I'm not just an action star

Chapter 453 Magic Avenue and My Name Is Elaine

How to keep confidential work confidential?That is, when inviting people, they don't mention that there is Wu Long, but only say that they are helping their friend Yi Lian.

At this time, you can see whether a person is a true friend and whether it is worth interacting with.

Wu Long also didn't announce in the crew that he would not greet the crew until the end of work today, saying that he would hold a small party tonight, and he would wait for the announcement if he was willing to come, and told him not to leak the news.

The reason for the secrecy is that it is afraid of causing a sensation, causing many people who were not invited to come uninvited.

Yi Lian went home to practice singing, and Sophie looked for a suitable place.

concert hall?

too formal.If Yi Lian sings popular songs like this, if she sings in a concert hall, she will be used to attack her in the future.

Usually stadiums, conference venues...


If you just listen to music and watch live broadcasts, and don't drink or eat to add to the fun, it doesn't seem to be a waste of the Lanxi Kingdom.

Maybe it would be nice to make it a party.

Afterwards, Sophie shook her head and vetoed it.

In terms of bars, it is inevitable that Wu Long will be exposed after he appears.Once it is known, there will definitely be a lot of people outside.

Besides, Elaine's songs don't seem to be suitable for singing in an environment like a bar.

Finally, Sophie settled on a place, a private club.

It's a private club that often gathers artists, designers, filmmakers, and more.It's just right for singing.

Private clubs are relatively hidden, and many ordinary people don't know about them.

It's just that, if you want to temporarily book such a private club, it may be difficult to do it with Su Fei's identity alone.

Sophie knew the owner of the private club, and the other party knew her father, Bruno, and she called him uncle.

"Uncle, I want to book the entire club tonight, is that okay?" So Fei knew that it was impossible to book all of them, because someone would make an appointment in advance.She still wants to try.

The opponent shook his head.

"Su Fei, you are joking. I already have an appointment, and I can't cancel it."

"If only the concert hall is reserved, is that okay?"

The other party thought for a moment.

"What do you want to pack?"

"My friend Elaine wants to do a live broadcast and needs a place. I will also invite some friends to join me, as if she is holding a small internal concert."

"Why in such a hurry?"

"Originally, she planned to appear on a live TV show on TV One, but she was replaced temporarily. I don't want her to be sad, and I want to help her broadcast it myself."

"Wu Long coming?" The other party asked suddenly.

Su Fei was startled, knowing what the other party should have guessed.If it was just for an unknown Elaine, there was no need for Sophie to do this.

Chartering the concert hall of a private club is not a simple matter of money.It costs a lot, and it's not worth it for Su Fei to do so.

"Does this have something to do with my contracting the concert hall? If you don't want to, I'll find another place."

Sophie decided not to speak out.She also didn't want to use Wu Long's name to book the concert hall.

The other party smiled.

"The concert hall happens to have no reservations tonight, so I can give it to you."

"Thank you uncle."

After deciding on a place, Sophie began to distribute the number of people with Elaine and Eva.Because Eva is not the main one, so I can only bring a few people with me.Eva dare not say anything.Wu Long's live broadcast has nothing to do with her, and she can go along with her to save face.

The crew finished filming, Wu Long told everyone to have a small gathering tonight, and then inform the address, whoever is free will come.

It's rare for Wu Long to have a party with everyone, who would be so stupid not to attend?Even if there is an appointment before, it will be canceled temporarily.

After dinner, Sophie accompanied Elaine to the club.Her mother wanted her to go home, but she didn't.Once she comes out, don't let her go back.

Wu Long was not with them, and when the time was approaching, he arrived half an hour earlier.Also inform the crew of the address before coming.The news was also released in the live broadcast room and on the Internet, and the live broadcast will be broadcast half an hour later.

Now Wu Long's reputation, even if the news was not announced too early, the number of people during the live broadcast would be a terrifying number.

This is the scary thing about top traffic.

And Wu Long's fans are all real fans, all over the world.

When some early arrivals saw Wu Long, they immediately cried out in surprise, and took a group photo with Wu Long after obtaining consent.

Seeing Elaine, ask Elaine how her singing is doing.Yi Lian sang to Wu Long and asked Wu Long for advice.

Wu Long nodded in praise after hearing this.

"You are the most suitable singer for this song, more suitable than me."

Such a compliment made Elaine feel like she was overflowing with happiness.

When the time is up, start the live broadcast.According to Wu Long's arrangement, Wu Long sang a song first to gather popularity and set the tone.

Mainly because of Yi Lian's style of music, Wu Long was worried that some people would ignore Yi Lian's songs in order to wait for him to sing.

Tonight's protagonist is Elaine, and the finale should also be Elaine.

