I'm not just an action star

Chapter 470 Building a Highway for Filming

, i'm not just an action superstar

The filming of "The Matrix 2: Reloaded" was a huge project.This project is not about the shooting itself, but about the preparations for the shooting.

It can be said that most of the scenes in this film are constructed.

For example, the cave hall in Zion, such as the countless doors, such as the classical hall with stairs on both sides, such as the place where more than 100 Shi Yanluo besieged Wulong.

And the most amazing thing is that the most exciting and important scenes in this film, the car chase on the highway and the fight, were also shot on the set.

In order to shoot this scene, the original version built a 2.5-kilometer-long highway, which is the largest shooting location in the world.

There are more than 300 vehicles used in this plot filming.

Just the car that Trinity was driving, because as the story progresses, the car gets shot and destroyed, there will be varying degrees of change.For this reason, more than 20 vehicles were specially prepared, which were damaged in different time periods for filming.

When Wu Long filmed this scene, he also built such a highway according to the original version.

Because the highway scene is one of the best car chase scenes in the movie.The shooting is very difficult and the shooting cycle is long. It is estimated that it will take about two and a half months to three months.

No one would close such a long highway for such a long time in order to make a movie.

In order to shoot, I can only build a simple highway for shooting.

At the beginning of "The Matrix 2", like the first one, Trinny also appeared first.

In this fight, she took a motorcycle helmet and fought against the security guard with a baton.All the actions were done by Zhao Liying herself, no substitute was used.

In the last move, he leaned down, lifted his feet upwards, and kicked the security guard's head forward like a scorpion's tail.It was also done by Zhao Liying herself.

This is the first fight in the film, which is considered a small scene.

The second fight in the film is also a small scene.Wu Long came to the Prophet, and the Prophet's guardian had to compete with Wu Long to make sure that Wu Long was not a counterfeit agent.

The prophet's guardian, played by Qi Ke.

Qi Ke's martial arts, since he followed Wu Long, has received a lot of advice from Wu Long.I usually practice hard and hard, but now I am good at it.

In this competition, like Wu Long, he did not challenge Wia.

The two hit the table from the ground.Wu Long did not follow the original martial arts design, because the original martial arts design moves are too fancy.It looks a bit like dancing, not martial arts.

In particular, the protagonist who played Neo in the original version did not practice martial arts, but only trained for a few months before filming.His movements have no sense of strength, the rhythm is not fast enough, and the look is not good enough.

The movements Wu Long designed for Qi Ke are a combination of Nanquan, wall hanging, Tongbei and legwork.A violent attack forced Wu Long, who was on the defensive, to jump onto the table.

Call from one table to another and then to a third table.

On the first table, Wu Long leaned back to avoid Qi Ke's sweeping punch, but Qi Ke received a backspin kick. Wu Long was forced to lean back and lower his waist again to avoid Qi Ke's backspin kick.After a few moves, Qi Ke jumped up and kicked, forcing Wu Long to the second table.

At the second table, the two of them competed in legwork.The legwork designed by Wu Long is not as tricky as the original version.With one kick and one sweep, whether it is Wu Long or Qi Ke, they all have a strong sense of power and movement.

After the kick, Wu Long slapped Qi Ke back somersault and landed on the third table.Wu Long jumped into the air and kicked Qi Ke, who was resolved by Qi Ke.

In the end, Wu Long was pushed out by Qi Ke's palms, and he flew upside down and hit the wall.Wu Long bounced off the wall and kicked Qi Ke in the air, forcing Qi Ke back to the second table.

Qi Ke shouted to stop.

This fight is great.There is no slow-motion, no editing, it is a long-shot fight of more than one minute.

The fight scene that followed was the most exciting fight after the highlight of the highway.

Here, Wu Long meets the Prophet.

This scene is an open space surrounded by tall buildings.Like the original version, the whole scene was built in the studio instead of the actual location.

Because there are many scenes in this scene, it is also very troublesome.Only in the studio, it is good to use a fixed light source.Only the scenery built in the studio can be easily input into the computer to form a 3D virtual scene.

The fighting here is a bit similar to the part in "Kung Fu" where the protagonist hits an ax to help everyone.In the world of Wu Long's previous life, there was "The Matrix" first, and then "Kung Fu".The martial arts instructor of the two films is the same person, the world-renowned martial arts instructor Yuan Baye.

