I'm not just an action star

Chapter 467 2 Young People

At the end of the awards ceremony, Wu Long did not receive the Best Actor Award.The rest of the awards, Best Foreign Language Film, Best Director, Best Sound, Best Film Editing, Best Sound Editing, Best Visual Effects, Wu Long and "The Matrix" are all in the bag.

The second and third parts of "Pirates of the Caribbean" have been filmed, and the second part has been produced. Lion Pictures, Weiner Pictures and Caribbean Alliance are watching the sample together.

As for the third part, the post-production special effects and editing are still being worked out slowly, and it is impossible for the two parts to be screened in the same year.

"Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest", because of Wu Long's starring role, will no longer focus on special effects, not performances like the previous version.

After watching the demo, everyone applauded.

"very good!"

"It's great! There are more special effects than in the first film, but the acting doesn't lag behind."

"Fantastic idea and design. Big octopus sea monster, heart, ugly pirate, and that pirate ship that can dive."

"There is also an explanation for Captain Jack's weird compass."

"The box office of this film will definitely not be lower than that of the first one."

At the viewing meeting, all three parties were very satisfied.The next step is to publicize and arrange schedules.Lion Films and Weiner Films will be responsible for these tasks, while Wu Long will return to China to start filming the last two parts of "The Matrix".

In Wu Long's studio in Imperial Capital, since Keira Nelly and Scarlett successfully recommended themselves, many actresses began to follow.

Not only foreign actresses, but even domestic actresses want to go this way.

Yes, Wu Long had already ordered not to entertain them, and those actresses could only return without success.

When Wu Long came back, he first stayed at home for a few days.Go back to the imperial capital to meet the people of Wu Xing, and meet Xing Zhongfei and others.Then look at the preparations for the second and third filming of "The Matrix" and the situation of the actors.

At the Imperial Capital International Airport, two young men walked out of the airport dragging their luggage.They have an Asian face named Wen Zhiren.Another foreigner, a little handsome, is called Ray Werner.

The two studied film together in Melbourne, were born in the same year, and both like brutal and horror films, so they became good friends.

After the two graduated, they couldn't find a suitable job in the local area, so they went to Los Angeles of Merican Country together, hoping to get ahead in Haolaihu.

As a result, they were not well-known and well-connected, and no one asked them to act or direct films.

They think they are good at horror movies, knowing that the production cost of such movies is low, and they think it is easy to direct horror movies.

Unexpectedly, there are many more directors who are good at making horror films than they imagined.

Even if they wanted to sell their own horror movie scripts, the price was too low to maintain the necessary life.

One day, the two came back from business separately, ate simple food, and began to communicate with each other about their respective situations.

"Have you heard? There is a guy named Huang Yiyu, who is not much older than us. Because of the remake of "Midnight Ring", I got a new script from Brother Long and independently directed the horror film "Death Comes". "

This is the news Werner inquired about today. When he told Wen Zhiren, he was full of sourness and envy.

"I'm lucky, what can I do? He was favored by Lion Films, so he had a chance to turn around. I heard that he is the same as us now, living in a basement where the sun cannot be seen, and eating cheap food. Tomorrow's life, Nothing happened." Wen Zhiren sighed.

"I heard from gossip that the reason why Lion Films took a fancy to him was because he was born on Hong Kong Island, so he is of Chinese descent. Otherwise, such an opportunity would not come to him."

Werner once again revealed his gossip.

"Unfortunately, neither you nor I were born on Hong Kong Island." Wen Zhiren made a small joke.

Unexpectedly, this joke triggered Werner's inspiration.

"But, you are Asian, aren't you? Although Huang Yiyu was born on Hong Kong Island, he can neither speak Hong Kong Island nor Chinese. He is only Chinese. In this way, you can do it too!"

"Me?" Wen Zhiren froze for a moment, then shook his head: "Stop joking."

"No, no, no." The more Werner thought about it, the more feasible it became. "I'm not kidding. We're wasting time here, why don't we just go to Brother Long and ask him to give us a chance?"

"We are his fans. I heard that Brother Long treats his fans very well. We don't need to hang out with Haolai directly, we can hang out with Brother Long!"

"Look, over there in Benzi Country. The Nakata who filmed "Ghost Incoming Call" became the assistant director of "Midnight Ring" through Chiba Xiangsui, and then he had the opportunity to get the script of "Ghost Incoming Call". Brother must share the money, so he will give them the script. If we hang out with Brother Long, Brother Long does not need to share money, and all the money he earns belongs to Brother Long. Brother Long is definitely willing!"

