I'm not just an action star

Chapter 465 "White Lion Romance"

Because of Wu Long, this different legend, "The Matrix" had a great influence on the Internet.This influence has spread from the Internet to reality.

This didn't start with "The Matrix", it started as early as Wu Long's fame gradually increased.

For example, the car skill in "League of Assassins", the spinning and drifting into a car, was done by another car stuntman besides Wu Long and the well-known car stuntman Biza Ross.

This made those fans of Wu Long spread the word that Wu Long is not only good at kung fu, but his movies are also made based on a certain reality.

In other words, there are many action scenes in Wu Long movies, which can be done in reality.

For example, the gun fighting technique is the same.

For example, a native of Merikan who is of Asian descent, a technician in an ordinary company in Guigu, claimed to have written an AI intelligence that can evolve by itself.And this person said that he got the inspiration after watching "Terminator" many times.

Since the car stunts in Wu Long's movies can exist in reality, and the gun fighting skills in Wu Long's movies can exist in reality, why can't the AI ​​and robots in Wu Long's movies exist in reality?

After he successfully wrote such a program, he firmly believed that it was an inspiration from Wu Long, and declared himself a believer of Wu Long.

After watching "The Matrix", he thought Wu Long was the real savior.However, he doesn't think the real world is a virtual world like the Matrix.He believes that the virtual world is just a hint of Wu Long, but it does not imply that we live in a virtual world.

In short, this man talked about a lot of things that were somewhat confusing in logic, or things that people didn't understand.

However, one thing is certain, he really believed in Wu Long.And his AI intelligence has been verified, and it does have a little bit of self-evolution ability.But there is no need to worry about such an evolutionary ability. According to its evolutionary ability, even after 1000 years, it may not be possible to evolve baby intelligence.

Because, if you use evolutionary history as a metaphor.This AI intelligence is too simple, as simple as a paramecium.Moreover, this AI intelligence has many limitations because it is too simple.In theory, evolution has limits.True intelligence can never evolve.

Now that "The Matrix" is in theaters, there is a wave of heated discussions, which drives the box office of "The Matrix" to rise steadily.

The production cost of the original version of "The Matrix" was about 300 million, and the global box office was more than 6000 million.

Now Wu Long's version of "The Matrix" has a global box office of one billion!

Even Wu Long was surprised by such a high box office.If you think about it carefully, there is also some truth and luck.

His fame is greater than the original starring.

His kung fu is incomparable to the original starring.

The resulting effect naturally improves the quality of the entire film.In addition, Wu Long's fans and Wu Long boasted that "The Matrix" was like an apocalypse. What philosophy and prophecy, it made many people go to the cinema to watch it several times.

Wu Long's powerful ability to attract money has made many people jealous.

Jealousy is jealousy, but there are no people who really dare to provoke Wu Long.

Nor is it necessary.

The death of Frank Luce, an underground gangster in New York City, after such a long time, more or less people have guessed that it might have something to do with Wu Long.

Of course, it is also possible that it is only related to Wu Long's fanatics.

At least in Europe, Wu Long's fanatics dared to defend Wu Long in the aristocratic circle, and challenged duels to kill those who did not like Wu Long, which made many people jealous.

However, these fanatics are their own personal actions, who can blame Wu Long?

Such fanatics were originally only in the tiny place of Hong Kong Island, but with the proliferation of gangs in their own country, they can be found all over the world.

These fanatics are themselves a kind of propaganda to Wu Long and an influence on ordinary people.In this way, it also affects the box office.

Think about it, besides Wu Long, who else in the world can influence global tourism with his own power?

With such a large influence, people's perception and understanding of him must be different.

Many people say that watching Wu Long's movies will affect more people.

With the release of "The Matrix", the US version of "Midnight Ring" was released.

Many people think that "The Ring" was released not long ago, and the American version is released again, so the box office should not be very good.Unexpectedly, the box office actually surpassed that of ordinary movies, and the return on investment exceeded 4%.

Although fewer people watch horror movies than ordinary movies, the production cost of horror movies is also very low.

The American version of "Midnight Ring" was won by Lion Pictures first. After Weiner Pictures regretted it, they sent Tom to follow Wu Long.After finding out that Wu Long had written "Ghost Incoming Call" for Ben Ziguo, Tom immediately reported to his superiors and signed an adaptation right with Wu Long.

