I'm not just an action star

Chapter 477 It turns out that everything was planned by Brother Long!

Wen Zhiren and Werner got the box office results on the first day.This result couldn't have been better.But the mood of the two did not completely improve.Like Lesner and the owners of independent theaters, they can't guarantee that the box office will still be so good the next day.

After all, they knew that the quality of "Blair the Witch" was not good enough for such a box office.

As Lesner said, no matter how good the marketing plan is, it must be supported by good products.Even if it's not a good product, the quality of the product can't be too bad.

The quality of the product "Blair the Witch" can no longer be said to be too bad, but extremely poor.

Neither of them, or Lesner, or anyone else, dared to imagine a movie that cost less than $[-] to make and show in theaters.

The next day, Wen Zhiren and Werner still couldn't stay still, so they went to the entrance of the cinema to check the ticket sales.

At the same time, I also read the word-of-mouth of "Blair the Witch" online, and by the way, also looked at the word-of-mouth of its competitor "Extreme Pursuit".

The film critics of "Xtreme Hunt" also showed a two-sided situation.

Well said blows well.What reproduces the wonderful scenes of Wulong's spear fighting technique, and how hot and thrilling the car chase scene is.Just say it outright, plus the car chase scene, it's better than John Wick.

However, there are still many bad reviews from film critics.

The story line is corny, and the car chase scene doesn't stand out.Although the gun battle plot did not copy "John Wick", it is also an ordinary gun battle plot without any characteristics.

In action scenes, although the leading actor is working hard, it is a pity that he is still the old-fashioned boxing style of punching and fisting.

Although fighting movements were added, but because they hadn't been specially trained and they didn't want to use a stand-in, compared with Wu Long's fighting movements, the result was obvious and looked fake.

As for gun fighting, it's just like that.However, there is no such natural and sharp momentum as Wu Long's performance.

It was because of imitating Wu Long's gun fighting skills that he was ridiculed by some Wu Long fans.

"If you want to make a movie about gun fighting, you should practice gun fighting well. Just the way you hold the gun, if it's a real gun, the recoil might hit you in the face!"

"You can learn from anyone, but don't learn from Brother Long. Brother Long's skills, whether it is gun fighting or martial arts, you can't learn."

"Just to ask you, did you ask Brother Long about Paiqiang Doushu? Did you pay respects to Master? Did you pay respects to the pier?"

"If you want to rub gun fighting skills, get out!"

"There are so many gun fighting videos on the Internet, and many people are worse than you. The director might as well invite the anchors of those gun fighting videos, at least those gun fighting skills are better than this leading actor."

"If you want to act in a good movie, the basic skills are important. If you want to shoot gun fighting skills, you must practice gun fighting skills for at least half a year. Look at the actors who made Long Ge movies, who didn't have special training for more than half a year?"

"The car chase scene is too ordinary, there is nothing new, just something exciting. Have you seen "Super Body"? You don't need to have the car stunts of "Assassin League", at least you must have the novelty of "Super Body", right? ?”

From time to time, Leissner stared at the ticket sales of Blair Witch, which shocked him.Judging from the ticket sales, all sold out!

Moreover, the ten screens of their one joint theater chain distributed in various places have the same ticket sales situation.In other words, if there is no accident at the box office on the second day, the attendance rate is 100%?

What's happening here?Something is wrong!

It stands to reason that since the audience pays attention to Blair the Witch, they should know the situation of "Blair the Witch" from the Internet. It is really a bad movie.

So many people say it's a bad movie, don't these people believe it?

Do you have to spend money to prove it?

The bosses of the other 26 independent theaters also couldn't understand the ticket sales of their own "Blair Witch".

Such a poor bad film, there is no reason for the box office to be so good the next day.Under normal circumstances, the market will immediately reflect the decline in word-of-mouth, and ticket sales will plummet.

There are many precedents for this.

The quality of the film is not good, but the box office sales cannot be saved by relying on stars or famous directors, or relying on publicity alone.

Even if the production cost is hundreds of millions, it is useless to boast about computer special effects.

A bad movie is a bad movie, regardless of the production costs invested.

The owners of these independent theaters that screened "Blair the Witch" contacted each other about the sales of the film and found that everyone was in the same situation, so they couldn't help sighing together.

However, after discussion, they agreed that this was because there were only 36 screens in the country showing "The Blair Witch".Investing 800 million in marketing expenses will definitely attract a group of people.For this large group of people, only 36 screens are not enough to digest immediately.

At most three days, the market should react and no one will be fooled.

