I'm not just an action star

Chapter 478 Harvest and Crisis

On the fourth day, "The Witch Blair" was released on the screen for 37 yuan.

According to the box office statistics on the fourth day, the attendance rate of "Blair Witch" is still [-]%.The owner of the independent cinema that temporarily joined the screening of "Blair Witch" laughed silly.

"I'm so wise!" He called one by one to the other 26 independent theaters showing "Blair Witch".

It's a pity that due to contract restrictions, independent theaters like them dare not replace more "Xtreme Hunt" screens with "Blair Witch".

The box office of "Extreme Pursuit" fell off a cliff on the fourth day.

This made Lesner no longer hesitate, and directly took out ten screens showing "Xtreme Hunt" in its theaters, and switched to "Blair the Witch".

And other independent theaters also approached Wen Zhiren and Werner one after another, hoping to screen "The Witch Blair".

Wen Zhiren and Werner are of course happy to see such a result.

On the fifth day, "Blair Witch" had 68 screens.

Although Leissner added ten screens to show "The Blair Witch", he was also uneasy. "Blair Witch" looks like a good situation, but because of the quality of its film, the future is actually not easy to predict.

There is a possibility of continued momentum, or a precipitous decline.

In which direction the situation will develop depends on the support of netizens.

Other theaters have paid attention to the sales of "The Blair Witch" every five days, and contacted Wen Zhiren and Werner to discuss, and then arrange the screening of "The Blair Witch".

According to box office statistics on the fifth day, "Blair Witch" had 68 screens, and the attendance rate remained [-]%!

The movie industry is shaking!

Not to mention the lack of screens, but to say that the attendance rate was [-]% for five days, which is enough to shock people.It can also be written in film history!

Similarly, the box office of "Xtreme Hunt" continued to decline, and the decline did not stop.

The reason has been analyzed by industry professionals.Learning from Wu Long is not like learning.This kind of learning is not like, it makes people feel very awkward.

The audience will always subconsciously compare "Extreme Chase" with "Quick Chase", and Kester with Wu Long.This comparison definitely makes Kester look like a clown.

The action of holding a gun is not as handsome as Wu Long, and the action of shooting a gun is not as rhythmic as Wu Long.Kester is also a veteran actor, a former first-line movie star, and has acted in many action scenes and gunfight scenes.The shooting action is nothing, the usual Western action.

But in terms of the rhythm of the action, it is much worse.

Wu Long's gunfight scene is like an exciting rhythm song.The process of transition from movement to stillness all highlights the aesthetics of violence.

Kester's gunfight scene lacks rhythmic rhythm.

It's just that I can't play the "bang bang bang" feeling of Wu Long's gun fighting technique, and I can't hear the artistic conception of the sound of the gun hitting the heart like a drumbeat.

It's fine if Kester doesn't learn from Wu Long, but once he learns from Wu Long, the gap is huge.

Such a gap not only disdains Wu Long's fans, but also makes other viewers feel rubbish.

As for the car chase scene in "Extreme Chase", because the gun fighting technique imitates Wu Long, the audience naturally compares it with "League of Assassins".

In addition to the attractive setting of the bullet turning, "League of Assassins" is another wonderful feature that is the bold innovation of the car chase scene.

Speeding over the intercepted police car, this scene has also been seen in other movies.But they all use a method similar to a slope, and there is no such a majestic scene as in "League of Assassins", which rolls over and then hits the side of the bus and knocks the bus over.

And the flying car stunts of overturning the roof of the moving car and using the roof skylight to assassinate people also made people call Wu Long's imagination beyond the public.

"League of Assassins" has speed stunts, but "Xtreme Pursuit" does not. There are speeding stunts in "Xtreme Chase", which are found in other movies.In this way, the speeding stunts of "Extreme Pursuit" were added to the film, but it became tasteless.

It's nothing new, and it's not like learning from Wu Long, which makes the audience think it sucks.

In particular, the media publicized that "The Blair Witch" had a [-]% attendance rate.With such a comparison, even ordinary viewers think that "Blair Witch" is a bad movie because it was filmed by real ordinary people.

"Extreme Chase" spent so much money to shoot, but it has nothing new. It still learns from Wu Long's "John Wick", which is worse than "Blair the Witch".

With this kind of publicity, once the word of mouth spread, no one would watch it.

Those who don't watch it are largely influenced by "The Blair Witch".

