I'm not just an action star

Chapter 451 God Walks in the World

Falling in love with you, I'm not just an action superstar

Andre lost, failed miserably!

He put on the clothes his entourage took off, hurriedly covered his face and fled.He knew that he would immediately become a disgrace to the nobility.

After getting in the car, Andre remembered something and immediately ordered his followers.

"Informer, journalists are not allowed to post photos and videos."

"Already doing it, master."

Andre closed his eyes and leaned back, the car drove away from the airport.

"Wu Long is very cunning, he hides too deeply." Andre sighed.

The entourage thought about it and comforted Andre.

"Master, maybe Wu Long really doesn't know our swordsmanship. It's just because of his speed that he confuses the master with some skills, which makes the master make a mistake for a while. From the beginning to the end, Wu Long didn't compete with the master in swordsmanship. From another angle In other words, Wu Long knew that his sword skills were not as good as his master's, so he didn't dare to compare his sword skills with his master."

Andre thought that might be the case.But, the result has come out...

"It's useless, I can't challenge him anymore. Now, I have become a laughing stock in the noble circle."

"Master, you are venting your anger for all the nobles and for the benefit of everyone. Even if you fail, you are still a hero and should not be a laughing stock."

"hope so."

In the West, the real aristocracy is powerful.Under their suppression, not a single photo or video was released.All the reporters present at the time were asked to shut up.

All crew members were also asked to shut up.

Wu Long was also asked for the same.

As for the audience, because the filming is not completely over, they don't know what happened inside.

Wu Long also didn't want to offend the power of the nobles, so he continued to make movies.

Aristocratic forces in modern society cannot completely suppress everything.When the interests are the same, the new forces will have the same attitude as the noble forces.When interests conflict, the new forces must safeguard their own interests.

Inviting Wu Long to come, is the new force.As long as the aristocratic forces don't go too far, the new forces will not quarrel with the aristocratic forces.

Therefore, even if Wu Long had a conflict with the noble forces, the new forces would not do anything to Wu Long, and the filming should continue to be filmed.

Some people are even happy to see such a situation.The conflict between the noble forces and Wu Long means that Wu Long will not cooperate with the noble forces.In this way, there is no need to worry about the interests being divided by the noble forces.

The new forces' profit-only theory hates the old-fashioned and stubborn thinking of the aristocratic forces.

For example, no matter what age, the rule of dueling must be maintained.As far as the present is concerned, there are those who support this approach on the surface, namely the country of Lanxi and another country whose map is shaped like a boot.

Because, these two countries are one of the first chivalry countries and like to maintain chivalry.

The new forces don't care who Wu Long is.As long as Wu Long can bring them benefits and there is no conflict of interest with them, they don't mind making money with Wu Long.

For the new forces, Wu Long is just a star in the entertainment industry.He's not some entrepreneur, not some scientist, so don't worry.

They even apologized to Wu Long, saying that they did not expect such a thing to happen.Let Wu Long feel at ease to shoot, and the cooperation will continue.

The next scene, apart from the car chase scene, is a more exciting scene that shows Lucy's power.

That's Lucy rushing to the hospital to stop the Benziguo gang from taking the reading materials.In this plot, the part where Lucy walks in the face of those gangsters in Japan is a bit like the part where Miren Ishii enters the bar in "Kill Bill".

At this time, Lucy has evolved to 60.00%.

The original version of Lucy's acting skills are not as high as Miren Ishii in the original version of "Kill Bill", and she can't perform that kind of temperament.Played by the original Lucy, it's a bit sluggish.

What the director wanted was to show an evolved person without emotion, so he would be sluggish.But it is also without emotion, and can still perform richer changes.

This is not only a difference in acting skills, but also a difference in understanding of character design.

Sluggishness is stupidity and rigidity, not evolution.

This can be seen from the time when the original version of Lucy walks to the end, when Lucy's back appears and raises her hand to let a gang member fly out.

There was no face of Lucy, only the back, and the aura of ashes in the raised hands jumped out.

This shows that without emotion, one can also have aura.Instead of being sluggish and stiff like a robot or a wooden man, this only shows that the actor's performance level is not enough to grasp this role.

Like Miren Ishii in the original version of "Kill Bill", except for the actors in the original version, there is no oriental female who can perform that unique temperament.

