I'm not just an action star

Chapter 471 Brain Supplement

, i'm not just an action superstar

On the "Exploring Witches" website, the number of hits on a post skyrocketed overnight.

The Truth About Blair Witch!

"I live in the small town of Buzizville, and there are pictures to prove it.

I saw someone missing in the jungle near the town on the Internet, and he has been missing for many years without clues.Many people suspect it is fake.As a resident of the small town, I don't know if it's fake that someone is missing.But I'm sure there have always been legends of witches.

My grandma lived in the country, and my grandma used to tell me stories about witches when I went to her house when I was a child.

Of course, my memory is blurred. I don't remember clearly whether the witch's name is Blair.

I saw a lot of people denying the existence of witches, or saying that witches are just people with mental illness or some kind of disease.Others say that witches are liars.

But have you thought about it?Why did people in the Middle Ages burn witches?

Do witches know witchcraft?

I was also skeptical before.It is this skepticism that makes me not pay much attention to the stories my grandma told, so my memory dies now.

But watching the TV program last night, I suddenly thought of a point.Assuming that witches do exist, and so does witchcraft, how can it be explained scientifically?

In fact, our great Brother Long has already given an explanation.

"Midnight Ring" is science fiction, not horror.

Since it is a science fiction film, Sadako can explain it scientifically.Sadako's ability is actually a special function.Supernatural power is an oriental term.In our Western parlance, isn't it just superpowers?

Brother Long's "Super Body" has already given an explanation.

Thinking about it this way, everything makes sense.

Witches do, witchcraft is superpowers!

The witch Blair is probably a woman with superpowers like Sadako!

I think there is a good chance that there is a witch buried in the jungle, just like Sadako!It is even possible that her experience is the same as that of Sadako.Because of her superpowers, she was said to be a witch and killed in the jungle.

Why did Sadako appear?Because a hotel was built over the well where she was buried!The person who lived in the room above the well got the horror video made by Sadako.

In the same way, it is speculated that the three college students who were looking for the witch probably camped above the buried witch.

There is a deep pit, and the previous people threw the witch down, and the witch starved to death in the deep pit.This deep pit is not easy to find, or it is covered with weeds and cannot be seen.

Three college students camped near the pit, and at night the witch crawled out and dragged them into the pit.

Therefore, they have disappeared until now, and no one has found them! "

The description at the end of the post reminds many people of the scene where Sadako climbed out of the well in "Midnight Bell".

Once the location of the scenery was changed, netizens imagined that in the jungle, under the moonlight.The bushes shook suddenly, and a witch with long hair covering her face climbed out of the bushes.

The witch crawled to the tent where the three college students were camping, got in and dragged the college students out of the tent.The college student struggled desperately, but couldn't make a sound out of fright.He was dragged to the mouth of the pit by the witch and thrown into the deep pit.

After throwing one, the witch climbed back to the campsite and dragged the second and third.

This kind of imagination can also remind people of an episode of the Amazon rainforest series "River/Mysterious River", where otters drag people out of tents and into the water.

For a while, the people who saw this post couldn't help but feel terrified.

If Wu Long saw this post, he would definitely jump up and shout:

"Good guy, call him good guy!"

"This brain hole is amazing!"

"You can still make up your mind like this!"

This brain supplement post has been recognized by many people and has also caused a lot of controversy.Some people who did not believe in witches changed their minds and believed in witches after reading this post.

Especially fans of "Midnight Ring" agree with this statement.

Foreigners also build buildings, layer by layer.

Carl calls Short to show off to Short.

"Look, my post! So many people support me, I must be right. Witch Blair is our Sadako of the West!"

Seeing so many people posting, Short felt that this was really possible.He opened his mouth to say something, then shut up again.

After hanging up the phone, Short also posted a post on the "Exploring Witches" website.

"Will the Sadako incident be staged in reality in the form of the witch Blair".

"Sadako was buried in a well and used her superpowers to take revenge on people. If the witch Blair is our Sadako in the west, will the witch Blair also use a method similar to Sadako to take revenge on us?

Think about it, everyone, the three missing persons have been missing for so many years, and there has been little movement before.It can be said that no one knew about it at all.Why did it suddenly become popular during this period of time, and everyone was discussing it and everyone knew it?

