Falling in love with you, I'm not just an action superstar

Wu Long looked back at the white gloves that he dodged, and then turned back to stare at Andre.

"Are you all right to go out on the street with white gloves? Is this premeditated?"

It's not the Middle Ages now, who can wear white gloves?Maybe those aristocratic drivers would wear white gloves to drive.Whether or not, Wu Long didn't know.

It was Andre's turn to be stunned. He didn't expect Wu Long to see through it so quickly.

"That's right, today I came here specially to challenge you to a duel with you. Even if you don't catch the white glove, you still have to fight me. Didn't you say that you are the king of kung fu? The king of kung fu is still afraid of me? "

Andre raised his hand and snapped his fingers. His followers appeared out of nowhere with two Western swords in their hands.

"Duel according to the rules of knights, fencing. You don't need to bear any responsibility if you kill the opponent by mistake in a duel. You choose two swords first."

Sophie tried to break free again, but was still firmly held by Andre.

"Brother Long, don't be fooled. He is an aristocrat, and the situation is in his favour. Moreover, he is the number one fencer in Lanxi country, and his fencing skills are also ranked among the top three in Europe. This is not a fighting in the arena. Stabbing you may even cause manslaughter!"

Su Fei persuaded Wu Long.

In her opinion, most of the martial arts performed by Wu Long are unarmed combat, which is different from weapons.Wu Long also knows how to use weapons, and there are sword skills in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

But in the eyes of many people, Wu Long's swordsmanship is probably just a performance routine, which is different from the swordsmanship of a life-and-death duel.Sophie thinks so too.

Andre looked at Wu Long proudly, and specially indicated that he was holding Su Fei's hand.It seems to express that if Wu Long accepts the challenge, he will let Su Fei go.

At this time, not only the crew were watching.There were also reporters who came after hearing the movement, and all took pictures of them with cameras, mobile phones, and video cameras.

Wu Long looked around, and the reporters all looked excited, as if they had caught big news.Some people in the crew were worried, and some seemed to want to see a good show.

Looking back at the proud Andre, Wu Long felt as if he had guessed something.

He is so red.

Many people have long been jealous of his redness.In addition, he is still a person from the land of China, which makes it unacceptable to some people in the West who think they are superior.

They can't accept a celebrity from their cultural and entertainment regime, who is more popular than them.Grab their traffic, grab their popularity, and most importantly, grab their status.

Wu Long is always ready to meet such a challenge.At first I thought it was from UFC, but the capital there didn't move Wu Long anymore after seeing Wu Long holding out Rocky.

They knew that if Wu Long was allowed to fight on stage, Wu Long would be promoted to the altar instead, and Wu Long would make more money.Once Wu Long ascends to the altar of the boxing ring, they can't use this method to brainwash Dongfang, and they don't need to use it to refute Dongfang's self-confidence.

Of course Wu Long doesn't want to be a god in the ufc boxing ring.Because that would offend some people, and make those people alert and block him in advance.

What he wants is the entertainment industry.The coverage of the entertainment circle is wider and deeper than that of UFC.

Now he has succeeded.He can even leverage the global tourism market on his own, which is extremely scary in the eyes of capital.

Wu Long believes that if someone wants to defeat him head-on, he must first take off his title of Kung Fu King.As long as his martial arts fail, he will continue to attack him in other ways.

Andre looked at Wu Long provocatively.This challenge, the duel with Wu Long, was not only his own intention, but also got the acquiescence of some people.

His love for Sophie is sincere.Su Fei always shows her photos and videos with Wu Long on social platforms these days, making him jealous.His jealousy is like a volcano that is about to erupt and cannot be suppressed.

Regarding Wu Long, who is known as the Kung Fu King, Andre admitted that he could not beat Wu Long with bare hands.But if you use a sword, it's still their western traditional sword.

And their European traditional swords are generally divided into three types, which are called foil, epee and saber in modern times.Among them, foil is also called "light sword", with a total length of about one meter and a weight of no more than [-] grams.

This kind of sword is light and fast, and it can only stab, not chop.It is very different from the Eastern sword, and the swordsmanship is also different from the Eastern sword.

The sword used by European gentlemen in duels in the Middle Ages is this kind of light sword, also known as a small sword.

Andre believes that even if Wu Long has practiced swordsmanship, it is also an oriental swordsmanship.Eastern swords are not the same as European swords, and the swordsmanship is certainly not suitable for European swords.In this way, due to the limitation of the sword, Wu Long's strength will decline.

