I'm not just an action star

Chapter 458 "Caribbean Aloha Heja He"

After "My Name Is Elaine" won Lanxi Country's [-]-week single champion, another song by Wu Long became popular.

This song, which he sang at the premiere of "Slaying the Wolf", is the German song "alohahejahe".

When I sang this song, I used the system to change a few lines of the lyrics, changing the lines "in 1910" and "the officer was infected with gonorrhea".

This song has also been spread and sung all over the world, but there is no big hit, and many people still haven't heard it.

However, because "My Name Is Elaine" not only topped the charts in Lanxi, but also topped the charts throughout Europe.Even if it falls, it will never fall out of the top three or top five.

Just when "Pirates of the Caribbean" was released, a German was dissatisfied when he saw that his country's singles chart was dominated by a French song.Although he is a fan of Wu Long, why can't Wu Long's German songs top the charts?

Since I am a die-hard fan of Wu Long, I have naturally heard the German song "alohahejahe" sung by Wu Long.So he used the promotional videos of "Pirates of the Caribbean" to re-edit, and then added the German "alohahejahe" and put it on the video website.

When the prelude sounded, it was the scene of Captain Jack's appearance.Netizens saw it and said that it was a good match!

And this song, Wu Long's singing and voice, is a bit like Captain Jack's speaking tone!

It's amazing!

Could it be that this song was actually written by Wu Long especially for Captain Jack?But why, not put it as the theme song in "Pirates of the Caribbean"?

It is true that the theme song "he'sapirate" of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is also very good, and as early as when Wu Long took "Shaolin Bodyguard" to the country of Merican for publicity, after performing a backflip to avoid the speeding sports car, the background music used was Now "Pirates of the Caribbean" theme song "he'sapirate".

However, it does not prevent Wu Long from using "alohahejahe" in "Pirates of the Caribbean".If that's the case, wouldn't Japan be able to follow the hit of "Pirates of the Caribbean" and gain some light and heat?

This video quickly became popular in Japan, and it also made the song "alohahejahe" popular again, rushing to the top of Japan's singles list, and giving "My Name Is Elaine" and "Magic Avenue" to the top of Japan's singles list. Hit it down.

As "alohahejahe" became popular in European countries again, the singles charts of various countries also changed their top spots overnight.

The popular screening of "Pirates of the Caribbean" made the original return to normal Caribbean tourism heated up again.With the release of "Pirates of the Caribbean", tourism in the Caribbean has also slowly declined.

Guillermo Gwen keenly discovered the clip of the promotional video of "Pirates of the Caribbean" with "alohahejahe" which is popular in Europe and is hot.

Those who edit the video get only a small amount of movie clips.But Gervin is a partner of "Pirates of the Caribbean", and he can get the legal copy of the entire movie.

He immediately invited editors and directors to pick out a large number of wonderful shots from "Pirates of the Caribbean", and after screening, recreated them for "aloha&nv".

He also asked Wu Long to sing "alohahejahe" again, and changed "If you want to ask me where is the most beautiful, I will say Zansibal." to "If you want to ask me where is the most beautiful, I will say the Caribbean Sea."

Therefore, under the secret promotion of the Caribbean Alliance, this modified "Caribbean alohahejahe" has created a whirlwind around the world.

There was even such a grand occasion that wherever there were boats, this burning song "Caribbean Sea Alohahejahe" would be played.

It also makes the Caribbean Sea the biggest tourist hotspot in the world again.

Not only in the Caribbean, but also on beaches in other places, where bonfire parties are held, "Caribbean alohahejahe" must be played to add to the fun.

The dynamic music sounded, and everyone immediately danced happily to the rhythm.

"Caribbean alohahejahe" not only triggered a boom in tourism and broadcasting, but also spread to the dance world.

And what sparked the trend in the dance world was unexpectedly a person.Because of the filming of "Pirates of the Caribbean", the "Lady with the Dragon" who followed Wu Long was the Caribbean girl Solana.

She combined the characteristics of models walking on the catwalk, added some characteristics of Latin dance, and then incorporated Captain Jack's unique expressions and movements, and made up a simple Internet dance.

As soon as the prelude to "Caribbean Sea alohahejahe" was played, I learned the walking posture of Captain Jack, stepping on the drumbeat, and the most important thing is to find the right rhythm.

As the audio sounded, the left and right shoulders found the rhythm and leaned forward and shook their shoulders.The face also has the expression of Captain Jack.

Solana was popular for following Wu Long before, but this time she became popular again because of this dance video.Her dance video spread to the land of China, and the aunts in the land of China quit.

