I'm not just an action star

Chapter 457 Filming of "The Matrix"

Horror films like this have more difficult make-up than romance films, and the filming is also very fast.

This is why Wu Long decided to make this movie.

The shooting cycle is short and it makes money.

After filming, Wu Long left the noisy city of Jianghu and returned to the imperial capital to start filming "The Matrix".

Wu Jing's "I am Special Forces: Knife Unsheathed" finished filming, and after a few days of rest, she was ready to start filming "The Matrix".

The later stage of "Super Body" is also going on simultaneously.

When "Pirates of the Caribbean" was released, something big or small happened in the circle of European aristocrats.

Someone, as an admirer of Wu Long, challenged Andre to a duel.

Still use Western swords.

Andre accepted the challenge.It doesn't matter if he loses to Wu Long, a Wu Long admirer, why should he challenge him, and what qualifications does he have to challenge him?

He decided to kill the opponent during the duel to vent his hatred for Wu Long.

In the end, he didn't get what he wanted, and he was stabbed to death by the opponent instead.

Before he died, the other party told him that the Western swordsmanship he used was learned from the performances of Wu Long and Tom Cornus at the premiere, as well as the swordsmanship that appeared in "Pirates of the Caribbean".

In this case, Andre didn't close his eyes until he died.

Fighting with swordsmanship from movies?

This is a great irony to him.

But the fact is that the opponent still won. After the opponent said so, he also recognized that these swordsmanship were indeed very similar to Wu Long's performance before he died.

The last time he turned the gun and loaded it with one hand, someone came out to defend Wu Long.

This time Western swordsmanship, someone came out to defend Wu Long again.

Some people realize that Wu Long already has a group of blind followers by virtue of his own influence.

This kind of follower is very dangerous.

However, they didn't do anything that harmed the public or violated the law, so they couldn't do anything to such followers.

It's just that such followers make people who are dissatisfied with Wu Long feel a potential threat.

Wu Long didn't know about this, the aristocratic circle wouldn't publicize it, and the challenger also knew that he couldn't tell it.However, the challenger promoted "Pirates of the Caribbean" and Wu Long's Western fencing.Many people have become fans of Wu Long.

In the original version of "The Matrix", the actors have undergone special Kung Fu training for a long time.Wu Long doesn't need it here, Wu Jing doesn't need it, only Zhang Zikang who plays Mo Fei and Zhao Liying who plays Cui Ni need to practice.

In fact, the two already have some basic skills, mainly practicing routines.

Wu Jing has a good foundation, so she can practice well by herself.

The location of the movie story is still in Shanghai, and it was also invited by Shanghai City.Both Bali City and Jiang Hu City paid a lot of money to invite Wu Long to shoot movies with them. Shanghai has always hoped that Wu Long would shoot there, let alone let Wu Long go to other places to shoot.

Because of the complex action, many actions, and great destruction in "The Matrix", many interior scenes were shot in the studio.

For exterior scenes, such as the shooting of the scene of robbing the helicopter on the roof of the building, this is very troublesome.But for the sake of nature, we can only shoot on the top of real tall buildings.Here, there is a wonderful lower waist dodging bullets.

Some exterior scenes cannot be photographed in reality.For example, at the beginning of the film, Trinny jumps from one building to another.It is impossible to really shoot between the two buildings, which is not only too troublesome, but also prone to danger.

The actual shooting is in the studio.

Build a 1:1 real scene on the roof in the studio.Only the roof of the building is built, and green screens are laid between buildings.The post-production special effects are like jumping between two buildings.

At the beginning of the movie, Trini played by Zhao Liying had a wonderful fight scene, followed by a night chase scene.

This scene was completed by editing in the original version.No matter how much the original heroine practiced, her skill was not enough.The legs are not straight and the movements are not standard.The shot of kicking and kicking people away cannot be completed satisfactorily at all, because the movements are ugly when done together.It can only be done one by one separately, and edited together later.

Just such fake movements can also look very sharp, making people's blood boil.

Zhao Liying is a hard-working girl.Ever since she was spotted by Wu Long as the heroine in "Kung Fu" who doesn't know martial arts, she has been practicing martial arts hard.

She can do basic moves.What kind of split horse, kicking up and kicking behind, and other movements are very standard.

Therefore, Wu Long asked her to do it together.In this way, the original version has an action of breaking the opponent's arm, which cannot be done.After all, if you use clips, you can shoot them separately and replace them with prosthetic hands.There is no way to change the fake hand if you keep shooting.

"Have you practiced all the movements?"

Zhao Liying nodded, but she was still a little nervous.

"Terminator" was filmed, but there weren't too many wonderful fights in it.This time filming "The Matrix", the action fighting is definitely not comparable to the previous films she made.

The kung fu in "The Matrix" is not inferior to that in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

Even if Zhao Liying is proficient, Wu Long still has to demonstrate this kind of action scene in person. This will make it easier to bring Zhao Liying into the play, and make it easier for others to accept why Zhao Liying is so good at filming.