And his swordsmanship is very good, so he is absolutely sure to defeat Wu Long and tear Wu Long off the altar of Kung Fu King.

Now, it depends on whether Wu Long dares to accept the challenge.If Wu Long does not accept the challenge, he can use public opinion to make Wu Long fall from the altar step by step.

No matter what, Wu Long who lost or did not dare to fight would lose points in Su Fei's eyes.In this way, Sophie will return to his embrace.Even if Su Fei had never been in his arms, it didn't stop him from thinking so.

"Wu Long, just wait to lose your reputation, your fans, and your halo!" Andre shouted in his heart, and he was already raising his hands to cheer victory in his mind.

"You are just an oriental, what right do you have to stand on our heads?"

"You guys, you should be trampled underfoot by us nobles!"

Andre looked at Wu Long, and there were all kinds of shouts in his heart.He didn't know that Wu Long had already figured out the general situation of the matter, he just thought that Wu Long was hesitating how to refuse without losing face and without losing the aura of Kung Fu King.

"Let her go, I promise you." Wu Long agreed to a duel.

Andre's eyes lit up, and he released Sophie.

Su Fei hurried to Wu Long.

"Brother Long, don't fight him. This kind of sword is a dueling sword, which can only stab, not chop. The sword you know is the Eastern sword, which is completely different."

"Don't worry, I also know this kind of sword." Wu Long comforted Su Fei.

Sophie suddenly walked to Andre's entourage and drew a sword from it.

"Brother Long, the incident happened because of me, I will fight for you!"

"Don't worry, I have learned fencing."

This was an idea that Su Fei suddenly thought of.If she came to fight for Wu Long, Wu Long's reputation would not be damaged.And Andre didn't dare to kill her, let alone hurt her.

"Su Fei, what are you doing!" Andre was even more angry when he saw that Su Fei defended Wu Long so much, and wanted to fight for Wu Long because of Wu Long.

"You can't fight for him without my consent!"

"Wu Long, you claim to be the king of kung fu, so you just hide behind a woman and let a woman protect you?"

Wu Long grabbed Su Fei's hand and snatched the sword from it.

"You don't need to provoke me with words. Since I promise, I will do it."

He pushed Su Fei lightly, and Su Fei felt that she was pushed by a force and fell to the side involuntarily, away from Wu Long.

"Now there is no third person between you and me, take the sword." After Wu Long finished speaking, he looked at the sword in his hand.

This kind of sword, if it is said that before filming "Pirates of the Caribbean", he really didn't know much about the swordsmanship.Of course, even if you don't understand it, you can use the system to exchange reputation points to solve it.

Seeing that his plot had succeeded, Andre smiled and pulled out another sword from his entourage.

He erected the sword in front of his chest, and performed a knight's duel salute to Wu Long.

"Please witness my duel with Kung Fu King Wu Long."

"This is a duel of chivalry. If someone accidentally injures the opponent, even if the opponent is killed by mistake, he will be exempt from legal sanctions."

"Please." Andre swung his sword downwards, drawing a sword circle.

The sword was in front of him, pointing at Wu Long.He was in a fencing posture, ready to fight Wu Long.

Wu Long asked him: "Can we start?"

Andre nodded.

"You can start, you are the guest, you attack first."

"I am the Kung Fu King, you attack first."

"I propose a duel challenge, you attack first."

"Are you sure? You won't use this as an excuse if you lose?"

Andre nodded again.

"I'm sure."

"Then I'm attacking, be careful."

Wu Long stepped forward suddenly.This sudden step actually spanned the distance of three steps.It's difficult for everyone to feel that Wu Long appeared in front of Andre just like a racing car ejected to the start.

And the sword in Wu Long's hand pierced Andre's eyes like a bolt of lightning.

So fast!

The onlookers were shocked, and Su Fei was also surprised by Wu Long's attack speed, and she couldn't help but have a glimmer of hope that Wu Long could win by luck.

Andre didn't expect Wu Long's attack to be so fast, which was a bit beyond his expectation.Fortunately, he was a master of fencing and swordsmanship, and his reaction was not slow. He immediately took half a step back and swung the sword in his hand to block Wu Long's thrust.

Unexpectedly, Wu Long's wrist flicked, everyone's eyes blurred, and the sword in Wu Long's hand became blurred.

What appeared in Andre's eyes was that Wu Long's sword suddenly accelerated again, and the whole sword turned into dots of starlight, flashing in front of his eyes.

One, two, three...


