I'm not just an action star

Chapter 462 The Thrilling Premiere of "The Matrix"

Finally, when Wu Long was about to play, the audience cheered.The cheers were like a frenzy of waves, one wave higher than the other.

The first three people appeared on the stage, and the soundtrack from "The Matrix" was used as bgm.Although the audience has not yet watched "The Matrix", Wu Long's appearance bgm is obviously a heavy metal rock that he has never heard of.

Prelude to "she is my sin"!

The song "she is my sin" was known to many gamers in previous lives.Just hearing this song makes everyone's blood boil.


This is a groundbreaking game that brought countless people addicted to the Internet and addicted to this game.

It has been said that this song is like a strange poison, which can cause serious abnormal behavior after listening to it.

Symptoms are mild, shaking with the music, or looking excited.

Symptoms are slightly more serious, and they will talk nonsense to music.

Those with moderate symptoms will kneel for no reason because of this song.

Those with moderate to high symptoms will have war hallucinations, pick up things around them like various guns, and shoot at others.

If the symptoms are severe, you can step on the accelerator pedal into the fuel tank while driving, and let the car go wild.

The most severe symptoms would tear up their underwear in a frantic manner.

Wu Long didn't sing this song, he just used the song to make the bgm.

Accompanied by this bgm, Wu Long came on stage in black and black windbreaker.

The windbreaker is automatic without wind!

The powerful music and the urging rhythm made all the audience excitedly follow the rhythm like jumping in place in a disco, waving and cheering to welcome Wu Long to the stage.

The audience watching the live broadcast spoke one after another.

"The scene is too hot!"

"It's so hilarious!"

"I really want to be there!"

Wu Long actually followed the rhythm, and suddenly stood up straight, like a javelin, which immediately made people feel extraordinary.

Then, stepping on the rhythm of the music, the feet moved left and right, and squatted out like a sheep and horse with two-word clamps.

He said, "Wing Chun."

Put your palms down, put your palms up, and clasp your fists.

"Small thoughts!"

Straight fist, circle wrist...

Every move and style is perfectly matched with the bgm.It's like playing a note with a fist and a drum with a kick.

Cleanly, Wu Long finished playing Wing Chun Siu Nim Tou.

Then, move on to the next set of punches.

"Eight poles!"

Supporting the hammer, subduing the dragon, subduing the tiger...

"Wen has Tai Chi to secure the world, and Wu has eight extremities to set the world!"

Splitting the palm of the mountain, probing the palm of the horse, hugging the tiger...

After hitting Baji, change punches.



"Hong Fist!"

"Cai Lifo!"

"Fu Hu Fist!"

"Arhat Boxing!"


There were live broadcasts on the Internet, and there were barrages.

"Good guy!"

"Revisiting the classics!"

"I remember when Brother Long was a group performer in the film and television city, the first video was this!"

"I miss you!"

"In a blink of an eye, my son can make soy sauce."

The bgm stopped, and Wu Long finished punching, interacting with the audience.

The four of them interacted with the audience and told interesting stories during the shooting.

Then the black-suited agent played by Wu Xing came up and performed some fighting scenes in the movie together.Of course, these scenes are not exactly in the movie.

For example, at the beginning of the movie, the part where Trinny steps on the wall.

In the performance at the premiere, the eight martial arts brothers stood in a larger semicircle, and Wu Long was in the center of the semicircle.On the other side, a Wu Xing stood alone.

Wu Long jumped up, tilted his body, stepped on the chests of the eight martial arts brothers, and finally kicked in the air to the head of Wu Xing who was standing alone on the opposite side.

In fact, the kick did not indicate that the kick was hit, and the Wu Xing brother pretended to be kicked, turned around and flopped out.

This wonderful performance was later dubbed by Wu Long as "Catching the Cicada in Eight Steps".

The Wuxing brothers stood in a row behind, and Wu Jing and Zhao Liying began to fight.In the martial arts sparring that has been arranged, the two played brilliantly.

"Zhao Liying is amazing!"

"I don't know who is more powerful, she or Jiang Shuang'er!"

"Of course Li Ying is amazing!"

Zhao Liying lost to Wu Jing, and Zhang Zikang entered.Compared with Zhao Liying, the fight between Zhang Zikang and Wu Jing was much tougher.

Zhang Zikang was defeated by Wu Jing, and Wu Long went up.

As for acting, according to the development of the plot in "The Matrix", Wu Long couldn't beat Shi Yanluo at first.So in the performance on stage at this time, Wu Long lost to Wu Jing first.

Then, Zhang Zikang read his lines from the sidelines.

"You are the savior, you are not controlled by the matrix!"

"Shi Yanluo is just an intelligent program, you can completely defeat him!"

Zhang Zikang plays Mo Fei, and once his lines come out, it is equivalent to spoiling the content of the movie.

"It turns out that Brother Long is the savior!"

"Shi Yanluo is actually an intelligent program?"