Of course Wu Long won't give up if he has money to make.It's just that he put forward a condition that the US version of "Ghost Call" must be released one year after "Ghost Call" in the home country.This condition is also to ensure the box office of the US version of "Ghost Call".

Who knows if the box office of the American version of "Midnight Ring" has a lot of luck in it?

Hearing this condition, the senior management of Weiner Pictures began to hesitate again.According to their analysis, Lion Pictures released the American version of "Midnight Ring" to take advantage of the popularity of the original Chinese version of "Midnight Ring" to achieve such a box office.

The audience's fear of being dominated by "Midnight Ring" subsided, but the memory remained.They must have wanted to see how the American version of "The Ring" was different.

This is a typical psychology. As the Chinese saying goes, the scar is healed and the pain is forgotten.

But Wu Long has to wait a year. If that is the case, the box office will be unpredictable.Weiner Pictures wanted to see if they could lower the price.

Fortunately, Tom told Weiner Films that if Lion Films got the news, it would definitely buy it.The senior management of Weina Films agreed.Otherwise, the US version of "Ghost Call" will definitely be won by Lion Films again, and the executives of Weiner Films will regret it again.

As for the TV version of "Midnight Ring", the film and television company in this country also started filming under the authorization of Wu Long.

The American version of "Midnight Bell" is coming to an end, and Feihong Films has invested in and filmed the movie "White Lion Romance" that reflects lions after several years of production.

This movie was filmed after Wu Long went to Philippines and discussed with Xing Zhongfei.Wu Long alone is not enough to bring Chinese films to the outside world.

If you want to be accepted by others, you must first adapt to the other party's rules when you don't have a strong enough ability to make people surrender.

Foreigners always talk about wildlife protection, showing how they love themselves, protect the environment, and cherish wild animals.

In fact, the source of the destruction of wild animals comes from capital.And the source of capital comes from the West.

As the saying goes, what you lack is what you are afraid of.Where it is placed and in which era, it will not change.

The first to destroy the environment, and the one that destroys the environment the most is Western capital.So they have to shout to protect the global environment.

Similarly, in order to show their fraternity, they shouted to protect wild animals.

With the theme of protecting wild animals, it is a strategy to enter the global film market and let the global audience slowly accept oriental films.

This strategy can be helped by organizations and reputations and circles that protect wildlife.

With this help, there will be less resistance.

At the beginning, Wu Long agreed with Xing Zhongfei that the director is ours, but the actors cannot be us.As long as the money and the director are ours, the movie is ours.

An actor is just a tool at this time.

After all, the background and character design, the heroine's father raises lions, not really to protect the lions, but to kill them for the rich.Letting our actors act under such a background will give people a handle and push all the negative effects on us.

Like the original version, the actors were selected in Philippines.This also makes it easy to get local help.

The original movie did not do well at the box office due to plot issues.In this version, Wu Long only gave a summary of the story, and Wu Long didn't care about the specific script.

When it was released, Wu Long's name was used in the publicity.Why Wu Long cares about wildlife protection in the Philippines. In order to support wildlife protection, he invested in the filming of "The Love of the White Lion" and the like.

In this way, the release of the film can still attract many people to watch.

And what Wu Long advocated, the real shooting with the lion, without green screen and special effects, has become the biggest selling point of this movie.

The shooting footage at the end of the movie shows that it is really a real lion interacting with people.

Wu Long went to see the movie, it was okay, the plot wasn't too bad.There is also a gimmick of shooting with real lions for three years, so it should not lose money.

"The lion in "The White Lion" is really cute!"

"The lion in the movie is so cute!"

"The fate of those lions is so miserable, why kill them so cruelly!"

"The little girl is so lucky to be able to play with the lion for three years!"

Wildlife protection associations or organizations around the world are also promoting such a film.Some famous stars and celebrities who usually promote their love and protection of animals also expressed their love for this movie.Condemn those who kill wild animals and promote the protection of wild animals.

"White Lion Romance" was released globally, and "Ghost Call" began to be released in its home country and Asia."Ghost Incoming Call" under the banner of Wu Long's screenwriter began to be screened worldwide on the second day.

After "Midnight Ring" was released, it was hailed as the world's number one horror film.

Wu Long said it was a sci-fi film, and published the sci-fi novel "The Ring".Today, "Ring World" has been sold all over the world, no matter which language version it is, it has become the top of the local novel sales list.

You say horror movies are science fiction, and many people buy the book and watch it with the idea of ​​"believe in you ghost".

In the end, it turned out to be science fiction!

