I'm not just an action star

Chapter 476 Unreadable Abnormal Box Office

The first film reviews I saw and some online reviews were mostly negative for "Blair the Witch".This made Wen Zhiren and Werner feel down to the bottom.

Although this is what they expected, they still find it difficult to accept the fact.

They worked hard, and they thought Wu Long couldn't be wrong.Well, maybe they were wrong.

However, as more people left messages online and posted pictures on social media, the situation became a little weird.

"Why are there so few theatrical screenings!"

"God, can you imagine? I waited in a long line to get a ticket, and it was a daytime ticket tomorrow, what the hell."

"Can't they ask them to line up more screens for Blair Witch?"

"Don't listen to those people talking nonsense, "Blair Witch" is terrible, even though it was badly shot!"

"It's so scary, I almost peeed at the end of the movie!"

"Fortunately, I watched it in a movie theater. If I was alone at home, I wouldn't dare to watch it!"

"The camera is shaky, but it's real. It reminds me of some friends and I used to shoot videos at night."

"The camera of the missing person has been found, but no one knows where the missing person is."

"What happened in the end? Why did I only feel chills in the back of my head, but I didn't understand it?" From the initial complaints, to gradually complaining about not being able to buy tickets, and lamenting the horror of the film, online public opinion turned out to be one-sided.

"What's the situation? Why is this happening?" Werner couldn't figure it out.

Wen Zhiren took his eyes off the phone and looked up at Werner.

"I can't figure it out either."

Outside the cinema, the noise grew louder.

"What happened outside?"

"Go out and see!"

The two went out and found many people outside.Some carried signs, others carried quirky homemade flags, and others wore T-shirts with the words "Blair the Witch" or "The Witch" emblazoned on them.

There is someone who is also unclear next to him asking:

"Hey what's going on, are you at a party?"

"We are witch fans, and we temporarily organized to watch "The Blair Witch" together."

""The Witch Blair"? Is it the recent rumor on the Internet about the disappearance of witches?"


"Is there a movie?"

"Of course, we just came to watch together."

"There are a lot of you."

"Who let the whole of Los Angeles, the whole of Haolaihu, have only one movie theater, and only one screen to show it?"

Wen Zhiren and Werner looked at each other.

"We didn't hire such a sailor, did we?"

"No, we've run out of money, please can't afford it."

Some of the audience who came out of the premiere were stopped by those who were late and asked questions.

"How about the video? Is it clear?"

"Are there any witches?"

"What does a witch look like? Is it pretty?"

"Are witches scary? Are they like Sadako, with long hair covering her face?"

"Have the three missing persons been found?"

"Are the three missing persons still alive?"

The person who asked, you asked me a lot of questions at once.

"The videotape is very clear, but it just shakes my head."

"I don't know if there are witches."

"Didn't see a witch."

"There are missing people inside, but judging by the ending, I'm afraid they have already died."

One who watched the premiere proudly declared:

"Listen, it's a hoax. It's fake. There are no witches in this world! There are no witches in the movies!"

He had just finished speaking when a few people just came over.These people have piercings in their ears, or piercings in their noses, or piercings in their chins.Some have their hair standing on end, some have only a middle section of hair, and some have bald heads.

They wore ripped or baggy clothes, trousers, and some wore smoky makeup.

"No witches? No witches, what do you buy a ticket to see?"

"Fake! Brother Long said there is a Sadako, and the witch is our Sadako from the West!"

One also pointed to the one who said there were no witches and said:

"Tell you, I never believed what my mother said before. Now I believe at least a little bit, that is, she believes in witches, and I also believe in witches!"

Someone heard the two of them arguing, came and heard it, and joined in the argument.

"You idiot, haven't you watched the TV show? The Discovery Show has been broadcast, and the World Truth Show has also been broadcast. The Witch of Blair is real. Her story was circulated hundreds of years ago!"

"My aunt's aunt's best friend is in the small town of Buzizville. She said that her childhood friend was caught in the woods by a witch!"

The man with the pierced jaw jerked his jaw at the man who said there were no witches.

"Did you hear me, you stupid pig who doesn't understand anything. You are an irresponsible pig just like the police who were responsible for searching for you when you disappeared. The person disappeared, and no clues have been found until now. It is the trouble for us ordinary people. Very diligent. If someone had not offered a reward of [-] dollars, I am afraid we would not be able to see the truth in the cinema now!"