He originally swung his sword to block Wu Long, but he didn't hit anything.And those stars, like stars falling from the sky, filled his vision.

At the same time, a shuddering fear enveloped his whole body.



He couldn't see Wu Long's sword at all!

Wu Long's cold eyes are like the robots in "Terminator", who only know how to kill and have no mercy.

Countless stars suddenly appeared, but for a very short time.Andre seemed to have a very slow time, a long time passed by.His brain lost his thinking due to the shroud of death, and only a terrified expression remained on his face.

All the starlight instantly gathered into a sword, away from Andre.

For the onlookers, they didn't see any starlight.All I know is that in such a short time, Wu Long's wrist and sword became blurred together.

Soon, Wu Long's wrist and sword reappeared, and Wu Long had already stepped back three steps and returned to the original position.

"You lost." A cold voice floated out of Wu Long's mouth.

Andre felt the shadow of death follow Wu Long back and leave quickly.His brain resumed thinking, and subconsciously refuted Wu Long.

"I'm not defeated, I haven't attacked yet."

Then Wu Long's voice sounded coldly again.

"If it was a real duel, you would have died countless times."

The surrounding audience also saw Andre's situation clearly at this time, and everyone showed a surprised expression.Some even covered their mouths, some opened their mouths, and some said:

"My God!"

"This is impossible!"

"What the hell happened just now!"

Sophie covered her mouth with her hands and looked at Andre in shock.

Andre felt his body chill because of everyone's reaction.When he looked down, he was so frightened that he couldn't hold the sword.

The sword fell from Andre's hand and fell to the ground with a bang.

Andre found that the clothes and trousers in front of him had been cut into strips by the sword point.The skin is exposed to the eyes of everyone, exposed to the air, and cool.

Even the underwear is cut into strips of hanging cloth, reminiscent of grass skirts.

How could this be?

How could Wu Long know our sword skills?

No, it was his sneak attack!

He still uses oriental swordsmanship!

It's just because of the sneak attack that he attacked first and made me unprepared for a while, that's why it became like this!

Despicable Wu Long!

"No, I didn't lose. You were the one who attacked first, now it's my turn to attack!"

After finishing speaking, Andre, regardless of his nakedness, picked up the sword on the ground, rushed towards Wu Long, and stabbed Wu Long.

He was humiliated by Wu Long in this way, and he had already lost the face of nobles and knights.Only by defeating Wu Long can he save some face.

For this reason, he will attack Wu Long desperately.

He was not in a hurry to stab Wu Long with his sword, his stab was just a fake move.Although it looks like stabbing Wu Long's eyes, in fact he will change midway and stab Wu Long's heart instead.

Just now Wu Long pretended to stab his eyes like this, and he was going to use such a trick to trick Wu Long's defense.

Wu Long shot again, and the sword in his hand stabbed at Andre's sword.With a flick of his wrist, his sword was like a snake wrapped around Andre's sword.

A piercing sound came from the ears of the audience.Through such a sound, everyone can imagine that Wu Long's sword twisted Andre's sword, and the sound of metal friction made by the twisting of the two swords.

Afterwards, everyone saw Wu Long wave his hand.

It seemed that everyone heard a "whoosh".

Immediately afterwards, there was a "thump", accompanied by a trembling sound of "buzz".

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a sword nailed to a pillar not far away, and the blade was still trembling and shaking.

Looking back at Andre, the sword in his hand had disappeared.

Andre had no idea what had just happened.He only felt a rotating and twisting force coming from the sword body, and this force was transmitted to his hand holding the sword, causing his hand to twist due to this rotating force.

Then, because his arm was twisted to the limit, his hand could no longer hold the sword tightly, and the sword flew away.

And in this process, there is only a blink of an eye, making it impossible for people to react.

"You still lost."

After Wu Long finished speaking, he threw the sword in his hand to where Andre's followers were not far away.

The sword flew in the air, leaped across the air distance, and inserted it into the scabbard in the hands of Andre's entourage as accurately as an osprey entering the water.

Wu Long finally showed his hand again.

"Is it even better?"

"Could it be that your chivalry just means you can't afford to lose?"

Andre felt the eyes of the people around him wandering on him.Those eyes are full of various meanings.

It's over, my reputation is ruined!

Andre despaired.Wu Long was able to completely torture him with oriental swordsmanship, and he didn't even have a chance to defend against it.Now, his clothes and trousers were all torn by Wu Long's sword, and his whole body was exposed to everyone's eyes.

He has nothing!

Wu Long, you did a great job!


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