I'm not just an action star

Chapter 466 Give You the Script

This time, we were too late!

Pity for the folks at Lion Films.

Huang Yiyu also felt sorry.His first movie was a remake of Wu Long's movie, and it was very successful. It can be said that he became famous because of Wu Long.

Don't think that remakes will definitely be successful. It is not uncommon for many remakes to hit the box office.

Whether remakes can make money, the director is also a factor.

Being able to remake Wu Long's film shows that Lion Pictures has a good eye for people.

Lion Pictures does have a good eye for people, but they mainly consider the fact that Huang Yiyu was born on Hong Kong Island.It is not the goal to remake only one Wu Long film, but a good relationship with Wu Long is the primary goal of Lion Pictures.

The competitor of Lion Films, Weiner Films, has a guy named Tom who has a very good relationship with Wu Long.

Now they speculate that it might be because of Tom that Weiner Pictures won the remake of "Ghost Call" in advance.

And Tom didn't know how to make movies.

If Huang Yiyu can have a good relationship with Wu Long, because Huang Yiyu is the director, he can get Wu Long's approval more than Tom.

That's what Lion Pictures intends to do.I wanted to leave and stop disturbing Wu Long's Lion Films, but I heard that Huang Yiyu did not give up.

"Brother Long, I studied "The Ring" and "The Ghost Call", and found that these two horror films have one thing in common."

The people in Lion Films applauded Huang Yiyu secretly in their hearts. This Huang Yiyu is not bad, and he knew that he would get closer to Wu Long by talking about it.

Wu Long gave a curious "Oh".

"What do you have in common?"

In fact, he didn't think about what they had in common. He searched the system and obtained the results through experiments.

"Whether it's "The Ring" or "The Call", the doom can't be escaped, and it can't end. That is to say, two horror movies, unlike ordinary horror movies, can be solved in some way. You think it's solved , In fact, there is no, the horror will continue forever and infinitely."

Huang Yiyu expressed his understanding seriously.These are not thought out on the spur of the moment, they are really analyzed and understood.

As a new filmmaker and a new director who has just entered the industry, he was able to remake Wu Long's film for the first time, not only because of luck, but also because of his hard work.

He is diligent, so he is naturally seen by caring people.

After shooting the American version of "Midnight Ring" and achieved good results, Huang Yiyu immediately realized his way out.This qualification alone is not enough to compete with many directors in Haolaihu.But if you specialize in horror films, and because of the short shooting cycle and low production cost of horror films, there must be many companies casting.

And those famous and relatively unknown directors rarely make horror films.Even if they want to shoot, they will shoot big productions.

This kind of differentiated competition, he has remade "Midnight Ring" and achieved good results, will become a very good qualification.

Therefore, after seeing the release of "Midnight Ring" and its box office success, Huang Yiyu immediately began to study global horror films.

For horror films, plus the case of "Midnight Ring", he can be said to have a wealth of theory and experience.

The remake of "Midnight Ring" can be said to stand on the shoulders of Wu Long, a giant, and learn from Wu Long.

After listening to Huang Yiyu's summary, Wu Long nodded slightly.

"Well, your understanding is good."

Huang Yiyu got Wu Long's approval, which was equivalent to getting Wu Long's encouragement, and he continued to speak boldly.

"I think that these two horror films were written based on the culture and customs of the East and their own countries, and then they were converted into Western culture and customs. As far as this conversion is concerned, there is a layer of separation. If you directly use what I just said With this kind of essence, applying Western cultural customs and making a horror film, in the Western film market, will it be better than the original and remake versions of "Midnight Ring" and "Ghost Call"?"

"For example, in Western cultural customs, people who are targeted by the god of death should also have no solution."

People from Lion Films couldn't help frowning when they heard what Huang Yiyu said.You say that, is this going to slap Wu Long in the face?Are you stronger than Wu Long?

Think you can disrespect Wu Long because you have remade a Wu Long movie?

People from Lion Films felt that they had misjudged Huang Yiyu.In Chinese terms, this Huang Yiyu is a white-eyed wolf and ungrateful.A proud and complacent fellow.

Hearing what Huang Yiyu said, Wu Long thought of a classic horror movie series.

"Death is Coming"!

Isn't "Death Comes" the same as what Huang Yiyu said?

Wu Long has never seen the photo of the director of the original version of "Death is Coming" in his previous life, otherwise he would be surprised to find out.The Huang Yiyu in front of him looks very similar to the director of "Death is Coming" in his previous life.

"Interesting idea. Have you written it down, written a screenplay?"

Huang Yiyu shook his head, a little ashamed.

