I'm not just an action star

Chapter 473 I Believe It

Not only did I believe what I said in Chapter 473 of the main text of the action superstar, Wu Long put Wen Zhiren and Werner in charge at the time. He just suggested not to find a film distribution company, and didn't specifically emphasize that they couldn't.Even if they knew that even if the two went to the film distribution company, no one would act as an agent for the branch.

The production cost was US$800, plus US$[-] million for promotion and marketing.How much do Wen Zhiren and Warner want to sell "The Witch Blair"?

For this kind of low-cost film, the film distribution company will never negotiate with you for a profit, and it will never exceed $[-] to fill up the movie library.

Therefore, if you think about it for a while, you will know that it is impossible to find a film distribution company.

Wen Zhiren and Werner are just rookies.They can also see this clearly if they are a third person watching.

But when they themselves are in the game, they forget this.Because according to Hao Lai Hu's operating habits, after the film is shot, it is taken to the film distribution company.

Film distribution companies not only have their own channels, but more importantly, they have strong publicity capabilities.

Movies also need to be promoted, even if a movie is not promoted, even if it is a good movie, it may hit the street.

Now Wu Long paid for the promotion of "The Witch Blair".In other words, Wen Zhiren and Werner promoted it themselves, and this fee must be included in the overall cost.But the film distribution company will definitely not accept your fee.

No matter what you say, no one will pay that much for a $[-] movie.

Unless the person buying it is out of their minds.

Wen Zhiren and Werner went to all the film distribution companies in the country of Merricken, but none of them were willing to represent them.They can only start the second plan and run the movie theater by themselves.

Movie theaters, branch theaters and independent theaters.

The so-called theater chain is a movie theater chain brand.It can be understood as a chain store, except that the main products sold by this chain store are movies.

In addition to theaters, it is independent theaters.In order to anti-monopoly, the government of Merican State encourages the existence of independent theaters.

Wen Zhiren and Werner realized after running through the theaters that it was really so difficult to sell a movie.It’s no wonder that many of those independent films are produced cheaply and sold to film companies to fill their film libraries.Unless it wins an award, it is not easy for an independent film to have a bright future.

It doesn't mean that if you make a movie and take it to the cinema to promote it, the cinema will show it to you.Even if you make more profits, the cinema may not show your movie.

Whether or not a movie should be screened depends on many factors.For example, whether the movie is good or not, or whether there is any competition in the same period.

In particular, the movie theater line has a brand advantage.It also signed an agreement with the film distribution company to guarantee its own film sources, and at the same time guarantee the priority screening rights under the same conditions.

How does a film like "Blair Witch" cost $[-] to produce compared to other films of the same period?

If you arrange a film for you, not many people will watch it, and the loss is the cinema's.

The movie theater is okay, at least they will try out the samples.Unlike film distribution companies, they don't even watch samples.You can watch it, but if you look at the production cost, it must be to send the little people to watch it.

From this point of view, good guy, the camera shakes, it can be said to be shoddy.It doesn't look like it was taken by a professional photographer at all, it looks like it was taken by any ordinary person.

People who try it out don’t need to read it all. It’s worthy of Wen Zhiren and Werner to see half of it patiently.The result is naturally a wave.

"Take it, take it."

It is more civilized and polite not to swear "what the hell".

Even though Wen Zhiren and Werner repeatedly emphasized that they had invested tens of millions in marketing, the person in charge of the theater shook his head.

Werner looked at Wen Zhiren and was almost discouraged.

"There is one last theater chain. If it doesn't work, we can only hope for independent theaters."

"It will definitely work. If it can't be done, Brother Long won't let us shoot. This is Brother Long's test for us. I have been learning about Eastern culture, especially Chinese culture recently. Like a master accepting apprentices, it is necessary to be correct. Apprentices are going to be tested, and they will not agree easily."

When Werner heard it, he was happy instead.

"I know. Not to mention Eastern culture, Western culture is the same. If you want to join a gang, you have to do one thing first. If you succeed, you are allowed to join. If you want to join a gang, you have to do it once to prove yourself."

Werner gave Wen Zhiren a high five.

"Don't worry, I won't give up."

Wen Zhiren gave him a high five.

"We will succeed!"

The last theater chain, One United Cinemas.Here, they unexpectedly met Laisner, the vice president of the theater.

"Blair the Witch?" Leissner was worthy of being the vice president, and the market sensitivity was very high. "Is it the disappearance of the three people looking for the witch Blair that has been hyped up on the Internet recently?"

