In today's mobile network era, what is the trend?

Watching the premiere of Wu Long's movies is a global trend.

Whenever someone shows the movie tickets for the premiere of Wu Long's movie, this is the one that gets the most likes and attention.

Anyone who can release the content of the premiere movie at the first time will also get the most likes and attention.

And whether you can buy movie tickets for the premiere is also a way to get rid of single dogs.

Even, there is such a saying on the Internet.

The day you buy tickets for the premiere of Wu Long's movie is the day you get out of the order.

Of course, someone added that you may not necessarily see it if you buy it.After watching the premiere of Wu Long's movie, it is the correct way to get out of the order that night.

According to the occupancy statistics of hotels in various places, the occupancy rate of hotels increased significantly on the premiere day of Wulong's movie.

After the premiere, all over the country and all over Asia, people who like to show themselves on the Internet will post the content or opinions of Wu Long's movies online as soon as possible.

In the past, when the premiere was over, fans of the second show would ask the audience at the premiere if they watched it well.Today, people still ask.However, most of the audience came out with their heads bowed.Busy posting comments online.

Or take a selfie at the exit of the movie theater, and the Jiugong photo is uploaded first, indicating that you are in the movie theater and have just left the premiere.

"Yingying is so beautiful, "The Matrix" surpasses "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"!"

"Yingying's strength has increased greatly, and modern martial arts crush ancient martial arts!"

"When the shadow fish leaps, it looks like a mermaid!"

"Brother Long has a big brain hole, he is even more Terminator than "Terminator"!"

"I thought "Terminator" was sci-fi enough, but after watching "The Matrix", I realized that "Terminator" is weak."

"The Matrix is ​​an unimaginable future!"

"Compared to the misery of future humans in "Terminator", future humans in "The Matrix" are living in hell."

"Brilliant fight, horrific imagination."

"Forgive me for not being educated enough, I'll just shout shit the whole time!"

In this country, many gang members went to the premiere of "The Matrix".Those who respect Wu Long as a god of war immediately said on the Internet after watching the premiere that Wu Long is the savior!

Many nerds and nerds in the country called for Wu Long to publish the "Matrix" animation.

The fans of Wu Long in this country are more loyal and fanatical than the fans of Wu Long in China.

Europe and North America also began to premiere within 24 hours.Due to time constraints, Wu Long couldn't rush to perform at the premiere.However, a promotional performance was also arranged.

First Europe, then to Merikan Country.

On the Internet, it also caused an upsurge of discussion about "The Matrix". Whether AI will become the enemy of mankind has become a hot topic of discussion again.

Film critics from all over the world also praised "The Matrix".

"After Jiang Shuang'er, Wu Long has presented another oriental female hit star, Zhao Liying. Her beauty is not inferior to Jiang Shuanger, and her kung fu is also not inferior to Jiang Shuanger. In terms of character modeling, she has broken through the restrictions of oriental culture and is in line with global standards. aesthetic point of view."

"Wu Long is not only an actor with outstanding acting skills, but also an outstanding director and a talented screenwriter.

"The Matrix" looks like a sci-fi film, but it is actually a thriller and a philosophical film.

What the traitor said at dinner with Agent Smith, since it is not in the movie world but in reality, is also rich in philosophy.

He said: 'You know what, I know this steak doesn't exist.I know when I put him in my mouth, the mother tells my brain that this thing is juicy.Today, nine years later, do you know what I have learned?Ignorance, is bliss'.

This is a person who, for the sake of desire, deceives others and himself.

In reality, some people are like that.

Knowing that it is wrong, but find reasons for yourself.Even if you know it's wrong, you still do it.

Are traitors just for food?Is it bad for food?

No, and he likes Trinny, but Trinny doesn't like him.What he can't get, he will destroy.

This not only represents utilitarians, but also money worshipers, and also represents the perverted psychology of criminals..."

"Human beings are actually the battery that AI relies on to survive? Wu Long's horrifying idea is really breaking through the sky. You said that AI will destroy human beings, I believe it can be imagined. Well, "Terminator" is set like this.

You said that AI wants to enslave human beings, I also believe that it is conceivable.Some science fiction novels and movies are also set in this way.

But it's the first time I've heard of human beings as energy sources.

