The wonderful premiere ceremony is over, and the premiere is about to open.

The audience who bought the movie tickets for the premiere were enthusiastically discussing the upcoming "The Matrix" outside the theater, guessing the content and what kind of setting.

Anyone who knows Wu Long knows that most of Wu Long's premiere performances have something to do with the movie.So, with the premiere performance, you can guess some fight scenes in the movie or something.

Europe, the Americas and other regions that haven't started the premiere, because they watched Wu Long's premiere performance, they look forward to the early screening in their own regions.

At the beginning of the movie, the heroine appeared at the beginning.The film is more than two hours long, and the beginning is not procrastinated at all.

Like Zhao Liying's dress at the premiere, the cool look is in great contrast with the characters in "Kung Fu", and in sharp contrast with the characters in "Terminator".

Then, the villain Shi Yan Luo appeared, wearing a black suit and black sunglasses.

Grim, evident from the moment he got out of the car and looked up.

A vicious and insidious villain is almost written on his forehead.

Afterwards, there was the wonderful performance of Cui Ni played by Zhao Liying and the crazy chase on the roof.The audience in the cinema, especially Zhao Liying's fans, were all shocked.

"Damn it, Zhao Liying's moves are fast, accurate and ruthless. They are more clean and neat than in "Terminator"!"

"Turning around, inserting palms, and uppercut all in one go!"

"Wow, Zhao Liying jumped up and kicked people away with this move, so handsome!"

"Fuck, Li Ying's kick is so fierce and kicks people so far away, won't she get the true biography of Brother Long?"

"Good guy, run directly on the wall, similar to Long Ge's performance."

"This was shot directly from a single shot, how did it get shot!"

"Li Ying's one-shot fight is too powerful!"

After the fight in the room, agent Shi Yanluo went upstairs, when the audience in the movie theater thought that Cui Ni would fight Shi Yanluo first, and then run away if she couldn't fight.

Unexpectedly, when Cui Ni saw Shi Yanluo appear, she didn't even hit him, but ran away.

In the chase on the roof, the special effects were well done, and the audience didn't see any flaws, so they could only exclaim in the movie theater.

"It reminds me of 'Drunken' and 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.'"

""Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is a rooftop chase at night, this one is a rooftop chase at night, which is even more exciting!"

"Chasing at the same time, the method is different. "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is light work, this one is running directly. However, Cui Ni and Shi Yanluo crossed the street and jumped between two buildings, it was really shocking."

"Inexplicably reminds me of the beginning of "League of Assassins", also jumping across the street between two buildings."

"Brother Long's films are really good-looking. Such a crazy chase on the roof can be shot in one shot."

"Chasing long shots on the roof, Brother Long played this trick again. But every time is more exciting!"

Trini fish jumped into the narrow window in front, and after breaking through the window, she immediately raised her gun to aim, ready to attack the pursuers.From Cui Ni's expression, it can be seen that Cui Ni is very afraid of Shi Yanluo.

Side reaction, Shi Yanluo is amazing.

Then, Cui Ni came to the predetermined place, took out her mobile phone and made a call.

A heavy truck appeared, its engine roared, and it hit Trini.


Even the walls were knocked down, but there was no body of Trini in the ruins.

"Heavy truck, see also heavy truck!"

"Why is Li Ying missing?"

"I'm glad Li Ying didn't die, but why can't I understand? How did Li Ying escape?"

Then, Wu Long appeared as an otaku, and his computer was hacked.

At this time, the audience in the cinema thought that this was what the Matrix meant.He thinks that Wu Long is a computer expert who is favored by hackers and wants to build the Matrix or is chased and killed by the Matrix after he refuses to agree.

The next day when the company went to work, a classic plot appeared. Wu Long obeyed the instructions of the mobile phone, evaded the arrest of the agents, and climbed out of the window.

Unfortunately, Wu Long was unable to escape because of fear.

After being arrested, Wu Long finally saw a terrible scene.His mouth was sealed, unable to speak or cry out.

The audience discussed in their hearts that this is a superpower.Superpowers in the future world, this kind of setting is already there.

Then the belly was put into a mechanical bug.

As soon as the picture changed, Wu Long woke up from the bed.He thought that what happened before was a dream.

In the movie theater, someone made a sudden realization of "Oh".

The audience also thought that this was a dream of Wu Long.

As a result, when Wu Long was actually sucked out of a mechanical bug from his stomach in the car, the audience, like Wu Long, realized that this was not a dream.

When Wu Long took the pill, woke up from the nutrition tank, and saw countless nutrition tanks, there were countless "fucking tanks" in the movie theater.