"Sure enough, Brother Jing's identity as a robot killer cannot be removed!"

"Listening to this spoiler, it seems that "The Matrix" is really as advertised, not an ordinary hacker, nor an ordinary future world!"

"Am looking forward to!"

With the help of Zhang Zikang's call, Wu Long raised his hand to prevent Wu Jing from coming forward.

This action, in the movie, actually condenses the air wall to block bullets.But everyone didn't know, they thought Wu Long was preventing Wu Jing from coming forward.

Wu Jing just paused for a moment, and then continued to rush forward to beat Wu Long.

Wu Long fought Wu Jing again, and the two fought according to the routine.It seems that the fight is fast and fierce, more exciting and exciting than UFC.

"Fuck, this is a real fight!"

"Brother Long was kicked!"

"Brother Long just took a step back!"

"It looks like a heavy kick? Is it a real kick or a fake kick!"

"As someone who is lucky enough to know the inside story, I can tell you that Wu Jing was kicking for real, while Brother Long was fake!"


"Wu Jing really fights, and Brother Long won't get hurt if he gets hit. Brother Long fake fights, and Wu Jing won't get hurt if he gets hit. So the two of them fought very fast and very realistically."

Actually, it does.For Wu Long, this is a routine.

Only in this way can the fight be more exciting and real.

This is what Wu Long is after.

This is what the audience likes to watch.

This is what others cannot copy.

Wu Jing was defeated and refused to accept.Wu Xing, who also played the role of an agent, brought a big gun.

"Good guy, five-meter gun!"

"This is a really big gun, not a flower gun!"

"This weight is due to the effect of leverage. The weight increases under the influence of gravity. If you don't practice it, you can't use it."

"Wu Jing is shaking his big gun!"

"Wu Jing is amazing, as expected of Brother Long's favorite successor!"

"Wu Jing's skills can't be compared with Brother Long, but it should be below Brother Long and above the others."

"Plug, pierce, pierce, poke!"

"Really great marksmanship, not as a stick."

Wu Jing was shaking his big gun on the stage.The gun pierced a line, it was straight, fast and accurate.

Suddenly Wu Jing stepped forward quickly, and stabbed Wu Long straight at the center of the stage with his big gun.

It was also at this time that the pure music bgm of "she is my sin" sounded again, and the live audience and those watching the live broadcast immediately saw a shocking scene.

Facing the sudden thrust of the big spear, Wu Long stood on both feet as firmly as cast iron on the ground, motionless.The body is leaned back, the waist is lowered to the iron bridge, and the body above the knees is parallel to the ground.

The audience seemed to hear a "whoosh", and the big gun quickly pierced Wu Long's body.



"so close!"

"Scared me!"

"I almost thought I made a mistake in the performance and wanted to stab Brother Long!"

"Brother Long's move is too tough!"

"How did you practice this trick!"

"Is this impossible? I'm afraid only Brother Long can do such a move."

At this time, the audience didn't know that Wu Long's move was the classic bullet dodging move in "The Matrix".

Wu Long wanted to do the classic moves in this movie on the spot.

He wants to tell the audience that the action in the movie is real.When filming the movie, he didn't use the wire, he made this action directly.

This is real skill!

This is Kung Fu King!

Wu Jing missed a stab, she pulled the gun back and stabbed again quickly.

In this stab, the big spear no longer stabs out in parallel, but stabs down obliquely, towards Wu Long's body which is parallel to the ground.



The scene exclaimed again!

Wu Long's movements at this time are already at the limit of difficulty, how else can he hide?

Can't hide!

Is this going to be a performance accident!

Everyone, whether it was the live audience or the audience watching the live broadcast, their hearts seemed to be clenched by a hand at this moment, and no one made a sound.

It was as if there was a switch that turned off all the sounds.Except for the bgm, it still beats the hearts of all audiences passionately.

Wu Jing has strength, and his movements of pulling and stabbing are not slow.

I saw that Wu Long actually made a movement of twisting his waist and body under such extreme movements.

The part above his waist becomes sideways.

As if hearing a "whoosh", the big gun pierced through Wu Long's chest, who was sideways on the parallel ground.

Wu Jing couldn't hit again, so she pulled back the big gun again and immediately stabbed again.

Wu Long resumed lying flat and parallel to the ground instead of sideways.

This stab, the speed did not decrease, it was still stabbing downwards obliquely.

Wu Long twisted his waist and turned his body again, lying flat and parallel to the ground became sideways parallel to the ground.It's just that, just now, the chest was facing the audience, but this time, the back is facing the audience.

The big gun still pierced Wu Long's chest.From the viewer's perspective, Wu Long's sideways body blocked part of the line of sight, only to see the big gun stabbing out from under Wu Long's sideways body, and then retracted.

After three shots, Wu Long used his waist strength to stand up from the state of lying flat and parallel to the ground.



"it is good!"


"Good waist strength!"

The live broadcast room was also densely packed with bullet screens.

