I'm not just an action star

Chapter 448 Art City

The next day, the executives of the film company who came from Bali City followed Bruno to visit Xing Zhongfei. When Xing Zhongfei went to Lanxi Country to develop film market channels, he was dealing with and getting help from the other party.If there is a good thing now, it is natural to cooperate with the other party.

Everyone went to Wu Long's studio together to discuss general matters with Wu Long, and finally Xing Zhongfei and Qiu Ya were responsible for the specific contract.

"What? Isn't the lead actor Eva or Lei?" Bruno looked at Wu Long in surprise when he heard Wu Long say that the lead actor in the movie he was going to make was not from Lanxi.

"Do we have to use them? Or they can audition for the script I wrote." Wu Long thought to himself that there must always be a first come, first served. "If it doesn't work, forget about this cooperation."

"Why, aren't they good enough?"

"Because the starring role of this movie has long been decided. It is planned to be filmed in two years. Your arrival made me advance the plan and change the place where the story takes place."

"Who is starring, can you tell me?"

"You know Scarlett at the door."

"Her?" Bruno heard that it was her, as if he understood something.

When the others heard that it was Scarlett, they seemed to understand something.

Scarlett came before them, and she probably won Wu Long's favor first, so Wu Long had planned or promised Scarlett long ago.

It must be like this.

"Well, I can only say that they are not lucky enough." Bruno will not give up the cooperation with Wu Long because of this.

What they want is for Wu Long to go to Bali to make a film, not for Eva or Lei.Just because they don't have a chance now, doesn't mean they won't have a chance in the future.The opportunity has been given to them. In the future, let's see if they can grasp it themselves, and if they can impress Wu Long to make a movie for them.

At least, the two of them have an advantage over others, and they are closer to Wu Long than other actresses.

After the two parties sign the contract, it will be announced to the public immediately.Wu Long will cooperate with a film company in Lanxi State to go to Bari City, Lanxi State to shoot a sci-fi action thriller "Super Body".

This is a film starring a woman as the first protagonist.

A movie starring a woman as the first protagonist reminds everyone of a movie, "Kill Bill".

This movie has been called a classic by many people.

Could it be that Wu Long can make a movie that surpasses "Kill Bill"?

Even if it can't surpass "Kill Bill", it should be tied with "Kill Bill".

At the same time, Wu Long also specially wrote a movie script "Taxi Express" for Bali City.

Wu Long didn't intend to intervene in the filming and investment of "Taxi Express".He is only responsible for dividing the money, and gets a share based on the script.

Based on the principle of first come, first served, Wu Long first went to Pali City to shoot "Super Body".After filming in Pali City, I will go to Jianghu City to film the first part of "Super Body".

The first part of the original version of "Super Body" did not take place in Jianghu City. In order to take care of Qianye Xiangsui, Wu Long changed the place where the previous part of the plot took place in Jianghu City.

Who told Jiang Hushi to give more money?

It's not shabby to collect money.

The filming of "Pirates of the Caribbean" ended, and the activities in the Caribbean also ended.There are always upsurges in tourism, and the tourism boom in the Caribbean Sea caused by Wu Long's filming of "Pirates of the Caribbean" has finally gradually subsided.

At this time, Wu Long announced that he would temporarily suspend the original filming plan and go to Pali City to shoot another film.And also specially wrote the movie script "Taxi Express" for Bali City, telling the story of an extraordinary taxi driver.

Although "Taxi Express" Wu Long did not star, nor is it the director.But just because of the gimmick of Wu Long's specially written script for Bari City, some people who planned to travel changed their plans to Lanxi Country and Bari City.

Things in the world are often so strange.

Because of Wu Long, everyone flocked to travel to the Amazon rainforest and experienced a different mysterious rainforest.

Because of Wu Long, everyone flocked to the Caribbean to travel, pretending to be pirates, and pretending that they could find pirate treasures or shipwreck treasures.

The two global tourism surges have unknowingly affected many people around the world. In their subconscious minds, tourism will follow Wu Long.

There is no need for many, there is one person in 1 people, and if you zoom in to tourists around the world, you can guide many people.These people changed because of Wu Long, and probably traveled to a certain place at the same time at a certain period of time, and the resulting impact was a significant increase in local tourism.

And if such an increase is blown by people or the local tourism industry, it will attract more people to follow suit.

Such a group effect, through the expansion of network propaganda, has a greater impact on people.

And many people actually have difficulty choosing.This kind of people don't know how to choose, since everyone is going where Wu Long goes, let's go.

And there are quite a few people who are essentially anthropomorphic.I just like to join in the fun, the more people there are, the more crazy they become.Such people, their emotions and senses are easily affected by the environment.

