I'm not just an action star

Chapter 449 The Appearance of Deep Well Ice

In the original version, the first half of the story takes place not in Lanxi country, and the gang is neither from Lanxi country nor native country.

After Wu Long's revision, Benziguo believed that the gang could be changed into the Benziguo gang.Because the gangs in the script are very fierce, they dare to kill the Quartet even when they arrive in Lanxi Country.If the gangs in the movie are changed to the gangs of the country, it can establish a strong image of the gangs in the country around the world.

Therefore, Chiba Framesui recommended himself to play the gang leader, and his disciple of Chiba Kendo Gym played the gang members.

After Wu Long agreed, they also came to Bali City together.In fact, with so many ensemble performers coming to Pali City, the cost increased.It should be used for native country actors or oriental face actors in Pali city.

Just because the investment was not made by Wu Long, Wu Long didn't care.It's just that you can come to Parei City during the few days of shooting.

There are two airports in other countries to catch and read criminals.Wu Long originally wanted to set up the scene in the studio, but the relevant departments of the two countries got the news and strongly requested Wu Long to lead a team to their airport for on-the-spot shooting.

No way, in order to build a good relationship, Wu Long agreed to the other party's request under the condition that the other party was responsible for the relevant expenses.

Su Fei was very happy. She temporarily acted as Wu Long's little assistant, and she felt like Wu Long was traveling, staying by Wu Long's side. Si Jiali rolled her eyes secretly.

As far as Su Fei looked at Wu Long's eyes and expression, anyone could see what the problem was.

Of course, no matter who sees it, they won't say it.

Go to the local area and use local actors.The other party proposed, but Wu Long did not refuse.The same pay, just a group performance, selling personal favors.Rejection is lack of IQ and EQ.

Unexpectedly, many well-known actors on the other side asked for auditions.Except for the locals who are above the first-tier actors who are not good at lowering their value, all the actors accepted by the second-tier have lowered their value to act as group performers.

Good guy, the second-line actors are paid for group performances, just want to appear in the film directed by Wu Long.This topic has directly become a hot topic in the global film and television industry.

Some people questioned, is it worth it to lower your self-worth like this?

Could it be Wu Long's hype?

Many people, especially Wu Long's fans, immediately refuted each other. Wu Long's current status and influence need such hype?

A cast actor explained online.

"It's not about money, it's a rare learning opportunity. Wu Long is a famous director and has won the best director award. He is also the best actor, able to direct and act. What's even more rare is that he knows how to teach People acting. Just look at the actresses he has won, especially Judy."

As for Wu Long's acting skills, other actors can't tell because they haven't acted in movies before or have rarely acted in movies, but Judy's acting skills change is definitely the best example.

Before Judy acted, she had already acted in a movie.After she won the Golden Hill Award and the Hauska Award for Best Actress, many people cut her previous roles and the roles in the film together and put them on the Internet for everyone to enjoy.

Everyone found that, obviously, in it, her acting skills had a qualitative leap compared to her previous performances.

It is said that Wu Long can bring people into the play, which has a strong effect on the improvement of acting skills and experience.

Since he lowered his value to play Wu Long's film, it is undoubtedly the best, and he has the opportunity to improve Wu Long's acting skills at close range.

In fact, the acting skills of these actors are no problem at all in playing the roles of passers-by.

However, in order to confirm his rumors, Wu Long still told these people some details of the live performance.During filming, I also use Wuxiang Gong to influence them, making them feel that they have entered the movie world, that they are the characters themselves, and they are not acting at all, but exercising the behavior of the characters.

It took two days for Wu Long to return to Bali City.Back in Pali City, I first filmed the scene of arresting prisoners at the airport, and then filmed the scene of the airport infirmary.

The policeman in Bali City, played by Lanxi Guo actor.The audition was actually given to an assistant director from Lan Xiguo, and Wu Long would try again after he selected the actors.As long as it is not too bad, Wu Long will definitely not refuse.

But in terms of remuneration, Wu Long was caught very hard.The original intention is to be a supporting actor, and the salary cannot be too high.If a high-ranking actor wants to act, he can only lower his own value.

It's really a self-depreciation.

After shooting the scene of catching the prisoner, I started to shoot the scene of Lucy played by Scarlett.

This was the first time she was filming the leading role, and Scarlett was very nervous.Seeing her nervous, Wu Long told her a play.

