I'm not just an action star

Chapter 446 Brought someone

It is impossible to go to see Wu Long empty-handed, and you must bring the necessary gifts.

It is said that when the Caribbean Alliance went to invite Wu Long, it gave Wu Long a luxury cruise ship, but Wu Long didn't want it.Later, another beautiful Caribbean woman was sent to assist Wu Long in filming.Wu Long came up with a good idea to increase the number of tourists in the Caribbean.Wu Long also said that the idea came from the Caribbean beauty himself.

How is that possible.

Wu Long must have said that because of that Caribbean beauty.

Bruno felt that beauties should be brought along.He discussed with the executives of the film and television industry and asked them to ask which actress he wanted to go.After all, if Wu Long can be invited to come to Lanxi to make a movie, the department in charge of culture will also have benefits and credit.

In the end, among the many actresses who were willing to go together, an actor named Eva Grey was chosen.

In her early years, Eva studied acting at the St. Paul School of Drama in Pali City for three years, and went to Webb Academy of Dramatic Art in Landon to study for more than two months. director.

She is returning to Lanxi Country to rest, and plans to develop in Haolaihu and Lanxi Country.It's just how it develops, it hasn't been planned yet.Hearing the news from inside, the director of the tourism agency wants to go to the imperial capital to find Wu Long and needs to be accompanied.Actresses who wanted to go together asked Bruno, Director of Tourism.

Wu Long!

That's the world's number one action superstar!

He has won two good actresses who are good to come, and then add a good queen who is good at Ska.But all the actresses who have a relationship with him are not popular.And it's the kind that goes viral quickly.

For example, the latest Kayla, directly became the heroine of "Pirates of the Caribbean".Now that "Pirates of the Caribbean" has not been screened, the film appointments are like snowflakes floating in Keira's hands.

It's really enviable.

After Eva received the news, she immediately changed her clothes and put on makeup to find Bruno.She thought she was fast enough, but when she got there, she found that it was already full of beauties.

All the actresses from Lanxi Country, no matter their age or age, as long as they thought they were pretty, all came.

This made Eva sigh, it was like a beauty pageant.No, more like a king choosing a concubine.

The king is certainly not Bruno.

The king is Wu Long.

Two days later, Eva received the news that she was selected!


"I feel like I'm dying of happiness!"

"This must be a romantic meeting!"

It is said that some of the unsuccessful actresses protested, thinking that there was an inside story, saying that she was selected because of an improper relationship.

God, don't those who say that know that this is a blasphemy against Wu Long?

Bruno gave the reason, like Angeli and Keira are newcomers to the film industry.Why is it a newcomer, don't you understand?Do you have to expose some unspeakable things?

Fortunately, Bruno also knows how to do things, and promised Wu Long to hold a dance party in the circle after arriving in Bali City.At that time, those who want to seek Wu Long's relationship will have to rely on their own means.

After taking her luggage, Eva met Bruno in the VIP lounge of the airport and boarded the first-class cabin of the plane together.

"Trouble, please, thank you."

Eva heard the voice, turned around and looked in the direction where the first-class cabin came in.A woman appeared, causing Eva's eyes to suddenly enlarge.

Ray Yado!

This is a direct flight from Bari City to the Imperial Capital of China. Lei Yadu is also taking this flight today, so it's not to snatch Wu Long!

Eva knows that Lei is not an ordinary actress, she is from a family of movies.Many members of the family are well-known figures in the film industry.His grandfather was a senior executive of a famous film company.

However, Eva thinks that the other party can be compared with her only because of her background, and Eva believes that she will not lose to the other party in other places.

For example, the other party's nose is not as good-looking as hers.Her nose is more characteristic and taste of a Lanxi woman.

The other party's face was not as delicate as hers.

The bodies of both sides are different and very predictable.

However, the other party was blonde.And she dyed the dark gold into black as early as 14 years old.As for Wu Long, the hair in their country is naturally black.

"Hi, are you Lei?" Eva greeted Lei.

She knew Lei Yadu, but the other party didn't necessarily know her.

"Hi." Lei said politely.

Then she looked at Bruno.

"Sir, can I talk to you?"

"Talk about what?"

Ree turned to Eva.

"I would like to speak with the Director alone."

"Director, I'll go back to my seat first."

Eva spoke to Bruno and walked to her seat.She knew that Bruno would let her stay if he didn't think it was necessary to talk alone.If Bruno didn't speak, it would be tacit Lei's proposal.

Is this Lei really going to rob Wu Long from me?

She couldn't help but think of Bruno's hint during the second interview.

"Eva, sometimes art needs to sacrifice everything, are you mentally prepared? Don't think too much, I mean Wu Long."

