I'm not just an action star

Chapter 472 "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" released

I'm not just an action superstar. Chapter 472 of the main text volume "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest" was released in the cinema, and when the audience saw Captain Jack with six eyes painted on his face, sitting in the tribe with a strange expression, the audience burst out Knowing laughter.

At this time, Captain Jack's expression was as weird as it could be, as funny as it could be.

I don't even know how Wu Long performed, but his acting skills are really amazing.

The tied blacksmith Will thought that Captain Jack had a high status in the tribe and could save them.The audience thought so too.As a result, with the development of the plot, everyone discovered that this was not the case at all.

Captain Jack was set on the fire, ready to be roasted.

BBQ Captain Jack.

Haha what a brilliant idea.The audience once again laughed knowingly for this segment written and directed by Wu Long.

Captain Jack, you are always so unlucky!

Then, Captain Jack's thrilling escape begins.The tied bamboo pole made a thrilling jump and fell off the cliff. Seeing the audience inhale one after another, they sighed that Wu Long's mind really knows how to think.

Davy Jones appears, this octopus face is disgusting to watch.In particular, the tentacles of octopuses can still move, which makes some people feel strange.

After digging out Davy Jones' heart, Captain Jack, the blacksmith Will and Norrington began to fight each other for the heart for their own interests.

Meanwhile, Davy Jones shows up with his seafood minions, also to grab the heart.

Captain Jack, the blacksmith Will and Norrington tried their best to snatch the heart, fighting each other and avoiding the pursuit of Davy Jones' seafood men.

This process is thrilling and funny.

In the end, Norrington secretly changed his heart and pretended to be a hero to lure away the seafood monster.Everyone didn't know the inside story, and they all lamented Norrington's heroic sacrifice.

Norrington fell, and the box with the heart was snatched away by the seafood monster.The seafood monster took the box and ignored Norrington, and Norrington escaped for his life.

The audience lamented that compared with the previous Norrington, the Norrington in this one has changed.Become cunning and insidious, just for yourself.

Davy Jones' Flying Dutchman catches up with the Black Pearl. Captain Jack threatens Davy Jones with a glass bottle. Davy Jones thinks his heart is in his hands and shoots at the Black Pearl.

Captain Jack was frightened and ran away with the wind.The Black Pearl is the fastest pirate ship on the sea. Even the Flying Dutchman cannot catch up with the Black Pearl when the wind is down.

Davy Jones was so angry that he summoned the sea monster giant octopus.

Captain Jack accidentally broke the glass bottle and found that there was no heart inside.He escaped in a small boat while no one was paying attention.

The Black Pearl is attacked by a giant octopus.Captain Jack took out his compass to check, then turned back to the Black Pearl.

Yin Lisabeth locked Captain Jack on the Black Pearl with handcuffs while kissing Captain Jack.She knew it was Captain Jack that Davy Jones wanted to kill.If Captain Jack were to escape with them, the giant octopus would still pursue them.

Captain Jack unfastened his handcuffs, but the big octopus attacked again.Captain Jack put on his captain's hat, drew his sword and rushed into the mouth of the big octopus.

Davy Jones saw Captain Jack being eaten by a big octopus, happily opened the box and found that there was no heart inside.He didn't know whether he was taken away by Norrington, so he could only curse Captain Jack angrily.

And Norrington dedicated his heart to Cutler Beckett.

Blacksmith Will and his group came to the witch and lamented that Captain Jack died bravely to save them.As a result, the witch asked them if they wanted to save Captain Jack.If you want to save him, you have to risk your life to go to the ends of the earth.

Everyone heard that Captain Jack was not dead, and they expressed that they would save Captain Jack.So the witch told them that they needed an experienced captain.

Everyone saw that the person who came out turned out to be Barbossa who had been killed by Captain Jack.

After the movie ended, the audience who watched the premiere began to post comments online.Many film critics also posted film reviews in the fastest time to grab traffic.

"Before commenting, according to the rules, I give my own rating first.

"Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest" has an overall score of 7.8.

The second part takes over the first part, and the blacksmith Will is not with Yin Lisabeth like at the end of the first part.Not only did they not stay together, but they were also arrested.

This is beyond my expectation.

My first film review said that the ending was a happy ending, which is too clichéd.As a result, at the beginning of the second part, Long Ge directly slapped me in the face.

