I'm not just an action star

Chapter 459 Lucy's Shooting Game

"Super Body" is a hit, and temporarily won the box office champion on the first day of this year all over the world, and also won the world's first day box office champion.It's just that this year is still very long, and there may be movies that will surpass "Super Body" in the box office.

In any case, "Super Body" is a good start, and Lanxiguo's film company is secretly happy.Judging from the reviews and trends, the box office of "Super Body" is very likely to explode.

The first hot comment on the Internet, you need to be cautious when making boyfriends, and you must stay away from such boyfriends who cheat your girlfriend.

The second hot topic is to compare Scarlett with Angeli, and Fox with Lucy.

In this comparison, the saying that Scarlett's acting skills are not as good as Angeli's is the majority, and the saying that Fox is not as good as Lucy is the majority.

In terms of strength, Lucy is stronger than Fox and can control people, so Fox is not as good as Lucy.

In terms of aura, Angeli's first movie is not as good as Scarlett's first movie.

Maybe it's the role of Fox that limits Angelique.Maybe Angeli's acting skills at that time were not as good as Scarlett's acting skills now.

In short, the role of Lucy has overwhelmed Fox and surpassed Miren Ishii.

Fans not only compare Lucy with Fox, but also compare Lucy with Miren Ishii.

Walking with the same aura, Miren Ishii's aura is just that of the empress.And Lucy's aura is like a god walking in the world.

Many people admitted that in the movie theater, when the plot appeared, for a moment, they wanted to express their surrender to Lucy.

The box office of "Super Body" fell and then went up, and the online reviews were polarized as a whole.

Many people think "Super Body" is very good-looking, and the score is very high.But if I really want to say where it looks good, I can't say it.

This also gave those who gave "Super Body" a reason to give a bad review.I think that since I give high marks, I should say what looks good.As long as you say it, I will refute you one by one.

Since you can't tell, it's not good-looking.You force yourself to say it looks good, but you are just Wu Long's brainless fans and die-hard fans.

Wu Long is not even the lead actor in this movie, but just the director, just like that.

Those who gave negative comments to "Super Body" can naturally explain why.

The storyline is simple, and it simply mixes common elements of commercial films such as sexy beauties, car chases, lawless rampages, fierce gun battles, and super powers.

Nothing special.

A female movie fan said that she likes Lucy's ability to do what she wants, hear what she wants to hear, know what she wants to know, and control what she wants to control.

If only I could become like Lucy one day.But don't end up becoming ubiquitous, but also keep the human body to enjoy.

And male movie fans, of course, are obsessed with sexy beauties like Scarlett, especially the white t-shirt with a strong drape, which makes men feel excited when worn on Scarlett.

Moreover, the process of Lucy coming out of the confinement room and shooting neatly, killing five people with five shots, was so cool.

Even men are not as cool as her.

Even John Wick in John Wick wasn't as cool as her.

John Wick's shooting action is too particular about posture.Look professional enough, handsome enough, not cool enough.

Lucy just raised the gun casually, didn't need to aim, and fired easily and casually, and the gun could hit the target.

Five shots, two seconds.

Regarding the shooting of Lucy, some people say that it cannot be done in reality.Some people say it can be done, at least Wu Long can do it.If Wu Long can't do it, he will definitely not make it.

As a result, shooting enthusiasts began to play an imitation shooting game.

According to the shot of Lucy, set up a round table of similar size, put four dummies beside the table, or four busts, or four balloons or something.There is another target some distance away.

Then, the shooter walked out imitating Lucy, raised his hand and raised his gun, and shouted: "Hey."

Then fire five shots in a row, requiring the gun to hit the target, and it depends on the time.

This "Hey" must be shouted out. If you don't shout out, you won't feel it. If you don't shout out, it seems that you have no soul.

Some people broadcast live broadcasts, and some people post videos.The fastest one also takes three seconds.

This is different from ten target rapid fire.

The ten targets of the ten-target rapid fire are arranged in a row with the same interval.

Imitating the Lucy shooting game, the intervals between the four target rows are different, and they are not on a horizontal line.

That is to say, the ten-target rapid-fire, the target distance is the same, which is very convenient for the movement of the muzzle when shooting.Moving equidistantly makes it easier to grasp and form memories.

Imitating the Lucy shooting game, the movement of the muzzle is different, and the last target is behind the four targets and is slightly farther away.For the last shot, the movement of the muzzle was very difficult.

Many people just make mistakes on the last shot.

Because of the first four shots, the muzzle moved within a certain range.Even just moving the wrist and not moving the arm can fix it.

For the fifth shot, the muzzle moves a lot, and some even have to move their arms.So the difficulty is suddenly increased.

In the short term, no one online can do it.

