I'm not just an action star

Chapter 454 "Super Body" Finished

The next day, someone came to Elaine to record a single, which was sung last night.At the same time, Wu Longlu was also found.For French songs, Wu Long didn't need to go back to the imperial capital to record, he just recorded in Pali City.

The two songs ranked first and second on the music charts of Lanxi Country as soon as they were released.

What some people didn't expect was that the top of the list was not Wu Long's.But Wu Long's singing can only come second.

The reason is that it is only because it sounds sad, so it is in the back.

Yi Lian also became popular because of Wu Long's help.

I'm angry!

Ads keep coming, announcements keep coming.

Su Fei, on the other hand, continued to be Wu Long's assistant until the end of the filming in Lanxi Country.

At the airport, four daughters, Sophie, Yilian, Eva and Lei, saw each other off.Everyone bid farewell to Wulong alone, which made many men envious.

Lei said, "Brother Long, why do you always reject me?"

"I can't give you anything." Wu Long replied with a smile.

Eva asked: "Brother Long, why am I always by your side, but I can't go further with you?"

"I can't give you anything." Wu Long still replied with a smile.

"You are leaving, can you give me some advice?" Eva reluctantly said.

"You are suitable to play a witch, a sinister and cunning witch, a queen..."

"I can only play the villain?" Eva was sad.

"Of course not. It's just that if you play the villain, it will be more memorable."

Elaine: "Brother Long, thank you for your song. I will always be your Elaine."

"Don't say forever." Wu Long didn't want Yi Lian to be too affectionate.From this point of view, he is really a scumbag.

Unexpectedly, a song moved Elaine's true feelings.However, because of Su Fei, she could only bury her feelings deeply.She also felt guilty towards So Fei, thinking that her friend helped her, but she felt sorry for her friend and did something that hurt her friend.

Sophie: "You are the most wonderful memory in my life."

"You are also the most wonderful memory in my life." Wu Long silently added the word "one of them" in his heart.

The passenger plane carried Wu Long and flew into the blue sky.

Four women stood in a row, watching the plane take off and go away through the glass.

"It's a step too late, let Scarlett get the starring role." Lei sighed: "We have been with Brother Long for so many days, we can't get his people, and we can't get his heart."

Eva sighed: "At any rate, you acted in the movie he wrote, and I have nothing. I don't expect to get his heart, his heart is too much. I only want to get his body, but he is stingy for once. Not to me."

Sophie and Elaine were silent.

"Three, I'm leaving first. I hope that because of Brother Long, the four of us can become friends. Remember to find me if you have anything to do. Eva, Elaine, Su Fei!"

Ray waved away.At this time, the passenger plane Wu Long was on had already disappeared into the sky.

Eva turned to look at her.

"We're friends."

Elaine and Sophie turned their heads.


After a while, Eva also left.

"Eileen, Sophie, I'm leaving too. I hope we will be good friends forever."

Elaine and Sophie turned their heads.


Watching Eva's pretty back disappear, Sophie took Elaine's hand.

"I know about you and Brother Long. I hated you a little bit in my heart. But when Brother Long left, I realized that I could no longer hate you."

"I'm sorry." Elaine bit her lip.

"I forgive you."

"we are still friends?"

"good friend."

At Jianghu International Airport, a row of luxury cars were parked at the main location, and a man in a black suit stood in front of each luxury car.

The airport was packed with journalists and crowds.

"I'm coming!"

"Look, it's Brother Long!"

"Brother Long!"


"Brother Long looked at me, ah my breath!"

Wu Long didn't expect that he would receive such a warm welcome and grand reception when he came to Jiang Hu. Chiba Huasui, as the introducer, introduced the important people who came to receive him.

There are people from the political world, gangsters, entertainment circles, and martial arts circles, all of them.

Soon, the news of Wu Long coming to Jiang Hu hit the headlines of major media in the country.No matter what, just praise it.

All the media, newspapers and magazines flattered Wu Long.

Some people even respected Wu Long as a god, a god of war!

In fact, in the country of Merikan, some people call Wu Long the God of War.

The scene broadcast on TV, the video on the Internet.When Wu Long left the airport, two rows of men in black suits greeted him.

On the way out of the airport, men in black suits stood in a row on both sides of the road to welcome Wu Long's convoy. This kind of ostentation lasted for a kilometer.

Wu Long watched and scolded in his heart, the people of this country are indeed Shen Jingbing.