"I had such an idea, and I tried to write it. But I found that no matter how I write, I can't break out of the mode of "Midnight Ring" and "Ghost Call."

He is a director, he may have an idea or inspiration, but if he is asked to write a script, he really can't write it for a while.

"Brother Long, do you have time to help write one? The way of cooperation is up to you."

Huang Yiyu looked at Wu Long expectantly.

I write it?

"Didn't you find the relevant script? Or find a screenwriter to write the script."

"After "Midnight Ring" was released, I started to choose scripts for horror movies. I searched for many scripts, but none of them met my needs. There are not no scripts related to the god of death. There are horror movies related to the god of death. Not a lot. But in my opinion, none of them can compare with the horror movies you write."

"Of course, how can those scripts compare with Brother Long's scripts?" People from Lion Films quickly seized the opportunity to flatter Wu Long.

They thought Huang Yiyu's idea was very good.Instead of being passive, go out and attack.The film companies in this country can cooperate with Wu Long to make horror films, why can't the company they are so good at?

Wu Long thought it would be good to write "The God of Death is Coming".

"Midnight Ring" Lion Pictures took the remake rights.

"Ghost Call" Weiner Pictures took the right to remake.

Now give "Death is Coming" to Lion Pictures, and when the film company in his country asks for a horror film script, he will write "The Grudge" and give the remake rights to Weiner Pictures.

Well, yes.

"The god of death you mentioned, I also have some inspiration. If I write the script, I will take the script and take 50.00% of the shares. Are you willing?"

Huang Yiyu looked at Lion Films.He is now regarded as a director promoted by Lion Films, and besides, he is only a director, so of course it is not his turn to decide.

"Yes." The people from Lion Films immediately agreed without any hesitation.In this regard, they are better than Weiner Films.Willing to invest, dare to invest, dare to make a decision.

Of course, the low production cost of horror films is also an important factor.

In exchange for a production cost of hundreds of millions, they dare not make a decision on the spot.

"Now I'm still busy with the filming of "Pirates of the Caribbean". I will write the script when I have time, and I will give it to you when I finish it."

"Thank you Brother Long!"

"Brother Long, thank you so much!"

The production cost of "Reaper" is only 300 million US dollars, and the global box office reached 1000 million 4 million US dollars.The return on investment was over [-], which can be described as very rewarding, and continued to make sequels.

A few days later, Wu Long gave Huang Yiyu the script of "Death is Coming" and signed a contract with Lion Pictures by the way.

As expected, it was as expected by Wu Long. Not long after "Ghost Call" was released, Nakata came to Wu Long again with a gift.

Similarly, Chiba Kazuo also came to visit together.Nakata knew that he couldn't do without Chiba Huasui. He didn't know if Wu Long would write the script for him without Chiba Huasui.

Moreover, if he abandons Chiba frame sui, he will be considered ungrateful.

Ben Ziguo attaches great importance to these traditions. If he violates them, he will definitely be cast aside.

After chatting about the box office of "Ghost Call" and some filming experience, Nakata knelt down in front of Wu Long and asked Wu Long to write another horror film script.

If there is money to be made, Wu Long has no reason not to make it.You can get half of the profit just by doing it, what better thing than this?

A few days later, Wu Long gave Zhongtian the script of "The Grudge".

Nakata is timid, he dare not read the script alone.Call a few friends and watch the script together.Because I know that in the horror movies in this country, the scary ones are always women.This is the case in "Midnight Ring" and "Ghost Call".

Therefore, there are no women among his friends who read the script with him.

In broad daylight, under the sun, Nakata was flipping through the script with one hand, and tightly grasped the clothes of his friend next to him with the other.

"Ah, it's terrible!"

"The horror movie written by Brother Long makes people sweat from fear just by reading the script."

"I'm afraid too!"

"Or we won't watch it."

"But I want to make this movie!"

"Since you are so timid, why do you still make horror movies?"

"I don't want to either. But I don't make horror movies, what kind of movies should I make?"

After finally reading the script, several people were all relieved.

"This movie must be scary when it's made!"

"Just reading the script is so scary, making a movie, I'm afraid it will scare people to death!"

"Absolutely not inferior to "Midnight Ring" and "Ghost Call"!"

"Zhong Tian, ​​you are already famous now. If you make this "The Grudge" again, your status will definitely be stable!"

"No. "Ghost Incoming Call" was not filmed by me alone, it was directed by Brother Long. My status was given by Brother Long."

"That's not right, Brother Long has never been on the set. Everyone knows that you are the director of "Ghost Call" and you filmed "Ghost Call" independently."