Wu Long's shock was the audience's shock.Combining what Murphy said about reality and dreams, reality and virtuality, some smart viewers have already guessed that all human beings are actually kept in a nutrient tank and live in a virtual world.

Such a worldview setting once again shocked those who guessed the truth.

With the development of the plot, Mo Fei explained to Wu Long, and gradually unfolded the world to let the audience understand.

At this time, the audience in the movie theater only had countless "fuck" to express their sighs.

Sure enough, this is a different future world.There is also a brain-computer interface in the back of the human brain.

As for the time in the real world, Murphy said he didn't know it himself.I only know the legend that AI ruled the world and defeated human beings.

Robots rely on solar energy, and human beings blacken the sky to block the sun in order to prevent robots from living.Without a sustainable source of energy like solar energy, the robot thought of the human body being able to generate bioelectricity.So we began to plant people as plants, and people as batteries.

After listening to Mo Fei's commentary, the audience in the cinema felt that their world view was ruined.Are humans being used as batteries?This is even more powerful than the setting in "Terminator".

How did Wu Long come up with such a setting in his mind?

The matrix is ​​a computer-generated virtual world used to control humans.

Next, Wu Long began to practice martial arts in the simulated world.The memory is input by the computer from the brain-computer interface, and Wu Long has a lot of martial arts memories in an instant.

In the training hall, Mo Fei asked Wu Long how he was and how many martial arts he had mastered.

At this time, a bridge section that is different from the original version appeared.

"I know a lot of boxing techniques. Wing Chun, Bajiquan, Xingyiquan, Baguazhang, Taijiquan, Hongquan, Cai Lifo..."

Afterwards, Wu Long began to stand straight at attention, like a javelin, which immediately made people feel extraordinary.

He moved his feet left and right, and squatted out like a sheep and horse with two-word clamps.

He said, "Wing Chun."

Put your palms down, put your palms up, and clasp your fists.

"Small thoughts!"

Straight fist, circle wrist...

There was a burst of "good guy" in the cinema!

This scene was performed by Wu Long at the premiere performance just now, and it was also the first video reappearance of Wu Long being filmed and released.

In order to obtain temporary martial arts in front of the film and television city, the process of performing boxing was reproduced in the movie "The Matrix" in another form.

This is a stalk, but also a mockery of himself.

Then, it was Mo Fei's training of Wu Long.First sparring training, then jumping off the roof of the building, and then training to identify agents.

Agents, while bound by Matrix rules, are still faster and stronger than them.Agents guard the gates into the Matrix, hunting down Matrix rebels like themselves.

In reality, there are octopus-shaped mechanical sentries hunting down their hovercraft.

Mo Fei wanted to take Wu Long into the Matrix to meet the "Prophet", but unfortunately, some traitors among them wanted to betray them.

Returning to Wu Long in the matrix virtual world, looking up at the sun, the crowds and the scenery on the street always feels unreal.

In the Prophet, educated by a child.Speaking of being realistic, there is no such thing as a spoon.So don't try to bend the spoon, that's impossible.It is not the spoon that bends, but itself.

This passage made many viewers feel that it made sense, but after thinking about it carefully, they felt that they did not understand it.

Because Wu Long thinks he is not the savior, the prophet also said that Wu Long is not the savior.But what the prophet really wanted to say was that your destiny is up to you.Her words may affect the future.

Just like Wu Long would break the vase when he entered the door, if she said it, would Wu Long still break the vase?

After Wu Long came out, he wanted to tell Mo Fei what the prophet said.But Mo Fei didn't let Wu Long say it. Mo Fei told Wu Long that what the prophet said to Wu Long was only for Wu Long, and Wu Long didn't need to say it.

In fact, what Mo Fei meant was that he knew that the words of the prophet would have an impact on others, and if others had an impact, it would affect future changes.

Mo Fei believes that Wu Long is the savior. If the future changes because of Wu Long's words, then Wu Long may not be the savior.That's why Mo Fei didn't want to listen, and told Wu Long not to tell others.

At this moment, Wu Long in the movie certainly didn't understand what the Prophet meant, and neither did the audience.

Because of the traitor's betrayal, they were in trouble, except for the traitor bald man, Cui Ni, Wu Long, and Mo Fei, everyone else died.Mo Fei was caught by Shi Yanluo because he covered everyone's escape.

The traitor returned to reality and wanted to kill his companions.As a result, the companion did not die, and the anti-kill was successful.

Cui Ni and Wu Long successfully returned to reality.

A dilemma arises.

