I'm not just an action star

Chapter 468 Is one missing 1?

I'm Not Just an Action Superstar Text Volume Chapter 468 Is there a missing zero?In the hotel, Wen Zhiren and Werner, who were waiting boredly, seldom spoke since last night.It's a bit like waiting for the judgment of fate, you can't resist, you can only wait in silence.

What should be said and what should be talked, the two of them have already talked.

Both of them have already thought of what they should think and expect.

It seems that if they can't wait for Wu Long's call, they will fall into the abyss for the rest of their lives, and they will never be able to extricate themselves.

If it was before the two horror films "Midnight Ring" and "Ghost Call", they would not have such a situation.

But these two, majoring in film, became friends because they like brutal and horror movies.It is conceivable that these two people were born to make horror movies.

Of course, they haven't found their way yet.But it doesn't prevent them from feeling that the previous horror movies, in their eyes, don't have a real horror soul.

Until Wu Long's horror movie came out, they seemed to be guided by the light, shining on them to move towards the holy land of horror movies.

Since then, they have become Wu Long's diehard fans.

"Beep bell-"

The two jumped up in fright when the phone rang.


""Midnight Ring"!"

The two spoke in unison.

Then they looked at each other and rushed to answer the phone.


"Hello, are you Mr. Wen, or Mr. Werner?"

"I am Wen Zhiren."

"Hello, Mr. Wen, this is Wulong's studio. Do you have time at 10:30 this morning?"

"Yes, we have time!"

"Please come here at 10:30 this morning. Mr. Wu will meet you at this time."

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

Putting down the phone, Wen Zhiren and Werner clapped hands to celebrate.



"This is the best news I've ever heard!"

"Our luck has come!"

"Go right away!"

"Just wait outside!"

The two immediately packed up their appearances, left the hotel and waited outside Wu Long's studio.

Time was approaching, and they went in 2 minutes early.After waiting for the front desk receptionist to ask for instructions through the internal phone, he took them to Wu Long's office.

"Brother Long!"

"Hi Brother Long!"

The two greeted each other in Chinese that they had practiced many times.They also know these two simple words.

"Please sit down."

Wu Long asked the two to sit down on the reception sofa, and Wu Long personally brought them two cups of tea, which made them feel Wu Long's respect for them. Quickly got up and thanked.

Wu Long, who is a famous director, actor, and screenwriter, exists like a god in front of them.

But now, this man whom they both regarded as a god brought tea to them in person.Then compare them to the cold eyes they encountered when they promoted their own scripts, recommended themselves as directors, or applied for related positions.

At this moment, they secretly vowed in their hearts that they must follow Wu Long forever in this life.

Even if Wu Long didn't recruit them, they both regard Wu Long as the person they respect the most in this life.

Because even if Wu Long had never heard of them, he would respect them equally.

Wu Long started chatting with the two and got to know them through chatting.It is not the relationship between the recruiter and the applicant, but the relationship between the two of them feeling like friends.

Gradually, the two of them relaxed physically and mentally, let go of their minds, and talked about everything with Wu Long.Tell their views on horror films, and also tell them the inspiration and direction of "Midnight Ring" and "Ghost Call".

He also showed Wu Long the script he wrote, hoping that Wu Long would comment on it.

Wu Long carefully read the script they wrote and did not comment.

"I won't comment on your scripts, do you know why?"

Wen Zhiren and Werner shook their heads.

Could it be that their script is too bad to deserve Wu Long's comment?


Although they think that their scripts are better than Hao Laihu's scripts of horror movies, they also admit that compared with Wu Long's "Midnight Ring" and "Ghost Call", their scripts are indeed much worse.

"Do you know why there are so many good horror movies, but not many really good ones?"

"Do you know why my "Midnight Ring" and "Ghost Call" are loved by so many movie fans?"

Wen Zhiren and Werner shook their heads again.

"In fact, movies, like other commodities, must have their own characteristics. The homogeneity of commodities is too serious. If the products produced do not have their own characteristics, they will fall into low-price competition because of homogeneity. Too much, don’t like to watch it again.”

