I'm not just an action star

Chapter 447 One More Call

After Eva and Lei went out, Wu Long said:

"I originally had a movie that I planned to start shooting after the trilogy was finished. Since you are here today, I can shoot ahead of time and change the address to Bali City."

"The production cost of this film is only 5000 million US dollars. It was originally invested by Lion Films. If you are willing to invest, I will go to Bali City to shoot immediately. You are responsible for the screening of the film in Lanxi, and I have the right to show it in China. In addition to the global screenings, you are responsible, and the profit is [-]%..."

Wu Long roughly talked about the profit sharing, which Bruno decided on himself.

Bruno didn't know the movie Wu Long was going to make. The original version was filmed in Pali City, and it was also shot by Lanxi Country's film company.He thought that Wu Long changed the place where the story in the movie took place to Pali City in order to repay favors.

Although Wu Long said that this movie has nothing to do with tourism, it will not help tourism growth much.But at least Wu Long can be invited to Bali City, where he can report to his boss.

However, he should not decide these matters by himself.If the boss refuses to admit it, his efforts will be in vain.If the number of tourists does not increase by then, he will still be held accountable.

"Please allow me to report to my superiors."

Wu Long nodded.

"Eva and Lei are your fans. This time they want to learn acting from you. I hope you can give them a chance and stay by your side during this time. They admire you very much. I think, what do you ask them to do? None of them would say no, and they were even happy."

Bruno gave a hint, bid farewell to Wu Long and left.

After going outside, I let Yiva and Lei stay to learn acting from Wu Long, and then I left Wu Long's studio, went to the embassy of Lanxi Kingdom in the imperial capital, and reported to Lanxi Kingdom's boss.

"What? You invited Wu Long to Pali City to make a movie? Is it true?" On the phone, the boss's voice was obviously surprised.

Although Bruno's plan to come to Wu Long was approved by him, he didn't think Bruno could succeed.

At the meeting, Bruno's competitor said that Bruno asked Wu Long to make a movie, but it was just an official trick.No one thought that Bruno could really invite Wu Long to make a movie.

What's in Bari City?

Fashion, culture, and romance are incompatible with Wu Long's action movies.

There are no mysterious legends or fantasy pirate treasures.

Now hearing Bruno's reply that Wu Long agreed, it's really quite unexpected.

"Yes. Wu Long agreed. It's just that Wu Long said that he changed the location of a movie he was going to shoot in the future and filmed it in Bali City. Wu Long emphasized one point, That movie doesn't help improve tourism. Let's figure it out for ourselves."

"Did Wu Long say when he will be filming?"

"If we agree, we can start filming in the near future."

"Shooting, we must let him come to Bari City for filming. As long as Wu Long comes, the hot spot will be in Bari City." The boss immediately made a decision. "Wu Long didn't make a movie in China, and changed his shooting plan to come to Pali City to make a movie. This is a hot topic in itself."

Bruno was surprised, why didn't he think of this?It's no wonder that the other party can become his boss, and he really thinks more about problems than he does.

Afterwards, Bruno brought Wu Long's request to his superior.The boss agrees in principle, but he will definitely hold a meeting with the relevant departments and people from the film company to see if the investment of 5000 million US dollars will result in a loss.

In Wu Long's studio, Si Jiali looked at the two women beside her with helplessness on her face.The receptionist at the front desk changed from one person to three people.

I want to learn acting from Wu Long, but I didn’t learn acting from Wu Long when I learned Chinese and how to cook soup. These two women don’t understand Chinese and have no other skills, so they want to learn acting from Wu Long?

In Chinese, it is a daydream!

wishful thinking!

Usually no one came to Wu Long's studio, and the three women were just sitting there with nothing to do behind the reception counter.

Anyway, the three of them didn't speak, and they were already fighting each other in their hearts.

Everyone is a competitor, and they greet each other with smiles on the surface, but I don't know what scheming is going on behind the scenes.

Scarlett would not tell these two women about herself, and these two women would certainly not tell her about themselves.

It's just so angry that the other party unexpectedly produced two women at once, and she was only alone, so I'm afraid that these two women will be the first to board Wu Long...

Soon, Scarlett discovered that although the two women came together, they were secretly competing and intrigue.

Just as the three of them were competing with each other with inadvertent eyes, someone came in.

A man with two women.


Scarlett's eyes were full of shock.In the morning there was also a man with two women, and in the afternoon it was the same.

The difference is that in the morning they came from Lanxi country, and in the afternoon they came from Benzi country.Don't ask why she also has black hair and yellow skin, Scarlett can recognize at a glance that she is from her own country.

Scarlett knew the man who came in.

Chiba frame spike!

And she also recognized one of the women behind Qianye Xiangsui.This woman is now well-known in the international film industry, and she is the native woman who plays Guoguo in the movie!