In "The Matrix 2", Wu Long didn't fight with many people, but with many agents Shi Yanluo.As a result, shooting becomes troublesome.

First of all, we need to find several people who practice martial arts, who look similar to Wu Jing, are about the same size, and wear makeup to look like Wu Jing.

That's it for the original.Many people think that, except for a real person, all others are 3D virtual people.In fact, it is not, all through makeup, into the appearance of multiple Smiths.

Originally, Wu Long wanted to use a long lens.It is because Shi Yanluo is playing, this long shot is useless.

Although the shooting of the original version used many similar people.But usually there are shots of Smith on the front, and it is the real Smith playing against Wu Long.

In this way, it avoids wearing a band.After all, no matter how you put on makeup, there are differences, and it is impossible to make them exactly the same.

Shi Yanluo has a lot of them.First seven or eight Shi Yanluos, then a dozen or twenty Shi Yanluos, and finally hundreds of Shi Yanluos.

To shoot such a scene, it is impossible to make up Shi Yanluo with more than ten people.For the other [-] or so, it is replaced by martial arts, and the special effects are changed in the later stage.

When Shi Yanluo summons more of himself, it will be a computer stunt.

Throughout the wonderful fight, Wu Long only hangs Wia in some places where he jumps very high or far.In other martial arts, when you are beaten, you need to hang the wire to fly upside down to achieve the desired effect.

To use computer special effects to create 3D virtual humans, it is necessary to use motion capture to capture the real fighting scenes.

Including Wu Long, the same is true.

In addition to the motion capture system capturing fighting movements, there are also facial expressions.There are so many Shi Yanluos, although they look the same, their facial expressions are different.

In addition, Wu Long's windbreaker also requires computer special effects personnel to carefully study the texture, weight, and shape of the clothes in the air and under different movements.There are also details such as buttons, which must be the same as the real ones.

Wu Long is filming "The Matrix 2", while Wen Zhiren and Werner are holding Wu Long's marketing plan and executing it like a holy book.

Wen Zhiren recruited good actors and started filming immediately.For the script, he first filmed according to Wu Long's instructions.Then, according to his own understanding, he improved some deficiencies in the script that he thought, and filmed it again.

He wants to make a good movie as best he can with a limited budget of $[-].

In half a month, the filming was completed.It wasn't until the film was finished that the three leading actors knew that the town residents they interviewed were not real residents, but people secretly arranged by the director.

Of course, the three leading actors knew about the tent being shaken at night.Originally, Wen Zhiren's plan was not told to them until it was finalized.But the three leading actors were scared at the time and dared not continue filming.

Wen Zhiren can only tell them that this is for the pursuit of truth, without telling them in advance that the crew of the crew went to shake the tent.

Even if the three leading actors know the truth, there is always a trace of uneasiness in their hearts.Such uneasiness is instead reflected in the movie, making it more real.

After the first cut of the film was completed, it was sent to Wu Long to watch.After finishing filming, Wu Long found time to watch the first sample.To be honest, Wen Zhiren deserves to be a genius for making horror movies.After some modifications by him, the original bad film became more conflicted and more terrifying.

Wu Long praised Wen Zhiren and Werner and encouraged them to implement the plan.

According to the plan, someone found the friends and family members of the three college students who disappeared because of the "Exploring Witches" website based on the clues.And upload the video of chatting with them to the Exploring Witches website.In fact, this friend and family member are all fake, it was Wen Zhiren and the others who took the photo.

With these videos, someone deliberately provoked them secretly, and soon, this incident aroused the interest of witch lovers.

It was suggested that the three missing persons should be searched again.It is not limited to the "Exploring Witches" website, and should be spread to other social platforms, so that more people can care about it and seek help from more people.

More people responded to this call, and the matter began to go viral.

It is precisely because of this incident that it went out of the circle, which attracted rebuttals and ridicules from some people who did not believe in witches, vampires and werewolves.

As a result, under the instigation of interested people, a controversy formed on the Internet, and this controversy gradually gained momentum and spread across the global network.

The content of this debate is whether there are witches, and it seems that it has little to do with the three missing persons.But when such a debate caught the attention of the traditional media, it brought the disappearance of the witch Blair into the mix.

The first to report the disappearance of the witch Blair was Aaron, a producer of a TV station in the country of Merikan.

Aaron is in charge of a discovery program.This kind of program has a certain audience base in the West, and many Western TV stations will have such programs.