Square dance is the dance that leads the world!

So the "Caribbean alohahejahe" square dance was released.

Just when the trend of "Caribbean alohahejahe" was blowing up around the world, Wu Long in "The Matrix" was filming, and when he received the news of the Golden Hill Award, he won the Golden Hill Award for Best Actor for "Pirates of the Caribbean" Shortlisted nominations.

What does it mean?

After thinking about it for a while, Wu Long understood.The role of Captain Jack is so popular that it cannot be ignored even at the Golden Hill Awards.It seems that if he is not nominated as a finalist, the Golden Hill Award will lose its fairness.

It doesn't matter if the other roles are well played, it's justified for Jin Qiu to close his eyes and pretend he didn't see it.

However, such a character with such a personality, such a soul, it's fine if he can't win an award, why can't he even get a nomination?

Or is it because Wu Long has too many movie stars?So he can't be allowed to win Best Actor again?

There are even rumors that it is because Wu Long is an oriental problem that Wu Long is treated this way.

Perhaps due to various factors, the Golden Hill Awards gave Wu Long a nomination for Best Actor.

going or not?

Go, it will definitely delay the shooting.He is not only the lead actor, but also the director.

But if you don't go, it will be too disrespectful to Jinqiu.The main reason is not to give face to those behind the Golden Hill Award, which is wrong.

Don't think art is fair.

This cannot be the case, because those who select art have their own demands.

For example, the more you criticize and expose the land of China, the more you criticize and expose the land of China, and all kinds of dark land in China, you will get the literary award that is blown to the sky.

This award has been boasted so much that it has been praised to the sky.It seems that winning this award is like ascending to the altar.

Actually not.

The same is true for movies. Many movie awards have similar unspoken rules.

What Wu Long wants is to prevent those who dominate the global film market from blocking and setting up obstacles for him as much as possible.

Don't think that they really talk about freedom and fairness. They will talk about freedom and fairness with you only when their interests are guaranteed.Once their interests are violated, they will not be polite to you, they are more robbers than robbers.

They only talk about their robber freedom, and don't talk about fairness with you.

Of course, for them, their robber freedom is the greatest fairness for them.

Therefore, today's Wu Long really had to go.

However, this is also Wu Long's idea.If you change domestic actors, even if you don't get an invitation, you still have to find a way to go, find a way to get on the red carpet.

Wu Long's position in the global film industry today won't cause him to rub the red carpet.Every year, even if he is not shortlisted for nominations, he will be invited.

On the red carpet of the Golden Hill Awards, Wu Long was surprised to hear that the staff asked him to be interviewed.

Do you want to win Best Actor again?

Thinking about it, I found it impossible.

"Long, I heard that you were surprised that you were nominated. Is this true?"

The host is lighting the fire.

"I think every actor who gets nominated will be pleasantly surprised. Who doesn't want to have the chance to win? I'm no exception."

"What movie are you making recently, can you tell me?"

"Yes, I'm making a futuristic sci-fi movie called "The Matrix."

"The Matrix? About hackers? Computers and networks?"

"Almost. But not the current hacker, but the future hacker, or a very simple hacker? This movie will present you with different stories and action scenes."

"Wow, that sounds great, I'm looking forward to watching your The Matrix."

The interview is short.Leaving the interview area, Wu Long already guessed in his heart that he could not win the award.

Usually, those who can be interviewed will gain something at the award ceremony.But in the interview just now, Wu Long got a chance to promote his next movie.This means that you can't win the prize, and this publicity opportunity is compensation.

Wu Long thought so.As he expected, he failed to win the award.

The lead actor of "Pirates of the Caribbean" in his previous life also only got nominations, but failed to win an award.He did win a Golden Globe once, but it was for another film, for Best Actor in a Comedy.

After returning from the Golden Hill Awards, I continued to devote myself to filming.

When it came to the Hooscar Awards, he went to the awards ceremony.

Unlike the Golden Hill Awards, "Pirates of the Caribbean" received multiple nominations.Best Actor, Best Sound Mixing, Best Sound Editing, Best Visual Effects, Best Makeup.

Sadly, he didn't get an interview on the red carpet, nor did he win an award.

However, he sang and performed "Caribbean alohahejahe" at the Hauska Awards.The dance is a fusion of fencing and some of Solana's dances.

His performance made the whole awards ceremony instantly excited.

Both the Golden Hill Award and the Hauska Award failed, and there was a trend on the Internet, using the accusation of these two awards to elevate Wu Long.