I checked some information. Regarding the bioelectricity in the human body and the heat emitted by the human body, it seems that there is a possibility like the setting of "The Matrix".

If that's the case, it's really scary.

I remember that more than 2000 years ago, the Eastern philosopher Zhuangzi had a similar description. People dreamed that they were a butterfly, but after waking up, they didn’t know whether they were a human or a butterfly.Is the life of a butterfly a dream, or the life of a human being?

Perhaps "The Matrix" is an inspiration from Wu Long to us humans, we are actually living in a virtual world now.

Our current life is actually in the matrix.

That is really a scary thing. "

"There are a lot of reviews about Wu Long's new film "The Matrix". What unexpected sci-fi ideas, what horror hints and metaphors.

Today I will talk about the philosophy in "The Matrix".

The "prophet" in the movie, can she really predict the future?

This leads to a logic, can the future be predicted?

Extending development, predicting the future, will the future change?

According to the setting in the movie, the 'prophet' is able to predict the future.The reason why a prophet can become a prophet is not only to predict the future, but also to guide history to the future.In other words, the future is predicted, and the future cannot be changed by keeping it.

However, there is actually a paradox in predicting the future.

'Prophet' In order to show that she can predict the future, she has to speak out.But if she said that Wu Long would smash the vase, would Wu Long still smash the vase?

So the "prophet" said "it doesn't matter about the vase", which can not only show that he can predict the future, but also does not directly say that Wu Long will smash the vase.

But Wu Long still didn't understand why the "Prophet" said the vase, so he turned to look at the vase, but broke the vase instead.

Then, we have questions.If the 'prophet' didn't say anything, would Wu Long still smash the vase?

Could it be because of the "prophet" that Wu Long smashed the vase?

Regarding the paradox between the future and the present, it has actually appeared in Wu Long's "Terminator".

The future sends people back to modern times, can what they do affect the future?

Will the future appear because of returning to the modern age?

Because the Terminator returned to modern times from the future, left his arm to be discovered and studied, and finally created the AI ​​and Terminator that defeated humans in the future based on the knowledge left in the future. "

Fox is by the sea, looking at the vast sea.

The phone rang, disturbing his interest in watching the sea.Answer the call, and a voice that has been changed from the original voice through a voice changer comes out of the phone.

"Have you watched The Matrix?"

After changing the original voice through the voice changer, Fox knew who the other party was.He has also heard the original voice of the other party, but the other party still uses a voice changer.It's just that when talking to him, the voice changer will always be this accent.

If someone impersonates and calls him, it is rare to think that the call between the two needs a voice changer.Even if he thought about it, he thought it was a commonly used voice-changing voice, not this voice-changing voice that only belonged to him.

"I've seen it." Fox must watch the premiere of Wu Long's movie.

"Tell me, is Wu Long the savior?"

For this problem, Fox came to the beach to watch the sea after leaving the movie theater.

The sea is boundless.

Even at night, you can hear what the waves are saying.

Many people look at the sea because they are thinking.

Same goes for Fox.He was thinking about such questions.

There are gun fighting skills hidden in "The Matrix", which he has practiced, so he can see it at a glance.After watching this movie, he kept thinking about two questions.

One question is, is it possible that our current world is a virtual world simulated by the matrix, similar to the movie world in "The Matrix".

The second question is the question asked on the phone just now.Wu Long, is he the savior?

Unexpectedly, the hacker "Big Head Ant" as a partner would actually ask such a question.

This is really hard to answer.

If you haven't met Wu Long, you haven't been exposed to gun fighting.He would have answered right away that there had never been a messiah.

But now, he has no answer.

"I do not know either."

"You don't know either?"

"I don't know. I'm blowing on the beach, looking at the sea that can make huge waves during a storm, can you say that they are just a bunch of data?"

"So, do you think our current world, or society, is fake? Is it a virtual world simulated by a similar matrix?"

"I do not know either."

Fox originally wanted to say, you are a hacker, and you are familiar with this aspect.However, he was worried that the "big-headed ant" was a persistent person.What if the "big-headed ants" are obsessed with figuring out what big things they can do by using their hackers' knowledge of computers and networks?

After hanging up the phone, Fox continued to look at the sea.