It is worthy of playing Guoguo.As soon as Kuriyama Takako saw the three women behind the reception counter, a murderous look flashed in his eyes!

Yes, Scarlett, Eva, and Lei really felt the murderous look in Takako Kuriyama's eyes.

Anyone who wants to get closer to Wu Long must understand Wu Long's movies.Scarlett recognized Chiba Kasui and Kuriyama Takako, Eva and Lei were not bad either, and also recognized them.

After seeing Takako Kuriyama's murderous look, Scarlett, Eva, and Lei finally realized their own shortcomings and what murderous look is.

When they met in the morning, they looked at each other with a murderous look.But, that's just a woman's instinct, because of competition or jealousy, it's just a look at men's eyes.

Besides, beautiful women are born to dislike beautiful women.

But their eyes are not comparable to those of Takako Kuriyama.It seems that Takako Kuriyama is Guoguo, a killer of a gang in the country, and it can make people tremble at a glance.

This is the movie with Wu Long...

No, Wu Long didn't participate in it, he just directed it.In other words, Takako Kuriyama has been directed by Wu Long in acting.

Seeing the three western beauties behind the reception counter, Qianye Huasui was as shocked as Scarlett, Eva, and Lei.

He had been to Wu Long's studio before, and he was not a Western beauty at all as a receptionist.There was Keira before, but Chiba Jiasui later understood what Keira meant.

Now these three women are also learning from Keira?

Brother Long, are you busy?

Can your body withstand it?

Thinking about it again, I only brought two women here, and one of them is an old acquaintance, I'm afraid I can't win against these three Western beauties.

Old acquaintances mean nothing new.Bringing Kuriyama Takako here is to play the emotional card.And another beautiful woman from this country is a sense of freshness.

However, now, there is only one novelty, which cannot compete with others.

The other woman in Chiba Framesui, seeing the three western beauties behind the reception counter, sighed in her heart that Wu Long is really amazing, and the standard of receptionists in the studio is so high.Not only the standard of appearance and figure is high, but also the number is more than other companies.

Even in those big companies, there are at most two people at the front desk.

"Hi, I'm Chiba Huasui, I've greeted Brother Long, and I'm here to visit him."

Si Jiali glanced at the two women from Benziguo on the left and right of Chiba Huasui, and sighed in her heart: "There are two more competitors, so annoying!"

There was a smile on his face.

Eva's eyes lingered on Kuriyama Takako's face for a while, and then shifted to the woman from Honko Country on the other side of Chiba Framesui.

You've got Takako Kuriyama, what else are you doing here?

There was a smile on her face.

Lei glanced at Chiba Kasui, then glanced at Takako Kuriyama and another woman from the country.Is it because you want to play the emotional card by bringing Takako Kuriyama here?There is no novelty, Brother Long should not be interested.

She smiled at the three people in front of her.

Scarlett, Eva, and Lei said in unison:

"Please wait a moment, I will inform you immediately."

After the three finished speaking, they stared at each other.

It was rare that the three of them had a heart for the outside world at the same time.

Yiva picked up the internal phone first and called Wu Long, while Si Jiali walked out of the reception counter first, signaling Chiba and Huasui to follow her in.

Lei realized that she was a step too late and grabbed the two women first.Hmph, agreed to the outside world.

After knocking on the door, Si Jiali, who received Wu Long's response, opened the door and asked Chiba and Huasui to enter.Then, she closed the door and left.

After Wu Long greeted Chiba Huasui and Kuriyama Takako, he looked at the beautiful woman from Honko who had never met before.

The other party bowed to Wu Long.

"Hi Brother Long, I'm Nanako Noguchi, please give me your advice."

Nanako Noguchi?

With long hair and a slim professional suit, it makes people feel that she is strong and soft.A pair of bright eyes look forward to the posture, the teeth are clean and white in the smile, the demeanor is elegant, and the conversation is confident.

Her appearance made Wu Long think of someone.

Among the actors in this country in his previous life, there was one person that he remembered deeply.This person is neither the usual famous Benziguo female stars nor those Benziguo female teachers.

But the heroine of a movie.

The movie was so famous that Wu Long remembered this woman.

Seeing the way Wu Long looked at Noguchi Nanako, Qianye Huasui was secretly happy.It seems that even if Takako Kuriyama is not needed, Wu Long can be persuaded.

After sitting down, Chiba Framesui explained the purpose of coming.

It turned out that the operation of the Caribbean Alliance made many people envious, including important officials from Jianghu City in the original country.

The decline or increase of tourists is not important, please go to Wulong to make movies, that is the most important thing.Wu Long can come to make a movie, which can increase the city's popularity.

At the same time, for some people, it is also a kind of achievement.

So, I found Qianye Xiangsui, hoping that Qianye Xiangsui could invite Wu Long to make a movie in Jianghu City.Wu Long can drive as much as he wants.As long as Wu Long can come to make a movie, they will have face.

