I'm not just an action star

Chapter 456 A Movie That Many People Can't Watch

After the premiere, the audience who came out of the movie theater posted comments online one after another.


"Too beautiful!"

"Haha, Brother Long's Captain Jack is so funny!"

"It was different from the pirate captain I imagined, but it did surprise me."

"This is definitely a different pirate movie!"

"You think it's a pirate movie, but it's a comedy. You think it's a comedy, but it's a fantasy movie."

"I thought the heroine belonged to Captain Jack, but Captain Jack is still single!"

"A completely different pirate captain who subverts imagination."

Except for a few bad reviews and dislikes, most viewers gave it very high ratings.And Wu Long's fans said that they would watch it a second time.

There are also people who posted photos of themselves playing in the Caribbean, saying that this place appeared in the movie.It immediately attracted a lot of comments and likes.

Some people began to comment on Wu Long's Western swordsmanship.Whether it's the performance at the premiere or the fight in the movie, it's wonderful.

Some Western sword lovers said that Wu Long's swordplay at the premiere and the swordplay in the movie have high practical value.

Also because of the screening of "Pirates of the Caribbean", the three sailing ships, the Black Pearl, the Intrepid and the Interceptor, which were specially built for the filming of the film, are now open to tourists.

Tourists who happened to be traveling in the Caribbean, as well as Caribbean locals, came to visit the three ships.

The most frequently asked question is, can these three ships sail?Can it sail at sea?

The answer is of course "yes".

At the same time, models of these three ships are also sold around the world.The sales of the movie theater were booming, and many people bought a Black Pearl after watching the movie.Some bought all three, and some only bought Dreadnought or Interceptor.

These models range from cheap to well-made.Well-made ones are naturally much more expensive.

There are also merchandises of Wu Long's movies before, such as the anaconda in "The Calamity of Python", the Terminator in "Terminator", and the Predator in "Predator", all of which are on sale.

But none of these figures or models sold as well as the ship models of "Pirates of the Caribbean".

The sales volume in one night is comparable to the total volume of Wu Long's other films in one day.

This is because many people like to collect ship models.It is predicted that the sales of the three ship models will be on par with the sales of Wu Long's other movies.

The next day, online movie reviews began to ferment.

"This is a pirate film that can be included in the annals of film history. It subverts the previous pirate films and truly created a new genre of pirate films.

Pirate films originated in Haolaihu, prevailed in Haolaihu, and are also popular in the West.

Wu Long's "Pirates of the Caribbean" shows us a different pirate captain.He is willing to help others, and when he sees someone falling into the water, he will rescue them.He even handed over his weapon to the soldiers who wanted to capture him.

Is this a pirate to be feared?

Captain Jack wears smoky makeup and catwalks like a model.He swayed back and forth as he spoke, and his eyes were either aiming this way or rolling them.

He's just a badass pirate captain.

He's a pirate captain who gets slapped by a woman.

It is such a pirate captain who is different from everyone's perception and subverts the tradition, becoming the soul of this pirate film.

It can be said that without the pirate captain played by Wu Long, the quality of "Pirates of the Caribbean" would have dropped by at least half.

This also led to the pirate film genre created by Wu Long, only he can act, and only the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series.

It is difficult for other people to shoot.

If you want to learn from Wu Long, want to follow "Pirates of the Caribbean", or follow the trend to make pirate movies, I can say it here, it will definitely hit the street!

In this movie, Wu Long discovered two newcomers.

Keira Nelly, an actress with European classical beauty temperament.She played the role of Elizabeth very well, and her performance in the film is very brilliant.If it weren't for Wu Long, another first-line actor might not be able to hold her down.

If she is asked to make a few more movies with different styles and play a few different roles, she can still hold it well.I dare to assert that she can definitely become a queen.

Another newcomer is Tom Cornus.The male actor is equally handsome, and the film has attracted a large number of female fans before it was screened.

In the film, his acting skills are not lost to Elizabeth.It's just because he is too handsome that people ignore his acting skills.

These two newcomers, as far as "Pirates of the Caribbean" is concerned, their acting skills are above the top-tier movie stars.

Everyone said that Wu Long was good at judging people, and the appearance of these two newcomers once again confirmed this point.


Immediately after the premiere in Europe, Wu Long put the premiere in Bali City.This allowed Bruno to receive internal praise again. It is said that the directors of film and television culture in many countries approached Wu Long, hoping to put the premiere in their country. In the end, Wu Long chose Lanxi Country and Pali City.

If it is said that Bruno is not credited, no one will believe it.

The same premiere performance was also staged in Bali City.Wu Long and Tom Kernus used Western swords to practice routines, and the fight was exciting and exciting.

