is bright, but refers to the color.

In other words, the picture quality cannot be too good.

If the color pursues clarity like a large film, the details have a strong sense of contrast and the layers are too distinct.Then, the horror atmosphere created will be weak, because the sense of reality is weakened.

Actually, it's easy to explain visually.

If it is too clear and the contrast of details is strong, it will show a good spatial distance.

However, the spatial distance is displayed too well, but it pulls the horror picture farther away.Because the depth becomes farther away, it is easy for the audience to judge the distance between the scary thing and themselves or the characters.

If the picture quality is not very good and the picture looks old, it will create a kind of old past tense psychologically.

And because the contrast of spatial distance is not so strong, and the distance seems to be in front of the eyes, there will be a feeling of scary things appearing in front of the eyes at once.

Nakata, the director of "The Grudge", followed Wu Long to film "Midnight Ring", and learned something.He knew that there was a gap between himself and Wu Long, so he didn't think he was self-righteous. Instead, he listened to Wu Long honestly and took pictures according to Wu Long's instructions.

Sure enough, the filmed "The Grudge" ranks among the top three in the history of horror films in this country in terms of scariness.The other two, of course, are "Midnight Ring" and "Ghost Call".

Similarly, "The Grudge" also made the West feel the horror of the East for the third time.

The popularity of "Blair the Witch" is gone, and even the angry people decided to watch "The Grudge", and after comparing and scolding "Blair the Witch", they relieved their grievances.

""The Witch Blair" should learn from "The Grudge" and spend the money on making movies. Watching "The Grudge" doesn't need to deceive people, and it can also make people go to the cinema to watch it."

"The Grudge is much scarier than Blair the Witch. Not only does Blair the Witch have no witch scenes, it doesn't even have horror scenes!"

"Compared to "The Grudge", you know that the screenwriter and director of "Blair the Witch" are shit!"

"I bet the box office of "The Grudge" must be higher than that of "Blair Witch"!"

However, this is not the case in reality. The box office of "The Grudge" is not higher than that of "Blair Witch".

The reason is simple, "The Grudge" is a purely Chinese film, which many Westerners cannot accept.The same is true even if Wu Long is added as a screenwriter.

Just like "Midnight Ring", the global box office is not as high as the American version of "Midnight Ring". The same is true for "Ghost Call", and it is not as high as the American version of "Ghost Call".

When it comes to the big box office, it has to be Western countries such as North America and Europe.

Because the ticket price is high.

When "The Grudge" was released and the global box office was announced, it made it hard for those who wanted to scold "Blair the Witch".

Although the box office performance of "The Grudge" is not as good as that of "Blair Witch", it still allows Weiner Pictures to see its potential.Immediately let Tom contact Wu Long to buy the remake rights.

Lion Pictures also wanted to participate, but fortunately, Wu Long had already planned. "Death Comes" was given to Lion Pictures, and "The Grudge" will be given to Weiner Pictures.

For balance, Wu Long must do this.

And Wu Long also reminded Wen Zhiren and Werner that it is best not to find Lion Pictures and Weiner Pictures to distribute their new films.

Self-publishing will definitely not do it. "Blair Witch" is a last resort.Running theaters and theaters by yourself, the most difficult thing is to determine the schedule.

Only a good schedule can have a good box office. This is practiced.Otherwise, the major film companies will not grab or avoid the schedule.Sometimes, there are too many promising films in a good schedule, and I would rather postpone it and choose a good schedule for screening, rather than hastily showing it in advance.

A good schedule may double the film's box office.

If you coordinate from one theater to another, it is difficult to guarantee that all theaters will premiere on the same schedule and on the same day.

It's also hard to secure enough screens.

It is impossible to have less than 40 screens in the first week like "Blair the Witch". "Blair the Witch" means that if the marketing plan is done well, it will be able to keep up in the future.

Do it again, no one will be fooled again.If this continues, only dozens of screens will be screened in the first week, and it will definitely die in the later stages.