Three, the number, is usually a point of inertia.Most of the three times, three days, and trilogy will follow the turning law of this node.

.In the film market, the most common is the trilogy.The first film did well at the box office, and a sequel was made immediately.When the sequel comes out, the usual rule is that the box office of the fourth film drops.There are still many that the first three are good, and the fourth is a must.

However, these 26 independent theater owners believe that such a super bad film with a production cost of [-] US dollars will not survive the third day.

When the box office came out on the second day, the total box office of "Blair Witch" remained unchanged, and the single-day screen box office on the second day also remained unchanged, and the attendance rate on the second day was still [-]%!

. "Extreme Pursuit", the box office dropped on the second day!

Other directors of theaters and independent theater owners who were concerned about "The Witch Blair" did not rush to contact Wen Zhiren and Werner immediately to change "Extreme Pursuit" to "The Witch Blair".

One is the contract issue, and the other is that the box office drops on the second day and rises on the third day, which may also happen.

On the third day, online comments were still very lively.After all, there are only 36 screens in the country to play "Blair the Witch". Compared with the more than 2000 theaters of "Extreme Hunt", "Blair the Witch" is far, far worse.There are too many people who failed to buy tickets to watch.Can't buy tickets, can't watch movies, can only vent on the Internet.

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For those who say "Blair Witch" is a bad movie, the quality of the film is poor.Regardless of the viewers who have watched it or the netizens who have not watched it, they all sprayed this kind of remarks to their heart's content.

"Fool, put up the video you took in the wild late at night, and let me see how you did it!"

"Just looking at it, you can tell that it has never camped in the wild."

"A person like you deserves to be cursed to death by a witch!"

"After watching the movie, you dare to be disrespectful to the movie. Do you really think that witches won't treat you like Sadako? Be careful, even if it's not "Midnight Ring", it will be "Ghost Call"!"

Even if some people say that "Blair Witch" is an operation hype, and the so-called disappearance of witches is false, they will be overwhelmed by opposing remarks.

The most correct rebuttal, leaving those who question the search for the disappearance of witches unexplained.That is, if it is operational hype, how much does such hype cost?

Some people estimate that there are at least 2000 million U.S. dollars, and at least 500 million U.S. dollars.

Such a high fee, used to hype such a bad movie?

does it worth?

Who would do that?

Those who questioned the hype, would they be willing to spend the money to hype such a movie?

Picture what?

This series of soul torture stopped all those who questioned, and also knocked back all doubts.

You know, the cost of many horror films is only a few million or 1000 million dollars.A horror film with such a production cost has already been shot quite well.

If "The Witch Blair" is a hype, wouldn't it be more cost-effective to divide 500 million into 1000 million or several million to make a good film?Isn't it a more correct choice?

Since these are unreasonable, there is only one reasonable explanation left, that is, "The Blair Witch" was filmed for real, by the missing person himself, that's why it was so messy, unlike a professional cameraman's filming.

The so-called hype is not hype, but a coincidence.Those who pay attention to witches gather together, and only after paying attention to such an event will trigger these subsequent events, and only then will someone buy the video and cut it into a movie for playback.

Wen Zhiren and Werner were dumbfounded when they saw netizens explaining to them like this.When they see being questioned, they are also worried that netizens will know the truth and scold them.

Now, there is no need for them to explain.Netizens will help them explain by making up their own brains.

Suddenly, Wen Zhiren and Werner reacted.

"Oh my god, Brother Long's move is amazing!"

"We are not at the level of masters like Brother Long, and we simply cannot understand how perfect Brother Long's ideas are."

"Now I understand why it was filmed like this, why only $[-] was paid for the production. Because this will fill in the loophole of the lie of operation!"

"If we spend too much money on shooting, it will definitely be better. There will be no sense of roughness, and it will appear unreal. If we are questioned at this time, no one can explain it for us."

"There is another point. If the filming is too good, the traces of the movie are too heavy, it will appear unreal, and the psychological fear will be weakened."

"Brother Long is really a master of psychological fear!"

"He is worthy of being a master of horror movies! He has such a thorough understanding of human fear."

Laisner also saw the debate on the Internet, and netizens spontaneously defended the operation of "Blair Witch", which made him amused, and also made him admire Wen Zhiren and Werner, two young people.

"These two young people are really amazing. Although the movie is bad, but the fear can be grasped. They do have a talent for making horror movies, and they have a talent for marketing. Even if they don't make movies, they are very good at business. You can make a name for yourself!"

Unfortunately, Lesner didn't know that both the script and the marketing plan were written by Wu Long.If he knew, he would definitely become a fan of Wu Long.