Si Jiali, who was next to Wu Long, was shocked by Wu Long's status in her country when she saw this formation.

"Brother Long, with your status here, there are not many people in this country who can do this, right?"

Nanako Noguchi, who was sitting on the other side of Wu Long, approached Wu Long trembling slightly.

"In the hearts of our people, Brother Long is the god of war in some people's hearts, and has a supreme status. They can die for Brother Long." Nanako Noguchi explained to Scarlett.

Takako Kuriyama sat opposite, she wanted to sit next to Wu Long, but she didn't have the chance.

"In our native country, as long as Brother Long gives orders, many people will do things for Brother Long, including killing people." She also wanted to express herself.

"Really?" Scarlett was surprised.

What is the reason that makes people from this country kill people for a person who is not from their country?She couldn't figure it out.

The convoy arrived at the five-star hotel unimpeded all the way.

Wu Long got out of the car and was immediately startled by a group of people standing in front of the five-star hotel.

Not to mention the men in black suits standing in a circle outside, that's standard security.Doesn't matter if it's a gang or what.

But what appeared in front of his eyes were all kinds of beauties from this country.Some wear kimono, some wear cheongsam, in short, you can dress up as you want to make yourself more beautiful or hotter.

Wu Long also couldn't count how many of these women there were.

When they saw Wu Long coming out of the car, they immediately bowed to Wu Long to salute.It's the normal way of bowing at ninety degrees to say hello in Benziguo.

A bunch of female voices greeted Wu Long, making people feel as if they had returned to the ancient Spring Tower.Those Yingying and Yanyan made people tremble.

Good guy, Wu Long called him a good guy.

Unexpectedly, the people of this country actually engaged in such a big battle, and even made a video and posted it on the Internet, showing their grand reception to Wu Long.

"They are female entertainers in the entertainment industry, including movie stars, TV stars, singers, dancers, and hosts..."

Kuriyama Takako introduced Wu Long to the side.

Scarlett saw that among the group of women, many people looked at her, or at Nanako Noguchi, showing envy.

A big man stepped forward and introduced in a low voice:

"Brother Long, the entire hotel has been booked. They live in each room separately, and are always at your beck and call."

Wu Long's body trembled again.

These nerds are playing so big?

"Let's go to another place. I like quietness, and I don't like so many people. It's enough to have Ms. Noguchi and Ms. Kuriyama. I don't want to be too troublesome."

Hearing Wu Long's words, the other party was a little surprised.Unexpectedly, they patted Wu Long's ass on the horse's leg.

"We were careless. I'll choose another place for Brother Long..."

"No, I don't like what you do, or what you do. Just do as I say, understand?"

"Yes." The boss hurriedly bowed and nodded.

After their discussion, they quickly took Wu Long to a garden house.

The main location of the filming, there are hotels and hospitals.Like the shooting in the hospital, such as the shooting in the operating room, you can actually shoot in the studio, or just find a room to arrange the shooting.

But Jiang Hushi hoped that Wu Long would shoot on the spot.For them, filming on location in a hospital can promote the hospital.

The hotel filming took place at the five-star hotel that he refused to stay in.And the hospital actually arranged for the hospital to let Wu Long shoot in the real hospital.

In the original plot, Lucy goes to the hospital at night.In the movie, there are so many people in the hospital at night, and it is strange that the clinics are still open as normal as during the day.

But Wu Long did not change, so be it.There are not many people in the hospital at night, so it happened to be arranged to shoot at night.There is also the studio, which needs a room that can be turned, and it is used to shoot the reading that Lucy was kicked out of the body, and then began to change.For some actions, it is necessary to turn the room to shoot, so that the desired effect can be easily captured.

The rotating room is a common shooting prop in the studio.You only need to decorate the inside to look like you want to use.

In the shooting of the hotel, Lucy was a bit like a silly big sister at the beginning.After Wu Long's lecture, Scarlett quickly grasped the character's state at the beginning of the movie.

When she went in with the box, she was a little overwhelmed, a little apprehensive, and a little scared.Scarlett had to perform these too.

Kuriyama Takako and Noguchi Nanako listened to Wu Long's lecture to Scarlett, and they studied with the crew.

Upon seeing the murder, Lucy becomes panicked.This kind of panic, the performance in the original version is actually just superficial.

Now that Scarlett has Wu Long's guidance to give lectures, the kind of panic from the heart can be expressed directly.

