I'm not just an action star

Chapter 475 Is it really a bad movie?

Just a week before The Blair Witch hits theaters, startling news has surfaced online.

On the "Exploring Witches" website, a video of less than 1 minute was released.In the video, the text first tells the cause.Three college students are witch lovers. After inquiring about the legend of witches in the jungle near the small town of Buzizville, they plan to go on an adventure in the jungle to find possible witches, and they disappear.

Then the video emerged, clearing out the video cameras and radios carried by the three missing people who were found.Screaming and running in the dark for a few seconds.

Once this video was circulated, it immediately caused an upsurge.

Some people say that this video is fake, in order to cheat the bounty.

Some people say that this video is real.Judging from the video, it doesn't look like a mobile phone shot, but an era when mobile phones were not yet able to record, which is in line with the era when the missing person disappeared.

Some people strongly recommend reviewing, and don't issue bounties lightly, so as not to be cheated.

Some also said they were planning to search the bush near the small town of Buchidsville.Let's hope the bounty isn't issued yet, they'll have search video proving the man is in the jungle near the small town of Buzidsville.

Some people said that they were already in the small town of Buzizville, and they also asked the local residents that there were indeed witch legends in the nearby jungle.

Seeing this situation, the TV station hurriedly picked up another wave of popularity, and made another program to earn ratings.

The program is to release the video to discuss the authenticity of the video. It also said that someone has been in the small town of Buzizville and learned that there are indeed witch legends in the nearby jungle through inquiries.Then these people went to look for the missing person, would they be in danger, would they also disappear like those three people.

Not everyone has access to the Internet, many people do not use the Internet, and only learn about society through TV.These people are also gossip, and many people also care about witches, werewolves, vampires, aliens and other subjects.

Just like this, the whole network is discussing, and some people are discussing offline.The anonymous account that posted the video posted another post explaining it.

It is said that everyone does not need to go to the jungle near the small town of Butzidsville to find clues. He has found all the clues and got the bounty.

Because he released the video privately, he was warned.Now he deletes the video and apologizes.

This post came out and caused heated discussions.

Some people said that he really was a fake, so the video was deleted.

Some people said that he did this because he saw that someone had already gone to the small town of Buzizville, and he was worried that the fraud would be exposed, so he deleted the video and ran away.

Someone cared about him and asked if he was being threatened.

Someone also asked him if he encountered a situation like "Midnight Ring", where he would be hunted down by the witch Blair after watching the video.

More and more people believe that this is the occurrence of the Sadako incident in the reality of Merikan.Many people who have watched the video are worried about this.

Although the original video was deleted, the reproduced video is still there.It also attracts more people to watch the video, and there are more netizens who are not afraid of death.

Many people even take pride in watching videos.Crying, the witch Blair has the ability to come to him.

And someone posted that after watching the video, he really called him.After he answered, no one spoke on the phone, which felt terrible.

There were not one or two cases of such people, and some even asked Brother Long for help.After all, "Midnight Ring" was filmed by Wu Long, and it was Wu Long who brought Sadako into this world to let fans know.

Under such circumstances, an anonymous account posted on the "Exploring Witches" website, saying that everyone should not make wild guesses, watching the video will not be chased by the witch Blair.

They have bought all the videos, organized them into documentaries, and applied for release.Because the direction of online public opinion is wrong, they will apply through the fast track.I hope to get permission to show it in cinemas as soon as possible. Once the schedule is confirmed, it will be announced immediately.

At the same time, they will notify all places where help posters are posted to remove them.

This announcement post is like a stone stirring up thousands of waves.Let the already popular witch Blair directly become the top three in the entire network of Merican.As a result, it swept the world and became a global hotspot.

Originally, even if it was rumored that the country of Merikan was not so popular.Now it is suddenly announced that it will be screened in the form of a movie. Driven by the purposeful drive of witch fans and Sadako fans, the popularity suddenly increased.

Those witch fans and Sadako fans are not the sailors invited by Wen Zhiren and Werner.The marketing expenses of 800 million US dollars are only used in the mainland of Merican.The reason why witch fans and Sadako fans do this is nothing more than to express their existence and the meaning of their existence to the world.And, they're right.

As an insider, Laisner saw the popularity of Wen Zhiren and Werner, and couldn't help but praise the abilities of these two young people.


"It's only going to be shown in two days."

"With such hype, the movie will be released before everyone reacts. There is no time to think about it, so I just buy a ticket and go in to watch it."

"It's just the quality of the film that cannot support such publicity. What a pity!"