For example, traveling to the Caribbean Sea is known as the Caribbean Sea, and many people have actually traveled to the Caribbean Sea.

When Wu Long's filming of "Pirates of the Caribbean" created a wave of tourism in the Caribbean, such people were often excited by it, thinking that taking advantage of this trend to travel would have a different experience.They'll travel to the Caribbean again, and they'll say online that this trip is really different.

When Wu Long took the team to Pali City to shoot "Super Body", the number of foreign tourists in Pali City increased significantly.

Bruno satisfactorily completed the task and gained extra points for his achievements.Under his unintentional ridicule, his opponent could only bow his head in silence.This made Bruno feel good.

The promised dance was held as scheduled the next day Wu Long came to Bari City.This ball is specially held for actors, directors and other related personnel in the Lanxi country film and television industry.

Naturally, Su Fei also got the admission ticket, and went to Wu Long dressed up.

Wu Long's attendance at this ball was also a helpless move, after all, the movie he made did not use an actress from Lanxi Country as the leading role.

At the ball, he was surrounded by many actresses.Actors wanted to get closer, but were pushed away.Even Yiva and Lei couldn't stay by Wu Long's side.Many actors are very bold, but Eva and Lei, who are new to the film industry, did not dare to do that.

Wu Long has learned a lot this time.These Lanxi country actresses, they are really for art.This art is different from the artistic action movies of those teachers in this country. The actresses in Lanxi country are really for art.

Moreover, they really know how to act.They are obviously wearing clothes and skirts, but their eyes, expressions, and body language can make the clothes on their bodies look like they are not worn, and make the man's mind explode in minutes.

Many times, they don't need to speak at all.It can make the man's brain automatically fantasize.

What's more, the actresses in Lanxi Country all have impressive figures.There will never be a pair a, because that is not artistic enough.

What is art?

Just look at those artistic body statues and oil paintings, and you will know that A can be elegant.

The art they understand and talk about can really tell a lot of truths, and it is definitely not an action movie.They can be elegant, noble, loving, and deep, and art is just a way for them to express these philosophical thoughts.

Wu Long could feel that even if some actresses showed restraint, it was just a way of expressing their art.The depth of their eyes fully explained their desire.

"Long, have you ever thought about making an art film?"

"Lanxi Kingdom is a paradise for art, and we will perform seriously for art."

"Long, you have made action movies and romance movies. I think you should make an art movie when you come to Lanxi, the center of art in the world."

"Long, if you don't make an art film, you will regret it."

Throughout the dance, Su Fei had no chance to get close to Wu Long.She could only come here full of expectations and leave angrily.

No, Wu Long must be invited to the house!

The next day, Sophie suggested to her father.

"Dad, you should invite Wu Long to our house as a guest."

"Why? Isn't this very good?" Bruno couldn't guarantee that Wu Long would come.And he was worried that it would delay Wu Long's filming and cause Wu Long to be unhappy.But Wu Long reluctantly came because of his position and didn't want to offend him.

"He helped you, you should express your gratitude. You are the one who gets the benefits, and you should express your gratitude to Wu Long in private." Su Fei had already thought about the reason.

"Su Fei, I think you want to get close to Wu Long." Su Fei's mother immediately guessed what her daughter was thinking. "I think it's better not to let Wu Long come to the house."


"You know what I'm worried about."

"Dad, you are doing this to show your boss that you have a good relationship with Wu Long. You have a good relationship with Wu Long, which will be of great help to your work and position. Your credit this time is not because of your work relationship, but Wu Long You came here. Your credit this time is because you and Wu Long have a good relationship in private, so Wu Long came to help you."

"Okay, I'll give it a try." Bruno said, "However, I don't guarantee that Wu Long is willing to come. He once complained to me that he couldn't start filming properly in the two days since he came to Bali City."

Socializing, Wu Long has been socializing in the past two days since he came to Bari City.Official, film and television, commercial, all kinds of entertainment.

This made Wu Long sigh, compared to the pure film and television business atmosphere in Haolaihu, this place is really far behind.

Work is art, work is life, and work is leisure.

Work is a good mood.

"Long, can you come to my house for dinner tonight? My daughter is your fan and has always wanted to see you. She told me about the taxi idea."

"It's a great honor." Wu Long happened to be able to refuse the invitations of several enthusiastic Lanxi actresses.

Well, there are also invitations from several actors, officials, and bigwigs in Lanxi's film and television industry.Wu Long could see what they were trying to do at a glance.

It's terrible, Wu Long has no hobbies in that area.

Bringing the visiting gift, Wu Long came to Bruno's house and met Bruno's youngest daughter Su Fei.