So, someone started @吴龙, hoping that Wu Long could demonstrate it.

Being @多多, Wu Long also live-streamed the imitation Lucy shooting game while filming.

Ordinarily, the domestic ban on guns is not fun with guns.

But Wu Long is no longer an ordinary person, and still has some privileges.

For example, if you exchange shooting experience with the police, you can live broadcast and imitate the Lucy shooting game by the way.

Four dummies, sitting at a round table, just like in the movie.Another dummy stands, a little further away.

There are five dummies with an apple on their heads.

When the audience saw it, they knew that Wu Long was going to hit the apple.

This is great.

In the movie, Lucy didn't get a headshot.When hitting the body, the target area is enlarged, making it easier to hit.

Hitting an apple requires hitting all five shots in two seconds, which is much more difficult.

The area of ​​an apple as a target is countless times smaller than that of a human body.

Wu Long came out, raised his hand and raised his gun, just like the male version of Lucy, with the same demeanor and expression.There is no murderous intent, just like the god of death greets the other party when harvesting life.


"Bang bang bang bang!"

For the last shot, he pulled the trigger as if casually waving his hand.The fifth apple was instantly hit by a bullet and exploded.

The timer freezes, two seconds!


Netizens who love shooting all over the world are excited, it can really be done!

However, some people say that only Wu Long can do it, and normal people can't do it.

So, someone wore a mask and imitated the Lucy shooting game.

Shoot the apple, two seconds, success!

This man, no one knows who he is.Only Wu Long could tell at a glance that it was Fox, who was learning gun fighting skills from him.

"Super Body" was hotly discussed on the Internet, and "Super Body" was screened offline.

Until the global film market hit the bottom, "Super Body" grossed a total of 6.8 million US dollars at the global box office!

You know, the production cost of "Super Body" is only 5000 million US dollars!

The ROI is over 10!

Lanxiguo's cooperating film company was overjoyed.Even Bruno was delighted.The movie was shot under his lead, and he has a share of the credit.Although it has nothing to do with him in terms of money, he definitely has a good grade in terms of political performance.

In fact, the cooperating film company will definitely have something to say.These are all in private, will not be stated, and no one will know.

Immediately after "Super Body", "Taxi Express" written by Wu Long was released.Because the screenwriter is Wu Long, this movie has also been given high hopes by many people.

Of course, some people are not optimistic about "Taxi Express", because what kind of tricks can a taxi do?Even if it was written by Wu Long, it will not work.If it works, Wu Long will definitely star in it.

"Taxi Express" was screened in Lanxi Country, and the box office on the first day was ranked after "Super Body".It was gradually screened all over the world, but it did not sweep theaters all over the world as Lanxi people expected, only lagging behind "Super Body".

It can be said that without the blessing of Wu Long's starring role, "Taxi Express" would not be liked by so many people.

Many people watch movies, watching stars, watching their favorite idols.

"Taxi Express" uses Lanxiguo's own stars, so naturally they don't have the appeal of those global stars in this regard.

After the screening of "Taxi Express", many film critics pointed out that the taste of this movie is too authentic.It can be seen that Wu Long is really a film written for Lanxi Kingdom.

Because of this, the global box office will definitely not explode.

The global box office did not explode as expected by the film critics, but it did not hit the street either.In Lanxi's own local film market, "Taxi Express" is better than "Super Body".

Lanxi people like this kind of humor.

For this reason, many Lanxi people highly praised Wu Long, saying that Wu Long understood Lanxi and its culture very well.Some people even said that Lanxi Kingdom should become Wu Long's second hometown.

It can only be said that he is trying every means to catch Wu Long's popularity.

"Taxi Express" was also released in its home country, but the box office was mediocre, and it didn't sell well just because the screenwriter was Wu Long's film.

Film critics in Benziguo commented that fortunately it was written by Wu Long, if the screenwriter was not Wu Long, the box office would definitely hit the street.

Therefore, before "Taxi Express" was released, Benziguo began to screen "Midnight Ring" directed by Wu Long.

Just as Wu Long requested, the following is forbidden to watch, people with heart diseases are forbidden to watch, people with mental weakness are forbidden to watch, and timid people are forbidden to watch...

In order to hype, the film company that this sub-country cooperates with also agrees to publicize in this way, and every movie theater must put this movie viewing notice at the entrance and issue a disclaimer.As long as the audience who enters the watch, it is a default that there is no claim for accidents, and the movie theater, the film company, and Wu Long are all exempted from liability.

Don't let people watch, so many restrictions, but encourage the audience's rebellious psychology.If you don't let me see it, just watch it.The propaganda is so mysterious, who knows if it is true or not?