This wave of operations is simply playing with people's hearts.

People who can play with people's hearts must make horror movies scary.

Cross passed the bookstore and turned into the bookstore naturally.

"Boss, did you watch last night? "The Blair Witch."

The bookstore owner saw that it was Kloss and greeted Kloss.


"how do you feel?"

"It was poorly shot. If you look at it as a movie, it's a bad movie. It makes me dizzy. I won't watch it even if I get paid."

Cross frowned.

"However, this movie is not a movie in the first place, it is a video record of the missing person."

"I know, so although it's a bad movie, it's very real. If it's not a bad movie, it's a fake. Now, I'm sure that Blair the Witch is real." The bookstore owner explained seriously.

"It's true. You know, I almost cried out in fright at the end. Especially the figure facing the wall made me feel chills all over my body. I came home by myself and turned on the lights all night, no Dare to turn off the lights. I was worried that after turning off the lights, I would see a figure facing the wall."

The bookstore owner looked surprised.

"I didn't expect you to be so scared. Let me tell you, someone said it at night. When I got home after reading, opened the door and reached out to turn on the light, I seemed to find a swaying figure in the corner. The guy was so frightened that he didn't close the door." I ran away. I dared to call my friends to go home with me during the day.”

"Is there such a thing? I didn't see that post."

A customer next to him caught the conversation between Cross and the bookstore owner, and came over curiously.

"Hey, what are you talking about? Movies?"

Cross turned around.

"You don't know? The recent popular film "Blair Witch". The cameras left by three missing persons who were looking for witches were found and edited into a movie for screening."

"Really? The Blair Witch? I'll think about it. Maybe I'll see it."

"Then you have to buy tickets in advance. There is only one movie screening in Los Angeles, and there is only one screening hall. There are too many people and few tickets, so it is difficult to buy."

"Thanks for reminding."

A fitter came by.

"Boss, the remote control switch is installed. This is the remote control, and you can also use the mobile app to control it."

"Okay, I'll try." The bookstore owner took the remote control and smoothly controlled the lights to turn on or off. "It can also be remotely controlled through doors and walls."

"No problem, you can try."

The bookstore owner took the remote control out of the store and remotely turned on or off the lights in the store.

According to the instructions of the installer, download the special app, and then use the mobile phone to try the remote control.

"OK." The bookstore owner signed the form.

After the installer left, Cross felt something.

"Boss, are you looking for someone to modify the light switch after watching "Blair the Witch"?"

The bookstore owner sighed.

"I read about that guy on the Internet, and I'm also afraid. No, I don't turn off the lights when I close the door at night. After locking the door, I use the remote control to turn off the lights outside, so I'm not afraid."

The customer next to me was a little disbelieving.But it is impossible for the bookstore owner to find someone to install a remote control switch in order to deceive him.

"Boss, that "Blair Witch" is really so scary that you are so scared that you want to install a remote switch?"

"I'm timid, there's nothing wrong with admitting it." The bookstore owner said without fear. "Think about "Midnight Ring" and "Ghost Call". Some people said on the Internet that the witch is similar to Sadako. I am worried that the "Witch Blair" incident is the same as the "Midnight Ring" and "Ghost Call" incidents what."

Of course the boss would not say that sometimes there is no customer in the bookstore for a long time, and he is the only one.In such a situation, sometimes it always feels strange.

After watching "The Blair Witch", this strange feeling is even stronger.

Don't think about it, once you think about it, you will become more and more afraid.Light is the only way to make him feel at ease.

"I still don't believe it's so scary." The customer secretly made up his mind to watch this movie.

On the third day, "Blair Witch" maintained its momentum of 100% attendance.The single-screen box office in a single day will naturally remain the same!

The box office of "Extreme Pursuit" continued to decline.

Someone couldn't sit still, the owner of an independent cinema.His movie theater is located in a relatively remote location, and it is a place with a large population of other ethnic groups.

He originally thought that because of the different legends and customs of the horror films in Merikan, he would not have any special interest in Western horror films.

But his theater has two screens, and "Xtreme Hunt" is shown on both. The drop in the box office of "Extreme Pursuit" will definitely have an impact on his income.

According to the contract, if the box office of "Xtreme Hunt" drops to a certain limit, he has the right to change the screening plan.Now, on the third day, "Xtreme Hunt" has dropped to the estimated boundary.The boss had to consider bringing in "Blair Witch" to play.

Of course, it is also possible that "Blair Witch" will hit the street on the fourth day.But in business, sometimes you have to take some risks.

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