This makes many people feel like they have seen a ghost.

Science fiction!

Thriller science fiction!

No problem.

Now, "Ghost Call" is released.Wu Long, you won't say that this is also a sci-fi movie, right?

Of course Wu Long would not say that "Ghost Incoming Call" is a science fiction film, which is originally a horror film.Moreover, Wu Long said that the fear of "Ghost Call" is no worse than that of "Midnight Ring".

Some people even think that "Ghost Call" is scarier than "Midnight Ring".

When Wu Long said this, he was undoubtedly promoting "Ghost Incoming Call" and helping to hype it.He gets half of the share, the higher the box office, the more he earns, so why not do it.

Soon, many people commented on the Internet, saying that "Ghost Call" is really scary.

""Ghost Call" is too scary, I dare not answer the phone now!"

"I've put my phone on silent, only vibrate."

"I even have to turn off my phone to sleep at night!"

"Shutdown doesn't work. Just like in "The Ring," the shutdown rings too."

"Someone here played a prank and used the software to change the mobile phone number to call a friend to scare the friend. As a result, the friend had a heart attack and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment."

And the film company in this country deliberately put the ringtones of "Ghost Call" on the Internet for people to download for free.

There are really many people who are not afraid of death, and they downloaded the ringtone of "Ghost Call".

Some people use this ringtone to scare people, some just think it is cool to have such a ringtone, and some people think that such a ringtone can let others know that they are not afraid of anything.

Movie reviews:

"Brother Long returned the future of sci-fi to the present and applied it to horror films, resulting in the classic horror film "Ghost Call".

In "Midnight Ring", some people complain that the stories that happen in the movie world are not modern, and the sense of substitution is not strong.

Others say that modern horror films are hard to scare.Everyone has watched too many horror movies and no longer feel so scared.

Except "Midnight Ringer".

Perhaps Long Ge wrote a horror film like "Ghost Call" after seeing these remarks.

The source of the fear in "Ghost Call" is slightly different from "The Ring". "Midnight Ring" still needs to watch the videotape, "Ghost Call" doesn't need such trouble at all.

As long as you have a mobile phone, you may receive a call from a ghost, heralding your death.

This is a bit of horror philosophy in it.

Dongfang said, Hades let you die on the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch.

There is also a similar saying in the West that when the god of death comes, no one can escape the arrangement of the god of death.

Mobile phones have become an indispensable tool in modern society.The mobile phone is carried with you, and is by your side anytime, anywhere.

In this way, it is to bring hidden dangers with you.No one knows if answering a phone call is part of "Ghost Call". "

The box office of "Ghost Incoming Call" is considered hot for horror films.

Lion Pictures also came here after hearing the news. This time they visited Wu Long, and specially brought Huang Yiyu, the director who filmed the American version of "Midnight Ring".

Huang Yiyu introduced himself as a fan of Wu Long, and also explained that he was born in Hong Kong Island, so as to get closer to Wu Long.

"You want to buy the adaptation rights of "Ghost Incoming Call"?" Wu Long didn't expect Lion Pictures to come here for this.It seems that they don't know that Weiner Pictures is already one step ahead of them.

Last time, "Midnight Ring" Lion Films was one step ahead of Weiner Films, and this time "Ghost Call" Weiner Films was one step ahead of Lion Films. The two film companies really compete fiercely.

"Yes, Brother Long. The US version of "Midnight Ring" did well last time. We also want to shoot the US version of "Ghost Call" this time." Huang Yiyu looked at Wu Long expectantly.

He is a fan of Wu Long and was born on Hong Kong Island.At the age of ten, the family immigrated to the country of Merikan.When Lion Pictures first asked him to direct the American version of "The Ring", it was because of Huang Yiyu's fancy.Of course, Huang Yiyu's cheap price is also one of the reasons why Lion Pictures let him direct.

It's a pity that Huang Yiyu can barely understand Cantonese, but he doesn't know Chinese characters at all.

Still a rookie director, the first movie he directed was the adaptation of "Midnight Ring".

"The adaptation rights of "Ghost Incoming Call" have been bought by Weiner Pictures."

Hearing that the adaptation rights of "Ghost Incoming Call" has been bought by Weiner Films, the people from Lion Films and Huang Yiyu were disappointed.

The box office of "Ghost Incoming Call" is very good. If you can buy the adaptation rights, even if you have to distribute it to Wu Long, you can still make a lot of money.

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