I'm not just an action star

Chapter 474 The Upcoming Trash Movie

I'm not just praying for Werner's upcoming crap movie Chapter 474 of Action Superstars main volume.

"God, Madonna, Longo, the pious Ray Warner begs you, let him be kind, give us a few screens, let our "Blare Witch" be shown!"

Wen Zhiren was so nervous that he seemed to be able to hear his own heartbeat.

Everything was so quiet, as if waiting for a verdict.

Lesnar sighed.

"It's a bad movie, a rubbish bad movie."

"If it wasn't for the effect of your publicity, I wouldn't have looked at it at all."

The expectant eyes of Wen Zhiren and Werner lost their luster and gradually dimmed.

"Do you know? When I saw your promotion at the beginning, I was still thinking, if anyone takes advantage of this popularity to make "Blair the Witch", then he must have made money."

"Your plans are dangerous."

"If someone invested millions to make another "Blair Witch", you are definitely wasting money to help others promote it."

"Young people, you are still too young to have blood."

"Anything, whether it's a commodity, a product, or a movie, must rely on quality to win. Other methods are not legitimate ways."

Wen Zhiren and Werner were completely disappointed.Having said that, there must be no play.

"However, I don't want to see your marketing expenses go to waste, or be swayed by people."


The two people who were gradually bowing their heads suddenly looked up at Laisner.

"I can let your film show in our theaters, but, given the quality of your film, I can only give you ten screens. If you don't want to, I really can't help you. You know, I have to pay The board of directors is responsible and faces their inquiries."

Such a bad film, if the box office can do well after the screening, of course nothing will happen to Sina.But if the box office is poor after the release and he gives too many screens, he will definitely be held accountable.

"Thank you, Mr. Lesner, thank you so much for your generosity!"

"Thank you very much, Mr. Lesner. Your help is like a fire lit in the cold winter, warming our desperate hearts."

Ten screens?

Too little.

"Mr. Lesner, may I ask you to give me a few more screens?" Werner regretted that he had mentioned a few screens when he prayed just now.It's too much to say, if the prayer is about a few hundred screens, maybe what Lai Siner promised is not just a few screens.

Lesnar shook his head.

"Mr. Laisner, I know we are not qualified to make requests. You see, we are also rookies. Excuse me, where are these ten screens? Are there any theaters in metropolises or downtown areas?"

Ten screens, where the screen is, is also particular.

Cinemas in small cities, or cinemas in slums, or other places with a lot of ethnic residents, the average screens in these areas are not as good as cinemas in noisy downtown areas.

If the ten screens were all in such an ordinary place, it is estimated that the box office of "Blair Witch" would not be very good, and the expected results would not be seen.

Lesnar shook his head.

"It's impossible to give you a screen in a good place. In the recent release schedule, there are good films released. It's best not to delay your film. If you continue to delay, maybe someone will make a better "Blair Witch" than you .”

"Moreover, compared with your films, none of the films planned to be released this year are worse than yours."

"In the most recent schedule, the worst investment is more than 2000 million. A former first-line star starring. Of course, now he is in bad luck, and his salary has dropped. But compared with your films, no movie theater will replace him with you."

"You're talking about "Xtreme Hunt" starring Coven Kester?" Werner still knew about the movie's schedule.

"Yes, it's "Extreme Pursuit." Laisner nodded.

"Isn't Kester known as box office poison now?" Werner wondered. "Shouldn't you put Bao on him?"

"From the publicity point of view, it seems that our "Blair Witch" is running better than "Xtreme Hunt", right?" Wen Zhiren recalled carefully. "And as long as we confirm that it will be released, offline promotion will be rolled out immediately. Our unique and novel Internet operation method is definitely better than "Xtreme Chase"."

"Even if Kester is box office poison, as far as the film is concerned, it is better than your "Blair Witch"." Lesner's tone was obviously a little unhappy.

What about your own films, you don't know?For a movie worth $[-], how dare you say that other people are box office poison?

Can't the box office poison turn over?

Actors are a problem, and how the film is shot is also an important factor.

Sensing Lesner's bad tone, Wen Zhiren quickly apologized.

"Sorry, we lost our word."

"Mr. Lesner, I'm sorry, please forgive us."

Young people, talking is impulsive.Forget it, what is the anger between me and the young people?Lesnar consoled himself.

Out of kindness, he reminded Wen Zhiren and Werner.

"Actually, "Extreme Pursuit" has not let go of the real promotion. His real selling point is gun fighting."