Of course Eva understood Bruno's hint, she nodded.Wu Long is handsome and has a great body. He is the object of understanding for women.That being the case, what woman would not want something to happen with Wu Long?This is not persecution, this is... love!

"I understand, I'm a fan of Brother Long."

Fans of Wu Long, or those who respect or show respect to Wu Long, call Wu Long like the locals in China, calling Wu Long "Brother Long".

"It's good that you understand. Judy, Angeli, Keira, their success is not only due to their acting skills. There are many actresses with good acting skills. If you want to become a first-line, top-notch movie star, you may not be able to succeed only because of your acting skills. "

Although Bruno is not in the film and television industry, this phenomenon is not unique to the film and television industry.This is the case in both the business and official circles.And he also heard some rumors in the film and television industry.

"I will definitely obey Brother Long's arrangement and do what he tells. I will never refuse what he asks me to do." Eva replied.

"Won't say no, it's not enough."

"I was wrong. I am happy to do things for Brother Long."

"You are very smart."

Eva's memories flashed by.Before sitting down, she turned her head to look at Lei who was standing beside Bruno, and thought to herself:

"Ray, are you ready? Will you give your all to the arts? Your family, will you allow that?"

Bruno turned his head to look at Lei, probably guessing what Lei was going to say.Lei was not selected at the beginning because Lei came from a film family and was worried that her family would have opinions.After all, everyone in the circle wanted to know what it meant to meet Wu Long.

"Director, I want to meet Wu Long with you."

"Why? You were born in the film world, and you can get resources without Wu Long's help."

"I'm a fan of Brother Long."

Bruno almost wanted to roll his eyes, another fan of Wu Long.Are all the women in the world stupid?Apart from being muscular, handsome, and capable of fighting, what else does Wu Long have?

"But, do you know what it means to meet Wu Long this time? If you need to dedicate everything to art, are you ready? You should know what I mean."

"I know. I am very happy to have that opportunity. It is my wish to dedicate everything to Long Ge's art."

"Does your family know? I don't want to make trouble."

"They know. Even if they object, they can't stop me. I'm an adult."

"But, I've already taken Eva with me, it's impossible to replace her with you."

"Why change? People from the Caribbean Alliance only introduced one Solana to Wu Long, and you can introduce two at the same time. Wouldn't this increase the chances?"

Bruno was surprised and thought that you are really bold.

"Okay. But if you mess up, I'm afraid you have a lot of responsibility."

"no problem."

At this time, the stewardess came over and explained that the plane was about to take off, and all the passengers returned to their seats and sat down.Lei walked to her seat, turned her head to look at Eva, and smiled triumphantly.

When the group arrived in the imperial capital, Bruno didn't go directly to Wu Long, but went to see Xing Zhongfei.

Xing Zhongfei opened up channels for the European film market, and someone from Lanxi Kingdom's film and television circles came to help.This time I came here, I hope Xing Zhongfei can help to ask Wu Long if he can go to Pali City to make a movie, so as to increase the amount of tourism in Lanxi Country.

"I can only promise to ask Wu Long out, and you can talk about it yourself. I can't guarantee that Wu Long will help."

Bruno agreed, and he didn't expect Xing Zhongfei to agree directly.

Regarding this matter, Xing Zhongfei did not call Wu Long, but had an interview with Wu Long directly.

"Wu Long, I have no choice but to agree to help them make an appointment with you. Feihong Films' Lanxiguo film market channels, as well as the European film market channels, they all help. Without their help, we would not be able to do so so quickly. Open up the channel market. I owe them a favor."

The debt of favor must be repaid.

Wu Long nodded and arranged a time for the other party to come to the studio.

The next day, Bruno brought Eva and Lei to Wu Long's studio.

"Hello, may I ask..."

Scarlett was doing the reception, and when she saw the two women behind Bruno, her eyes narrowed suddenly.

She found that when the two women saw her, their eyes narrowed suddenly.

It seems that at the moment when they looked at each other, both sides understood the other's intention here.

There seemed to be three cold snorts, resounding in their heads

Fortunately, it is not a day or two for Scarlett to be here as a receptionist. Although she is annoyed, she can immediately invite the other party to sit down in the reception hall and then report to Wu Long.

After coming out, he took the three of them into Wu Long's office.

After the courtesy greetings from both parties, Bruno first handed Wu Long a black gold-edged card.

"We met for the first time, this is a gift from Lanxi Kingdom to Brother Long. Don't worry, this is not a bribe, it's just a status symbol. You are a distinguished guest of our Lanxi Kingdom, and this card is valid for all five-star hotels in European countries The VIP card can save you the trouble of booking a room when you travel to Europe. It is also valid in many five-star hotels around the world, but you can’t check in even if you don’t have a room like in Europe.”