"I'll take a close-up of your eyes first. You're going to blink, but with a lost look."

"Confused, you know?"

Scarlett nodded.

"try it."

Scarlett relaxed herself, and began to look confused.

"That's right. You are sleeping on this hospital bed, lying on your side, showing your confused eyes again."

Lying down in confusion, Scarlett tried twice before getting into the state.

Sometimes standing or sitting feels different than lying down.There seems to be a switch in the human brain. After the whole person lies down, the switch will be turned on automatically, and the brain will enter the lying down mode.

This mode is different from the one lying on the table.

In the original version, after the close-up of Lucy's eyes, a 50% black screen was inserted.This is to tell the audience that Lucy's brain development has reached 50%.

Wu Long does not intend to do this here. After taking a close-up of Lucy's eyes, he will pull the camera away and include Lucy's upper body lying on the hospital bed in the shot.

Such a lens language can give the audience a No. 1 sense of substitution.

Of course, this kind of shooting is a test of the acting skills of the actors.The acting skills are not good, and shooting such continuous shots will make the audience uncomfortable.

"Do you know why you are confused?" Wu Long asked her.

Scarlett nodded after reading the script.

"On the plane, my body was decomposed and reorganized. After waking up, I was very unfamiliar with my body and everything around me, so I was confused. However, because the brain development reached 50.00%, she quickly understood what happened to me. "

Wu Long nodded.

"Yes, so when she sits up and understands what happened to her, her mouth will have a mouth shape of 'oh', I understand. You also need to add a small movement detail, tilting her head. This can be understood as sideways My neck is sore after lying down for a long time, it can also be understood that I understand, and then I express a special emotion by doing such an action.”

When Wu Long was lecturing to Scarlett, other actors were also listening.This is a great learning opportunity for them.

Why do you want to act like this, what do such details show, these details do not conform to the role setting, and so on.

Wu Long began to simulate the lens of the camera with his hands, and gave a demonstration to Scarlett.

"You are lying here, and the camera takes a close-up of your eyes like this. Then pull away, and the picture captures your upper body. After you sit up and do the expressions I just mentioned, the camera will move around you, from the right side to Behind you, shoot from behind you, shoot what you can see outside."

During post-editing, the black screen and white words "50%" were displayed during the camera movement.

"The camera continues to move around you, and when it moves to your left you look left. When the camera re-circles back in front of you, you look at your clothes on the table, your shoes under the table, and the clothes on your hands. Handshakes. The camera will not stop, it will continue to revolve around you, and come to your right back again."

"At this time, from this angle, the right side of the back of your head is on the left side of the screen, the middle and the right side of the screen, and nurse Zhanlu heard the movement and opened the door to come in. When she saw you woke up, she immediately closed the door and went out to report."

"Brother Long, do you want to take a long shot?" Scarlett was a little worried.This first scene of her is a long shot, I can't grasp it.

"It's not a long shot, but there are shots of about 50 seconds. This is a test of your acting skills. As long as you act according to my instructions, it will be fine." Wu Long encouraged Scarlett.

The actors next to him were all actors from Lanxi Country. Hearing that Wu Long liked Scarlett and said it was okay, he didn't think so in his heart.

Such a requirement is actually difficult.Even actors like them who have made many movies and TV shows can't guarantee that there will be no problem.

These shots, if only a few seconds or ten seconds of shots are edited together, that's fine.But it is not easy to shoot together with only one shot.

This is not just a question of the actors, but also the skills of the cameraman, as well as the timing.Where is the shot, what expression should be. In the 50-second shot, how to allocate various expressions and details must be well coordinated.

If taken separately.It is much easier to only ask for the details and expressions of the current shot.

Wu Long didn't immediately use Wuxiang Gong to influence, but let Scarlett experience it herself.After taking [-] shots, Wu Long then used Wuxiang Gong to take the desired shot.

In this movie, due to the evolution of cells, Lucy will lose her humanity and it will be difficult to experience emotions.So many times, her expression is as cold as a robot.

In this shot, she has an expression, because of her understanding and experience of her body after reorganization, the expression changes.

After shooting the infirmary room shot, take the shot of Lucy walking out of the infirmary.

This plot allows everyone to see the horror of 50% brain development.

As soon as she raised her hand, everyone fell to the ground except the policeman Pierre.Such a scene made Pierre panic.