"The other party came from behind you, and you raised your hands above your head. The other party wanted to handcuff you, but you suddenly turned around and grabbed his arm and twisted it, and the other hand slashed at his arm like a knife. You turned your palm and pushed up , be careful not to really push his chin."

"The other person screams, you jump up, spread your hands like wings, your palms look like claws but not claws, like orchid fingers are not orchid fingers. Kick the opponent's chest and kick him away."

Wu Long demonstrated the action and said to Wu Xing who played the policeman:

"When Li Ying flips her palms and pushes upwards, you have to pretend to be pushed hard on the chin, and then her head suddenly goes up. Be careful not to use too much force and cause damage to yourself. Then, Li Ying jumped up and kicked you in the chest, threatening Ya will pull you upside down and into the wall."

There are two wires, one is pulled horizontally and the other is lifted upwards.Pull the wire flat through the hole in the middle of the wall.In this way, the wonderful scene of Trini kicking people into the wall without switching the camera can be directly captured.

Trinny then landed, kicking the chair and crashing into another officer.Finding that No.3 policeman was about to shoot, she jumped up and stepped on the wall to avoid the shooting.

After landing, Cui Ni grabbed another policeman's hand holding the gun and shot No.3.After beating the opponent to death, he kicked upwards and kicked the opponent behind him down with his toes.

These actions not only require Zhao Liying to be familiar with, but also need to accurately cooperate with the policeman's martial arts.

Wu Long was giving a demonstration to Zhao Li's movie narration, and the three Wu Xing who played the role of policemen were also listening.

Zhao Liying did it again for Wu Long to see, and Wu Long nodded in approval.Let Wu Xing continue to cooperate with the practice. After more than a dozen times, everyone found the feeling and started shooting.

"Start shooting!"

Influenced by Wu Long Wuxiang Gong, they felt as if they had entered the movie world of "The Matrix" and started following the plot they had just practiced.

Ravia's martial arts are also affected, as if Wia is the law in the movie world, and they are also part of the law.

What to pull, how to pull, and the degree of pulling, all correspond to the plot one by one.

After the filming ended, Wu Long applauded.

"it is good!"

"Everyone is very good. I will watch the replay first. If there is no problem, this will be a pass."

Wu Long watched the replay, and sure enough there was no problem.

"Okay, one pass!"

Everyone cheers.

It is something to be happy to pass this difficult action scene.Of course, Wu Xing, who followed Wu Long in filming, knew that many of Wu Long's scenes were just one thing.

It not only reduces the risk, but also shortens the shooting cycle.

Next, is the plot of Trinny's escape.Chasing on the roof this night seems to remind me of the night roof chase scene in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

It's just that it's ancient times, it's the roof.This is the modern or illusory future, and it is the roof.

That is a woman chasing a woman, this is a few men chasing a woman.

The original version was an edited shot, and Wu Long planned to shoot it with one shot.This is difficult.

Because it is on the roof, a large studio is needed to build a long roof shot.For the sake of reality and thrills, Wu Long is not afraid to think hard.

The entire shot is shot continuously until Trinny dives across the street and into a small window.

Then, Zhao Liying jumped through the window and entered.

After breaking through the window and entering, it is a rolling staircase played by a stand-in.After rolling down the stairs, there is a shot of Zhao Liying coolly aiming at the window with two guns on the ground.

The next plot, the original version is to ask Trini to answer the phone at the designated phone booth.

But in Wu Long's current era, there are no telephone booths or public telephones.Even at home, very few people still install landline telephones.Only in the company, a landline phone is required.

How to solve this problem in the era when everyone uses mobile phones?

If it is forced to install a telephone booth, it will appear out of place.The sense of substitution gets worse.

Or a setting like the original movie, in the age of cell phones and phone booths.

Wu Long didn't want to use that kind of design, which would not keep up with the times. When the audience watched the movie, the sense of experience and substitution would be very bad.

Out of touch with modern society, and then let the audience experience the future world and accept AI to rule the world, it is relatively reluctant.

Wu Long changed to use his mobile phone to answer special calls, and he needed to arrive at a designated location to answer and answer.Only in this way can we be safe and return to the real world.

In the second fight, after Wu Long was brought to the real world, Mo Fei, played by Zhang Zikang, took Wu Long to practice and fight with him.

The original protagonist's movements are limp, with no sense of strength or rhythm.

Wu Long will definitely not be like this.Zhang Zikang has been practicing martial arts since he played Yan Shuangying.With the foundation, his moves become powerful.

Although the two's sparring was not as high as Wu Long and Luo Chang, or Qi Ke, it was still very exciting.

When Zhang Zikang jumped up, he still needed the help of Wia, and Wu Long didn't need Wia at all.The shots taken in this way are coherent, beautiful, and very real.

The third fight is between Mo Fei and the special agent Shi Yan Luo played by Wu Jing.In a small space, the visitors first competed against Wing Chun, and then against south fist and north leg.

Zhang Zikang's leg skills were not as good as Wu Jing's. He punched with iron wires and punched through walls if he missed someone.

Wu Jing was born in martial arts and has good leg skills. With his north leg, he couldn't hit the target and cracked the wall.