Even those mainland female stars who have won awards can't act.

The actress who played Miren Ishii in the original version has also been an actor for many years, her acting skills are top-notch, and she has appeared in many films.She is also a well-known female star in the world.

Speaking of playing wooden men and robots, there are many actors who play robots.But there are only a few Terminator and Liquid Terminator that stand out.The robots played by other people either do not have the mechanical characteristics of robots, or are too mechanically sluggish. There are only machines without "humans".

Playing this kind of inhuman or non-biological role really depends on face and talent.

For example, there is such a character, Edward in "Edward Scissorhands".Edward is a half-finished robot.

The original version of "Pirates of the Caribbean" starring, playing the semi-finished robot Edward, just performed the characteristics of a semi-finished robot.For this reason, he was also nominated for Best Actor at the Golden Hill Awards.

Therefore, in terms of art, a real person playing a robot cannot act as a complete robot, and there must be so-called artistic processing in art.

Switching back to the role of Lucy, the same is true.

The role of Lucy is the evolution of the brain and the evolution of the cells, just because the evolution has abandoned emotions, not a robot or a wooden man.

If such a role is played with a sluggish, stiff, wooden man or robot, it will definitely not be able to perform a super-body connotation that surpasses ordinary people.

What is beyond mortals?

is God.

God has no emotions, but God has other things that are more terrible than emotions.

That is divine power, that is momentum, that is aura!

They can control objects, human beings and other creatures, so why are they still dull and stiff, like wooden men and robots?

It should be high above, overlooking the existence of all living beings.

Therefore, in this plot, what Lucy should show is not just coldness, nor sluggishness, rigidity, nor appearance like a wooden man or a robot.

This point, the sausage mouth black widow sister did not show it.

Now that Wu Long is filming, it can't be like this.

Because, this plot should have been so brilliant that people would call it shit when they saw it.As a result, the leading actor's acting skills did not meet the requirements, and he almost appeared in the play.

Even if the director edited the back view during the walking process, and edited Pierre's shock to enhance it, it was useless.

Of course, the original version was not badly shot, otherwise it would not have achieved such a high box office.It's just that Wu Long has higher requirements and doesn't want to have flaws.

"I'll give you a close-up, upper body."

Wu Long began to tell Scarlett about the play, and other actors were also listening.

"However, you have to pay attention, all the performances are not on the surface, but hidden in the eyes."

"I shot this close-up where the gang members are pointing guns at you, and you need to let those guns go up to the ceiling. But, you're 60.00 percent evolved at this point, and you don't have emotions like feelings, so no facial expressions."

"Is it like a robot?" Scarlett asked. "It's like your Terminator or Wu Jing's Terminator."

Wu Long shook his head, thinking that it was indeed the case, as in the original version, he thought it would be performed by a robot.

"Not just that, have you seen Kill Bill?"

Scarlett nodded.


"There is a plot that many people call a classic, that is, the part where Ishii Miren enters the bar with Guoguo and other subordinates."

Scarlett thought of that classic picture.

"Ishii Miren?" she whispered.

"Yes, Ishii Miren. In that city, she is the queen of the underground. Everything is under her control, and all people surrender to her feet. When she walks, even a smile at the corner of her mouth matches her eyes. That smile is nothing more than the smile that the queen sees all her subjects submit when she tours her domain."

When Wu Long said this, Scarlett suddenly came to her senses, and then Wu Long said:

"The feeling of being superior?"

The actors next to them were also recalling the scene of Miren Ishii in "Kill Bill".When Scarlett said "the feeling of being superior", someone nodded slightly.

Coupled with that famous bgm, isn't it the appearance of the invincible queen?

Ishii Yuren's expression seemed to be smiling casually, but in fact it gave people the impression that the queen looked down on her people, as if she was lamenting that my territory is so vast and rich.

It was a sense of accomplishment, a desire to dominate, and a domineering aura that no one could resist.

Just listen to Wu Long continue to talk about the play.

"You have to know that Lucy is evolving, not changing. Lucy is not becoming a robot with strong combat effectiveness, she is evolving into a higher-level life form."

"Can a robot erect an air wall so that no one can escape?"

Scarlett shook her head.

"Can a robot make an enemy's gun out of his hand and fly up to the ceiling?"