This point, Wen Zhiren and Werner were reminded by Wu Long, and they also realized that it was true.

Otherwise, everyone will contact theater chains and movie theaters by themselves, and there is no need to find a distribution company.The reality is that when you find theaters and movie theaters by yourself, you don’t have many screens at the beginning.

There are few screening screens, and the attendance rate cannot meet the requirements.Don't say show for a week.I'm afraid it will be canceled by the cinema after two days of screening.

Just like "Xtreme Chase", the movie theater saw that the situation was wrong, and there were other movies that were more profitable, so they must change.

Therefore, paying appropriately is unavoidable.

"The Grudge" is next, and "Death is Coming" written by Wu Long is also about to be released.

As early as when "Blair Witch" was released, Lion Pictures approached director Huang Yiyu to discuss the promotion of "Death Comes".

The marketing plan for "Blair Witch" has fooled ordinary people, but not industry professionals.The film's approach of modeling the movie world into the real world gave the people at Lion Pictures an idea.

If you think about it carefully, "Death Comes" can also be operated in the same way.

However, in their opinion, the marketing operation of "Blair Witch" was too rough.If you are more careful and circle a few more times, you don't have to bear the consequences of being scolded.

Huang Yiyu was quite surprised when the people from Lion Films proposed this promotional plan similar to "Blair the Witch".

Make up an incident where someone wasn't on the plane after a plane crash?Then let the navy send it?Don't point out that it has any relationship with the movie "Death is Coming", and guide netizens to think of it?

Fabricate that it is adapted from real events and then clarified?

Anyway, it's all done by the navy, and it has nothing to do with the crew?

Huang Yiyu faintly felt something was wrong.

"This is Brother Long's script. Are you sure you will do this, Brother Long will not be angry? I think you should discuss it with Brother Long."

It was only later that Lion Pictures remembered that this film was going to be shared with Wu Long.If the relationship with Wu Long is messed up, it will only be cheaper for Weiner Pictures or other film companies.

Call Wu Long to discuss, but Wu Long laughed when he heard it.

In fact, Wu Long has also considered the promotion of "Reaper is Coming".This consideration came to mind suddenly after writing the marketing plan for "The Witch Blair".

If Lion Pictures they talk to him, he will bring it up.If Lion Pictures hadn't consulted with him, he wouldn't have spoken.

"Your thinking is right, but your thinking is wrong."

"The Witch Blair" has no choice. If you want to go hard, just grab it once and leave.

"Death is Coming" can be made into a series of movies, but it is impossible to do so.Of course, he wouldn't talk about "Blair Witch", and Wen Zhiren and Werner didn't talk about it, and no one knew about it.

Hearing that Wu Long agreed to a similar promotion, but the method was wrong, Lion Pictures and Huang Yiyu hurriedly asked for advice.

"Actually, there are many coincidences in this world. Don't limit yourself to air crashes, and don't limit yourself to searching. I heard that the website "Blair the Witch" and Explore Witches has been very popular recently, so you can use the resources on that website."

"I have browsed that website, and the people on that website like weird events. They must also be the audience of "Death Comes"."

"You can post "Blair the Witch" and post on that website and other related websites and forums after the popularity cools down. Use the witch to talk about weird incidents. Then ask, or initiate an investigation, is there anyone involved in the air crash incident? escaped, and died again shortly after escaping."

"I think, the world is so big, there should be one or two incidents, right? And in this way, the investigation is done by the netizens themselves, and has nothing to do with the movie and the crew. Since those people like weird events, they will definitely investigate and find them enthusiastically."

"We have a good saying here. There is great power in numbers, and we must be good at mobilizing the masses. Anyway, no matter whether the incidents found by netizens are true or false, when the film is released, it will become the promotion of the film."

After listening to Wu Long's suggestion, the people from Lion Films and Huang Yiyu all gasped.

I vaguely feel that Wu Long's design is even more brilliant than the operation of "Blair the Witch"!

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