His partner booed.

"get out!"


"The guy who doesn't understand anything!"

"Do you think you are the only one who understands this world?"

"I hate you, a stupid pig who thinks others are idiots after studying for a few years!"

The person who said there were no witches saw himself surrounded and ridiculed by many people, and hurried away in anger and shock.

And when he left, cheers and whistles of victory sounded behind him.

There was a long queue at the place to buy tickets, and many people bought movie tickets for "Blair the Witch".And many people didn't intend to watch "The Blair Witch" at first, but they changed their minds because they saw that many people wanted to buy tickets for "The Blair Witch".

"What? No tickets? No tickets, no Gayon?"

"Idiot idiot, will your boss know how to do business? Hurry up and add "Blair the Witch"!"

"There are no tickets for "Blair Witch", why don't we watch "Xtreme Hunt"?"

"Forget it, buy the latest one. What's so good about "Xtreme Chase"? It can be compared with "John Wick". Wait for others to see it and ask about it. Watch it again if it's good. If it's not good, don't waste your time."

"Haven't seen enough shootouts and car chases without watching XL?"

Wen Zhiren and Werner looked at the situation in front of the cinema, and finally they were no longer depressed.

"It doesn't seem so bad?"

"Maybe, it will develop for the better?"

As more people watched, more comments appeared online.

Veteran horror film review:

"The movie is simpler than "Midnight Ring", at least for a reasoning party like me, "Midnight Ring" needs to be watched twice before it is completely straightened out, while "Blair Witch" can be understood after only one viewing.

Some people say that this film is not terrible.I thought the same way before the finale.But when the last few minutes of the ending came out, I felt the chills in my heart.

Don't be fooled by this movie, thinking it's not scary.This film is similar to "Midnight Ring", only those who pay attention to details will feel terrible.

All the preceding parts, that is, before the ending, are all foreshadowing.Those videos of interviewing small town residents will plant the seeds of terror in their hearts.

The shaking scenes during the search for the witch, the quarrel between the three people, and many boring scenes make people impatient, all of which are foreshadowing.It is also psychological torture for the audience.

Subconscious planting of fear: Townspeople mentioned that seven children were killed.If the audience has a good memory, they will remember this.

Well, pay attention.How many piles of stones did the three missing persons find in the forest?

If someone counts carefully, they will find that the number is exactly seven!

Later, around the tent where they camped, there were three piles of stones.

Why are there three more piles of stones?

Because there are exactly three people who are looking for witches!

People who pay attention to details will see these two numbers, and they will be buried with psychological hints of fear.

In the interviews with the residents, it was mentioned that someone camped next to the hut where the witch appeared and disappeared.

At the end of the film, the two found the hut and heard the screams of their companions inside.This shows what?It shows that what the residents are telling is not a fabricated story, but a true story.

What's so weird about that cabin?Note that there are many messy children's handprints on the walls of the cabin.Why is there a child's handprint in such a cabin in the forest?

Or the residents said that witches kill children!

At the end of the film, the camera captured the person who ran down first, his back standing strangely facing the wall, as if he was being controlled, and his suspicions were weird and terrifying.

The camera then topples over, apparently with the camera falling to the ground.It was clear that the girl was being attacked.

What kind of attack, did not see.

However, some people in the resident interview said it.When witches kill, they don't want people to see them.So let the other children face the wall, not allowed to look back.

So the camera was the one of the girl among the three missing persons. After seeing the weird behavior of her companion facing the wall, she immediately thought of what the residents said during the interview.

So, what the residents said came true.That is to say, the witch wants to kill the girl, so let the girl's companion stand facing the wall, and they are not allowed to look back.

how about it?

Scary after thinking about it?

There are no witches or any scary scenes in the whole film.But it was the absence of those pictures that made it even more terrifying.Because, the murderous witch in the movie doesn't scare people by her scary appearance.

The horror of Blair the Witch lies in the fact that she kills someone, even if the victim has a camera, she cannot be revealed.

And watch from the camera to the video.Even the victim himself may die without knowing what the murderer looks like, whether the murderer is a witch, or what the murderer is.

