I'm not just an action star

Chapter 461 "Pirates of the Caribbean" series starts filming

Chiba Huasui brought Nakata, the assistant director of "Midnight Ring", to visit Wu Long.Originally wanted to be Wu Long's assistant director, Nakata also found Chiba Huasui through his relationship, and after Chiba's introduction, he became the assistant director of "Midnight Ring".

Wu Long once publicly explained that "Midnight Ring" is not a horror film, but a science fiction film.This news made many movie fans not believe it, so some people watched "Midnight Ring" for the second and third times.

There are also sci-fi fans who don't watch horror movies, so they went to see "Midnight Ring".I was trying to figure out how such a typical horror film, "The Bell at Midnight", which was insisted as a sci-fi film, is a sci-fi method.

Nakata came with a gift.After chatting, he finally revealed the purpose of his visit.

"Brother Long, I am actually timid by nature. After filming "Midnight Ring", my timidity has not changed. "Midnight Ring" gave me some fame and gave me an idea, Because I am timid and know where the horror is, why don't I develop in this direction and make horror movies."

"However, I have read a lot of scripts, and those scripts are far worse than "Midnight Ring". I would like to ask Brother Long to write horror movie scripts when he is free. I will direct Brother Long, I beg Please be the assistant director."

Nakata spoke very politely.I just want to continue making horror films, but I can't find a good script, so I want to ask Wu Long to write the script.

Said to let Wu Long direct, he knew that Wu Long didn't want to direct horror movies anymore.In the crew at that time, Wu Long once expressed that he did not want to make horror films anymore.Wu Long doesn't shoot, of course he does.Promoted from assistant director to director.

"Horror movie?" Wu Long laughed, not expecting it to be like this. "How do you know I'll be able to write a horror movie again? As I said, "The Ring" is actually a sci-fi movie. The novel is going through publication review."

It seems that not many people believe that "Midnight Ring" will be a science fiction film.

""Midnight Ring" is a sci-fi film, which does not affect my belief that you can write a horror film script. In fact, "The Predator", "The Calamity of Anaconda", and "The Silence of the Lambs" also contain elements of horror films. element."

Nakata said insincerely, he really doesn't think "Midnight Ring" is a science fiction film.It's just that, no matter whether it's in front of Wu Long or not, even if it's not in front of Wu Long, he won't say it.

He had to rely on Wu Long for food, so he couldn't ruin his own job.

Regarding Zhongtian's words and actions, Wu Long didn't think that Zhongtian was doing anything for the script.

Just for living.

Nakata didn't hurt others, and he didn't deliberately deceive Wu Long.Even Wu Long sometimes has to do things like insincere words.

Give Zhongtian ten guts, and he would not dare to do anything unfavorable or disrespectful to Wu Long.Otherwise, only one Chiba frame spike would definitely not forgive him.What's more, there are still many people in this country who regard Wu Long as a gang member of the God of War.

Those gang members in this country who regard Wu Long as a god of war are as obsessed as those in the local companies on Hong Kong Island, and may even be more fascinated.

Call it blind loyalty.

In their eyes, Wu Long's status is even higher than their boss.

Wu Long let them die, they definitely feel that it is a lifelong honor.Wu Long asked them to betray their boss, or kill their boss, they would never hesitate.

Those people even regarded themselves as Wu Long's guardians.Anyone who dares to be unfavorable to Wu Long will definitely retaliate.

Didn't you see the scene where they greeted Wu Long in Jianghu City?It was done for the whole world to see, and some people did it sincerely, showing their loyalty to Wu Long.

"Okay, I can write a script for you. I won't direct. No matter which film company you cooperate with, I will share half of the profits."

The money delivered to your door should not be in vain.It's just writing a script, you don't need to shoot it yourself, and you don't need to invest in it yourself, you can net half of the profit.More comfortable than those who play finance.

Just move your pen, which is equivalent to a white female ticket.

If you feel that the profits that are divided by him are high, you don't have to do it.

"Thank you, Brother Long!" Nakata was overjoyed, and quickly bowed to Wu Long.

Chiba Framesui also bowed to Wu Long to express his gratitude.As a middleman and Wu Long's supervisor in his home country, he can make a fortune in the middle.Wu Long took [-]% of the profits, and the remaining [-]%, he was eligible to step in and share the cake.

Back then, he led his disciples to kneel down to Wu Long in public, which was a real benefit.And these benefits, he has long been soft.