Before, everyone could only watch the live broadcast online, but now they can watch it live, and it really is thrilling to watch.

This kind of performance is not like the performances of actors in some previous movies. The performances of those actors in the past were too fake and very slow.The composition of the performance can be seen at a glance.

Can Wu Long and Tom Cornus' performances.Everyone knew it was a performance, but they were still worried that they would be accidentally injured by the other party.

"My God! Are they really fighting?"

"I thought the live broadcast was accelerated by special effects, but I didn't expect that there were no special effects at all. This is the reality!"

"It's too dangerous. If the sword just dodged a little slower, it would definitely stab Brother Long in the eye!"

"I feel that they are not performing, but a real duel!"

After watching the movie, there was another hot discussion on the Internet.

In the aristocratic circle, it was like a boulder thrown into calm water, causing huge waves.Before Andre challenged Wu Long, because of Wu Long's premiere performance and "Pirates of the Caribbean", there was another wave.Those nobles who knew about it laughed and accused Andre one after another.

"Andre, you are so stupid!"

"Who did you instigate to challenge Wu Long?"

"Who gave you the courage to think that Wu Long can only know Chinese Kungfu, but not Western swordsmanship?"

"Look, "Pirates of the Caribbean" was filmed before Wu Long came to Bali City. In other words, Wu Long has long been able to learn Western swordsmanship, and he is very strong!"

"If you can wait until "Pirates of the Caribbean" airs, I'm afraid you won't want to challenge Wu Long."

"Pirates of the Caribbean" was screened in Asia, and the premiere was in the imperial capital.The same performance, the same cheers.

When "Pirates of the Caribbean" was broadcast globally, it set a first-day box office record around the world, and also set a single-day box office record around the world.

The three model airplanes are all sold out in various places.

The Black Pearl was sold out first, and those who didn't buy it bought the Dreadnought or the Interceptor.

Not only those who watched the movie bought it, but also those who didn't watch the movie.

These three model airplanes are selling like crazy.

After the premiere ceremony, Wu Long returned to his hometown Jianghu City to make a movie.Kayla and Knuth continued to promote the film around the world.

It wasn't until the filming started that the title of the movie spread.

"Midnight Bell".

Just looking at the title, it's hard to imagine what kind of story the movie tells.

Since it is a horror movie, some people speculate that the ominous bell is the doorbell.The murderer rings the doorbell at midnight, and as long as the person in the house opens the door, the murderer will break into the room and kill.

Many people think so.

Someone wanted Wu Long to play the leading role, but Wu Long did not agree.

In Wu Long's words, this movie is inherently scary.The following is forbidden to watch, people with heart diseases are forbidden to watch, people with mental weakness are forbidden to watch, timid people are forbidden to watch...

Wu Long will even post such warnings in major movie theaters when the movie is released, and hopes that movie theaters will be prepared for first aid and equipped with emergency doctors.

This is not to play gimmicks, nor is it to operate and hype this movie, but it is really too scary, and accidents will happen.

Wu Long said that he didn't want to take part in it because his acting skills are so good, if he took part in it would make the movie even scarier.

Of course, the outside world didn't believe Wu Long's words.

A movie is a movie, and a movie is just a movie.

Horror culture is popular in this country, and I have never seen people scared to death.Takako Kuriyama has acted in horror movies, and she has never heard that horror movies can scare people to death.

Many people in this country are quite confident in their ability to withstand terror.

Speaking of Takako Kuriyama, she was not able to be the leading role and asked to play Sadako in the movie.Wu Long reminded her that Zhenzi is not easy to act, and Zhenzi does not show her face.

Takako Kuriyama doesn't care, what she cares about is to star in Wu Long's movie.According to her words, if she can't act in the movie Wu Long made in this country, people will think that she was abandoned by Wu Long.Even a small role is fine, just beg Wu Long not to abandon her.

When Wu Long was making this movie, he didn't point out all the actors, including Nanako Noguchi.

Moreover, Wu Long also asked a director from Benziguo to act as an assistant director in the name of being a mentor to the director of Benziguo.

He just watched from the sidelines and didn't get involved too much.

Anyway, Ben Ziguo just wanted to use his name to make a name for himself, and Jiang Hushi also wanted to use his name to make Jiang Hushi famous.

Wu Long was worried that his directing would make this already scary movie even scarier just like he participated in the show.

Thinking about him playing Hannibal, just a psycho killer, is scary.If he plays the leading role, a person who investigates the truth but is finally killed by the truth, it will definitely give people more depression and fear.

You know, the original version of "Midnight Ring" in the previous life is said to be really scary to death.

Wu Long had seen this movie disc in his previous life, as well as two other famous horror films "Ghost Call" and "The Grudge".