Wu Long guessed that this was a trick by Lan Xiguo, so he had to say it publicly.He didn't complain about the Golden Hill Awards and the Hauska Awards. The films and actors who won the awards are all excellent.The nominated awards and actors are equally outstanding.

This is the case with awards, there are always some people who win awards and some people who don't.I hope everyone understands it, why not pay more attention to his movies.

Yes, Lan Xiguo wants to use this hype to kick off the global screening of "Super Body".

This drama, which they and their film company invested in, needs to have a good result.At least, not at a loss.

In order not to lose money, they did not hesitate to hype like this.

Although Wu Long's movie is a guarantee, "Super Body" is a movie with a female protagonist.To put it bluntly, Wu Long played a villain who appeared on the scene for 1 minute.

For this reason, some propaganda even use some of these as a selling point, calling this villain a big sex monster, hoping to attract more people to watch the movie.

It's hype, and it's all about it.

As soon as this operating copy came out, even more outrageous operations appeared.This outrageous operation is spread on the basis of Internet gossip.

Why Wu Long is greedy for Si Jiali's beauty, and no one is allowed to touch her, not even in the movie.Kicking away the actor who originally played this role, Wu Long himself.

Some insiders said that there was no such scene in the first place, but Wu Long had a whim when he was filming. He ignored Scarlett's objection and added this scene on the spot, and it was a real shot.

It was also said that Lucy, originally played by Scarlett, didn't wear that kind of clothes.The night before the filming, Wu Long came out of the bar and saw that a Chinese woman wearing such clothes was very hot, so he asked Scarlett to change into such clothes temporarily.

Such clothes can reveal Scarlett's headlight figure.

All kinds of rumors spread wildly on the Internet, and movie fans seemed to be eating melons.Eating melons online is not addictive, buy tickets to go to the cinema to watch movies and eat melons.

There is no premiere of "Super Body", Wu Long said that he has no time for filming.Scarlett is not well-known enough, and she is not an actress from Lanxi Country. Lanxi Country's film company does not want to spend money on the premiere.

At the beginning of the movie, Lucy is like an ordinary girl with messy hair and likes to come out to play.Arguing with my boyfriend, I don't want to help my boyfriend deliver the goods.As a result, her boyfriend handcuffed the box behind her back and handcuffed the box to her.

Sure enough, very boyfriend.

The plot of the original quarrel was boring, and the audience was impatient.Audiences get impatient even when prompted by a mouse approaching a mousetrap or a cheetah preparing to hunt its prey.

But the sudden appearance of the handcuffs immediately cheered up the spirits of the impatient audience. Here they come, something is going to happen.

The audience doesn't understand what's going on.Moreover, many viewers also guessed that there could be no documents in the box, but reading materials.

Most of the accidents were caught by the police.

As a result, the gang leaders made a big fight, fearing that there would be a bomb in the box.

Originally, everyone thought that the pervert in the gossip was a gang leader, but it turned out not to be.

In the follow-up, Lucy's stomach was cut open, the reading material was put into the stomach, and the goods were delivered!

Finally, the villain played by Wu Long appeared.Tattooed, shirtless, that look, cheap and lewd, made the female audience in the movie theater scream.

Afterwards, many female movie fans said that the look of Wu Long was worth the fare.Many girl fans even watched a few more episodes just to see Wu Long's expression.

Then, the man saw Wu Long put his hand in...

It was the man's turn to howl and whistle.Such a role definitely breaks through all the roles played by Wu Long before.

Hannibal is perverted, but he just kills.He didn't show that expression to the female lead.

Even though Captain Jack was a pirate, he didn't even show such an expression when he cheated on the girl and was slapped by the girl.

Only in "Super Body", fans say that Wu Long has made a breakthrough.

Afterwards, the evolved Lucy kills cleanly. She walks out of the prison cell with a gun. The dress reveals her figure, which is obviously in stark contrast.

After walking out, he fired five shots one by one, more killer than killer, faster chase than quick chase.

Regardless of men or women, the audience in the cinema appreciates and applauds Lucy, whose temperament has changed drastically after evolution and exudes momentum.

At the airport, Lucy said she wanted to talk to police officer Pierre alone, then raised her hand, and everyone fell unconscious except Pierre.

The audience in the movie theater exclaimed.

A wonderful car chase scene, came to the hospital.

In the hospital, facing the gang from the original country, Lucy's aura was fully opened, and she walked out of the godly pace.

Even Miren Ishii in "Kill Bill" lamented that he couldn't match this pace.Miren Ishii didn't say that, but that's what the audience in the theater thought.

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