Looking at "Midnight Ringer" again, the legendary video tape was suddenly and inadvertently spread by those few people.In the end, in order to save her son, the heroine deliberately spread the word.

Will the current spread of the Witch Blair incident be the same? "

It took only half a day for Short's post to be posted online, but the number of hits and comments has surpassed that of Carl's post.

Someone explained that when the three missing persons disappeared, the Internet was not as developed as it is now.So it won't attract much attention.You know, there are not a few people who go missing every year because of entering the jungle or hiking.

It's pretty hard to find unless you know where it is.

It was also explained that the witch Blair must have not accumulated enough influence.After so many years of savings, the supernatural power of the witch Blair must have accumulated to a certain extent. Using the three missing persons, she began to influence the relevant people, and posted the incident on the Internet, attracting attention.

Once someone enters the jungle again to look for the missing person, it will definitely bring the witch Blair back to modern society like "Midnight Ring" and spread it.

"Midnight Ring" was spread using video tapes, and Blair the Witch probably used the Internet to spread, and the scope of terror was wider.

Some people even explained that the current spread of the Blair Witch incident is likely to be the Blair Witch infiltrating the Internet and accumulating power on the Internet.

When the spread and level reaches a certain level, the witch Blair's superpower can bring her out of the buried jungle and into the online world.

The most frightening thing is that those of us who have discussed and spread the word about Blair Witch are likely to be potential targets!

very scary!

The more discussions, the scarier it is!

Wen Zhiren and Werner saw these discussions and found that the direction seemed to be wrong.But crooked is crooked, but the heat it caused has greatly increased, and it has become even hotter.

If "Blair the Witch" wasn't filmed by them, they didn't set up the website, and they didn't initiate the hype, they would have almost believed that Blair the Witch was the Sadako of the West because of these posts.Short called Carl.

"Look, my post has caught up with you!"

"Shet, you copied my idea!"

"No, how can it be said that I copied your idea? We discussed it together. Your post is telling the truth, and mine is to remind everyone to be vigilant."

"It's you who copied my idea! I said it first!"

"Fake, are we buddies! Just because of this you turned against me? Have you been raped by a witch!"

"Ah! God. I revealed the witch's secret. Will she be the first to revenge me when she comes out? Shet, I live here, so close to her. No, I want to move. I want to travel, I want Go away and hide for a while!"

"Fack, are you out of your mind? I think you are mentally ill! Those are all things we think about, how can you take it seriously. Besides, the witch follows the Internet, the Internet has no distance, and it is useless no matter how far you run !"

"No, it works. I just need to go to a place with no signal or internet."

"Hey bro, you're not serious, are you?"

"Haha, look at your nervousness. It scares you."

"Fuck, you really scare me!"

After breaking the phone, Short showed a worried expression.Could it be that Karl was being targeted by the witch Blair?

Short and Carl post, leading a group to join.

"Sadako and the witch, they should be descendants of aliens".

Good guy, another guy with a big brain.

This group is fans of extraterrestrial creatures, or fans of extraterrestrial intelligent creatures.They believe that aliens came to this planet a long time ago to observe them secretly and study their evolutionary history.

For example, groups like them believe that the moon is hollow and that there is a huge alien base inside.The aliens are inside the moon, observing the social development on the blue planet.

Meanwhile, aliens are also experimenting.One of the experiments is that aliens breed with females on the blue planet to see what the offspring will be.

Many people believe that alien creatures with high-level civilizations can use mind power.Mind power or mental power is a kind of super power.

The descendants of alien creatures and women on the blue star, only women can inherit superpowers.Therefore, there are legends of witches all over the world.

Such a statement has actually been recognized by people outside this group.The posts they posted ranked after "The Truth about Blair the Witch" and "Will the Sadako Incident be staged in reality in the form of Blair the Witch", becoming the three most popular posts on the "Exploring Witches" website, and the most popular. Three claims are supported.

Because of the airing of Aaron's TV show, the "Discover the Witch" website became popular.And because of those three popular posts, other TV stations were attracted to produce similar programs to catch the popularity of Blair the Witch.

Some people asserted on the Internet that in the near future, there will be a video of the witch Blair similar to Sadako appearing on the Internet.Until then, be sure not to click to watch, or you will be killed by Blair the Witch.