Everyone has their own opinion on which one is the scariest.Some people say it's "Midnight Ring", some say it's "Ghost Call", and others say it's "The Grudge".

Wu Long felt that the most frightening thing was "Midnight Ring".But when he met someone who said "Midnight Ring" was not scary, he laughed and fell asleep after watching it.

Wu Long just asked these people about the details of a few movies, but none of them said anything.

Why do some people think that "Midnight Ring" is not terrible, and even want to sleep after watching it, and say it is slow and procrastinated?

That's because what these people think of as horror movies are horror pictures.The horror picture is what "Midnight Ring" lacks, and it is less than "Ghost Call" and "The Grudge".

Therefore, many people say that "Midnight Ring" is not terrible.

Some people said that "Midnight Ring" is ridiculous, and they laughed when watching it.In such a situation, many of them actually know the content of "Midnight Ring", and know that the horror scene is Sadako crawling out of the TV.In addition, my heart is relatively strong, so I will laugh.

However, if you ask them about the details in the movie, they won't be able to tell.If they don't know in advance, after they watch it, if you ask them why people who watched the videotape die, they won't be able to explain.

"Midnight Ring" is not like ordinary horror movies, relying on sound and scary pictures to scare people.This movie is more about creating an atmosphere and using psychological hints to harm people.

Other horror films are easy to understand.This kind of horror film is to scare people with scary pictures.Some horror films are too difficult to understand, and they don't have a scary effect.

If you want to watch "Midnight Ring" without fear, first of all, you can't sink into the movie and follow the plot in the movie.Many people are not afraid because they know the plot and don't have to follow the plot.

When you don't know the plot, follow the plot.In this way, the puzzle solving will begin.The process of solving puzzles is the process of falling into terror.

At the beginning of the movie, Tomoko's death has no horror scenes.Just used some psychological hints and common horror techniques.For example, two girls are talking about scary things, which makes people look not scary.Let the audience relax.

The horror story told by Tomoko's classmate Kurahashi Masami is different from the truth, and it doesn't explain how she died.

Therefore, following the investigation of the heroine Reiko Asakawa, the audience who relaxed their vigilance was gradually brought into the movie world.As long as the audience also wants to find out the truth and how they died, they have to follow Reiko Asakawa to investigate and think and understand by themselves, so that they will pay attention to the details shown in the movie.

This detail, the scariest thing is that video tape.

Many people who say that the movie is not terrible, did not watch the tape carefully like Reiko Asakawa and her ex-husband Takayama.

If you look carefully, you will find the difference in the video tape just like the protagonist.The screen in the tape changes!

And because there are many snowflakes, viewers who watch the video carefully will have the pictures of the video deeply imprinted in their minds.

In fact, the picture on the video tape has a strong hint.

These hints began to ferment when Gao Shan saw the pair of dirty white shoes.There is not too much horror soundtrack, only Gao Shan's inner monologue, and Gao Shan resisted his fear and did not dare to look up.

In broad daylight, it is still on the street with people coming and going, and there are people walking in the background.But in such an environment, Gao Shan, who is a man, was so frightened that he clenched the pen in his hand and did not dare to look up.

At this time, there is a hint here, that is, in many horror films, the camera will suddenly look upwards, creating a terrifying scene.In this way, the audience will be frightened, and the mountain in the movie will also be frightened.

However, this film is not shot that way.The more wary the audience who are accustomed to watching horror movies, the less such shots are given in the movie.Beware is also a kind of expectation.

As a result, just as everyone expected, Gao Shan's state of hard control suddenly loosened.Then Gao Shan looked up, and there was no woman in a white dress and white shoes in front of him.

People come and go, very lively.

There is no horror picture, but because the audience is wary of horror pictures, this hint is engraved in the audience's mind.

Then the picture changed, Gao Shan went home and saw her Asakawa Reiko waiting for him at the gate, the picture at this time was a gloomy painting style.

Although there is sunlight, it is blocked by trees and houses.The contrast between the darkness and the sunlight in this picture once again deeply impresses the hint in the minds of the audience.

Viewers who don't watch carefully will not be hinted at by such a picture.

Another point, the previous TV will have snowflakes.Snowflakes do not appear on current TVs.

People who watched this movie before thought that they hadn't watched the video tape, so they didn't have to worry about Sadako coming out in reality.

But in this movie, the horror is scary. If you watch the movie carefully and observe the details, you will be deeply impressed by the snowflakes of the video tape.

Once snowflakes appear on the TV in reality, I will think of this movie, and the snowflakes will change, the snowflakes will gather, the snowflakes will become a well, and the snowflakes will become people climbing...

Fear just climbed into my heart and emerged in my mind.

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