The topic of the witch and the witch Blair was so hot that it was even broadcast on the TV station. Laisner, who happened to see it, easily realized that it might be a hype.It's just that he didn't know the purpose of the hype, and he thought that if some filmmakers saw this hot spot and made a horror movie based on the popularity, maybe the box office would be good.

As a result, he saw "The Witch Blair" brought by Wen Zhiren and Werner, and subconsciously, he thought that these two were the speculators behind the scenes.

Seeing that Laisner took the initiative to know about the hype, Werner was immediately happy and hopeful!This beginning, at least, is much better than the previous situation.

"Yes, we're the one who built the 'Discover the Witches' website, and we've spent $800 million on marketing to run the film."


Lesnar looked at the information in his hand and couldn't help being shocked.

"Wait, how much did you say you spent on marketing?"

"Eighteen million dollars."

Lesner glanced at the information in his hand again.

"If I'm not mistaken, your introduction said that the production cost of this film was only $[-]?"

Regarding whether or not to pay attention to the production cost of [-] US dollars, Wen Zhiren and Werner once considered not to indicate it.However, according to the normative text, it needs to be introduced.Even if you don't write, others will ask.

When others ask, you don't tell the truth.You'll know if you're lying when you try the video.

Once the lie is exposed, it will be impossible to continue in this industry.Not to mention rookies who are new to the industry.Once your reputation is bad, no one will look at you again.

"Yes." Werner replied cautiously.

Lesner was brooding, calculating in his head.Based on what he learned about the promotion of "Blair the Witch", he roughly calculated the operating costs.

Certainly not $800 million.But there should be several million dollars.

He was even more surprised.

"I said you guys are really brave. What do you think? Sixty thousand dollars to make a movie, and ten million dollars to invest in operations. Even if you turn it upside down, $1000 million to shoot a film, and sixty thousand dollars to operate, I don't think so. It would be so strange." For a moment, Lesner wondered if the two people in front of him were mentally ill.

Wen Zhiren and Werner smiled wryly.They don't want to either, but isn't this the task of Brother Long?

That's what Long Ge's plan is.In order to pass Brother Long's assessment, they can only follow Brother Long's plan.

However, if you don't explain at this time, I'm afraid the other party won't even watch the sample.

"We will really invest 800 million US dollars in operation. The early stage is network operation, and once the release time is determined later, we will immediately invest the rest of the money in offline promotion. Taking advantage of the popularity of offline promotion, it is just Go to the movie screening."

That's what Werner said.Clearly, his statement did not impress Leisner.

"It's like this. It was intentional to shoot a film with only [-] dollars." Wen Zhiren's explanation even surprised Werner.

What?Did we mean it?Why one of my clients is not clear.

Of course, at this time he couldn't tear down his friend's platform.Instead, support your partner by making an expression that we do.

"On purpose?" Lesnar frowned.

Deliberately only have $[-] to make a movie?Laisner suspected that Wen Zhiren's statement was just to surprise people, so he said it on purpose.

"Yes." Wen Zhiren organized his words while thinking, after all, it was a fabricated lie.Moreover, he has to ensure that the lie will not be exposed.

"You haven't seen the samples, so you don't quite understand. If you can listen to my explanation patiently, you will understand that I didn't lie to you."

"You know the story about the three college students who went missing in search of the witch Blair."

Lesner nodded in understanding.

"Our film was shot in the form of a pseudo-documentary. The three missing college students are not professional photographers, have never studied professional photography, and do not have professional photography equipment, let alone framing, lighting, and makeup. For the sake of reality, our shooting naturally omitted these."

"Someone said on the Internet that "The Blair Witch" is similar to "Midnight Ring". The person who said that was not what we said, nor were we hired to say it. We didn't expect that the netizens were right."

"The inspiration for our shooting of this film came from "Midnight Ring". The horror film "Midnight Ring" has a feature that is not easy for laymen to see. Many people say that "Midnight Ring" is not Horror, that's because the horror of "Midnight Ring" focuses on psychologically progressive horror, rather than relying on scary shots and harsh dissonant music backgrounds. This, as a veteran in the industry, should be able to I can tell."

"Indeed." Lesner nodded.He is the kind of person who sees it for the first time and finds it not scary.But there are also people who can't see too clearly.The second time he watched it, he felt the horror from the heart, and he also understood the psychological horror expressed in "Midnight Ring".