There is a saying that goes well, the more you can't get it, the more you want it.

"The Witch Blair" inadvertently formed a hunger marketing because there were few theaters for screening.The more people can't buy tickets to watch, the more they want to buy tickets to watch.

This is a competitive mentality.

I don't watch "Blair Witch" for real, but for others, and I must watch it myself with a competitive mentality.

Because the box office of "Extreme Pursuit" continued to drop on the fifth day, one theater chain released "Blair the Witch" at a screen price of 30 yuan on the sixth day.

And all the independent theaters have started showing "Blair the Witch".

On the seventh day, the number of theaters showing "Blair Witch" increased again.

The first week of box office came out, and "Blair Witch" ranked at the bottom.This is not surprising, even if the attendance rate is high, because there are few theaters, the total box office must not be very high.And every day, the number of theaters showing it grows.

Based on the trend forecast from the second week, most evaluation agencies predict that the North American box office of "Blair the Witch" will exceed 8000 million US dollars.

Wen Zhiren and Werner have already started to drink champagne to celebrate.

If the North American box office can reach $8000 million, the return on investment of those "Blair Witch" is more than 4.

If the return on investment reaches 3, the film can be regarded as qualified.With an ROI of 4, the film can be said to be a success.

If the return on investment exceeds 4, there is basically the possibility of making a sequel.

Of course, "Blair Witch" will definitely not make a sequel.It's enough to cheat once, but want to cheat a second time, do you think everyone is a fool?

Wen Zhiren and Werner plan to split up and start running global movie channels.Of course they have no way to do it, but Wu Long can give Wen Zhiren and Werner the global film market channels that Feihong Pictures has mastered.

"I received an invitation from Lion Films, and they want to act as an agent for "Blair the Witch" Merikan in the overseas film market."

"Really? I received a call from Weiner Films. What they want is the same as Lion Films."

"They must not know that we actually work for Brother Long. Brother Long also has their global film market channels."

"However, it's a bit troublesome to stay here and be harassed by them."

"We can find someone to help. You see, I don't need to guard the film market of Merican Country anymore. We know a lot of people, and some of them are worthy of contact. It's not that they are incompetent, but they just don't have the opportunity."

"You mean, find someone to take care of the remaining theaters in Merikan Country for us. The two of us will leave Merikan Country together and run outside?"

"It's running separately, so it can be faster. The market performance of Merrican Country is enough to convince the global film market to accept such a bad film. Almost all cinemas in Merrican Country have signed contracts with us to show "Blair the Witch." ". Just looking for someone to manage, and when the other party increases the screening, provide assistance to the other party."

In addition to Lion Pictures and Werner Pictures, other film companies with global distribution capabilities are contacting Wen Zhiren and Werner, wanting to represent the global screening rights of "The Witch Blair".

"Wait, I suddenly thought of a problem. Our deception exists in terms of timeliness. The longer it is, the easier it is to be exposed. At first, the audience was not willing to accept the facts. But as time went by, the audience's Enthusiasm will definitely drop. What's more, there are other films impacting them, so they have more choices."

"That's it, I really overlooked this point. How about we let Feihong Pictures act as an agent? Feihong Pictures is Brother Long's company, and they also have global channels."

"Not good. Why did Brother Long ask us to set up a new company, and try not to get involved with him?"

"Why don't you ask Brother Long."

Wu Long listened to Wen Zhiren and Werner's report on the results of "The Witch Blair" through the Internet.Wen Zhiren and Werner also said that if they go to the global film market channel, there will be problems in time.The longer the delay, the less income is likely to be.

They feel that if Feihong Films is allowed to act as an agent for global distribution, it will go against Wu Long's original intention of letting them set up a new film company.

"You have done a good job. In terms of timeliness, you really should find a global agent. You are also right in thinking. You don't need to find Feihong Pictures. Don't look for Lion Pictures and Weiner Pictures."

Wu Long's movies in Haolaihu are basically distributed to Lion Pictures and Weiner Pictures, which must make other film companies uncomfortable.

If the film company established by Wen Zhiren and Werner cooperates with Lion Films or Weiner Films, and it is later learned that they are related to Wu Long, then Wu Long will offend other film companies to death.

And if Wen Zhiren and Werner's film companies do not cooperate with Lion Films and Werner Films, but cooperate with other film companies.Afterwards, it was known that the two of them were related to Wu Long, which can be explained as Wu Long wanted to befriend other film companies.