Wen Zhiren looked at Werner in shock, never expecting such an idea to appear in Werner's mind.And, it seems possible.

Looking at the stunned Wen Zhiren, Werner thought that Wen Zhiren didn't believe it, so he continued to persuade:

"You see, Chiba Huasui also offended Brother Long. He brought his disciples to kneel down to Brother Long in public, begging Brother Long for forgiveness. Now, whether he is in the global martial arts, action circles, or in the film and television industry, As an actor, or in their home country, his status is very high."

"People like him are willing to kneel down to Brother Long in public in order to follow Brother Long. Let's go hang out with Brother Long and be Brother Long's subordinates, what's wrong?"

Wen Zhiren smiled wryly.

"But, we can't see Brother Long."

Werner's vision became brighter, and his thoughts became more determined.

"No, we may not be able to find him here. But Brother Long has returned to China now. Have you forgotten? How did the two women, Keira Nellie and Scarlett, find Brother Long?"

Wen Zhiren nodded.It's not that he doesn't want to try his luck, but that he can't meet Wu Long.Now that Werner said so, at least it is a way.

Go try it out, even if you don't succeed, it's one more chance than not getting ahead here.

For Wu Long, they were only surprised at Wu Long's martial arts, acting skills and directing ability at first.They both like horror movies, so although they admire Wu Long, they haven't become Wu Long's fans yet.

They didn't really become Wu Long's fans until "Midnight Ring" came out and staged a wave of horror around the world.

When "Ghost Call" was released, the two immediately became diehard fans of Wu Long.

Wu Long's horror films have an extreme grasp of people's fear psychology.Whether it is "Midnight Ring" or "Ghost Call", they are both classic horror films, and both are textbook-level horror films.

After the two made up their minds, they immediately packed their luggage and flew to the imperial capital by plane the next day.

Neither of them could speak Chinese, so they just copied the address of Wulong's studio on a piece of paper and took a taxi there.

"Are you here to find Brother Long?" the taxi driver asked Wen Zhiren and Werner, and seeing that Wen Zhiren and Werner didn't understand, he asked them in English again.


"You speak English very well."

Finding that the taxi driver could speak English, the two immediately chatted with each other and asked about Wu Long's stay in the imperial capital.

Taxi drivers can also talk and gossip about anything.Speaking of Wu Long's studio, the actress went to the door early in the morning to wait in line for an interview.That team can travel 100 meters away.

He also said that "Taxi Express" was originally written for their taxi drivers in the imperial capital.It's just that those Lanxi people sent two beautiful actresses from Lanxi to trick the script back to Lanxi.

The most talked about is still Wu Long's romantic gossip.

Men, who like to gossip the most, are these.

When I came to Wu Long's studio, I didn't see the long line of actresses waiting to be interviewed by the taxi driver, and the line was lined up 100 meters away.

The taxi driver was not embarrassed and said that it was in the past.Now Wu Long has said that he will no longer accept actresses, otherwise you will be able to see the grand occasion.

The two dragged their luggage and walked into Wu Long's studio like this.The two of them were also reckless, they even forgot to find the hotel to put their luggage first, and then come to Wu Long after they settle themselves down.

When they got off the plane, they were so excited that they forgot to operate normally when they thought of the possibility of meeting Wu Long, the great god.

The receptionist was surprised when he saw the two people dragging their luggage in.I looked at the schedule specifically, and there were no visitors who wanted to drag their luggage.

Strange visitors.It's just that these two strangers came with suitcases, which is also curious.The receptionist at the front desk smiled and asked about their intentions.

"Hello, my name is Wen Zhiren, and his name is Ray Werner. Both of us are film majors in Melbourne and we like horror themes. We are both directors and screenwriters, and we are also fans of Long Ge. We especially like Long Ge's horror films "Midnight Ring" and "Ghost Call", I want to see if Brother Long needs someone to make a horror movie, if possible, we would like to apply."

The two discussed it before, because Wen Zhiren is an oriental face, so Wen Zhiren is in charge of the discussion.

"Application?" The receptionist shook his head. "We didn't announce recruitment, and Brother Long didn't plan to recruit people. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

The receptionist thought to himself, Brother Long wants to develop our country's film and television industry, develop and expand the domestic film and television industry, and enter foreign countries.With such a goal, how is it possible to recruit foreign personnel?No matter what, it is also necessary to train domestic people.

Thinking about it this way, I looked at Wen Zhiren and Werner with the look of asking you to be more sensible and leave.