The blacksmith Will and Yin Lisabeth were arrested, which also triggered the plot of the second part.

The so-called Soul Gathering Coffin is not a coffin, but a box.This box contains a heart.Cutler Beckett, who captured the blacksmith Will and Yin Lisabeth, wanted the blacksmith Will to go to Captain Jack, get Captain Jack's compass, and use Captain Jack's compass to find the coffin of death.

In this movie, Brother Long used his unlimited imagination to create a terrifying sailing ship like the Flying Dutchman, and also created a villain with an octopus face, Davy Jones.

This villain is equally unkillable and even more powerful.

The special effects in "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest" are well done and very realistic.

Some bridges are also well thought out.

For example, Captain Jack was caught by the natives for barbecue, and when he escaped, he used the tied bamboo to do pole vault and jump over the cliff.

Just when everyone thought that Captain Jack could escape successfully, he fell off the cliff because of a funny situation.

Regarding fighting, I actually have doubts.The fighting in the first part was very exciting, how can you fight in the second part?

Everyone knows that fight scenes and car chases are one of the main draws for action movies.If the fighting scenes and car chase scenes are not good, and there is not much change from other people's or the previous one, they will lose the audience, and they will not be recognized and praised by the audience.

Like "League of Assassins", there are also gunfights and car chases, both of which are very different, which will make the movie sell high box office.

Pirate films have a common feature, that is, the homogenization of fighting scenes is too serious.Why did the previous pirate movies decline?

Even the fighting scenes of fencing were all filmed similarly, nothing new.Everyone gets tired of watching too much.

Brother Long relied on his martial arts strength, and the first fight in "Pirates of the Caribbean" was very exciting.But what about the fight in the second part?

When I watched "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", I found that the fighting was also very good.

Captain Jack, the blacksmith Will and Norrington, the fighting of the three is also well designed.In particular, the two were fighting on the rolling waterwheel, and Captain Jack was running inside the waterwheel, which was refreshing.

At the same time, the portrayal of the characters in "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" has also been further expressed.

For example, Norrington, in the first part, although he was a rival in love with Will the blacksmith, and looked down on Will the blacksmith.But after Yin Lisabeth expressed that she liked the blacksmith Will, she did not use her power to forcibly destroy Yin Lisabeth and the blacksmith Will.Norrington in the first part is a natural opposite to pirates.But the things he does are still frank and legitimate, not so sinister and cunning.

But in the second part, because of his failure, he changed, became insidious and cunning, calculated for his own interests, and no longer considered others.

And Captain Jack also expressed his admiration for Yin Lisabeth in the second part, but was rejected and used by Yin Lisabeth.

Yin Lisabeth also changed, becoming more like a pirate.To save his own life, give Captain Jack to the big octopus.


"Compared to the first one, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest" wants to talk too much. Even if it is given two and a half hours, it is not enough.

Because of this, Wu Long omitted a lot of content, resulting in more special effects in the second film than in the first film, but the plot, performance, and drama of the film were not as good as the first film.

That is, Captain Jack played by Wu Long, which makes this series of movies extra points.Otherwise, the movie is just your average fantasy movie.

In terms of special effects, it is better than the first one.The plot is too complicated and obscure, and some details are not explained clearly.

Compared with the brilliance of ordinary pirates in the first part, the ordinary pirates in the second part are not as interesting and attractive as the first part.


""Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest" is undoubtedly a success as a commercial film. It's a pity that due to too much storytelling and too many computer special effects, the plot and interest of the film are not as good as the first one.

Too many computer special effects make people feel magical and gorgeous, but even more unreal.

I just don't know, with these computer special effects, the audience will buy "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest", which lost the classic performance?Is the box office better than the first one?Only look at the future test results. "

"Great sequel. The octopus monster shows invincible destructive power, the computer special effects are well done. It is a visual feast, two and a half hours, people feel that the time passes quickly. The film also reveals the first episode Some hidden things in it, like Captain Jack's broken compass."

"Very good, the second part of Pirates of the Caribbean did not disappoint me!"

"Captain Jack is still the same Captain Jack. Still so unlucky, still betrayed, luck is always bad."

"It's all good, popcorn movie. What I can't understand the most is, why did those who betrayed Captain Jack go to save Captain Jack? Is it just to make the third movie?"