Wen Zhiren and Werner were taken aback at the same time.

"Gun fighting technique? Isn't that Brother Long's "Quick Chase"? Did Brother Long authorize him to use it?"

"This is, plagiarism?"

Lesnar shook his head.

"It's just a gun-holding posture. It's impossible for Wu Long to apply for a patent. Isn't it allowed for others to shoot with a gun like this? Besides, if Wu Long sues them, maybe it will help them increase their popularity."

"There is no car chase scene in John Wick, but there is a car chase scene in "Xtreme Chase". Presumably, this movie will be very exciting."

"So, you see, who will give you the share of "Xtreme Hunt"? I can give you ten screens, which is not bad. I think other theaters will not even give you one screen."

You are right, the other theaters did not give us a screen.You were the last theater we were looking for.Wen Zhiren and Werner complained in their hearts.

"Mr. Lesner, you can also see that our operation is very effective. Once the network is connected to reality, our films will definitely attract a large audience. Can you, at least two screens, be placed in the downtown area of ​​the metropolis? "

"Please, for the sake of our spending so much marketing expenses."

Wen Zhiren begged Laisner to try his best to fight for himself.Werner saw that his partner was working so hard, and he couldn't fall behind, so he put aside his face and begged Laisner together.

"Mr. Lesner, think about it. If because of your generosity, our "Blair Witch" can hit the box office. You are the one who makes history. "Blair Witch" will write a page in the history of movies , on this page, your name is absolutely indispensable!"

Wen Zhiren didn't expect Laisner to come up with such an excuse, so he hurriedly followed.

"That's right, Mr. Lesner. If you think about it carefully, with our operation, with the unique shooting perspective and technique of this film, is it possible to attract those horror movie fans? If so, "Blair Witch" has It might be a hit. A bad movie is a bad movie, but a bad movie doesn’t mean it’s a horror movie. As long as it’s a big hit, your name is likely to be remembered.”

It has to be said that Werner's words moved Laisner.Horror movies do have an indescribable logic.Sometimes, even though the filming is not very good, the box office is good.

If "Blair Witch" is really popular, his resume is definitely the most exciting one.Vision is the hallmark of all successful people.

If he can find a potential work from a film that others don't like, his vision is definitely stronger than others.

It's a little risky.But the risk, and once the harvest is successful, is worth it.

Previously, he considered the interests of the theater chain.If we look at it from another angle and consider not only the interests of theaters but also personal interests, then it is not impossible to give a screen in a prosperous area.

Wen Zhiren saw that Laisner did not object immediately, so he knew that it was possible to impress Laisner.He used his brain and thought of another rhetoric.

"Mr. Lesner, since you have browsed our 'Explore Witches' website, you should know that someone has connected the witch Blair with Sadako in Longo's "Midnight Ring."

Lesnar nodded.

"I've seen it said that witches and Sadako are actually the same kind."

Wen Zhiren quickly persuaded.

"That's right. Since there is such a saying, "The Witch Blair" can actually catch the popularity of "Midnight Bell". Sadako is a big ip, but it's a pity that Long Ge didn't make a sequel. But since the witch and Sadako are the same Like, those fans of "Midnight Ring" will definitely watch "Blair Witch". It will even drive Brother Long's fans to watch "Blair Witch."

"Brother Long has a lot of fans."

Here I want to say that the screenwriter of "The Witch Blair" did not directly write Wu Long's name.Wu Long took a pen name, which translates into Chinese as "Thousands of Miles Knife".

This pen name reminds Wu Long of Baili Dao, the author who hit the street mentioned by Xing Zhongfei.In order not to hit the street, change "hundred" to "thousand".

As long as it is not made public, no one knows that Wu Long is the screenwriter of "The Witch Blair".

Lesner thought and said:

"No matter how well you say it, it can't change the fact that your film is terrible. As I said before, if you spend half of your marketing expenses to make a film, you won't be in the same situation as you are today."

"Well, your efforts have impressed me. But, I can only give you a screen in a downtown area. It's in Los Angeles, and it's only given for one day. If you don't do well on the first day, change it immediately."

Lesnar held out his finger, making a gesture to stop talking.

"Stop talking, or I won't give you a single screen."

Wen Zhiren and Werner knew that this was the bottom line, and quickly thanked Laisner.After that, the contract is signed and the procedure is followed.

Walking out of the One United theater, the two clapped their hands in celebration.

"Ten screens!"

"Not bad, better than nothing."

"You know what? I've been praying just now."