At the beginning of the movie, Tomoko and her classmate Kurahashi Masami are alone at home. As Kurahashi Masami tells horror stories, the atmosphere suddenly rises.

However, for native Chinese who have horror habits, this common plot does not frighten them.On the contrary, it makes them feel that this movie is not scary at all.

Many people in the movie theater thought that it was very ordinary. With such a publicity, Wu Long started to make bad money?

Perhaps, Wu Long is not suitable for making horror films.After all, no one is omnipotent. It is normal for Wu Long not to make horror movies.

Forgive Wu Long.

Tomoko died as the audience in the movie theater expected.

However, it was a little different from what the audience expected, that is, there was no scary picture.In the movie, only the moment Sophon is frightened is frozen in black and white.

In the original movie, after the black and white picture freezes, it jumps directly.

Wu Long did not do this in this version, but after the black and white picture was frozen, the black and white portrait of Sophon quickly turned into black and white snowflakes, which spread out to the surroundings, turning the whole picture into black and white snowflakes.

Afterwards, the screen jumped to the interview with lead actor Reiko Asakawa.The appearance of Reiko Asakawa let the audience see a sunny and sweet woman.The eyes are big and lively, as if they can talk.

What Reiko Asakawa interviewed was the story told by Masami Kurahashi.It's just that Reiko Asakawa still didn't believe this rumor at this time.But when she went to attend her niece's funeral, she accidentally heard the discussion of Tomoko's classmate outside the house. Only then did she know that the other two died at the same time, and they both watched the same video tape.

Wu Long did not change the plot of the video tape.Now there are no videotapes. The appearance of videotapes makes the era in the movie a past, not modern, and the sense of substitution is not so strong.

It's good if it's not that strong, otherwise you're worried about accidents when the audience watches the movie.After all, he is the director, and he has strong hints in the hearts of the audience.

The next day, Reiko Asakawa used her identity as a reporter to see the video tape of the men and women who died in the car at that time.The expressions of the two seemed to have seen something terrifying.Asakawa Reiko came to Tomoko's house, and Tomoko's mother told her what Tomoko looked like when he died, just like replacing the couple.

Later, Asakawa Reiko got the photos of Tomoko when he was traveling, and found that the face of the dead person became distorted and blurred like a layer of fog.

Back home, Asakawa Reiko's son Yang Yi told Asakawa Reiko that Tomoko had seen the video tape.

From then on, the audience probably learned that the dead had watched a video tape before, and after watching it, they would receive a phone call with only noise.Then the person who watched the videotape, died seven days later.

Asakawa Reiko went to investigate the vacation house where Tomoko used to live, which is in line with the principle in horror movies that if you don't die, you won't die.

Sure enough, she got the tape and watched it.

After watching it, Reiko Asakawa found a white figure standing behind her on the TV.She was so scared that she turned her head to look back, but there was nothing.At this time, the phone rang, and Reiko Asakawa answered the phone, there was only noise.

Reiko Asakawa asked her ex-husband Ryuji Takayama to study together.The audience began to be attracted, and slowly sank into the world in the movie. They followed Reiko Asakawa and Ryuji Takayama to study and solve puzzles together.

When in the middle of the night, Reiko Asakawa found her son secretly watching the video, she collapsed.For Yang Yi's life, Asakawa Reiko can only solve the mystery of the video tape as soon as possible.Not only to save her and her ex-husband, but the most important thing is to save her son Yang Yi.

After investigation and searching, he finally found the place where Sadako died according to the clues in the video tape.The well was actually under the holiday house!

Time is running out, and Reiko Asakawa will die seven days after watching the video.They think that the video is that Sadako hopes that someone will find his body and bury it in the ground, so that the resentment will be resolved and no one will die.At the last moment, Asakawa Reiko finally dug up Sadako's bones in the well.

Asakawa Reiko is not dead, they thought it was cracked.According to the usual horror movies, if you find the corpse, you will crack it.

Viewers thought so too.

In the end, Reiko Asakawa didn't die, her ex-husband died!

The instructions didn't quite crack!

In order to save her son, Reiko Asakawa was very anxious, and finally found out the reason why she didn't die. She wanted to copy a video tape within seven days and let others watch it.

In order to save her son, Asakawa Reiko frantically asked her son to copy a video tape, and then Asakawa Reiko took it to her father.

At the end of the film, Reiko Asakawa drives the car to take the video tape to her father.She told her father the way to avoid immortality, and told him to do it for the sake of saving Yoichi.

On the screen, Reiko Asakawa, who was originally pure, sunny and sweet, showed a slight smile.

However, such a smile, which looks beautiful and successful, makes all the audience in the cinema feel shuddering.

"To save my life, I have to do it." Asakawa Reiko's heartfelt voice.

Son, finally don't have to die.

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