"I like the second part, and I think it looks better than the first one. An undead octopus-faced monster who can also control a big octopus sea monster, this design is really cool. Such a powerful enemy, Captain Jack can't defeat, let me Looking forward to how the third part will save Captain Jack."

"Sure enough, it is the greatest and most classic pirate movie in history! Brother Long's imagination surpassed everyone. Before him, no one had imagined such evil and terrifying pirates. These pirates have already broken away from the theme of revenge and treasure! "

A day later, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" was finished in theaters around the world.Judging from the ratings from various places and the response on the Internet.Although many people in the comments think that it is not as good as the first one, the ratings are still not low, and ordinary audiences think it is very good.

In the Caribbean, the Flying Dutchman also began to show and open to tourists because of the film screening.

Just like in the movie, the Flying Dutchman in reality also gives people a horrible feeling.

The bow of this terrifying ship is like the mouth of a swordfish, and those teeth make the whole ship look like a ferocious underwater monster.

Many tourists who happen to be traveling in the Caribbean Sea come here admiringly.Take photos and check in, and upload them online to show off.

Buy a ticket to board the ship and go to sea, take a video and post it on the Internet to show off.Get a lot of likes and comments, as well as traffic.

It has to be said that Wu Long really knows how to promote, and the Caribbean League really knows how to play.

At the same time, the peripherals of "Pirates of the Caribbean" are also selling well with the release of the second part.

This time, the ship model has the important Flying Dutchman, and the figure also has a big octopus monster and the octopus-faced villain Davy Jones.

During the hot release of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest", the Internet and the media also focused on this movie.

Many movies have avoided the schedule of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest", and do not want to collide with Wu Long's movie.

The first part of "Pirates of the Caribbean" was so popular, and with the blessing of Wu Long, the best actor and best director, it can be predicted that the box office of the second part will also be very popular.

In view of this, no one from other film companies would be so stupid as to be released at the same time as "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest".

Moreover, Wu Long rarely makes sequels.Like "Kill Bill", "League of Assassins", "Quick Chase" and "Predator", he has not made sequels to these popular films.

It happened to be the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series. Not only did it make a sequel, but it also made two consecutive films.From this point of view, Wu Long must be full of confidence in the second and third parts.

As long as Wu Long's movies don't hit the box office, no one will bet against Wu Long's box office hits, and they won't be released at the same time as Wu Long's movies.

Wen Zhiren and Werner also watched "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest". While lamenting this movie, they also predicted that this movie will definitely sell well, and even the box office will surpass the first one.

As for "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest" stealing the limelight from "Blair Witch" in public opinion, the two of them have nothing to do.

Just take this time to start their difficult road to negotiation.

"Do you really want to talk to the distribution company? Long Ge suggested that we talk to the theaters ourselves."

"Brother Long is just a suggestion. If you can talk directly to the theaters, you can negotiate, so what should the distribution company do?" Werner has a certain opinion. "Since Brother Long entrusts us with the full power, we have the final decision-making power. Besides, there is a Chinese saying that we are negotiating outside, and the people in the rear don't understand the situation, so we don't have to listen to the orders from the rear."

Wen Zhiren finally agreed with Werner's suggestion, and went to the distribution companies one by one to promote "The Witch Blair".

Hold a preview meeting and bring all the film distribution companies to watch the samples together?

Don't even think about it.No one will watch the film.Because they are not well-known, and the production cost is US$[-], who will watch it?

One can imagine what kind of... bad movies can be made with such a small amount of money.

Even Wen Zhiren and Werner would say that about "The Witch Blair".

No way, if compared with "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest", "Blair Witch" can be called a bad movie among bad movies.

If there is a film screening, the two of them will definitely be scolded to death by those who come to watch the film.

The two actually took the sample to sell to the film distribution company, but they drove them away when they heard that the production cost was only $[-].

biququ/html/21840/"Rebirth: The Great Era of Fighting Waves"

A $[-] movie is such a waste of time.

After searching all the film distribution companies in the country of Merikan, none of them were willing to act as an agent to distribute "Blair the Witch".Most movie distribution companies don't even watch it.A few film distribution companies agreed to watch the samples, but they ended up watching half of them.Come out and scold Wen Zhiren and Werner so badly.

"Brother Long has a vision, so he suggested that we not find a distribution company." Werner sighed.

He didn't know that Wu Long didn't want them to find a film distribution company, because he didn't want the film distribution company to get a piece of the pie.

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