"Your prayers have been granted."

"No, I regret it?"

"Why regret it?"

"Because when I pray, I ask for a few screens. If I ask for a few hundred screens..."

"No, maybe without your prayers, we wouldn't even get ten screens."

"Well, this is a good start. With this contract, it will help us a lot to open the door to independent theaters!"

"Next, when we run independent theaters, we have to focus on two points. One is that we have signed a contract with One United Cinemas. The second is that we have invested more than 1000 million dollars in marketing expenses. Once the release date is confirmed, we will Immediately invest in offline promotion and do the last wave of hype before the release. Third, we want to introduce "Blair the Witch" to "Midnight Ring", which will attract fans of "Midnight Ring" and Long Ge fans."


"Okay, do it according to your method. Should we run separately? There are too many independent theaters. If we still run together, I'm afraid it will be too late."

"Well, we have to run separately. Make a copy of the contract, you take the original, I take the copy, and try to get a few more screens."

With the success of One United Cinemas, the two regained their fighting spirit.

Entrepreneurship is really difficult and hard work, but once there is a little achievement, the sense of accomplishment is unspeakable.

The two first ran through the independent theaters in Los Angeles separately, and then started running across the country.After the independent theaters across the country are finished, a total of 26 theaters have been won.Each theater is given one screen, plus ten screens from One United Cinemas, a total of 36 screens.

They reported the results to Wu Long, and immediately started offline publicity.

Wu Long was also very surprised to see that they had won 36 screens.You know, in the first week of this movie, only 27 theaters were willing to show it.In the second week, due to the strong box office performance in the first week, it rose to [-].

Wen Zhiren and Werner were able to get nine more screens than the original version, which shows that they really did their best.

Offline publicity is mainly to post help posters at universities, bookstores, newspaper and magazine kiosks, and supermarket entrances across the country, and will publish help notices in newspapers later.

On the help notice poster, there are photos of the three leading actors.It explained that the three of them had gone to find the missing witch Blair. If someone could find them, or find the valuable items they had with them, such as recordings, they would be paid $[-].

On the "Exploring Witches" website, this advertisement for help was also released.

Then, Wen Zhiren and Werner turned themselves into sailors and began to speak on the help post.

No matter what you say, you are idle anyway, so why not find the three missing college students.If you find a clue, you'll earn $[-] for nothing.

He also said that he is going to travel anyway, where travel is not travel?The Caribbean Sea is too far away, so it would be a good deed to find the three missing persons.If you find clues, you can also get $[-].Do good deeds and make money.

He also said that it is not to go to the witch Blair, so there is no need to worry about danger.

Soon, someone reported seeing the same help poster at the entrance of a supermarket near their home.

Some people said that they also had such help posters in their schools.

At the entrance of a bookstore in Los Angeles, the owner held a help poster and posted it in a conspicuous place at the entrance.

A regular customer was about to enter the store, thinking it was an advertisement for a new book, he couldn't help but stop to look at the poster.

"What is this? Boss, is it a new book? Blair the Witch? No, isn't this a new book?"

The boss turned his head and recognized the regular customer Cross.

"Hi, hello, Cross. This is not a new book, it's a help poster. Three young men went to find the witch Blair, but they disappeared. Now someone wants to find the clues of these three missing persons, and the reward is [-] dollars .”

"Ten thousand dollars? That's a lot."

"Of course. Just as a tourist, you can still make money."

"But, witches are dangerous, right?"

"Witches, I don't believe in witches. They are all fictional, just like the same thing. The three young people should have disappeared and fell into a deep pit or crevice, so they were not found." The boss introduced vigorously after charging the advertising fee promote.

"That's not fiction. It's real. There are real witches. Like Sadako in "The Ring."

"you know?"

"Of course I know, there are details on the trio on the 'Explore the Witches' website, and it's even been reported on the TV show. I've seen it, but I didn't expect anyone to find clues about them. Ten thousand dollars, forget it, I don't dare to risk it .”

"So it's true? That's too pitiful. Their relatives must be very sad. So I said, young people, don't look for trouble, or they will be very unlucky."

The boss took out his mobile phone, checked the card on the promotional poster, took a photo and uploaded it, and soon a sum of advertising fees was charged to his account.

On the Internet and in real life, the story of asking for help posters began to spread rapidly, causing controversy.The TV station sees this momentum, and then follows the wave of popularity to earn ratings.In the end, whether to find clues, whether there will be danger, and whoever wants to find clues, even bid $[-].

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