The victim doesn't know, and the bystanders can't see it, so I ask you, is it scary?

And more, the horror of "Blair the Witch" was frightened by his own reasoning. "

This film review has attracted many replies and likes.

"After reading the movie reviews, I realized why I was afraid."

"I was also suddenly scared when I saw the ending, but I don't know why."

"There is actually this explanation at the stone pile. It seems that I am not that smart."

"When the strange back facing the wall appeared at the end of the film, I thought the girl was going to call him, but then the other party turned around suddenly, and the camera showed a scary face. As a result, the film unexpectedly, the back did not turn around, and the girl pointed sharply instead. Yelled. Only after seeing the movie reviews did I realize that when witches kill people, they don’t like to be watched by others.”

Discussions on the Internet are very polarized.Terrible, the film is terrible.Not to say it's scary, but the film looks laborious.

There was a comment that was agreed by another group of people.

"This kind of fear is very familiar to me who often hikes and travels outdoors. I think it is difficult for people who have no outdoor experience and camping in the wild to understand this kind of fear.

Especially when encountering difficulties in the wild and sometimes feeling helpless.

Maybe it's better if it's daytime.

But if it is night, it always makes people feel that in the darkness around them, danger may come at any time. "

There are many of these groups in reality, and they often survive, venture, or hike in the wild.Also because of this comment, this group joined the ranks of buying tickets to watch "Blair Witch".

"That's right, once we were camping in the wild and heard a strange sound at night. When we talked about it the next morning, we found that everyone heard it. Everyone was terrified at the time, and no one dared to go out of the tent to check. I don't think there is any Go out and check it out, otherwise we may actually encounter terrible things."

"We have also encountered similar situations, and it is definitely not the sound of some wild beast."

"Remember one thing when camping at night, there must be a fire. Finally, someone is on duty at night, so don't let the fire go out."

Cross ran past the bookstore, thought about it, and walked in purposely.

"Boss, what are you thinking?"

"I'm wondering why there are so many people wanting to see "Blair the Witch" is shown in only one theater."

"What's so strange about it? It's because there are few people in the theater where it is shown, and other people come to this theater, so it appears that there are many people."

"Did you read it?" the boss asked Cross.

"No, I didn't get a ticket. But I got a ticket for tonight. How about you?"

"I didn't get a ticket either, and I'm going to watch it after closing tonight. It's just that I read online reviews, and some people said it wasn't good. The camera was shaky, and there were no witches. I'm hesitating whether to go or not."

"Don't listen to those movie reviews. Aren't there still many people who say it's good?"

The first day of box office came out, and the box office of "Blair Witch" exploded!

This shocked many people, and they couldn't figure out why such a bad movie could have such a high box office.This high box office does not mean the total box office on the first day.The total box office on the first day, the box office of "Blair Witch" must be too bad to say.But such a miserable box office is based on the fact that there are only 36 screens.

Using another calculation method, we can know that "Extreme Hunt" released at the same time is not at all the opponent of "Blair the Witch".

It's very simple, just divide the total box office on the first day by the number of screens released, and you can know how much the single-screen box office is.

The single-screen box office of "Blair Witch" exceeded [-] US dollars on the first day!

On the first day of "Extreme Pursuit", the single-screen box office was less than [-] US dollars.

It is also worth noting that the attendance rate on the first day of "Blair Witch" reached [-]%!

In other words, the first day of "Blair Witch" was full!

This is actually a strange phenomenon, because the film quality of "Blair Witch" is worrying, and it is a bad film.And in the comments on the Internet, many people said that the film was poorly shot and not scary.

It can be said that I don’t know the premiere, so everyone came to see it.But wait until the daytime, when the comments are published on the Internet, many people should know that the film is bad.But why, they still have to buy tickets to watch?

Laisner, vice president of One United Cinemas, couldn't figure it out, and the owners of the other 26 independent theaters couldn't figure it out either.

If you can't figure it out, you dare not add a screen to "The Witch Blair".

The heads of other theater chains and the owners of other independent theaters also immediately paid attention to the special situation of "The Blair Witch".

Shocked, he didn't immediately approach Wen Zhiren and Werner to arrange a film for "Blair the Witch".

They all want to see the situation to be sure.What if the box office drops the next day?

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