If Laisner knew that Wu Long wrote the script and Wu Long wrote the marketing plan, he probably wouldn't think so.And sure enough, like a gambler, to show "The Blair Witch" like a normal movie.It is even possible to run on "Extreme Pursuit".

The reason is simple, Wu Long's fans are a group that cannot be ignored.

"Extreme Pursuit" is a copy of "Quick Pursuit". It is competing with Wu Long's "The Witch Blair" at the same time. Wu Long's fans will definitely choose to support "The Witch Blair" and slander "Extreme Pursuit". ".Even if "The Witch Blair" is a bad movie, Wu Long's fans will not change.

Out of consideration for the quality of the "Blair Witch" film, Lesner did not change his plan, increase the screen or adjust the screen to a theater in a prosperous area.

Everything can only be decided by looking at the box office in the first week.The box office on the first day decides whether to keep the screen in that prosperous area.

Cross passes the bookstore and finds that the boss is tearing up the missing person's help poster for the witch Blair.Unexpectedly, it was really like what was said on the Internet. If you ask to remove the poster, you will remove the poster. It seems that the clue has been found, and the video is real!

This also means that he can watch the complete video in the cinema and understand what happened to the three missing persons.

"Boss, really take it down?"

"Well, the notification said that it can be withdrawn, and a clue has been found. I don't know who is so lucky to get a bonus of [-] dollars. If I knew it was so easy, I would let someone watch the store and find it myself."

"It's not worth it, right? It's easy to say, but it depends on luck. I searched for it when I disappeared, but I never found it."

The boss gave Cross a sideways look.

"It was then, and now is now. There must be a reason for it to suddenly appear after years of silence. It must be that witch who wants someone to find clues."

The boss sighed again.

"I really want to know what happened to those three missing people."

"I heard that someone has already bought it and organized it into a movie for screening."

"Really? If it's shown in a movie theater, I think I can go and see it. Anyway, it's good to satisfy my curiosity for the price of a movie ticket. Do you want to go see it?"

Cross thought about it.

"Of course I want to see it. After paying attention for so long, there must be a result."

The dialogue between the two represented the general thoughts of passers-by.One thing has been noisy for so long, curiosity has been aroused, and I always want to know the result.

Even if someone doesn't care about witches and doesn't believe in witches.

I don't believe in witches, so I just want to see if there are other accidents.

Don't care about witches, just watch them as gossip.

If you care about witches, you must see it.You can see how much this operation incident has affected them by looking at how they are talking about it in college and in their usual chats.

There are also "Midnight Ring" fans, Sadako fans, and horror movie fans, all planning to see what happened to the three of them.

The day before the national screening, the "Explore Witches" website announced 36 theaters for the screening.

"Due to the rush of time, we only contacted these 26 independent theaters and one theater chain for screening, and the one joint theater chain has a total of ten screens for screening.

Interested friends, please click the following address to watch.Note that there are fewer theaters for screenings, and friends who arrive later may not be able to buy tickets. It is recommended to make an appointment in advance or go to buy tickets early.

If there are more people watching, we will apply for more theaters to participate in the screening, so that more people can know what happened to the three missing persons. "

Wen Zhiren and Werner turned into navy again.

"Oh my god, it's really released!"

"It's so fast!"

"Of course, after all, it has touched the hearts of many kind-hearted people. Everyone cares about the missing and what happened to them."

Someone is making trouble.

"Everyone, don't watch it. Be careful, like in "Midnight Ring", if you don't copy and spread it after watching it, you will be killed by a witch!"

Someone immediately refuted.

"Fool, that's a movie!"

"People who have watched "Midnight Ring" many times said that there is no Sadako and no witches in the world. Therefore, in order to prove that you will not die after watching it, people like me who oppose witches promise to buy a ticket to watch it. No For nothing else, just to prove that even if I read it, I won’t be killed by a witch.”

Wen Zhiren and Werner feel that they have completed the marketing plan, and they are waiting to see the results tomorrow.

Tomorrow, there will be the premiere of "Blair the Witch", with 36 screens.

So little screen, it's a shame to say so.

The two just waited anxiously, not in the mood to do anything else.

Many people are also waiting, waiting to see what video data the missing person left behind.Someone went to the cinema to buy tickets and found that the tickets were sold out.

"Shet, how could there be no tickets?"

"Why don't you open more screens?"

"There are only 36 screens in the country. Why are there so few? Don't those people have any kindness?"

"Watch the next game!"