Scarlett shook her head.

"Can the robot make the enemy fly and suspend in the air?"

Scarlett still shook her head.

"So, when a person evolves to be able to do this, what kind of thoughts and understandings will this person have?" Wu Long guided Scarlett.

Following Wu Long's guidance, the surrounding actors are also understanding Wu Long's meaning.They thought of a word at the same time.

Scarlett also thought of the same word.


"If I could do that, I'd sigh and think I'm a god."

Her answer was recognized by other actors around her.Everyone nodded, but they didn't bother Wu Long to speak to Scarlett.

"Yes, this is a superpower. With superpowers, it can be called a god." Wu Long affirmed Scarlett's answer.

Scarlett seemed to think of something, and said:

"Should I play Lucy, at this moment, show the temperament and aura of God?"

"Yes, gods can have no emotions, but how can they have emotions in front of mortals? But the temperament and aura of gods need to be shown. Only when this kind of aura comes out will the audience watching the movie be shocked."

"Try it." Wu Long asked Scarlett to try acting first, without formal filming.

Scarlett began to look for feelings.She recalled the episode of Ishii Yulian's bar appearance, and then recalled the episode of Terminator.She needs to show an emotionless god to shock the audience.

This expression is very difficult, how to combine it, and the proportion of various hidden expressions must be considered reasonably.

After trying several times, Scarlett was still not satisfied.

"It's not bad. After all, your acting experience and your other experience are not enough. In Chinese, it's almost too late."

"Let me demonstrate, and you can see how I express it."

In this performance, Wu Long could not substitute Lucy in the movie, because the original version was not what he wanted.

What he chooses to substitute is the high god.

God, looking down on all living beings, said to despise all living beings.

Because of contempt, he didn't show much expression.

Because of his night vision, he showed an expression that could wipe out all enemies with a wave of his hand.

Immediately, the aura opened up.

Whenever they saw Wu Long at this moment, they all wanted to bow their heads and offer their loyalty to Wu Long without Wu Long looking at them.

"This close-up, your eyes should stare straight ahead, don't blink your eyes, don't move your eyeballs, and have no expression on the matter. But your mind, your consciousness, must have a movement that makes all the guns fly up to the ceiling. It is to use Your thoughts, send those guns flying to the ceiling."

"If the mind is invisible, how do you express it? Use your eyes. There is an upward movement in the eyes, but the eyeballs cannot move upwards. There must be spirit and no form. You can't see the movement of the eyes, but you can feel the upward movement of the eyes. .”

After Wu Long finished speaking, he made a demonstration.

Scarlett and other actors looked at Wu Long, but Wu Long's eyeballs obviously did not move, and his eyes did not look up.Unfortunately, everyone could feel Wu Long's eyes moving up and then back again.

It's amazing!

Worthy of being an actor!

"Look at me walking. Keep your head upright and your chin in. There seems to be an invisible thread hanging from the top of your head, as if it is hanging."

"When walking, keep your upper body still and don't swing your arms. However, your arms don't seem to swing, but they should feel like they're swinging."

Wu Long continued to demonstrate.

"Pay attention to my eyes. Except for blinking once after the gun flies up to the ceiling, don't blink the rest of the time. Look straight ahead, as if there is no enemy blocking the way. Eyeballs can't blink, looking at the top of the camera, as if seeing the past, See the heart of the universe."

"When there is only one subordinate in front of the elder brother who is holding the reading materials, with a wave of the hand, an invisible force will rush out the opponent's subordinates."

After watching Wu Long's performance, Si Jiali and other actors all lamented that Wu Long, as the best actor, really performed superbly.

It was Scarlett's turn to try, and after more than [-] attempts, Wu Long decided to start filming.

Under the influence of Wuxiang Gong, Scarlett finally performed the feeling Wu Long wanted.

"It's so scary. Just now when I looked at Scarlett, it was as if I saw a god."

"Yeah, it just made me want to kneel down."

"Brother Long said it better."

"Brother Long demonstrated so well that Scarlett learned how to perform."

Scarlett also admitted that it was Wu Long's demonstration and guidance.

"Brother Long spoke well, and there are demonstrations, which made it easier for me to understand."

Wu Long took a satisfactory shot, knowing that this will be called a classic by netizens.

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