"When you face Pierre's gun, you raise your hand to let others fall unconscious, and then walk towards Pierre. At this time, you have to show the complexity of Lucy."

Wu Long began to tell Scarlet again.

"The setting in the movie, after the brain development reaches 50.00%, can control other people and objects. When such a situation occurs, do you think Lucy will feel that she is a god?"

Scarlett nodded in understanding.The other actors also nodded secretly, feeling that they had learned something.That's the detail, the logical detail.If it is logical, it must be shown.If it doesn't show up, it's illogical.

"But the feeling of 'I am God' is not enough."

The other actors watched Wu Long like Scarlett, waiting for Wu Long to speak.Why not enough?

These actors are all imagining if they are playing the role of Lucy.Besides the feeling of "I am God", what other feelings can there be?

It seems that there is no other feeling.They can't figure it out.Scarlett can't think of it either, what she can think of is that I can control people at will, and I am superior.

"Pay attention to the setting of the movie, the higher the brain development, the less human emotion. Without emotion, it shows that there are not many other expressions. A typical robot without feelings."

Scarlett and the other actors suddenly felt enlightened.Yes, that's it, in addition to feeling like "I am a god", you should also behave like a robot and be ruthless.

"In addition to these two points, there is another point, that is, research and curiosity. Lucy has such abilities, she will be curious, she will want to study how these things happen, and she has no other abilities. Or she tries to see through people. Think, try to see what Pierre is thinking."

After listening to Wu Long's lecture, Scarlett and other actors sighed in their hearts, and they learned a lot.Just such a shot has to show so many complicated inner worlds.

For the next shooting, I took more than ten times before finally succeeding.

Some other shots were taken, such as the conversation between Pierre and the doctor.Airplanes on the tarmac can be seen through the glass windows.

Then, all the scenes at the airport were filmed.

Just as everyone was packing up their things and preparing to leave, someone started arguing in the corner.

"let me go!"

"Sophie, listen to me!"

"I don't listen, who am I with is my freedom!"

"Don't force me!"

"Forcing you? It's ridiculous, I never promised to be with you!"

"We have known each other since childhood and have been playing together. I said when I was a child that I would marry you when I grow up, and you agreed at that time."

"Andre, shut up! How can you take your words seriously when you were a child! Besides, I don't remember saying such things when I was a child!"

"Su Fei, you are also a person of status, you must keep your word."

"Andre, don't think that you can force others just because you are a nobleman!"

Wu Long heard that it was Su Fei's voice, and also heard Su Fei asking the other party to let go, so he hurried over to check.Su Fei was his assistant, and he wanted to ensure Su Fei's safety.If something happens to Su Fei, Su Fei's family will definitely hold him accountable.

Walking over, Wu Long saw a man grabbing Su Fei's hand, but Su Fei couldn't shake it off.

This man is very unusually dressed.The clothes are all custom-made, exuding an aura that he thinks is very noble.

"Let her go!" Wu Long's voice was a little heavy.

"I won't let you go, what can you do to me?"

"If you don't let go of Su Fei, don't blame me for doing it."

"Do it to me?" Andre looked at Wu Long, his face gradually showing ferocity. "I wish for it!" He took out a white glove from his pocket and threw it at Wu Long.

"According to the rules of knights, I challenge you to a duel of life and death. Like knights, duel with swords."

"Wu Long, didn't you say that you are the king of kung fu? Now I challenge you, do you dare?"

Wu Long dodged the white gloves, but he was stunned.Now that you know that I am the King of Kung Fu, you still dare to challenge me, is it because of your own family status?

"Since you know that I am the King of Kung Fu, you should know that I am very strong in Kung Fu. How sure are you that you can defeat me and dare to challenge me?" Wu Long was surprised.

When Su Fei heard that Andre wanted to challenge Wu Long, she was also stunned.After hearing Wu Long's analysis again, she immediately thought of something.

"Andre, you are so despicable. You are just relying on your noble title, and Wu Long has scruples and dare not hurt you, so you want to challenge Wu Long. If you are not a noble, you have no guts to challenge him at all!"

"Brother Long, don't accept his challenge. This is not the Middle Ages, so don't worry about his medieval methods!"

Andre explained seriously.

"No, Su Fei, you are wrong. Fighting for the one you love, whether it was before or now, is a way for a knight to defend his dignity."

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