"Big-headed ants" are also looking at the sea.It's just that he is a hacker and a typical otaku.He rarely goes out, except to watch Wu Long's movies.

After watching the movie, he went home immediately.

The sea is the seascape played on the big screen.

The sound of ocean waves is the sound played in surround sound.

Close your eyes and listen to the sound of the waves.

An hour later, the "big-headed ants" started to move.He started a voluntary activity on the Internet, posting what he felt was wrong in the world or things around him on the website of the activity.

This activity is named "Do you think we live in the matrix".

He wants to investigate, because after watching "The Matrix", how many people have doubts like him.

This suspicion cannot be based on intuition alone, but must also be based on facts.

In The Matrix, the Matrix modifies the simulated virtual world.The most typical thing is that the same thing happens repeatedly.

With the hacking ability of "Big-headed Ant", such an activity was quickly published by the troll program written by himself on major website forums, online social media, comment areas and other places around the world, with web links attached.

In just one hour, the webpage flooded with a large number of visitors.

There are many people who suspect that they are living in a matrix virtual world similar to "The Matrix", and one of the most common evidences is that they forget.

Forgetting at critical moments makes you miss opportunities or things.

Ranked second is commonly used things forgotten.Items such as keys and lighters are usually kept somewhere, but sometimes they can’t be found.

Ranked third is the feeling of "deja vu".

Something, I seem to have done before.

A certain place, I seem to have been there before.

Someone, I seem to have seen.

Ranked fourth, "I obviously..."

such as:

I obviously shot and hit the target.

Curcuma obviously put things here.

I clearly wrote the answer correctly.

Someone even wrote that I obviously bought the special prize number.

"Big-headed ants" looked at these so-called evidences and found that many of them were the same as what happened to them.

Inexplicably, the "big-headed ant" had an idea.His own hacking skills are so good, at the top level in the world, so similar to the situation where Wu Long first appeared in "The Matrix".

It seems to indicate that, like Wu Long in the movie, he doubts the world.

Could it be that Wu Long in reality is also doubting this world?

Or, Wu Long has already discovered something, so making such a movie is to remind people who are also doubtful?

Think about how powerful Wu Long is, the world's number one kung fu, the number one marksmanship, the world's number one gun fighting technique, the number one car driving, and the number one diving depth...

Did Wu Long find the rules of the matrix?

Are the laws of the world in oriental novels the same as the rules of the matrix?

Not to mention that "big-headed ants" have ideas, some people also have ideas after watching "The Matrix".

"Big-headed ants" took advantage of hackers to conduct online investigations.

Others established the "Matrix World" organization, or "Matrix Faction".Use organizations like this to discuss the pursuit of evidence that our world is a virtual world.

Wu Long naturally didn't know this.After promoting "The Matrix", he returned to filming the second and third parts of "Pirates of the Caribbean".

Regarding the influence of movies on people, Wu Long's movies are the most representative.It can already be seen that with the increase of Wu Long's fame, the influence of his films on people has reached the pinnacle of global film history and set a record.

First, "Shaolin Bodyguard" aroused the attention and interest of people all over the world in Chinese Kungfu.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" pushed Chinese Kung Fu to the top in the world.

"League of Assassins" made people realize turning bullets and car stunts.

"Quick Chase" let people know gun fighting skills, fully integrate Kung Fu and firearms, and create a new method of firearms fighting.

"Terminator" questioned AI and put forward the concept that AI will become the enemy of human beings in the future.

"Mystic River", "The Plague of Python" and "The Predator" have driven the tourism boom in the Amazon rainforest.

"Pirates of the Caribbean", triggering Caribbean tourism wind.

"Super Body" suggests the development and utilization of human potential.

"Midnight Ring" has become the world's hottest horror film, also known as the world's number one horror film.As a result, Wu Long said it was a science fiction film.

"The Matrix" once again questioned AI, and put forward a more terrifying truth. The world we live in is a virtual world and can be modified!

In the matrix virtual world, in addition to the phenomenon mentioned in "The Matrix", the curved bullet in "Assassin's League" was brought up again.

There are similarities between curved bullets and curved spoons.

The potential in "Super Body" is developed to the end, and it is everywhere like a god.It can also be explained according to the matrix virtual world.

Connecting Wu Long's movies together, some people think that Wu Long's movies seem to really imply something!

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