"For example, why did the pirate film "Pirates of the Caribbean" I made become popular and sell high at the box office? Is it fantasy content? No. When pirate films were popular in the past, fantasy content was also added to pirate films."

"So, if my "Pirates of the Caribbean" wants people to watch it, it can't have its own characteristics like the previous pirate films."

"Many pirate films are either treasure hunting or revenge, so my "Pirates of the Caribbean" disguises treasure hunting and revenge, and uses curses as the theme. I also endowed an unusual pirate captain. This makes "Pirates of the Caribbean" have the same The previous pirate films have a different point of view."

"The same goes for horror movies."

"My horror films have distinct characteristics. If I comment on your script, I will involuntarily bring my characteristics. After listening to my comments, you may unconsciously learn my characteristics. In the end, your horror film There will be traces of me. In the eyes of others, you are just my tools or my puppets."

"And I think, if I don't comment on your scripts, you will be less influenced by me. In the process of growing up, you will form your own characteristics and make your own style of horror movies. In this way, you can become what you want. Directors, actors, screenwriters like you want."

After listening to Wu Long's explanation, Wen Zhiren and Werner immediately felt Wu Long's magnanimity and greatness.Wu Long is not a selfish person, he did not use them as tools.Wu Long wants them to grow into people with their own characteristics.

Gratitude and touch, admiration and blind worship appeared in the hearts of Wen Zhiren and Werner.

There is such a big guy who just met for the first time, who is thinking of them and talks to them sincerely. On the life path of film, they will no longer have regrets in this life.

"Thank you, Brother Long, we understand."

"We just want to learn from you and form our own style of horror films."

"Brother Long, let us follow you."

Wu Long shook his head.

"No, follow me, you will be influenced by me."


Wen Zhiren and Werner were dumbfounded.Being able to be interviewed by Wu Long, Wu Long talked to them so much, they thought the matter was settled, and they followed Wu Long to make a living under Wu Long's subordinates.

In the end, Wu Long didn't agree?

"Brother Long, I know that we have no experience and no qualifications. Originally, we came here from Hao with a glimmer of fantasy. We even prepared for the worst and couldn't meet you. But now we meet, but we can't meet you." I can learn from you. I wonder if Brother Long can give us some pointers and let us know where we need to improve?"

Wen Zhiren and Werner looked at Wu Long eagerly, wanting to get an answer.

If you die, you have to die to understand.

"That's right, I think the two of you will set up a film company in Haolaihu." "But Brother Long, we have no money." Werner quickly explained.

"I can invest."

Invest in us?Let's start a film company?

This turning point was so magical that Wen Zhiren and Werner couldn't believe it for a while.

"It's just a small company that specializes in horror or b-movies. Horror and b-movies have a short lead time and low production costs. But as long as the movie is good, the profit is very high."

"In the early stage, I will give you the script and investment, and let you shoot it yourself. In the later stage, after you form your own style, you can write the script yourself or buy the script to shoot, I don't care. However, if I don't like the script, I will I don’t know how to invest. If you want to shoot, you need to raise investment yourself.”

After hearing Wu Long's explanation, Wen Zhiren and Werner quickly figured out why Wu Long did this.Although they said the film company was run by them, it was actually Wu Long's.

In the early stage, Wu Long used them to make money.In the later stage, after they grow up, they can make money by themselves.

They helped Wu Long make films, and they must be paid.By helping Wu Long make a film, they can exercise themselves and make themselves famous, so that people will be willing to ask him to make a film.If they develop slowly in this way, they will have savings.

The production cost of horror films is low, and they can invest in the shooting by themselves after reading and writing the script.

This is a cooperation that benefits both parties.

Wu Long didn't hire them to make films.

It seems that they are used to make films, but they are not actually used.Because they have no fame now, nothing.It can be said that Wu Long used his own scripts to train them.

Like their current situation, no one wants to ask them to make a film.Because they didn't have a successful movie.

Only when the film he shoots can be successfully screened can he be regarded as a theater film director.If a film is successfully released, no matter what the results are, at least it proves that a film can be made and the film can be released.This is extremely rich experience and wealth.

