I'm not just an action star

Chapter 455 Captain Jack is Coming

"Super Body" was completed, and the global screening of "Pirates of the Caribbean" was also ushered in.

If a movie wants to sell well, a good screening season is an indispensable condition.

Both Lion Pictures and Wyner Films are trying their best to arrange the screening of "Pirates of the Caribbean", hoping that the film will break the billion box office as they expected.

When Wu Long wanted to make a pirate film, no one liked it.They are the same, not optimistic about Wu Long's pirate movies.Investing in Wu Long is just to build a good relationship with Wu Long.

Unexpectedly, when the samples came out, they saw a different pirate captain.I have also seen that this pirate film is not about pirates acting bravely and resisting tyranny, but a fantasy movie in the name of pirates.

And if there is no Captain Jack, this fantasy pirate movie is just an ordinary fantasy movie.But with Captain Jack and the performance of various characters, this pirate film shows its charming characteristics.

Captain Jack has become the soul of this movie.

It can be said that this movie was made for Wu Long.And Wu Long was born to play Captain Jack.

At the premiere in Los Angeles, the cursed pirates on the Black Pearl first appeared.

Of these characters, two of the buffoons are here to be funny.The two wore white parasols that were only worn by nobles in the Middle Ages, looking for their eyeballs everywhere.

By the way, introduce characters and actors, tell jokes and keep the audience laughing.

Then there's the villainous pirate captain, Barbossa the Damned.This guy has a big beard, is cunning and cunning, and he is not a good person at a glance.

"No one can kill me, I am the captain of the Black Pearl!"

Then came Tom Cornus, dressed as blacksmith Will Turner.

The handsome and handsome he came up, and he won the cheers of many women.His handsomeness is different from Wu Long's.

Wu Long is handsome, masculine and tough.

Tom Cornus is handsome, and has a bit of a cream boy taste.But it is different from those pure butter niches, with a little more muscular macho feeling.

The premiere ceremony is like a simple drama.Will enters the scene to find his sweetheart Elizabeth.

Kayla, who was dressed as Elizabeth Swan, went on stage saying she couldn't breathe.Of course, the audience at this time did not know what Elizabeth meant.

I just thought it was teasing the pirates, causing them to boo and harass.

Will heroically stood up to protect Elizabeth.When the two sides confronted each other, important figures appeared.

Wu Long dressed up as Captain Jack, walked like a model, and appeared on the stage with his body out of shape.

His appearance sparked warm cheers from the audience.

Subsequently, Will and Captain Jack clashed, and the two drew their swords to fight.At the premiere, a wonderful Western swordsmanship showdown was presented.

The audience who participated in the premiere was hooked.In their eyes, the duel of swordsmanship between the two was very thrilling, as long as many actions were not careful, they could really stab people.

Moreover, the Western swordsmanship used by the two is the same as their habits.

In the past, when they watched Chinese martial arts weapon sparring, they stabbed the head left and right with spears, and they were fast and accurate, which made people worry and fear in their hearts.Slashing with a knife is also the shadow of a sword, the knife cuts from the side, and the sword passes from the side of the head.It made people forget to breathe, and they were so nervous that they were sweating.

However, those thrilling duels all used Chinese martial arts and Chinese weapons.It's not their own weapon sparring that they are familiar with.

Now the confrontation between Captain Jack and Will is different. They are not Chinese weapons, but their own Western swords that they are familiar with, using Western swordsmanship.

In this way, the sense of substitution will be strengthened, and the sense of honor will be enhanced.

It is no longer the Chinese martial arts that can perform like this, but also the ancient weapons of the West.

Except for Wu Long, before Wu Long, no one had performed this kind of duel with Western swords and Western swordsmanship.


Now Wu Long has used it, and performed it with one of their Westerners.

What does it mean?

It shows that Western swordsmanship is not bad!

The difference is people!

People from the past, no matter how good they were at blowing, any legendary figures, were better than Wu Long's kung fu, they were not worthy of being subordinates!

Western swordsmanship, stand up!

Not only the men who watched the performance live, but even the people who watched the live broadcast thought the same way.

The swordsmanship duel performance between Wu Long and Tom Cornus won everyone's applause and applause, and made everyone look forward to "Pirates of the Caribbean".

I didn't want to watch it at first, but I have changed my mind, so I must watch it.

At the end of the premiere performance, Wu Long performed a live performance of rising to the top of the pole, then using the rotation to throw himself out, standing on another crossbar on top of the pole, and then sliding down.

