I'm not just an action superstar. Chapter 469 of the main text volume Two rookies who were given important tasks After reading the script, Wen Zhiren and Werner were silent together, and neither of them spoke.

After waiting for a while, Wu Long asked them both:

"What do you think about this script?"

Wen Zhiren and Werner did not speak.Neither of them dared to speak out, for fear of offending Wu Long.

"It doesn't matter, discuss it boldly. If you don't even want to tell me the truth, how can I trust you?"

Werner quietly touched Wen Zhiren's toe with his toe.Through the coffee table, Wu Long couldn't see his little movements.According to the two people's discussion in advance, Wen Zhiren will take the initiative first if there is anything to do.Because from appearance, Wen Zhiren is at least Asian.According to Werner, Wu Long liked Wen Zhiren more than him.

Wen Zhiren felt the signal from Werner on his feet, so he could only grit his teeth and bite the bullet.

"Brother Long, this script is too simple. There is neither a witch nor a direct conflict or reversal throughout the whole process."

This is simply deceiving the audience!This is something Wen Zhiren dare not say.

After Wen Zhiren finished speaking, he paused.At this point in time, it should be Werner who continued.We can't let Wen Zhiren speak alone.

The two cooperated fairly well.After Wen Zhiren stopped, Werner also said:

"Brother Long, according to this simple script, maybe the budget of [-] dollars can do it. I'm afraid no one will like the movie that can be produced."

No one likes it, which is a more tactful way of saying it.What Werner actually wanted to say was that no one was watching.

Maybe taking advantage of Wu Long's relationship, there will be movie theaters willing to show it.But without Wu Long's words, I am afraid that no movie theater would show such a film.

After listening to their comments, Wu Long asked again:

"So, do you think this script is worth filming?"

Wen Zhiren and Werner hesitated for a moment and shook their heads at the same time.

"It's not worth it, Brother Long."

"Brother Long, even if the investment is very small, it's only $[-]. But I still have to say, it's not worth it."

"What if this script is just for you to practice?" Wu Long asked again.

Practice hands.

Practice for us?

Wen Zhiren and Werner were puzzled, using such a script to practice for us?

Our practice hands are only worth [-] dollars?

It seems that other film companies will not even give us $[-] to practice.

So, Wu Long wants to spend $[-] to see our level?

Wen Zhiren and Werner looked at me and I looked at you, and then they shook their heads at Wu Long tacitly.

"Brother Long, we don't think it's necessary."

"We have no confidence at all to shoot this script with a $[-] knife."

"Let's take it step by step. Let's do some chores under Brother Long and exercise."

"Brother Long, it's not that we despise the fact that $[-] is too little. It's that we worry about wasting $[-]."

After the two finished speaking, they lowered their heads in embarrassment, not daring to look at Wu Long.It seems that what they are doing now is sorry for Wu Long.They don't have anything, yet they dare to make a request, it's too...that.

"You can now look at the following marketing plan."

Marketing Plan?

Yes, and a marketing plan.

Just now because the production cost was only $[-] and the script was very simple, they forgot that there was a marketing plan.Now listening to Wu Long's reminder, the two hurriedly looked through the marketing plan.

As they looked at the marketing plan, the expressions of the two gradually changed.


Shock again!

Shock again!

Suddenly, the two understood.The Blair Witch movie itself isn't important, it's the marketing plan that matters!

No wonder the script emphasizes that it should be shot with a hand-held camera instead of a Steadicam.Just now they were still thinking, such a simple script, without a Steadicam, the camera will shake, what do the audience think?

It turned out that this was completely in line with the marketing plan.

It is very possible that this "Blair Witch" had an idea first, then formulated a marketing plan, and after formulating the marketing plan, wrote the script according to the marketing plan.

The production cost of the film was only US$1800, and the budget for the marketing plan reached about US$[-] million!

This ratio is as terrifying as 1:300!

If it were not for the script and marketing plan Wu Long gave them, but for someone else, they would definitely think that the other party is a lunatic.

After all, the amount of box office and the quality of the film are the final heaviest influence.

Marketing schemes alone have the potential to trick audiences into movie theaters.But after the audience went in to watch it, they would definitely scold and expose it on the Internet.As a result, the word-of-mouth of the film has declined, who will buy tickets to watch it again?

It is estimated that even if it is free, no one may watch it.

However, as far as this marketing plan is concerned, it is perfect, and it can also be called an unconventional means.