Wen Zhiren and Werner are smart people, and they quickly understood what Wu Long meant.They soon cooperated with another film company and let it act as an agent for distribution in the global film market.And they fought for it and got a good price.

The price they got was not enough to negotiate based on their rookie experience.However, Wu Long told them the principles and the bottom line, making them look experienced when negotiating with the other party, not a rookie who just entered the industry.

In fact, negotiating skills are nothing.Wu Long just asked them to bring Lion Films and Weiner Films out, and the other party would definitely agree to give them a good price.

In addition to Lion Pictures and Weiner Pictures, there is more than one film company with global distribution capabilities.Just say they will regret it later if they miss them like they missed Wu Long.

This simple word can make the other party quickly make up their minds.

Two weeks after its release in Merrickan, "Blair the Witch" has entered the North American film market outside of Merrickan and the global film market.

In the second week, because of the increased number of screenings, "Blair Witch" actually won the box office champion of the week.

And starting from the third week, "The Blair Witch" will be screened in theaters all over the country.

Attendance has dropped, but box office has increased.

It is said that the film company behind "Xtreme Hunt" wanted to make more screens in the cinema, and the movie theater showed the box office results, and the movie behind "Xtreme Hunt" suddenly couldn't speak.

Movie theaters also need to make money to eat.If your grades are not good and the data is too poor, no one will continue to arrange films for you.

Isn't it good to make money showing the hot "Blair Witch"?

When the North American box office of "The Witch Blair" exceeded 8000 million US dollars, the accumulated doubts were finally loud enough to attract more people's attention and opposition.

""The Witch of Blair" is not a real disappearance at all. After investigation, the identities of the three people in the film are disguised. This is a pure film, which is shot in a pseudo-documentary way. For publicity, it uses tricks to deceive the audience. The way of marketing..."

The pseudo-documentary was not the first to be used in "Blair the Witch".

Instead, Wu Long!

In fact, before Wu Long, some people had such an idea.But because the pseudo-documentary is equivalent to a deception method, not many people use it out of cherishing fame.

And it was Wu Long who promoted it on a large scale.

Used in the filming of the Amazon Rainforest series of movies and TV series.However, although Wu Long promoted it in the form of a pseudo-documentary, on the other hand, Wu Long also explained that it was filmed in the form of a pseudo-documentary shortly after the beginning.

It's just that people who like brain supplements don't believe Wu Long's explanation.

The propaganda of "The Witch Blair" is different, but Wen Zhiren and Werner have not clarified the facts from the beginning to the present.

This will bring about a serious consequence. After the incident is exposed, the audience will think that they have been deceived and fooled like a monkey.

Because the script and plan were given by Wu Long, out of trust in Wu Long, neither Wen Zhiren nor Werner thought about it.

At this time, the voices of opposition and doubt gradually became stronger, and Wen Zhiren and Werner changed from joy to panic.

For the media, whether it is support or opposition, they can get good things from this public opinion.So public opinion will certainly not be one-sided.

Especially those who supported "Blair Witch" at the beginning, most of them would not slap themselves in the face.This resulted in Wen Zhiren and Werner being defended without the need for public relations fees.

"Some people say that "The Witch Blair" and its missing person marketing incident are deceiving audiences and movie fans. In fact, as far as movies are concerned, all film practitioners know that the movie itself is a kind of deception.

The movie deceives the audience's feelings and tears.

The marketing plan of "Blair Witch" only expanded such deception from the screen to reality.

If this was a product, I would condemn him.

If it was any other kind of film, I'd condemn him too.

But if it was a horror movie, I wouldn't condemn him.

Because the content of the marketing plan is one of the horror elements of this horror film.

We get scared when we watch murder movies, why?Because we're afraid of real-life killers.

We watch witch movies and get scared, why?Because we are afraid of real witches.

"Blair the Witch" and the missing marketing plan modeled the reality and the movie, and connected the movie world with the real world, which will give people the greatest fear at the end of the movie.

Why do people who watch horror movies watch horror movies?

It is to experience the feeling of fear and trembling, and release the depression in life through being frightened.

There is no fear at all until the end of Blair Witch.Just ask, if there is no such marketing plan, will the audience be scared in the end?

will not.

"The Witch Blair" is a bold attempt by the director on horror psychology. It is groundbreaking and can be recorded in the history of horror films.


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