If you can shoot according to the order of development in the movie world, try to shoot according to the development of the story.Shooting in this way is helpful for the actor's substitution and the grasp of the performance.

In the shooting of the hotel, one was caught and threatened at the beginning, and then the stomach was put into the reading material.

In the following shooting, after escaping, he came back to take revenge and search for the remaining reading clues.Lucy starts to get a little neurotic when she takes on the tattoo boss.

Wu Long wants to tell Scarlett a play, explaining that Lucy is evolving because of the readings, and she doesn't understand herself.It was as if it was another person mixed with the original self.

In fact, the most brilliant part of the first half of the movie is that after Lucy was infected and evolved by the reading, she became a cold-faced killer.After killing a guard neatly, he went out with his gun, shouted "Hey" at four mahjong players and another accomplice who was cooking, and fired five shots in a row, killing five people.

In this plot, Wu Long followed the original version and deliberately asked Scarlett to wear a white slim-fitting T-shirt with a very low neckline.

As soon as this makeup came out, all the men's eyes straightened.Wu Long thinks it can be a big hit, and it is absolutely inseparable from Lucy's clothes in this plot.

Dressed like this, the two headlights are dazzling.Especially coming out of the confinement room, the headlights are more prominent.

"The posture of holding a gun must be handsome, even more handsome than a man."

Wu Long tells Scarlett about the scene of holding a gun.

"Have you seen the action of Angeli holding a gun?"

Scarlett nodded.

"Your movements are different from hers. They have two styles. You must have the aura of a Terminator, and you must also have the aura of Angeli."

Wu Long held a prop gun, stretched the gun behind him, and pointed the muzzle at the ground.

"See? Get out of the cell with just this movement, as if you're dragging something."

Scarlett thought for a while and said:

"Is it like a perverted killer, dragging a heavy and huge hammer? An angry woman condenses her anger into a big hammer. Because the big hammer is too heavy, it can only be dragged behind her."

Takako Kuriyama and Nanako Noguchi were startled at the same time, they both looked at Wu Long with a sense of gain, and at the same time glanced at Si Jiali from the corner of their eyes.

Scarlett's understanding was amazing.

Imagine a woman lugging a giant hammer.It's a bit like the flavor of Japanese anime.There is an image of a woman holding a big hammer in this country's animation, and it is very popular among men and women.

Hearing what Scarlett said at this time, imagine a woman with such a hot figure as Scarlett, holding a pair of big headlights and dragging a huge hammer behind her towards the enemy.Just thinking about it makes me feel so emotional.

Wu Long clapped his hands and praised:

"Yes, a very talented idea. It's just that you are holding a gun in your hand, and it is not easy to perform the aura of dragging a sledgehammer."

Scarlett, who was praised by Wu Long, was overjoyed. She found that she had made great progress in filming with Wu Long.

No wonder Wu Long was able to win two double queens.

Scarlett's thoughts coincided with those of Takako Kuriyama and Nanako Noguchi.The two of them felt that they had gained a lot just by listening in.

"After you come out of the prison room, when you go out, you are shown from the back. The camera is on the side of the door of the prison room, filming you coming out of the prison room. When you leave the prison room, remember to look at the camera specially to show that you are Observe the surrounding situation. The camera follows you and shoots your back."

"Your back is very characteristic, you must pay attention to using your back. There is a feeling of dragging a heavy object in your hands, but your body doesn't. The back is alluring, but you can't walk out of enchantment."

"Go outside and the camera will show you face-on. You can't be murderous, because evolution will numb your emotions and gradually lose the emotions that humans use. You have to appear calm, so calm that you are doing something normal, every day. all doing."

"When you pass by the camera, say 'hey'. The camera will follow you, shoot your back and shoot. Five shots in a row, arms extended, muzzle moving. You don't need to aim, probably pointing at everyone's Just the direction."

How to hold the gun in style, how to shoot handsomely, Wu Long is the best, and the whole movement process taught by Scarlett is very aura.Much better than the original.

There's a scene in the prison cell scene where the tattooed man reaches into Lucy's headlights.Scarlett hoped that Wu Long could play the guest role of the tattooed man, but she didn't want anyone else to play it.

Wu Long agreed to Scarlett's request.

The tattooed man is quite strong. When Lucy came out to shoot them, he was the only one who could shoot back and hit Lucy.It's a pity that Lucy doesn't feel pain after evolving, so she doesn't care about it at all.

After finishing, Wu Long turned to make a classic horror film.

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