To sum it up, highlight the word "cheat".

"How?" Wu Long saw the two of them read the marketing plan, asked them to think about it, and asked them, "Do you think it's okay to shoot now?"

Werner quietly touched Wen Zhiren with his toe again, letting Wen Zhiren speak first.

"Brother Long, this marketing plan is great. If it cooperates with this marketing plan, it can indeed be filmed. But... even if the audience comes to watch, the word of mouth will not be good. If the word of mouth is not good, it will only be released for three days and there will be results. Hurry up." If it is even released the next day, the audience will decrease rapidly.”

Wen Zhiren stopped talking, and Werner continued:

"It's better to allocate half of the marketing expenses to the production cost. In this way, I think there is a great possibility that "The Blair Witch" can make a profit."


Wu Long smiled.

"A movie, in addition to having its own characteristics, must also consider the consumer group and the psychology of the consumer group."

"Who is a person who likes to watch horror movies? Many people have the mentality that if you don't die, you won't die. If you change it again, even if I was deceived, I also want to attract others to be deceived."

"And I like to watch horror movies because the horror movie consumer groups are extremely curious. Knowing that they will be deceived, they will still buy tickets to watch in the cinema. They want to know, is it really so bad?"

"Even if it's really bad, they have to see how bad the film is."

Wen Zhiren listened carefully to Wu Long's explanation, and felt that it was exactly what Wu Long said.

"Brother Long. Does it mean that other films are aimed at the consumer psychology of watching enjoyment and pleasure. But "The Blair Witch" is aimed at curiosity?"


"I remember!" Werner exclaimed suddenly.

Wen Zhiren and Wu Long immediately fixed their eyes on Werner's face.

"Brother Long, you have also used this method in "The Plague of Python" and "The River/Mysterious River". It is also a pseudo-documentary, and it also uses the Internet for marketing to raise the audience's sense of expectation. Everyone thinks that the Amazon Tropical The rainforest, there really are these mysteries. Stir the curiosity of the audience, and when the movie comes out, they will flock to the theater to see it."

After Werner finished speaking, Wen Zhiren seemed to get a hint from Werner's words, thinking of "Midnight Ring". "The same is true of "Midnight Ring". After the film was screened, Sadako's life experience was faked, and various events caused by Sadako. Compared with "Midnight Ring", "The Blair Witch" was not announced after the film screening, Instead, before the movie is finished, we start advertising, hinting step by step, and arousing a little bit of curiosity from the audience."

"Yes, yes, that's it." Werner nodded again and again.

"Brother Long, if we shoot "The Blair Witch", can you give us some advice? After all, it's our first time, and there are still many things we don't understand."

When Wen Zhiren said this, it meant that he accepted Wu Long's task.

Wu Long thought for a while and said, "I can give you some advice. As for whether you want to do that, you can decide for yourself."

Wen Zhiren and Werner immediately listened carefully.

"When the three leading actors go to interview local residents, you can let some extras pretend to be local residents, but don't tell the three leading actors that they think they are interviewing real local residents."

"There is a scene in the script where the protagonist's tent shakes. You don't have to notify the protagonist of this scene in advance. In this way, their cameras can record their own real reactions after being frightened."


A passenger plane lands at Los Angeles International Airport.

Wen Zhiren and Werner came out of the airport dragging their luggage. The feeling they felt at the moment was still as if they were in a dream.

Going to Wu Long seems like a magical journey.

They not only met Wu Long, but also got a chance.

An opportunity to make many people envious.

Such an opportunity really fell on them.

When they came out of Wu Long's studio that day, they couldn't believe it was real.They slapped each other across the face, sure it wasn't a dream.

Sitting in a taxi, the two looked back at Los Angeles International Airport, which was far away from them.

"Ray, we're really back!"

"We're going to do something big!"

The taxi driver glanced at the two young men in the back seat from the rearview mirror, with a familiar expression on the corner of his mouth.

Young people always think that they can do a great job.

Taxi drivers see a lot of people like this.

Wu Long gave them three checks in total, and they took them out after they returned to Los Angeles.

One, used to set up a film company.

One is the filming funds of "The Blair Witch".

One is the marketing expenses of "The Blair Witch".

The first step is to set up a film company.

The second step is to build a small website and start operating "The Blair Witch".

The third step is to prepare and shoot "The Blair Witch".