Shi Yanluo is hacking into Murphy's computer, and if he succeeds, he will know the entrance password of Zion, the base.But if Mo Fei's brain-computer interface plug is unplugged, Mo Fei will die.

Wu Long didn't want Mo Fei to sacrifice, he wanted to save Mo Fei.

But his companions "Tank" and Cui Ni disagreed, and Mo Fei firmly believed that Wu Long was the savior, and he fought for it all his life.If Wu Long went to rescue Mo Fei, Wu Long would die, which violated Mo Fei's intention.What's more, Wu Long may not be able to save Mo Fei.At that time, not only Wu Long will die, but Mo Fei will also die.

Wu Long told everyone what the prophet said, and the prophet said that he would encounter such a dilemma.If Wu Long is really the savior, he cannot save Mo Fei.If Wu Long is not the savior, he can save Mo Fei.

So if Wu Long thinks he is the savior, he can't save Mo Fei.Now Wu Long thinks that he is not the savior, he can save Mo Fei, even if he sacrifices.

Because Wu Long believed that Mo Fei was the leader, and he was incapable of leading everyone.

Trinny followed suit.

A classic scene appeared, Wu Long said that he wanted a lot of guns, a lot of airs appeared suddenly, and countless guns appeared in front of Wu Long and Cui Ni.

The audience watched and called "good guy".

Then, in the hall on the first floor of the Secret Service Headquarters, there was a classic scene where Wu Long wiped out all the enemies with gun fighting skills in the hail of bullets.

At the end of the battle, the hall was riddled with holes and a mess.

Wu Long and Cui Ni went upstairs calmly.

The audience was delighted to see it.They thought that Wu Long and Cui Ni went directly to the floor where Mo Fei was detained, but they didn't expect them to go up to the roof and snatch the helicopter.

On the roof of the building, the agent directly replaced a soldier on the roof and shot Wu Long.

It is another classic movie scene, Wulong Tiebanqiao lowered his waist, and his body was parallel to the ground to avoid bullets.

Countless exclamations sounded in the cinema.

It turns out that Wu Long's performance at the premiere was used here!

Without Wu Long's performance at the premiere, everyone thought that no one would be able to make such an action. They believed that Wu Long used Wia when filming to make this action, which is a stunt.

Now, everyone knows that Wu Long doesn't need any wire at all to do such an action.

He is the king of kung fu, such movements come at his fingertips!

After rescuing Mo Fei and Cui Ni, Wu Long and Shi Yanluo confront each other at the subway station.

Because it is Shi Yanluo played by Wu Jing, this fight is ten times more exciting than the original version.Just like the performance at the premiere, although the fighting movements are different from those at the premiere, they are all fighting according to the script.

With Wu Long's strength, his punches are not as weak as the original protagonist.Wu Jing also played freely.

In addition, those pillars and walls were all props during the filming. The "cement pillars" and "cement pillars" were broken, and the "cement walls" and "cement walls" were broken.

When Wu Long was shot and killed by Shi Yanluo, and his heart stopped in the real world, Cui Ni told Wu Long what the prophet told her, saying that she would fall in love with the Savior.But now she loves Wu Long, so she begs Wu Long not to die, because Wu Long is the savior, and the savior will not die.

Good guy, with a kiss from Cui Ni, Wu Long's heartbeat recovered and he came back to life.

In the virtual world, Wu Long also came back to life, and saw through the matrix, possessing more powerful power.Forces that violate the physical rules of the Matrix simulation world.

The three agents shot at Wu Long, and Wu Long created an air wall to block all the bullets.

The audience who watched the premiere performance immediately remembered that Wu Long also did such an action in the premiere performance.At that time, everyone didn't understand what it meant, and thought it was to tell Wu Jing not to fight anymore. Now looking at the movie, it turns out that Wu Long was actually blocking a bullet.

At the end of the film, Wu Long soars into the sky in the virtual world.Wu Long, who broke through the physical rules of the real world simulated by the matrix, can do things that ordinary people cannot do in the virtual world.

For example, flying!

The movie is over!



"Brother Long has such a big brain!"

"It's a great irony that human beings are actually used as batteries to generate energy for AI!"

"The fight was wonderful. Not only did Brother Long fight wonderfully, Zhang Zikang and Zhao Liying also fought wonderfully."

"If you don't know Zhang Zikang and Zhao Liying, you may think that they have been practicing martial arts since childhood like Wu Jing."

"Since the two have followed Brother Long, they have practiced martial arts diligently, and they have achieved results."

"After "The Matrix", Li Ying should surpass Jiang Shuanger and become the number one female star, right?"

"Even if she doesn't surpass Jiang Shuang'er, she can still be equal to her."

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