Wu Long's live broadcast room, Yi Lian's live broadcast room, live broadcast at the same time.

"Hi everyone, I'm Wu Long!"

"It's been a long time since I did a live broadcast. When I came to Pali City to film, I felt that it would be useless not to do a live broadcast here in such a world-famous city."

Pali City, one of the five largest international metropolises in the world.When Wu Long said this, he seemed to value Bari City very much, and made the people watching the live broadcast, especially the people of Bari City, very proud.

Wu Long didn't even say such a thing during the live broadcast in Merikan.It shows that in Wu Long's eyes, Barry City is more important than Los Angeles City and New York City.

this is necessary!

That's what the people of Lanxi and Pali City think.

Pali City is the world's largest international metropolis!

Bruno got the news of his daughter and was also watching the live broadcast.Hearing what Wu Long said, he was happy to drink and celebrate.

"Sophie did a great job this time!"

"I am the greatest contributor to Wu Long's coming to Bari City. Now that Wu Long has publicly said this, it has raised the international status of Bari City, and I also have a share of credit!"

"You, don't worry too much about Su Fei."

Su Fei's mother was a little unhappy.

All the people from Evara arrived.

The crew also got

Some of the people Su Fei invited did not show up.

Some of the people Elaine invited did not show up.

Those who didn't arrive, when they received the news and saw Wu Long's live broadcast, they immediately regretted it.They want to go again, but they can't leave the people and things around them behind.If you want to bring someone there, if you are not invited, you will definitely not be allowed in.

Sorry, so sorry.

On the Internet, people in Pali City have commented or asked online.

"Where is the live broadcast?"

"Is it really in Bali City?"

"Anyone know that place?"

"I want to go too!"

The owner of the private club who agreed with Sophie to contract the concert hall was secretly happy at this time.The arrival of Wu Long can indeed increase the reputation of the club.However, he didn't need to please Wu Long, just follow normal business dealings.

He didn't go to see Wu Long, he wanted to maintain his nobility.

Wu Long, in his eyes, is actually just a very popular star.There is no need for him to make friends with people without power.

Even without Wu Long, his club is still famous.

At this time, some people who had been to the club couldn't help revealing the name of the club on the Internet, saying that it was the concert hall inside the club.

Those people didn't expect that Wu Long would go to the club and still broadcast live there.Someone is already on their way to the club.

Those who had made an appointment to come to the club happily came to the concert hall to add to the fun.The concert hall was full, and they were happy to stand by and watch.

"Director, it's not good! Wu Long is broadcasting live!"

When the director of TV One, who was doing a live broadcast, heard the news, he felt bad all of a sudden.Wu Long is broadcasting live at this time, isn't this stealing his audience?

Why did Wu Long do this?It's really annoying.

The director immediately clicked on Wu Long's live broadcast to watch, and made people pay attention to the ratings of his program.

"Director, the ratings of our show are dropping!"

"The number of people drops quickly!"

After Wu Long greeted the audience with a smile in front of the camera, he began to introduce some interesting things after coming to Bari City, as well as filming behind-the-scenes stories.

"When I came to this beautiful and romantic metropolis, full of art, poets, and historical and cultural atmosphere, I met many friends. One of my friends, she likes to sing. When I saw her, I wrote a song for her , sung by herself."

Netizens were shocked to hear that Wu Long specially wrote a song for Elaine.

"My God, Brother Long actually wrote a song for her!"

"Brother Long has never written a song for anyone!"

"If I were her, I would die of happiness!"

"Why does Brother Long write a song for her, it makes me very jealous!"

"So, what kind of song did Brother Long write for her?"

"I think Brother Long deliberately wrote a song for one person. This song may not be as good as Brother Long's previous songs."

At the beginning, the cameras in Wu Long's live broadcast room and Yi Lian's live broadcast room were all aimed at Wu Long.At this time, introduced by Wu Long, the camera turned and Elaine's figure appeared.

"Hi everyone, I'm Elaine. Being Long Ge's friend is the happiest and happiest thing for me. I'm Long Ge's fan. The moment I saw Long Ge, I almost passed out from happiness."

Unexpectedly, Elaine also had such an exaggerated performance.

The cameras of the two live broadcast rooms zoomed out, Wu Long and Yi Lian were in the same frame, appearing in their respective live broadcast rooms at the same time.

The number of people in Wu Long's live broadcast room is still increasing, and the number of people in Yi Lian's live broadcast room is also increasing rarely, and the number of fans in the live broadcast room is increasing rapidly.

The director of TV One's live broadcast at this time was dumbfounded when he saw Yi Lian's appearance.It was his idea to replace Elaine.Unexpectedly, Yi Lian was able to find Wu Long's support, and purposely made a live broadcast at this time.