Wen Zhiren and Werner were a little amused when they saw these assertions.Should the video in their hands be released?

Also, is "Blair the Witch" going to start contacting screenings?Otherwise, if a film company or director sees this business opportunity and makes a "Blair Witch" based on the popularity, their marketing plan will instead become an advertisement for others.

The two quickly contacted Wu Long, and Wu Long asked them to judge for themselves.This film is for them to operate, everything is up to them to decide, and Wu Long will not intervene.

This also means that Wu Long will not use his relationship to help them contact the issuing company for distribution.They have to run relationships by themselves, or run theaters by themselves.

Also at this time, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest" is released worldwide!

"Haha, after waiting for a year, Captain Jack is finally back!"

"I really want to see Captain Jack's enchanting appearance."

"Unfortunately, Brother Long filmed the last two films of "The Matrix", so he didn't have time to attend the premiere performance."

"I heard that Brother Long spent money to build a highway for the second part of "The Matrix."

"My God, is "The Matrix" going to heaven? To build a highway for filming?"

"With this investment, the second part of "The Matrix" must be good!"

""Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" is also good. For this film, a new ship was built!"

"Yes, these ships are really seaworthy ships. I went on another Caribbean vacation and took the new sailing ship 'The Merchant of Edinburgh'. Unfortunately, another mysterious sailing ship did not show up. It was the villain's ship. The most powerful ship on the seas. That ship, said it won't show its face and open until after the movie."

"I don't know what "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest" is about, what kind of enemy does Captain Jack have?"

"I'm very surprised, the Barbossa in the first part is already very powerful, the unkillable skeleton. The enemy of Captain Jack in the second part should be stronger than Barbossa. But there is nothing stronger than the unkillable skeleton ?”

The release of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest" shifted the focus of the Internet from Blair the Witch to Pirates of the Caribbean.

Wu Long was missing from the premiere, but the atmosphere did not decrease at all. Fans of "Pirates of the Caribbean" can't see Wu Long, but it's also good to see the handsome guy Knuth and the beautiful girl Keira.

The performance at the premiere began with a fencing show between Konus dressed as a blacksmith and Kayla dressed as Yin Lisabeth.

The two played in style by following the fundamentals learned from Chiba Huasui.All in all, for the lay audience, it was very exciting and professional.

Next, Davy Jones and his men in character makeup.

Davy Jones wears an octopus headgear.This octopus headgear is specially made for performance.At the same time, the peripheral development also has this octopus headgear, just like the helmet of the Predator, and they are all sold.

During the actual shooting, the actors did not need to wear octopus headgear, but it was made with computer special effects in the later stage.

Whether it is the audience at the scene or the audience watching the live broadcast of the premiere performance, after seeing the role of Davy Jones, they are immediately full of expectations for "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest".

After all, a monster with an octopus face looks terrifying.

The movie started, and it was still the same. Captain Jack didn't come out for a long time.But that's okay, the front of the movie let everyone understand the ins and outs of the movie.

The perfect ending in the first part is not perfect for some people.They believe that such a perfect ending is impossible in reality.

Because of this, after the first screening of "Pirates of the Caribbean", many people who like to criticize said that the ending is not good, not realistic enough and not artistic enough.

It's not realistic enough, even if the blacksmith saves the pirates, how could nothing happen.

As for not being artistic enough, as long as it does not end in tragedy, it is not artistic enough.What's more, it is similar to a happy ending. Captain Jack became the captain of the Black Pearl as he wished, and the blacksmith and Yin Lisabeth were together. This is definitely not artistic.

As a result, at the beginning of the second part, those critics were slapped in the face.

See how the best screenwriter ever could be so vulgar.

Brother Long deliberately put the reversal in the second part.The reversal is placed in the second part, leading to the plot of the second part, so that the audience can watch it patiently.

When seeing the beginning of the movie, some audience members whispered.

"It's really hard for two people who love each other to be together."

"Unexpectedly, Yin Lisabai was also arrested. Her father also failed to keep her."

"Let go of Captain Jack in public, haha, that's fine."

And Cutler Beckett's purpose was not to catch these two, but to use the blacksmith Will to get Captain Jack's compass.To this end, Beckett will also issue Captain Jack a privateer's license.With this certificate, Captain Jack is no longer a pirate, and no one will catch him.

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