Werner and Wen Zhiren cannot easily give up.He came all the way from Haolai, and was just dismissed with one sentence?

Absolutely not.

"It's like this. We are calling from Haolai, and we know that Brother Long is very busy. Can you do this? If you see Brother Long, please mention it for us. If Brother Long is willing to see us, you can let us know. If Long If I don't want to see you, we won't force you again. Do you think it's okay?"

Facing Wen Zhiren's request, the receptionist shook his head with a smile.

"I'm sorry, the company has regulations that do not accept strangers' visits."

Werner frowned, as expected it was difficult to see Wu Long.With Wu Long's current status, if everyone can see Wu Long if they ask for a meeting, then Wu Long can only spend 24 hours a day meeting with others, and has no time to do his own things at all.

Of course Wen Zhiren will not give up easily.

"I know this rule. But isn't this rule to prevent actresses who want to act in Brother Long's movies? We are not women, and we don't want to come to act. We just want to learn from Brother Long, even if we do chores. .”

"We also wrote some horror movie scripts. Maybe Brother Long is interested in reading it? When Brother Long passed by, you mentioned us in passing. You don't need to call Brother Long to ask for instructions. It shouldn't be a big problem. Brother Long probably won't Blame you."

"I heard that Brother Long cherishes talents. The two of us dare not claim to be talents. We just want to get a small opportunity. Now, this small opportunity is in your hands. Please, help us. This pair For you, it’s just a small matter, neither a violation nor a serious one.”

The receptionist thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I can try it for you. However, you can't wait here, or I will be punished. Leave your phone numbers and I will notify you when I have news."

Werner and Wen Zhiren just came. Although they can roam internationally, the phone bill is not something they can afford now.

"We just came here and haven't bought a mobile phone card here. Can you give me the phone number here? After we find a hotel to live in, we will call and tell you the hotel number. Or we will tell you after buying a mobile phone card here. .”


The receptionist gave Werner and Wen Zhiren the business cards of their studios.

Wen Zhiren asked about the nearby hotels, and then went to the hotel to stay first.As for the mobile phone card, it is impossible.I'm not sure I can stay, there's no need to spend the money.If Wu Long didn't want to see them, they had no choice but to go back and buy a mobile phone card in a hurry, which would be a waste.

After Werner and Wen Zhiren left, the two receptionists started whispering.

"That foreigner is really handsome."

"He's not as handsome as Brother Long."

"Are you really going to tell Brother Long?"

"Yeah. When Brother Long comes out, I want to mention it to Brother Long."

"Isn't the rule a direct rejection? There's no need for that. Maybe you will be punished. If every stranger wants to see Brother Long, we all mention it to Brother Long. I'm afraid we can't finish talking about it in a day. Think about the rules. Before I came out, the phone kept ringing, and the people in line didn't know how far outside. Anyway, you recorded it, and you can report it. The higher-ups decide whether to mention it to Brother Long."

In fact, there are quite a few people with the same purpose as Werner and Wen Zhiren.There are both domestically and abroad.According to the company's procedures, it is to report to Wu Long after registration, and the upper management decides whether to tell Wu Long.

Wu Long was very busy and was about to make a movie, so it was impossible to tell him everything, it must have been picked and picked out some valuable things to tell Wu Long.

Or if there were few such records that day, they would all be handed over to Wu Long.Or maybe Wu Long has a whim one day, and it is possible to see everything.

After Werner and Wen Zhiren's visit was reported, because the horror movie was specifically mentioned, it was fortunate to hand it to Wu Long's desk the next day.

When Wu Long saw these two people coming to join him, especially because the other party liked horror movies very much, he immediately aroused his interest.

He leaned his head back, closed his eyes and thought.

Horror films, with small investment and high returns, and a fast shooting cycle, are a good investment.However, the shooting of horror films has not been released in China.

Like "Midnight Ring" and "Ghost Call", there are no obvious releases in movie theaters in China.If you want to watch it, you can only find the source of the movie online.

Filming on Hong Kong Island makes it inconvenient to break into the global film market.

These two people came to join him, if they were allowed to set up a small film company in Merrican Country, specializing in horror films and B-grade films.Although I can't distribute it myself, I definitely make more money than sharing it with other film companies.

Moreover, even if the film company formed by these two people has something to do with him, the film company that comes to call can't say anything.Anyway, the distribution in North America is for good film companies, and there will always be film companies that will agree.

With Wu Long's current identity and status, he has the ability to make Hao Laihu's movies not easy to handle.After all, making money is the most important thing, and you can't go wrong where you put it or in which industry.

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