There is no mistake in the order, it is to operate the film with a production cost of only [-] dollars first, and then shoot it last.

If it wasn't for Wu Long's guidance, the two rookies would have no idea what to do.

Obviously, this order is correct.

Because the filming of "The Blair Witch" didn't take many days at all.The post-editing production will also not take too long.

With a production cost of $[-], don't think about special effects.

A simple website that costs little and is easy to build.Ask an IT man who is familiar with related businesses to help you register domain names, rent servers, and deploy websites.

It's a forum-like community site called "Exploring Witches".The two found some information about witches and put them on the website, and more information was waiting for netizens to fill in.

Wu Long said that if this website wants to build up the interest of netizens, it is necessary for netizens to regard the website as their own home and share their works on the website, so that netizens will care about this website.

At the beginning of the website, it must have attracted fans who liked the "witch" aspect.

After the website is built, please start publicity to attract people to the website to speak and discuss.Because it focuses on "witches", it can be regarded as a niche website, but it can also accurately attract "witches" lovers.

After the website is built, the preparatory work for the film begins.

Wen Zhiren is responsible for recruiting actors and some necessary crew members.Because the budget is too tight, their crew members can be reduced as much as possible, and strive to become the simplest crew.

The first condition considered by the staff is also cheap.Most of the targets are newcomers.

Speaking of newcomers, Wen Zhiren and Werner are quite familiar with each other.Because they are also newcomers, so many newcomers will have contact with each other, and sometimes they may get help when they think about it.

The same goes for actors.

Both of them reached an agreement that they wanted a newcomer.

It's just a horror movie, there's no need to invite the best actor or big name.As long as the acting skills are decent, whoever pays the cheapest will be the one.

Both actors and crew members are required to sign a non-disclosure contract that requires more and stricter non-disclosure contracts than usual.

The contract even stipulates that for the sake of confidentiality, even if the crew asks them to leave the country after the filming is completed, they must abide by it.

Of course, the crew will give some compensation, which is equivalent to asking them to travel.

As for the tourist destination, of course it is the cheapest place in the Philippines.

Costs for cast and crew members to travel are included in marketing expenses.If it is included in the film production cost, it may be difficult to give money.

Werner was responsible for producing the props in "The Blair Witch", such as the historical materials of the Blair Witch, eyewitness reports, and the diary records of the three protagonists in the film.

In addition, there are various news reports about the disappearance of the three fictional characters, as well as related items.

Reports about the disappearance of characters include newspapers, TV news, and missing person revelations, etc.These things cannot be written at will, but must be connected and logical.After people see it, no obvious loopholes can be found.After people see it, they believe it is true.

These props should not only be used to make movies, but also be put on the website for netizens to watch and inquire.

At the same time, Werner will also make some related disappearances of other witches.First put other pseudo-disappearance incidents related to witches on the website one by one, and then put the disappearance-related revelations of the characters in "The Blair Witch" on the website.

At first, no one paid much attention to the missing characters revelation in "The Blair Witch".After the filming is completed and the operation is officially launched, I will put the missing blurry video and audio recordings on the Internet.At that time, it was the beginning of the real detonation of "The Blair Witch".

Wu Long taught Wen Zhiren and Werner that drama is like life and life is like drama.

The marketing plan for "The Blair Witch" is the same as making a movie.

A movie needs a lot of foreshadowing, and finally ushers in the climax.And the more serious the foreshadowing in the early stage, the more shocking the final high dynasty will be.

For the film to succeed, the marketing plan cannot go wrong.

At the same time, Werner also needs to find a few food anchors to hype the dark cooking of "Witches" before actually detonating the disappearance of "Blair the Witch" characters.These witch foods come from the Explore Witches website.

That's right, part of the marketing plan given by Wu Long is to attract a group of food lovers to pay attention to the "Explore Witch" website through "Witch's Dark Cuisine".

This is to use food programs to attract traffic.

The legend of witches is widely spread in the West.Like vampires and werewolves, they have become the iron triangle of dark legends.

All over the country of Merikan, there are legends of witches with a long history.Especially in some remote towns, there is no shortage of such stories.

Vampires suck blood, werewolves eat people, witches kill people.

Vampires are deadly, werewolves are murderous, witches are spooky.

There are witches in many Western film and television works.Even in "Pirates of the Caribbean", witches appeared.

So, Season of the Witch is about to hit the world.

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