For example, after Wu Long's Amazon rainforest series came out, many such programs followed suit and went to the Amazon rainforest to shoot exploration films.Not to mention, following the trend is good, and the ratings are not bad.

Aaron recently finished the exploration program on Pirates of the Caribbean and was wondering what to film for the next program. Some enthusiastic viewers called their program, hoping to find out whether the legendary witch was real or not.

Enthusiastic viewers provided the "Exploring Witches" website, and Aaron browsed this website after receiving the report from his subordinates.

As a producer of such shows, science, mysteries, legends, stories, and such events are known.

As for witches, he knew that there were legends about witches circulating in many places.Seeing this controversy on the Internet, if a program is really produced, the ratings should be good.

In particular, the case of the disappearance of the witch Blair can be used as an example.

Why did the three missing persons disappear?Did you meet a bad guy?He still got lost in the forest and was eventually killed in distress.

Or did they meet a witch and get killed by a witch?

In legends, witches are harmful and evil.If there are witches in the place where the three missing persons are looking for, the witches will definitely kill people when the two sides meet, and the three missing persons will not be allowed to bring the news back.

In this episode of Aaron's program, historians and folklore research experts were specially invited to discuss it together.

In the small town of Buzizville, Short called his friend Carl to play games with him after dinner.

"Playing games? No, I watch TV." Carl didn't agree.

"What? Watching TV? God, you are a young man. Young people don't watch TV, they only play games. Do you understand?"

"You know, I like to watch Discovery shows. Today's show is about witches."


"Yes, witches. Exactly, I want to know whether witches exist or not."

"Okay, I'll play by myself."

Short doesn't like watching TV, but playing games by himself always feels wrong.So, he also turned on the TV and watched this program.

In the show, the host asked whether witches exist, whether witches are evil, whether they can harm people, and whether witches can do witchcraft.

As a result, the invited experts began to express their opinions and talk about it on the program.

Finally, the host talked about the disappearance of the witch Blair, and there was a section where the host came to the small town of Butzidsville for an interview.

Among the town residents interviewed, some had heard of the witch's story, while others said they had not.Some people think that there are probably witches who can do witchcraft, others think that witches are liars, there are no witches, there is no witchcraft at all.

"This is our town!"

"When was the interview? Why didn't I know?"

"It turns out that in the jungle near us, someone went to find the missing witch?"

Before he knew it, Short recalled the story about the witch in the jungle.That was when he was young, he heard from his grandma in the country.

Of course, grandma believed in the existence of witches, and the witches were in the jungle where the missing people were looking for them.

"It's really courting death. You know that witches can harm people and can do witchcraft, but you still dare to go to witches. It's because you don't live long enough."

Short suddenly thought of "The Ring at Midnight" and "The Ghost Calling", and couldn't help feeling terrified.

"Maybe witches, like Sadako, are women with supernatural powers. They are not understood by people. People are afraid of them and want to burn them to death. That's why they hate humans and want to harm people."

Just as he was thinking, the phone rang suddenly, which startled Xiao Te.

"Xie Te, I almost thought it was a call from Sadako or a ghost. Haha, those guys are really stupid, why don't they make a "Witch Calling"?"

Short didn't really believe in so-called witches if he hadn't seen "The Ring" and "The Ghost Call."But now watching the TV show, he didn't know why, and he began to believe in witches.

The call was from my friend Carl.

"Did you watch TV?"


"Witches are near our town! It turns out that those legends are true, and there really are witches."

"Are you so sure?"

"Of course! Those three college students were killed by witches!"

"It's just missing, and it's possible to fall off a cliff..."

"Fall off a cliff, all three fall?"

"Or they fell into the pit, and those who didn't fall in wanted to save others, but fell in themselves. Then they starved to death in it. It rained and mud buried the pit, and they disappeared."

"Where is such a coincidence, it is the witch's fault."

"Well, maybe it's a witch. I think maybe a witch, like Sadako, has special abilities?"

"Ha, that's a great idea of ​​yours. No, we don't call it supernatural powers."

"Isn't it called a special function?"

"Yes, we call superpowers!"

"Like Lucy in "Super Body"?"

"Yes, Lucy."

"But Lucy is not harmful. It should be a supernatural power, like Sadako."

"Okay, like Sadako. I'll go online and tell everyone what we've found. Be careful and don't mess with witches!"

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