"You don't know, during the filming, I felt that Brother Long could manipulate me to shoot "Ghost Call" through an invisible thread. Do you know? I am honored to be Brother Long's puppet in shooting horror movies. This is the glory of my life .”

Nakata grasped the script tightly with both hands, feeling both scared and excited.His eyes lit up, knowing that another classic horror movie was about to be born.

Brother Long, there are already three classic horror films.It is still a global hit and the most popular horror movie in the world.Brother Long, you really are not an ordinary person!

Nakata doesn't think "Ghost Call" is his own, he thinks "Ghost Call" is Wu Long's movie.Even if Wu Long did not participate in the filming, he was just a tool of Wu Long.In the dark, he is like Wu Long's marionette, shooting horror movies for Wu Long.

And Nakata himself didn't think it was a bad thing, but being able to become Brother Long's marionette was a great thing!

Time flies, as if last year's Golden Hill Awards were still held yesterday, and this year's Golden Hill Awards have started again.

Like "Pirates of the Caribbean", Wu Long was nominated for the Golden Hill Award for Best Actor in a Drama Series.

On the red carpet, Wu Long was interviewed by the host.Last time, he was also interviewed by the host, but unfortunately, he didn't win the award.

This time, he thought he would not win the prize either.

In terms of performance difficulty, Captain Jack is more difficult than the savior Wu Long.

"Hi, Brother Long, hello, welcome to the Golden Hill Awards Ceremony."

"It's a great pleasure to be here at the Golden Hill Awards ceremony."

"Actually, the first time I saw you, I suddenly didn't know whether I should call you Captain Jack or the Savior."

"Last year, you could call me Captain Jack, this year, you should call me Savior--"

Wu Long made a long ending sound.

"Haha, you're right. However, compared to the savior, I still like the charming and colorful Captain Jack." The host did a few classic actions of Captain Jack.

The audience watching the live broadcast immediately became happy.Who said no?But even so, you didn't award the best actor to Wu Long.

"Brother Long, after watching "The Matrix", many people want me to ask you, how did you come up with such a setting? AI rebelled and almost wiped out human beings. Then they planted and harvested human beings like wheat, and then As a battery to charge the AI."

"If you say, I can see the future, you will not believe it."

The host shook his head.

"No, I will believe it."

The audience also enjoyed seeing the host playing tricks.

"So, this is the truth. The truth is often difficult to accept."

"Well, what you said is really scary. It makes people feel like after watching "Midnight Ring" and then receiving a call, the ringtone is "Ghost Call"."

A small chat will increase the interest of the program.Then, the host interviews the next star.

Not intending to compete for the award, Wu Long seemed very relaxed after the awards ceremony started.

Until the award came to the best actor, I heard the award presenter say:

"The winner of this year's Golden Hill Awards for Best Actor in Drama is Wu Long from The Matrix!"


Wu Long looked around in surprise, and the people around him applauded and asked him to go up to receive the award.

Perhaps, the actors shortlisted this year are not very strong.Choose the taller among the dwarfs, he is the tallest.

Strong actors have nominations, but it doesn't mean that if they are strong, they can perform in every movie with the acting skills of the actor.

Time soon came to March, and the Hauska Awards Ceremony followed.

"The Matrix" has multiple nominations.Best Foreign Language Film, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Sound, Best Film Editing, Best Sound Editing, Best Visual Effects.

Could it be that this year's movie really has no one who can fight?

On the red carpet, Wu Long was interviewed again.Reminiscent of winning the Best Actor in the Golden Hill Awards, Wu Long felt that since there is no one who can fight, is it possible that a good Ska can also win the Best Actor?

"Hi, Brother Long. Welcome to the Hauska Awards Ceremony."

"It's a pleasure to be here at the Hauska Awards."

The host pretended to look around, then pretended to lower his voice and asked:

"Did you bring those two pills for me to choose?"

Before Wu Long could answer, the host spoke first again.

"You don't have to take them all out, I'll take the blue pill. Take me to Zion, I'm leaving this damn virtual world."

The audience who watched the live broadcast were all happy.

"I'm sorry, you've been arrested. I'm Agent Shi Yanluo." Wu Long's expression changed, it was really the look and temperament of Shi Yanluo played by Wu Jing.

The host obviously didn't expect Wu Long to answer like this, with a surprised expression on his face.This expression is definitely not fake.

The audience in front of the screen laughed again.

"Brother Long's acting skills are amazing."

"On the red carpet at Hoska, the host was shocked when Brother Long changed his face."

"The host's expression is definitely not fake. He must have never expected that Brother Long's response is so witty."

"Actor, it's not fake."

"Is it possible that Wu Long can win the prize!"

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