"Brother Long is mighty!"

The formation is unified.

Facing the fourth spear stabbed by Wu Jing, Wu Long suddenly grabbed it with one hand like an eagle's claw, and grabbed the big spear that was stabbing quickly sideways.

"Eagle Claw Technique!"

"Drunken Catch's Famous Skill!"

Wu Long grabbed the back of the big gun with one hand and pulled hard, trying to pull the big gun or Wu Jing over.

Unexpectedly, Wu Jing is not an ordinary person.He was originally a lunge stabbing gun, but when he saw the big gun being caught, he immediately lowered his waist and stabbed his horse, stabilizing his center of gravity.When Wu Long pulled, he also pulled the big gun towards himself, trying to get the big gun out of Wu Long's hands.

Wu Long held one hand, Wu Jing held both hands, and the two sides clashed, but the big gun did not move at all.


"Brother Long fought Wu Jing with one hand!"

"The strength of Wu Jing's hands failed to pull Brother Long!"

Wu Long didn't pull the big gun, nor did he pull Wu Jing over.His feet changed into a lunge, and he grabbed the big gun with both hands.

"Haha, Brother Long's hands, Wu Jing must be pulled over."

"Wu Jing can only let go!"

"Just now, it was just a test of both sides, Brother Long may not be able to win immediately with both hands."

"With Brother Long's strength, both hands must win."

Just as Wu Long raised his hands vigorously, he roared angrily:

"Get up!"

This time, everyone was stunned.

Wu Long actually used a big gun to lift Wu Jing into the air.

Wu Jing is a person, not a thing.

He didn't let go.Picked up by Wu Long in this way, the whole person was lifted into the air by Wu Long like a banner.

Wu Long waved again and again, Wu Jing didn't stay in the air, and was directly thrown to the other side of the stage by Wu Long.




Everyone was stunned.They have never seen such a difficult action.Because Wu Long is holding the big gun upside down, the big gun is equivalent to a five-meter stick in his hand.Wu Long used this five-meter long stick to lift Wu Jing from one end of the stage to the air, and then to the other end of the stage.

Wu Jing was not tied with a protective warp rope.If one is not careful, or if he does not hold the big gun firmly, he will fall from the air.

For the five-meter spear, Wu Jing is also about five meters away from the stage floor.Falling from such a height can cause injury.

This action looks thrilling, but it is actually very thrilling.Wu Long and Wu Jing practiced secretly for a long time, even Zhao Liying and Zhang Zikang didn't know about it, and the rest of the crew were even kept secret.So at this time, Zhao Liying and Zhang Zikang on the stage were all stunned.

Zhao Liying's mouth opened into an O shape.

This action performance actually uses ingenuity, not brute force.With brute force, Wu Long can also provoke a person.With the help of magic, it is not only safe, but also much easier.

The so-called cleverness is actually skill.It's not that Wu Long provoked Wu Jing directly, it would be very difficult.

In fact, when Wu Long provoked Wu Jing, Wu Long would give Wu Jing a hint, which was invisible to the audience because of the angle.

Wu Jing, who got the cue, would cooperate with Wu Long, and when Wu Long provoked him vigorously, he jumped vigorously.

Therefore, the key to this movement is that Wu Jing jumped up vigorously by himself, and with the momentum of Wu Long's provocation, he turned over and jumped into the air holding the big gun like a pole vault.

That's right, if this action is changed to another place, everyone can understand it.

Pole vault!

It's just that the pole itself doesn't move during the pole vault, nor does it give the pole vaulter an upward force.Also, the pole vaulter releases the pole after jumping to the highest point.

This is not the case for Wu Jing. First of all, the big gun replaces the pole.Secondly, the big gun can give Wu Jing an upward force because of Wu Long's forceful upward pick.

In addition, Wu Long is holding the big gun and controlling the trajectory of the big gun.Wu Jing no longer needs to control the big gun, Wu Long's hand is the supporting point and fixed point for the big gun to rotate.Wu Jing only needs to ensure that she holds on to the big gun and does not fall from the air, and the performance can be completed safely.

Therefore, this seemingly thrilling martial arts performance can actually be called an acrobatic performance.

Thunderous applause!

All found heartfelt amazement.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage was interrupted because Wu Jing was picked into the air by Wu Long.When Wu Jing landed safely on the other side of the stage, the barrage burst out again in an instant.

densely packed.


"Good guy!"



"How dare you do it, you don't even have a protective rope!"

"Just perform for this premiere, "The Matrix" must be very exciting, very good to watch!"

Some people abroad also watched the live broadcast of Wu Long's premiere. Some people were shocked, some sighed, and some shouted in disbelief when they saw Wu Long's performance of picking Wu Jing.

For foreigners, they don't believe in things they can't understand.They thought it was a fake, a special effect.Some people think that Wu Jing must be Diao Weiya, but it's just that the live broadcast can't tell.

Some people even said that the live broadcast was fake and was a special effect of a movie.

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