People in this country value face the most.

Qianye Xiangsui does not guarantee that he can invite Wu Long, otherwise he will not accept such a task.After getting the consent, he started to choose people to come with him like Bruno did.

He will clearly tell potential actresses what it means to meet Wu Long.No one can get opportunities casually. If you want opportunities, you have to fight for them and pay for them yourself.

Those who are willing to give and are willing to give do not necessarily get rewarded.But at least get such a chance.

Nanako Noguchi started modeling while she was still studying, and later became active in advertisements and magazines.She wants a bigger stage, wants to act in movies and TV series.

After hearing about such an opportunity, I immediately found Chiba Frame Sui.Her image, unlike Takako Kuriyama, was recognized by Chiba Kaho.

Wu Long looked at Nanako Noguchi and began to think.

Chiba Huasui felt that this visit had a greater chance of success.

Takako Kuriyama felt a little disappointed, Wu Long's eyes did not stay on her too much.It seems that I am not the type that Wu Long likes, and I will not be interested after the novelty passes.

Nanako Noguchi felt Wu Long's gaze, and thought of what might happen, she couldn't help lowering her head slowly.She didn't dare to look directly at Wu Long, she just felt very shy.

"With our relationship, it's not impossible." Wu Long began to speak. "Bruno from Lanxi Country came to visit in the morning and invited me to shoot a movie in Bari City. If there are no accidents, I will do it. Why don't I put the previous plot of the movie in your Jianghu City."

"It's just that movies have nothing to do with the growth of tourism. If you want to make movies to promote tourism, I can't guarantee it."

Chiba Huasui was pleasantly surprised, but also a little regretful.There is a big difference between shooting a movie in two locations and shooting a movie in one location.

However, he couldn't ask Wu Long not to split the filming in two locations.It's rare for Wu Long to do this for his sake.

"I have another proposal." Wu Long asked Noguchi Nanako. "I wonder if Ms. Noguchi is willing to make a movie?"

Nanako Noguchi was excited and wanted to say I would.But immediately realized something, first looked at Chiba frame ear.Seeing Chiba Framesui nodding slightly, she replied excitedly:

"I am willing."

Unexpectedly, we just met, and before we paid anything, Wu Long asked her to make a movie.It's really, like a dream.Am I dreaming at this moment?If it is a dream, I hope my dream will not wake up too soon.

Takako Kuriyama felt a kind of jealousy welling up in her heart.Wu Long said so, it is very likely that Noguchi Nanako will play the leading role.At the beginning, she was only playing a supporting role.

However, she also knows.No matter how much you have an idea, you can't express it.Otherwise, without Wu Long's action or order, many people in my own country will take action for Wu Long and solve her.

"I'm glad you would. But let me just say, I'd make a movie for you. But it's a horror movie, and it's kind of scary. Would you still do it? Don't act against your will." The choice. If you want to act, it’s okay if you don’t want to.”

Horror film?

Chiba frame spike was surprised.How did Wu Long think of making a horror movie?He looked at Nanako Noguchi, no matter how she looked at this woman, she didn't look like she was acting in a horror movie.She's not scary at all.If you talk about Takako Kuriyama, she has acted in horror movies.

Horror film?

Takako Kuriyama thought, I am familiar with this, I have acted in it before.Brother Long, why don't you consider me?She looked at Noguchi Nanako, hoping that Noguchi would reject the role.

Horror film?

Nanako Noguchi was taken aback.She didn't expect Wu Long to let her act in a horror movie, she thought Wu Long wanted her to act in an action movie.

Acting in horror movies, how can you be popular?

Of course, Wu Long didn't do it to support Nanako Noguchi, he just wanted to make a fortune and gain some kind of prestige.

Nanako Noguchi didn't think about it for too long, and nodded in agreement.

"Brother Long, I'll act."

Horror movies are horror movies, at least the first movie she made was starring, and Wu Long was the director.Based on this alone, her film appointments will be indispensable in the future.

Afterwards, Chiba Frasho asked Kuriyama Takako and Noguchi Nanako to leave, and talked with Wu Long alone about how to shoot.

Wu Long made Chiba Huasui wholly-owned, and the proceeds were split in half.The Chinese film market should not introduce it, because it is a horror film.Of course, if it can be introduced, the screening rights in the Chinese market will belong to Wu Long.

Chiba Huasui immediately called back, and after getting approval, he told Wu Longjiang that there was no problem with Hushi.

Wu Long told Qianye Xiangsui that when he went to Jianghu City to film the first part of the Lanxi Kingdom movie, he took time to shoot the horror movie.Because this horror film has no gun battles, no fighting action, and no car chases.Therefore, the shooting cycle will not be too long, and it should be able to finish shooting soon.

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