Lesner remains concerned about the situation with The Blair Witch.

"The premiere of Blair Witch sold out early?"


"What about "Extreme Pursuit"?"

"is acceptable."

Those who came to see the movie that night did not find the "Blair Witch" advertisement among the many advertisements. "Blair Witch" has a lot of marketing expenses, but compared with other movies, it is not much.

Although concentrated in 36 cinemas.However, the movie theater is not optimistic about "The Witch Blair", so it is naturally impossible to give you a good position.

"Hey, is this "The Blair Witch"? Is there a movie showing?"

"It seems to be quite popular on the Internet."

"Why don't you look at this?"

In a similar situation, it was released in 36 theaters that showed "Blair Witch".

Finally, the premiere of "The Blair Witch" begins.

Wen Zhiren and Werner didn't go in to see the reaction of the audience inside.They can figure it out without looking.It's the point of view of viewing that deserves their study.

They were waiting outside the cinema, where Blair Witch was being shown.

No one left early!

This is a good start.

Finally, the film screening ended and the audience exited.

"Fuck, what kind of shit movie is this!"

"Garbage, real garbage!"


"I think it's pretty normal. When you're holding a camcorder and making home videos, it's worse than that."

"This shows that it is true. If it is a movie, it cannot be made so poorly."

"If you say it's not good-looking, it's because you're afraid to look at it!"

"It's terrible, not worse than "Midnight Ring"!"

"Xie Te, after watching it, I still don't know what happened!"

"Where's the witch? Where's the witch?"

"Where is Sadako? Didn't you say there is Sadako? Why didn't Sadako crawl out!"

"Not even a well, liar!"

Wen Zhiren and Werner hid aside, listening to the audience coming out of the movie theater swearing.Although occasionally there are one or two people who help to say good things.But most people are angry.

It's over, word of mouth is over!

Wen Zhiren and Werner felt a chill.Sure enough, as they guessed, because of poor quality, it was rejected by the audience.When these viewers publicize it online, no one will come to watch it.

"Tell me, Brother Long, do you know what kind of film will be made for the production of [-] dollars?"

"He is the best director, how could he not know?"

"Then why does he still dare to invest 800 million US dollars in publicity? It doesn't work at all?"

"Could we have misunderstood Brother Long's meaning?"

"Did we get it wrong?"

"I think Brother Long is actually testing our resilience."

"What do you mean?"

"I think that when Brother Long gave us the script, he didn't really ask us to shoot at a cost of 800 dollars. Instead, we should combine 1000 dollars and [-] million dollars in marketing expenses. Actually , Lesner makes a lot of sense, we should spend millions or $[-] million on filming, and use the rest of the money for publicity.”

"No, didn't we discuss this after we got the script? Then we decided to do what Brother Long said, and don't change Brother Long's plan without authorization."

"Yes, we did discuss it at the beginning. Now I think that our original decision may be wrong. Forget it, it's too late now. Let's read the movie reviews online."

There are already some people on the Internet who have published film reviews on "Blair Witch", including some professional film critics.

Professional Film Critic:

"After watching "The Witch Blair", I can say that this is a bad movie, and I can even directly scold the director and screenwriter, this is a super bad movie!

Shaky lens, no composition, no viewfinder, the photographer is simply a person who doesn't know how to do it.

It's not a movie at all, it's just random people shooting around with a handheld camera.Then, scare yourself.

The movie is classified as a horror film and I don't think it's scary at all!

If it is a score of 5, I will give -[-] points!

That's right, negative points!

After watching this film, there is no need to write any film reviews and thoughts.To scold directly is the correct choice. "

Professional Film Critic:

""The Witch Blair" was blinding, and I almost wanted to leave halfway. However, this is not what a professional film critic should do. Even if it is a bad movie, you have to force yourself to watch it.

I guess, many people will definitely call this movie a bad movie.But think about it, isn't this kind of film the real record?

Three people, go to find the witch, take pictures of themselves and the process of searching, who will consider what composition and how to frame the scene?

Some people say that the witch was not seen from the beginning to the end of the film, and I don't know what happened or what happened.

But shouldn't this be the scariest thing?

Leaving aside the three missing persons to find the witch.Suppose they were not looking for witches, but traveling, hiking, climbing, camping, and such an accident happened and they disappeared.

Think about it, when you go hiking, camping, or traveling, are you willing to encounter accidents like the three missing persons?

If you go to check how many disappearances occur each year on hiking, mountaineering, and camping, I think you will know what is terrible when you watch "Blair the Witch". "

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