"This is my youngest daughter, Sophie." Bruno shook his head inwardly as he watched his daughter jumping over.

Seeing Su Fei, Wu Long's eyes were a little dazed.

She looked very much like a female star from Lanxi Kingdom in her previous life.That female star is the dream lover of many people.

"Hello, Brother Long, I'm Su Fei, your loyal fan." Su Fei said in Chinese.

Finding that Wu Long was shocked by his appearance, Su Fei was very proud.I knew you would fall for me.

The idol is overwhelmed by the fans, and I will write about the glory of the extraordinary fans.

"You can speak Chinese?" Bruno looked at his daughter in surprise.

This is my daughter?She can speak Chinese, why don't I, as a father, know?

Wu Long opened his mouth.What he wanted to say was preempted by Bruno.

"Yes. In order to understand Brother Long, I must learn Chinese. Otherwise, I don't know what the word 'Brother Long' means."

"Isn't 'Brother Long' just a title?" Bruno wondered.

"Yes." Sophie answered her father.But her eyes clearly told Bruno that she was just answering perfunctorily.

Met Bruno's wife, and then we started chatting in the living room.Bruno talked about Wu Long's shooting plan, and Su Fei told Wu Long that she came up with the theme of the taxi.

"How did you come up with this subject?"

"I thought that the Caribbean Sea is the sea, and sailing in the sea depends on ships, so you made "Pirates of the Caribbean" and you played the pirate captain."

"There is no sea in our city of Parei, only streets. Cars drive on the streets, and taxis are the ones that have the most contact with tourists, so I think you are a taxi driver."

"Unfortunately, you didn't play it yourself, nor did you become a director."

After chatting for a while, Sophie made a request.

"Brother Long, I have a lot of your photo albums and pictorials, as well as a lot of collections about you. Can I show you my collection? By the way, I think you can sign it."


So Fei asked Wu Long to go upstairs to her room.

Her mother watched worriedly as the two went upstairs.

"I don't think it's good. Sophie probably..." Sophie's mother shook her head.

Bruno sighed.

"I know what you're worried about. But, she's an adult. What reason do we have to stop it? That would embarrass her."

Wu Long followed Su Fei to her room.When entering Su Fei's room, he deliberately slowed down, not giving Su Fei a chance to close the door.

Just leave the door open.

avoid arousing suspicion.

Although, he was very attracted to Sophie.However, her parents are still downstairs and cannot do this in other people's homes.

Su Fei took the film and television materials and pictorials she had collected about Wu Long and asked Wu Long to sign her.

"I went to the dance. But you are surrounded by a bunch of women, and I can't squeeze in at all."

Those women are too shameless, this is what Su Fei wanted to say.

"Ha, I didn't expect them to be so enthusiastic."

Sophie looked at the open door, but there was no one outside.She suddenly approached Wu Long and pecked lightly on his face.

The sneak attack succeeded, and Su Fei felt very excited.

Haha, win!

"Su Fei, dinner has started." The figure of So Fei's mother appeared outside the door, and she was secretly happy when she saw that the door of Su Fei's room was open.

"Okay, we'll be there right away." Sophie was happy that she seized the opportunity first and succeeded.

She had guessed that her mother would come up.

Hmph, just now my mother has been deliberately talking to Wu Long, so as not to let her have the opportunity to invite Wu Long to come up.It wasn't until dinner preparations began that she took a chance.

After dinner, everyone chatted in the living room again.

"Brother Long, I have always been curious about making movies. I also heard that when you make movies, you can make actors get into the movie quickly. Can I watch you make movies with you? I promise not to disturb your work, I can still Do something small for you."

"Please, Brother Long. For the sake of my taxi ideas, give me a chance, okay?"

"Sophie, your request is too much." Bruno frowned.He was afraid that Wu Long would hate him, so that his opponent would catch him.

"No problem. I just need a helper who is familiar with your side to help me connect with the people here with some work matters. You will be my little assistant, but I will not pay you."

"I study with you, how can I ask for a salary?"

After Wu Long left, Su Fei's mother immediately questioned her daughter.

"Sophie, what do you want to do?"

"I just want to stay with my favorite idol for a few days, isn't it possible?"

"I want to be an actor, but I know you guys won't agree. But if I work as a director and make movies part-time, I don't think you have any reason to stop me."

"Wu Long is the most powerful director in the world. I will learn from Wu Long first. If I think I can do it, I will spend time as a hobby. If I think I can't do it, I will give up. This is not very good ?"

Su Fei's mother realized that she couldn't refute her daughter, so naturally she couldn't stop her.

"You can't take care of her?" Sophie's mother vented her anger on Bruno.

"She's an adult, what can I do?" Bruno sighed.

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