This set of battle action design is different from the original version, and it is more exciting than the original version.In the original version, both foreigners have no kung fu background, and when they fight, their kicks are not straight enough, and their heads are not strong enough.To the Westerners, the game was wonderful, but to the Chinese, it was a lot worse.

Mo Fei was arrested, Wu Long and Cui Ni went to rescue Mo Fei, and the whole film started wonderfully.

In the gun battle in the entrance hall, Wu Long adopted the gun fighting technique.The gun fighting technique this time is different from the one in "Quick Chase".

Whether it is a spear or a pistol, Wu Long adopted an improved version of the gun fighting technique in "The Doomsday of Tearing", which is to combine his own martial arts.This is also a gun fighting technique exchanged from the system, so it is naturally more reasonable and powerful.

Speaking of this, the plot of the protagonist entering the lobby in "The Torn Doom" is similar to the plot of the original "Matrix" entering the lobby.

They are all facing the hail of bullets, no matter how dense the enemy's bullets are, they will not be able to hit the protagonist.The protagonist's bullet seems to have eyes, harvesting the life of the enemy.

In Wu Long's version of "The Matrix", Wu Long stepped on the wall to avoid bullets while shooting.

While cartwheeling, shoot with one hand.

Without sticking his head out of the pillar, he stretched out his gun to shoot blindly.

The performance of gun fighting is brought into full play.The whole plot is much more exciting and beautiful than the original version.

Like the original version, the shootouts in the lobby were all shot in the studio according to the lobby of the real building.

Going up to the rooftop on the top of the building, the shooting here is real shooting.Really shooting on the roof of the building, just moving the equipment up, is exhausting.

For the scene of Cui Ni throwing the knife, Wu Long did not shoot the scene of the throwing knife like before.There is no need for that, just shoot as usual.

The person who was stabbed in the forehead had a fake dagger stuck on his forehead.Because of wearing a helmet, it is easy to hide.

When filming, the camera was behind the stabbed person, and Zhao Liying, who was facing the camera, made a movement of throwing a knife, and the stabbed person immediately fell back and fell to the ground, revealing Wu Long between the two.

Afterwards, the plot of the rooftop battle has two classic scenes.

One is Shi Yanluo, Wulong's double-gun shooting agent. Shi Yanluo turned into several figures because he quickly dodged bullets.

This is a green screen placed behind Wu Jing, Wu Jing made a few dodging movements, and the special effects were synthesized in the later stage.The main thing is to make Wu Jing's dodging movements look chic and beautiful.

The second classic is that the agent Shi Yanluo dodged Wu Long's shooting, and after Wu Long ran out of bullets, he also shot at Wu Long.

At this time, Wu Long's dodge was different from Shi Yanluo's.When Shi Yanluo dodged, because of his fast speed, it looked like he had transformed into several clones.

Wu Long lowered his waist with an iron plate, his hands were not supporting the ground, and his body was parallel to the ground.

This action, the original version is Diao Weiya Pai.Wu Long doesn't need to hang on to Wia, he really works hard.

After rescuing Mo Fei, they came to the subway station, where both Mo Fei and Cui Ni returned to reality, but the mobile phone was broken by Shi Yanluo, this place is no longer safe and cannot be transmitted back to reality.

Wu Long started a fierce battle with Shi Yanluo.

The two rushed at each other and fired at each other at the same time.When they meet, both jump up, dive into each other, and shoot each other in the air at the same time.

Different from the original version, here Wu Long arranges gun fighting.

Two people's bodies are parallel to the ground, and they shoot each other at close range in the air.

When Roadhog and Firefly dueled at the end of "Special Forces 2", it was this typical close-to-body gun fighting technique.

The final duel between the protagonist and the villain in "The Torn Doom" is also this kind of close-to-body gun fighting.

They all want to implode the opponent's head within half a meter.

The difference is that Wu Long designed the two people's bodies to be parallel to the ground, rather than standing in a close-to-body gun fighting duel.

After firing the bullets, he began to fight with his fists.

The hand-to-hand combat between Wu Long and Wu Jing began in "Terminator 2".However, because he is playing a robot, the fighting movements are more brute force movements rather than martial arts movements.

This time the duel was different.

The subway station is a set built in a studio. The pillars are not real concrete, and ordinary people can break them with a single punch.

Wu Long designed this duel with a long shot.

Wu Jing knows martial arts, let alone Wu Long.If you are beaten or kicked out, you can use your strength to fly backwards for a long distance, and you don't need Wia.Doing this makes the fight look real.

Like the protagonist jumping up and kicking three times in a row, the original version must hang Wia, Wu Long does not hang Wia, and kicks six times in a row.

Like Wu Long being thrown against the wall by Shi Yanluo's legs, breaking the wall.Wu Jing has the ability to throw Wu Long against the wall in this way, and Wu Long can continue to shoot without stopping or taking a break after breaking through the wall.

Such a long shot of action is actually completed in one shot, which makes people feel amazing.

Even if I have seen Wu Long filming often at one time, I have also seen many long action shots at one time.

But this time, it was still shocking.

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