When Eva and Lei next to him saw this card, their eyes changed in different ways.The two of them had heard of this kind of card, but it was only the first time they saw it.

Regardless of the fact that Lei came from a film family, the elders in the family also have VIP cards for some five-star hotels around the world, but compared with this card, it is different.

Many VIP cards can be obtained as long as there is enough money in the bank.The more money you have, the more expensive the card you get.

But there are some cards that cannot be obtained with money.It is only possible to get it if it is recommended by political figures of considerable rank and influence.And this card is not as it appears on the surface, it is just a room reservation.

In Lanxi country, this card is more useful than a passport.

Bruno gave Wu Long this card in front of the two women, telling Wu Long to accept this card without worrying about the legal issues of bribery.

Then Bruno explained his purpose of coming, and hoped that Wu Long could go to Lanxi to make a movie, preferably in Pali City.He once again bragged about the long-standing culture of Lanxi country, leading the fashion trend, the romance with Lanxi people, and the love at first sight when they met on the street.

After hearing Bruno's intention, Wu Long was silent for a moment.

"However, it's difficult. I can't make movies everywhere. I still need to see if those places can make good movies and whether there are enough themes. This is not just the reason why I make movies, but because I can't lose my own reputation.”

Xing Zhongfei and Wu Long said that when Feihong Films opened up the European film market channels, the people from Lanxi Kingdom helped.Although the other party also values ​​the benefits of Wu Long's movies, that's why they are so active.But with their cooperation and help, Xing Zhongfei was able to win the channel of the European film market in a short period of time, which needs to be admitted.

According to Xing Zhongfei's meaning, it should be to accept this love.

Wu Long knew that Xing Zhongfei valued favors and relationships, otherwise he would not have focused on investing in him at the beginning.

Shoot, definitely want to shoot.It happened that Wu Jing was filming "I am Special Forces: Knife Unsheathed", and during this period, another film was temporarily added.It's just that he can't promise so readily, he has to get some benefits.

"We understand Brother Long's concerns, and we thought about a lot of topics before we came here. For example, Brother Long's flying car technology is the world's number one, so why not use this as a selling point. Tourists always take taxis when they come to travel. It's not as good as Brother Long. Just make a movie about speeding taxis, and add some stories about driving with criminals, what do you think?"

"Of course, Brother Long, you are a professional, and you already have good ideas."

Yiwa and Lei understood their identities in coming here, even if they showed the vase to Wu Long and let Wu Long choose, they would not interfere indiscriminately.

If it's a business matter, if you mess up, you can get money to make up the majority and you can fool it.But Bruno's business is not only a business matter, but more of an official business.If they mess up because of their talkativeness, they will definitely not have a good life.

But hearing what Bruno said, both of them looked at Wu Long with bright eyes.

Speeding cars, gun battles, isn't this a movie of the "League of Assassins" type?

Look at Angeli, starting from "League of Assassins", she climbed onto the podium of the Golden Mound Award and the Hauska Award in a few steps, and became a double actress.

If I can participate in the acting, even if I can't win the best actress, I can definitely step into the ranks of first-line movie stars in one step.This is much easier than fighting on your own, and fighting on your own may not necessarily lead to success.

Even if Lei had help from her family, she couldn't become popular as quickly as she did with Wu Long.

Speeding cars and beautiful women have always been the perfect match for this type of film.

For men, a woman is a car, and a beautiful woman is a good car.The faster the car goes, the more beautiful and hotter the beauties will be.

Bruno's words reminded Wu Long of a Lanxi movie "Taxi Express".Just asking him to play "Taxi Express" is not interesting.His time is limited, and the time he has free is only enough to make one movie.

He considered it and said:

"Your proposal is very good. It's a good idea."

"Really?" Bruno wondered if Wu Long's words were just compliments.The idea was his daughter's, and he didn't think it was very good.In the conversation with Wu Long, he took it out and said it, but he just wanted to express that he had thought about it seriously.

"Really." Wu Long nodded. "I know that Feihong Films' development of film market channels and your relevant departments have helped us, so this time, I should help."

Bruno suddenly felt pleasantly surprised, Wu Long valued friendship, it really wasn't a legend, it was true.Eva and Lei also waited for Wu Long's next words with brilliant eyes.

"It's just that I have to think about it. For the idea you mentioned, I can write a script for you, and you can shoot it yourself."

Hearing what Wu Long said, Bruno, Eva, and Lei were instantly disappointed.

"As for me, I will shoot another film in Pali City. It's just that this film is purely commercial and has little effect on promoting your tourism. If you want, we can discuss it separately."

Some business secrets are not suitable for Eva and Lei to know.Bruno understood in seconds, he immediately asked Eva and Lei to go out, and couldn't wait to hear Wu Long's next plan.

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