In this book, many people and celebrities all want to have such an opportunity to kneel down to Wu Long.Unfortunately, it was not their turn.

If you want to kneel down to Wu Long again, there is no chance.

This kind of thing can be one, but not two.

Two days later, Wu Long handed over the script of "Ghost Call" to Zhong Tian.

"Ghost Incoming Call" haha, even if it wasn't directed by Wu Longlai, it would still set off another frenzy of terror.If "Midnight Ring" is still placed in the background of the past, then "Ghost Call" is definitely a modern background.

Think about it, maybe the cell phone ringtone in "Ghost Call" will be very popular.

"The Matrix" was submitted for review and scheduled.After a few days of rest, Wu Long went to Los Angeles.

In the second and third parts of "Pirates of the Caribbean", the continuous shooting mode is turned on.

The production cost of the first "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" was only about 5000 million.

Compared with the first part, the second part and the third part, the production cost has risen at the same rate.Because there are more special effects in the later stage, the scene is more grand.

Therefore, in terms of budget, the production cost of the second part is about 3000 million.The third part saved some money because of continuous filming, but the production cost was about [-] million.

The two films "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest" and "Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End" require a total production cost of more than 4 million.

This is a real big deal.Even Weiner Pictures and Lion Pictures frowned after hearing this.Of course, just frowning does not mean that you don't want to invest, but that you have a headache about how to mobilize funds.After all, in addition to making the movies Wu Long has been giving, they also need other movies to make.

They know not to invest if they think too much.Or not investing enough money.Other film companies will definitely step in.

This is something that other studios have been trying to do.It's just that Wu Long is a trustworthy and loyal person. As long as there are no major changes in his previous partners, he will not change.This prevented other film companies from having the opportunity to cooperate with Wu Long.

Neither Weiner Films nor Lion Films will reveal opportunities for other companies to intervene.

The "Pirates of the Caribbean" series is definitely a big cake.

Because the first part has already played a promotional role, it is said that the Caribbean Alliance does not need to invest in the second and third parts.

Unfortunately, Gervin of the Caribbean Alliance is a visionary.He had a hunch that the investment was not about promoting the Caribbean, but about making money.

To be honest, if there is no previous cooperation, if you want to invest at this moment, you may not be able to invest.

Weiner Pictures and Lion Pictures can't afford that much money for a while, can't Wu Long not?Even if Wu Long can't afford it himself, there are too many people vying to give money to Wu Long.

The first "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" has a global box office of more than 12 billion US dollars!

Compared with the investment of 5000 million US dollars, how much money was madly acquired?

The Caribbean Alliance laughed out loud, okay!

In Wu Long's previous life, the global box office of "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" was only US$6.54 million.But it has made the film company can't wait to start the sequel shooting plan.

If such a film comes out, if you don't continue filming to grab money, you'd be a fool.

In Haolaihu, the sequel to a good movie is often the fastest and safest copywriting, known as the panacea for the box office.Just like good leeks, one crop after another is harvested.If you don't cut it quickly, you are a fool.

For the money, Lion Films, Weiner Films, and the Caribbean Alliance will provide it, and use it plus Wu Long to share it together.

"Pirates of the Caribbean" series, began shooting.

Having said that, although the second and third parts of this series have a box office of about one billion, their reputation is not good.

The original version of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is about the stories of Captain Jack, Elizabeth and the blacksmith, but whether it is the second or third part, the classic performances of the three are not present.Instead, it uses many computer special effects to attract the audience, making the movie look like a CG movie.

The comments on the second and third parts of this series in the previous life must have gradually declined in word of mouth.But what about the decline in word of mouth?

Just make money.

This is where special effects blockbusters fall short.It will also become a huge pit.Many special effects blockbusters with big investments have had a dismal box office.

Although there are still people who suspect that Wu Long is about to go downhill, there are also people who suspect that the continuous shooting of the second and third parts of "Pirates of the Caribbean" will lead to a decline in word-of-mouth and a hit at the box office.

After all, it is not uncommon for the first blockbuster movie to have a sequel.

However, everyone believed that with Wu Long, no matter how much money was invested in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series, it would not lose money.

Putting Wu Long's name on it is a guarantee of box office.

The preliminary preparations for the film were intensely carried out in Los Angeles, the Caribbean and other places, with nearly a thousand people participating.

Two sailing ships were also to be built, Jones' Flying Dutchman and the merchant ship Edinburgh Merchant.The preparations for shooting are relatively intense, and the preparations in advance are also relatively early.