The more exploratory and reasoning people are, the easier it is to feel horrified watching "Midnight Ring".Because once you want to sink into the story of the movie and want to solve the puzzle with the protagonist, you are stuck.

And those who read the spoiler reviews are less likely to be terrified.

"Our "Blair Witch" takes the path of psychological fear. There are no horror scenes in the whole film. Therefore, we have no special effects, no special makeup, and we don't even need complicated props. Therefore, the production cost is low. It will be so little."

It seemed to make sense, Lesner accepted Wen Zhiren's statement in his heart, but he didn't show it.

"Let's look at it again, why spend so much money to operate this film, this is something that many people can't understand."

"I just can't understand." Lesner expressed his opinion in a timely manner, and by the way, he told Wen Zhiren that if he didn't explain clearly, it would be difficult to release it.

"It's very simple. The usual promotion is to promote the product. The promotion of the movie is to promote the movie as a product. To promote the movie in this way is to show the best side of the movie to the audience. For example, the gun battle is fierce or It's real. For example, the computer stunts are very real, and it costs a lot of money. For example, the most exciting car chase scene in history, etc."

Lesnar nodded, indeed.Movie promotion, if you don’t promote this, how can you attract people?

"What about horror movies? How do you promote horror movies? The usual horror movie promotion is also promoted according to this routine, that is, how scary and scary the promotional movie is. Or how bloody the scene is, and how cruel the murderer is."

Lesner still nodded, but his eyes were obviously asking, isn't that what your propaganda is about?But then, he reacted, as if their propaganda was indeed not like this.

They are operating the movie as if it were a real event!

Suddenly, Laisner felt as if he had caught the point of what Wen Zhiren said.

"Our "Blair the Witch" is not promoted according to conventional routines. The purpose of our operation has always been that "Blair the Witch" is a real case and a real event."

"People who know about it online, because of our operation, believe that the disappearance of the three college students who are looking for the witch Blair is real. Once they have this premise and enter the movie theater with such a subconscious mind to watch "The Blair Witch", they will I think everything shown in the movie is true.”

"In reality, what are we most afraid of? Many people are not afraid of watching horror movies, saying that they are very courageous. But in reality, they will still be afraid and terrified when they encounter unexplainable things. Why is this happening?"

Wen Zhiren paused for a moment before continuing.

"Because the unknown is the scariest thing."

Werner looked at his partner.I shouted excitedly in my heart, oh my god, how did you come up with such compelling words?


"The unknown is the scariest thing?" Laisner repeated Wen Zhiren's words.

"Yes, the unknown is the scariest thing. Audiences have seen too many horror movies, and those who pretend to be brave have seen too many horror movies. Let them guess, and they won't find it scary. They can't guess They will feel terrible."

"Whether it's a witch or not is actually not important. Replacing the witch with something else is equally effective in the model of "Blair the Witch". Therefore, there are no witches in the film. So, is the disappearance of the missing person really true?" Was it caused by witches? Even the audience doubted it. If it wasn’t a witch, what would it be? Thinking about it this way, after operating for such a long time, the accumulation in their subconscious might explode.”

"If they are the same as these three missing persons, even if they are not looking for the witch Blair, but just go hiking and camping, is it possible for them to encounter the terrible situation shown in the film?"

Wen Zhiren felt that his mouth was dry, as if his brain had been hollowed out, and he couldn't speak anymore.Only then did he pick up the cup and take a sip of the coffee he used to entertain them.

"Let's see the dailies." Lesner agreed to see the dailies.

In the viewing room, there were only the three of them.Dim environment, shaking camera.Lesner watched the movie with difficulty, thinking silently, according to his understanding of the movie, this Farker movie is a garbage movie.

After watching the film and turning on the lights, Lesner rubbed his forehead between his eyes.If he hadn't heard a lot of what Wen Zhiren said before, he would never have insisted on reading it.

The production of [-] dollars can really be called shit!

Looking up, Wen Zhiren and Werner looked forward to him.

Young people, how do your brains grow?

Really Falk has an idea.


According to normal operation, it should indeed be rejected.But because of what Wen Zhiren said just now, he felt that this was an attempt by young people to open their minds.

Everyone was young, and everyone had ridiculous ideas when they were young.

Why should young people who work hard to realize their ideas be ridiculed?

Damn eyes, why can't I bear to refuse?

Lesnar was hesitating inwardly.

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