Elaine is going against him, revenge on him!Immediately afterwards, he worried that Elaine would speak out about the show.If he speaks out, he risks being fired.

"Eileen, don't say it, you must not say it!" The director said silently in his heart.

Next, Wu Long didn't say anything about Yi Lian being kicked out by TV One.Elaine still has to live in Bali City and Lanxi Country, and doing so will have an impact on Elaine.

Those who know will definitely know, and there is no need to say it publicly.

Interact with Elaine about music, about Elaine's understanding of music.

The conversation is over, and it's singing time next.

"The protagonist tonight is Elaine. For this reason, I would like to sing a song for her to kick off her singing."

Wu Long came to the piano.

"Next, I will sing a song for everyone."

The sound of the piano is like the ding-dong of spring water, and it is like a stream flowing through the mountains in autumn.Suddenly, it brought everyone to a boulevard.

A touch of sadness overflows from the sound of the piano, lingering in people's hearts.

"She watches these movies

watched hundreds of times

same crime

same scene

she works alone

she will people

get the last seat

or first row


When Wu Long sang, everyone on the scene, as well as the global audience watching in the live broadcast room, were surprised that Wu Long sang in French!

In some previous interviews, everyone was known to speak French.Unexpectedly, Wu Long can not only speak French, but also write French songs!

Moreover, this French song is so beautiful, it is not inferior to any English song!

The faint sadness and sorrow in the singing echoes with the sound of the piano.

People who don't understand the lyrics can also feel that the song is telling a poignant story.

You don't need to understand the lyrics, just the sound of singing and music can make people feel sad and cry silently.

The people at the scene can understand the lyrics.

Elaine wept first, followed by Sophie.

Elaine felt touched when she thought of the injustice she encountered on TV One.

So Fei thought of how unfair her fate was when she was grounded by her mother.The evil that Andre did was to be borne by an innocent person like her.

Songs always remind people of some sadness in life, resonate and amplify such emotions.

No one's life is always happy without sadness.Regardless of age, male or female.

In Wu Long's emotional singing, he experienced some life memories and baptism.

When Wu Long finished singing, there was a burst of warm applause.

TV One, the live broadcast director, touched his heart.

Wu Long is an actor, and the lyrics are about what happened in the movie theater.Wu Long is really a master figure, and he can write a song related to his industry in French.

And this song actually reflects what happened to Elaine and the TV station.

It was him who brought such sadness to Elaine.

The owner of the private club did not wipe away the wet tears from the corners of his eyes after listening to Wu Long's song.Wu Long is too powerful, even if he is not listening to it live, the singing on the screen can hook up his sad things.

People who know French all typed out the lyrics on the Internet, praising the song for being so well written and an eternal classic.

Some people say that Wu Long is an actor, and the songs are also written about movies.

Someone asked, does the usher in the movie theater refer to Elaine?

After drinking, Elaine did not continue to sing immediately.This song is too powerful. If Yi Lian continued to sing immediately, not many people would listen to it. They were still immersed in Wu Long's singing just now.

Wu Long compared the style of his song with Elaine's and told the audience.Then I said that the style of Elaine's songs is distracting, and I need to listen quietly.

Quiet, you can listen to your heart.

After Wu Long's explanation and narration, his singing voice gradually faded in everyone's mind.At this point, Elaine began her singing.

They are all tender and slow songs, and the audience who are soothed by Wu Long's singing can also accept Elaine's songs.

Listen slowly and savor carefully.

One after another, finally came to the last one.

"The last one is a song that Brother Long wrote for me after meeting me for the first time today. He said he would give this song to me. At that time, I suspected that I was dreaming, or I had hallucinations."

"I am a fan of Brother Long, but Brother Long wrote songs for me. Can you imagine how excited I was at that time?"

"Eva, is it true?" Eva's friend asked Eva.

"It's true." Eva sighed. "I was sitting next to it."

"Why didn't Brother Long write a song for you?"

Eva gave her friend a blank look.If you don't know the character of this friend, you will really think that the other party is sarcastic.

"Maybe it's fate."

"Is that song good?"

"It sounds good."

I heard Elaine showing a happy smile.

"Next, I will sing a song written by Brother Long for everyone"

Wu Long returned to the piano to accompany Yi Lian.


my name is eileen

I am a girl

like other girls


I have my joy and pain

This is my life

like yours

i want to find love

just trying to find love


Sure enough, it's still a French song!

This is Elaine singing herself!

No, this is a song written by Wu Long. He accurately wrote Elaine in the song and passed it on to everyone's minds.

With Elaine's innocence, this song instantly touched everyone's heart.

Compared with the sadness of the song, this song is as pure as Elaine's appearance.The straightforward lyrics make people feel Elaine's sincerity.


Not bland.

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