It is equivalent to having a director qualification certificate recognized by the market.

In the future director career, it will play a key role.

Let them set up a film company instead of Wu Long's own film company, this is cooperation.

Wu Long respects them and cooperates with them.

Such an opportunity, such a good thing, why not agree?

"I am willing."

"Brother Long, thank you, we are willing."

At noon, Wu Long had lunch with them.In the afternoon, the three of them continued to discuss the establishment of a film company and how to cooperate specifically.

A film company specializing in horror films and B-grade films is not Wu Long's film company. Wen Zhiren and Werner may not cooperate with Wu Long.Such a film company greatly reduces the threat to Haolaihu blockbuster film companies.

Let this film company survive in the cracks.

After several days of discussions, Wen Zhiren and Werner got the first script from Wu Long the day before they were about to leave the imperial capital and return to Haolaihu.

And, a detailed marketing plan.

"You should read this script first, and don't read the marketing plan first. If you have any questions after reading the script, or what do you think about this script, let's discuss it together."

Wen Zhiren and Werner opened the script.

The Blair Witch

Estimated production cost: US$60000

Both of them were shocked at the same time.

and many more!

How many zeros?

I counted wrong?

Or am I reading it wrong?

Or is it a typo?

[-] U.S. dollars, after deducting the salary of the actors, the two of them, the salary of the production staff and others.Datou also has studios, sets, props, etc., just renting a camera is a lot of money.

How to shoot for $[-]?

If it's really $[-], isn't that too picky?

Wu Long sat across from them, looking at their expressions, he felt secretly refreshed.

Do you think it's too picky?

Do you think it is impossible?

No, when I ask you to make another film, you will find that it is even more picky!

Werner couldn't help it.No matter how simple the script is, $[-] won't be able to shoot it.Even if it could be made, it would be a movie that is too bad to watch.

"Brother Long, this cost $[-] to make, is it a typo?"

Wen Zhiren heard this question from his friend, so he quickly supported him.

"That's right, Brother Long. The amount of the production cost, one zero or two less zeros, right?"

The production cost of 60 US dollars is barely enough to make a movie.

Under normal circumstances, $[-] can make a movie that can be officially released.

Many low-cost movies with millions of dollars have box office revenue of 3000 to 3 million dollars, and the return on investment is also more than 4 or more than [-].

Such a movie is a success.

But now it's only $[-].This is really too little.

The two looked at Wu Long, waiting for Wu Long's surprised reaction.As a result, what they saw was Wu Long's smiling face.

"There is no typo, the production cost is US$[-]. You can read the script and calculate whether US$[-] can be filmed."

"A truly successful director must learn to use the least amount of money to make the highest-grossing movie. The higher the return on investment, the more valuable the director."

"The more you can use the least amount of money to make a movie with a higher return on investment, the director will maximize your imagination."

Wen Zhiren and Werner looked at each other silently, and got the same answer from each other's eyes.

Wu Long, are you fooling them?

However, with Wu Long's status, there is no need to do this to them.

So, the two read the script honestly.

The film tells the story of three film students who go missing in the jungle near a small town.At the time, they were filming a documentary.This documentary is related to an ancient local legend, the ancient legend is the "Blair Witch".

Years later, their backpacks were found.The tapes and cameras inside recorded the last lives of the three.

The script is simple, really simple.

With such a small production cost, it is strange that it can be complicated.

Wen Zhiren was really puzzled after reading the script.This script is worse than the script they wrote themselves, right?

It sucks.

This kind of script is given to the film company for free, and the film company will not take it.

Is there something wrong with my cognition?Or, this script is Wu Long's test for me?

Werner is also full of doubts.This is a movie story?This is a feature film to scare children, right?

Instead of shooting such a script, it is better to shoot a script written by myself.

Could it be that this script is a test?

To test our eyesight and judge the level of the script?

At this moment, the two of them recalled Wu Long's words at the same time in their minds.

"If you have any questions after reading the script, or if you have any opinions on this script, let's discuss it together."

Yes, discussing together, isn't it a test of their ability to distinguish good scripts from bad scripts?

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