The "Black Pearl", "Intrepid" and "Interceptor" in the first film, now relying on the fame of the movie, have become the new favorites of Caribbean tourism.

Not to mention the peripherals of the movie, but also the playground, they have also purchased copyrights and established corresponding pirate ship rides.

Like the previous life, the film will be shot in Dominica, an island country with a Caribbean flair.There, more than 500 crew members were employed, and more than 400 were employed locally.The daily food consumption is amazing.

For employing so many locals, many tribal members thank Wu Long, saying he has stimulated the local economy and solved the employment problem for locals.

Even if this is only a short-term job, many families have increased their income.

An incident happened after the filming of the previous life movie, Captain Jack became a big meal for the cannibal tribe.Such footage angered local tribal leaders, who said the film company had misinterpreted their ancestors and mistaken them for cannibals.

Here, Wu Long communicated and explained to the other party in advance through the relevant personnel of the Caribbean Alliance that this is a fictional story, a fictional tribe, and will explain that "this story is purely fictional."

Of course, many times, some problems also turn into money problems.For the sake of reputation, Wu Long is satisfied as long as the other party is not too much.

And Wu Long is good at kung fu, strong in personal strength, and worshiped by many young people in the tribe, which is also a help in solving this matter.

With the filming of the second Dead Man's Chest, everyone also learned what kind of monster the pirate who will be Captain Jack's enemy this time will be.

And, what kind of a pirate ship is the Flying Dutchman.As the filming progressed, the crew members lamented Wu Long's genius imagination after learning about it.

Those cursed pirates before could not be killed, they would turn into skeletons under the moonlight.The pirates in the second part are even more powerful, so powerful that people feel that they will never be defeated.

As for the "Flying Dutchman", no one knows when it will come out of the sea.It is worthy of being called a ghost ship.

Wu Long is filming "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest", Nakata from Benziguo is filming "Ghost Call", and Lion Pictures is filming the American version of "Midnight Ring".

While everyone was busy filming, "The Matrix" was released globally.

Because it is not a good movie, it will be released in Asia first.

In the imperial capital, at the premiere, the square outside the cinema is crowded with people.

Zhao Liying appeared in a bright leather jacket, leather trousers and trench coat, and black sunglasses, instantly blowing up the scene.This has been the heroine in Wu Long's movies recently, and has become a top female star in Asia.

It is also the youngest top female star.

Her beautiful appearance, capable woman hairstyle, tight leather jacket and leather pants fully reveal her figure.

Just this body has stimulated the eyes and impulsive hearts of countless people.

"Li Ying!"


"Li Ying, we are your shadow fire bugs!"

"Accompany Li Ying, like a shadow accompanying you!"

"Yingying is so beautiful tonight!"

"This black outfit is simply a perfect match for her!"


"Eternal Goddess!"

"Be sure to buy this pictorial and stick it on the bedside!"

After Zhao Liying came on stage, she interacted with the audience for a few minutes, and then Zhang Zikang came on stage in the same costume as in the play.

The original version played by Zhang Zikang is Murphys, and now Wu Long's version is Murphy.The styling is similar to the original version, with black clothes, black windbreaker, black sunglasses, and a bald head.

When playing, he has his own big brother aura, which is vaguely mixed with the temperament of cool characters such as Yan Shuangying and Huang Yaoshi.

Through Yan Shuangying, Zhang Zikang is now a top actor in domestic film and television. His fans are not as many as Wu Long, but he is not inferior to those traffic niches.

Especially in the area of ​​middle-aged and elderly women, it is the absolute number one.Even Wu Long couldn't guarantee that he would surpass him.

Zhang Zikang has the heroic temperament of a mature man.

"Yan Shuangying!"

"Dong Xie!"

"Yellow Pharmacist!"

After he played, he also interacted with the audience for a few minutes.

Then Wu Jing appeared in the costume of Shi Yanluo in the play.

Same black line.Black suit, no windbreaker, different styles of black sunglasses, cold and serious.

After he took the stage, people seemed to see the liquid robot in "Terminator 2".However, unlike the complete ruthlessness of the liquid robot, his demeanor at this time is a bit more sinister.

It was as if his stomach was full of bad water, and all he could think about was how to torture people.

After Wu Jing came on stage, he had one more performance than Zhao Liying and Zhang Zikang, that is, he played a set of boxing techniques.This boxing method is not an existing routine, but a rearranged routine.Most of them focus on opening and closing, legwork, and somersaults.

"Wu Jing!"


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