This performance is the scene in the movie where Captain Jack escapes after being captured.

At this time, Wu Long performed in public, without the protection of safety ropes, without hanging wires, showing his superb martial arts to the audience.

People watching online regretted and lamented that they were not able to watch the premiere performance live.

This is real kung fu!

It's a real effort to fight with your life!

Those who doubt, do it yourself first.

Unfortunately, no one questioned.

Wu Long first performed with Western fencing, which resonated with Westerners.Then use the final performance to tell everyone that the filming in the movie is all real, there is no need for editing and special effects.

How can such a real performance not be attractive?

There is a phenomenon all over the world. After the premiere, all the pre-sale tickets for a week are sold out!

This news was circulated on the Internet before the movie was screened.It further gave "Pirates of the Caribbean" a phenomenal publicity.

Before Wu Long, no movie had such crazy pre-sale results.

Only Wu Long created another record and history!

Enough to load the global film history!

The premiere has finally begun, with the Americas showing first.

Especially in the Caribbean, people flock to movie theaters with songs and dances.Those who did not buy the premiere danced on the street.

Let some people think that the country where the Amazon rainforest is located will boycott "Pirates of the Caribbean", no one boycotted.

It seems that Amazon rainforest tourism is being robbed of tourists by the Caribbean, and they are not angry or care.

They respect and worship Wu Long.

No one can drive tourism in the entire Amazon rainforest with his own power like Wu Long.

They danced passionate samba in the street to celebrate the premiere of "Pirates of the Caribbean".

For a while, it seemed that the release of "Pirates of the Caribbean" could trigger global celebrations.

Unfortunately, due to time zones, the global screenings are not at the same time.

In the movie theater at the premiere, the audience finally saw the official screening of the movie.

Captain Jack played by Wu Long has not appeared before, which made many people anxious and irritable.They came to watch the movie in Wu Long's name, but Wu Long didn't show up for a long time.

The protagonist has not shown his face for a long time, and if he is placed in another movie, he is destined to hit the street.But it can be placed in Wu Long's movie, but it has a miraculous effect.Because of Wu Long, everyone watched patiently.In this way, it becomes an aggravation of the audience's sense of expectation.

Finally, after a long wait, Captain Jack played by Wu Long appeared.

Majestic and majestic bgm, long hair, clothes dancing with the sea breeze.

The back of Captain Jack appeared on the screen.

Just a back view, there are women screaming in the cinema.

When the camera turned to the front, Wu Long's far-reaching eyes shone with wisdom, like a starry universe, which was hard to see through.That aura is invincible.

Then, as Captain Jack jumped down, the painting style suddenly changed.

In the movie theater, the audience suddenly burst into laughter.Such scenes appear in all the movie theaters showing "Pirates of the Caribbean".

It really surprised many people that Captain Jack would appear like this.

Shouldn't you be driving the most majestic pirate ship?

How could it be such a broken little sailboat?

The dignified pirate captain, who can do without men, actually has to bail out the water in the boat, otherwise the boat will sink.

When the crew members of other ships looked at Captain Jack in astonishment, when everyone saw Captain Jack standing on the top of the mast again, they thought that Captain Jack had solved the leaking situation on the ship.

As a result, the ship really sank.

There was laughter again in the cinema, bursting with laughter.

In the movie, Captain Jack maintained the elegance of his captain, unaffected by the sinking ship under his feet.

At the last moment of the sinking of the ship, he took the last step calmly and gracefully, stepping onto the plank road.

The ship sank, and Captain Jack had to pay the berthing fee.He didn't get angry, and dealt with it tactfully.

The audience is subconscious, and Captain Jack is taking the route of wisdom.

Diving to the rescue!

Only one shot!

If Wu Long hadn't had the live broadcast of Wu Long's free deep dive without equipment and set a world record, the audience would not believe that this process was shot from beginning to end in one shot.

At this point, the audience believed it.There are no special effects, and Wu Long doesn't need special effects.

When I saw that even if Captain Jack saved someone, he was caught because he was a pirate, and then escaped skillfully.The audience exclaimed that the escape scene was the one performed at the premiere.

Real shooting, no hanging wire, no safety rope protection, no special effects editing!

This is the charm of Wu Long's movies!

Soon, the sword fight between Captain Jack and the blacksmith appeared in the smithy, and the audience saw their hearts beating faster, excited and excited.

This fight is more exciting and varied than the performance at the premiere.

Captain Jack's simple swordsmanship is obviously not as good as that of a blacksmith, which makes the audience who are accustomed to Wu Long's invincible characters feel a little uncomfortable.

But Captain Jack is witty and good at using the surrounding environment and objects to solve dangers and defeat opponents. It also makes people feel that the role played by Wu Long is very different from the previous roles.

This difference makes Captain Jack fresher, more interesting, and more attractive.

Captain Jack wins Will with tricks, and Will throws his sword to prevent Captain Jack from leaving.

The moment the blacksmith Will threw the sword, the audience in the movie theater exclaimed.This action has the feeling of Wu Long throwing a flying knife.


The next duel on the beams was exciting and exciting.

Captain Jack was still captured, and the audience saw the brutality of the pirates on the Black Pearl.

The audience laughed knowingly when they saw Captain Jack use his wisdom to snatch a ship from the heavily armed navy.

To be called a famous pirate captain, he really has two skills.

When you talk about robbing a ship, you really rob a ship.

On the boat, the blacksmith thought he had defeated Captain Jack, and wanted to do it again.As a result, Captain Jack just turned the rudder skillfully and solved the blacksmith.

This made the audience realize that at sea, Captain Jack can give full play to his advantages and specialties.

I thought that Captain Jack was really calling the wind and rain at sea, and everyone respected and everyone feared what he said.

As a result, when he wanted to find a new crew member, he was slapped in the face by two women.Later, a female crew member was found, and she was slapped in the face by the other party.It turns out that the sinking ship of Captain Jack actually stole this woman.

Captain Jack has refreshed the audience's perception of him.

On the sea surface of the night, under the moonlight, the pirates of the Black Pearl finally revealed their terrifying cursed faces.

Once the undead monster is illuminated by moonlight, it will reveal a skeleton form.Drinking, the wine flows out between the bones of the skeleton body.

Even Barbossa's monkey turned into an undead monster to scare people.

When Elizabeth saw these terrible undead, she ran away in fright, screaming.

The audience learned the origin of the curse of the pirates on the Black Pearl, and was also deeply attracted by the plot of the story.I also understand why Captain Jack is in the cell. After the pirates of the Black Pearl entered the cell and found Captain Jack, they stretched out their arms to pinch Captain Jack's neck, but the arm turned into a skeleton.This is a foreshadowing, suggesting to the audience what kind of legend the pirates on the Black Pearl are.

This is a pirate movie unlike any previous pirate movie.

The second time in the Treasure Cave on the Island of Death, Barbossa sent his men to attack the Intrepid.The audience saw that this group of undead pirates did not go out in a small boat, but walked directly on the bottom of the sea.

Everything was so eerie that the hairs stood on end and a chill ran down the spine.With background music, one can predict how the soldiers of the Dreadnought will be hit and killed when these undead monsters appear on the Dreadnought.

In the treasure cave, several people started to fight.

It's a great matchup.If someone has watched the original version, they will find that the fight redesigned by Wu Long is more exciting than the original version.

Unfortunately, no one in this world has seen the original.In their view, it was another wonderful fight of Western swordsmanship.

Compared with pirate movies, those sword fights are incomparable with the fights designed by Wu Long now.

There is no harm without comparison.

In the past, those Western sword fights were like children playing with each other, or they fought too fakely.

Because Captain Jack also secretly stole gold coins from the box and turned into a cursed undead monster.Fighting back and forth like this, as Barbosa said, it is meaningless to fight until the end of the world.

As a result, Barbossa didn't know that Captain Jack had secretly planned with the blacksmith Will, and asked Will to throw the gold coins stained with his own blood back into the box at the critical moment.

The curse was lifted, and Barbossa was killed by Captain Jack.

Everyone thought it was over, but Captain Jack was arrested and hanged.

Blacksmith Will threw the sword again, this time not to prevent Captain Jack from escaping, but to save Captain Jack.

The two cooperated tacitly and knocked down many soldiers.It's a pity that the two of them failed to break out of the encirclement.Elizabeth finally made a choice, because it was Captain Jack who saved them all, including the navy.

Now these people want to avenge their kindness.

As a result, Captain Jack jumped into the sea by himself, and his new crew members sailed the Black Pearl to pick him up.

Happy ending.

Will the blacksmith won Elizabeth's love, and Elizabeth's father did not stop the two.Will's rival in love no longer competes with him for Elizabeth, and expresses that he will temporarily let Captain Jack go.

Captain Jack got back his Black Pearl.

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