I'm not just an action star

Chapter 445 Someone Makes an Idea

Keira did not follow Wu Long to the imperial capital, she stayed in Merikan.Do publicity together with Cornus, and increase the exposure of the two of them by the way.

On top of that, Kayla and Knuth have their own announcements and numerous film engagements.

Before it was released, the two of them became popular in advance because they acted with Wu Long.

Tom Kernus is really handsome, and the number of female fans is increasing by a terrifying number every day.

The same is true for Keira.Even if she is against a, she can't stop those men who like her classical beauty.

Wu Long told Kaila that there are three films, and she only needs to finish these three films.In addition, she solves the film appointment problem by herself.

Now that Wu Long is back in the Imperial Capital for filming, she will be free for a year.Wu Long also meant not to let her wait, and to take the filming according to the situation.And Wu Long has no way to be the queen of the movie, and there is no need for Keira to follow Wu Long.

When Kaila went to the imperial capital to look for Wu Long, she wanted Wu Long to give her a chance to become popular.Wu Long gave this opportunity, whether she can grasp it in the future depends on her own destiny.

It doesn't matter if Scarlett stays without Keira.However, there will be no place for Si Jiali in the future Marvel series, and it is impossible for her to play the Black Widow again.It will be the face of China that will save the world in the future.

He brought Scarlett to Qiu Ya's office.

"Mr. Qiu, what can I tell her to do?" After speaking, Wu Long left.

Qiuya looked at Scarlet meaningfully.

"Please sit down."

"Thank you, Mr. Qiu."

"Aren't you afraid that Wu Long will be disgusted by you coming to Wu Long so recklessly? In fact, he is very disgusted by such things."

When Scarlett came to the studio for the first time, Qiuya really wanted to ask this question.

"If Kayla can come, so can I."

Sure enough, Qiuya showed the expression I expected.

"Since you know Kaila, what will you do if Kaila comes back with Wu Long?"

"I know my Chinese is not as good as Kayla's, but Kayla can't cook soup, I can cook soup." Scarlett said seriously.

Now it was Qiuya's turn to be surprised.

"Can you make soup?"

Scarlett nodded. "I learned it specially. I learned it from a very famous teacher."

Qiu Ya thought, this woman is not simple, she has scheming and tricks.To know that to keep a man, the first thing to do is to keep the man's stomach.

Learning Chinese is not easy, learning to cook soup should be easier than learning Chinese.

Also learn from the teacher. "Master Nai" should be a unique title for married women in Guangdong and Hong Kong, right?

There are four important characters, one of course is the protagonist Neo.Changed to the back of the East, naturally he would no longer be called Neo.For convenience, Wu Long directly let the protagonist's name be Wu Long.

There is also the heroine Trinity, whose Chinese name is changed to Trinity.

Corresponding to Murphys, changed to Chinese as Mofei.

Agent Smith, changed to Chinese History Yan Luo.

After discussing with the actors, Zhao Liying played Cui Ni, Zhang Zikang played Mo Fei, and Wu Jing played the special agent Shi Yanluo.

Wu Jing wanted to shoot, Wu Long could only shoot other scenes without him first.Wait for him to finish filming, and then film the scene.

For this, Wu Jing deeply blamed herself.Wu Long brought him to debut, let him shoot, and gave him a chance to become famous.He also gave him the script and let him play the leading role.

The results of it?But he didn't want to wait for Wu Long to return to China to film, but accepted the filming, which delayed Wu Long's filming.

Reminiscent of Zhao Liying becoming popular overnight after filming, although Wu Long did not get the promise to make the next film, he still did not accept another film, and has been waiting for Wu Long's call.

Compared with Zhao Liying, he felt like a white-eyed wolf, like an ungrateful person.As someone said, once you become famous, you forget the people who support you.

Carrying such a psychological burden, Wu Jing was in a trance many times while filming, and was ng many times.

The director called Wu Jing aside, and the two chatted alone.

Wu Jing thought over and over again, and asked the director if he could finish filming his scenes ahead of schedule.

The director pondered for a long time before shaking his head and saying there was no way.

"You are the protagonist, and many plots and scenes need you. It is impossible to go to each scene to shoot just for you. Then go back to each scene to shoot other people's scenes, which will increase the cost and increase the shooting cycle. "

Wu Jing scratched her head in distress.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about it. Didn't you ask Brother Long when you accepted this film? If Brother Long minded this, when you asked him, he would have told you that he has a film to shoot, and there will be conflicts in your shooting time. .”

"Brother Long didn't say it, which means he has considered this point and hopes that you can have a heavyweight TV series."

Wu Jing shook his head, he didn't agree with it a bit, he always felt that the director said that so that the filming could go according to plan.

Seeing that Wu Long did not agree with his statement, the director continued to persuade:

"You, too young, easy to get into a dead end."

"Let me ask you, Brother Long knows that you don't have a schedule, why did he still find you? It means that he can wait for you to finish the filming. If he can't wait, he will find someone else to play. Your role is a villain. Qi Ke and Luo Chang have neither." Problem. Even Zeng Zihong, he can act."

"If Brother Long can't wait, tell yourself, will you still be allowed to act? Can't we just let them act?"

"And you, if you are not in good condition because of this, it will affect the progress of the filming, and it will only prevent you from making Brother Long's movie earlier."

Hearing this, Wu Jing realized that if she couldn't finish the film quickly, it would indeed affect the progress of the filming.Such a situation will only be more unfavorable to him.

"Okay, I'll make some adjustments and take the picture as soon as possible."

When Wu Jing turned to leave, the director hurriedly took out a tissue to wipe off his sweat.Speaking of which, Wu Jing is an actor that Wu Long strongly admires, the director was really afraid that Wu Long would overwhelm him, so he called Wu Jing away for filming.

Because she wanted to shoot Wu Jing's three-dimensional images, Wu Jing took a few days off to come to Shi Lei's studio to do motion capture.Wu Long also gave him some moves needed for filming, allowing him to practice during filming breaks.

Zhang Zikang is actually filming too.However, his filming is about to finish, so it doesn't have much impact on the filming.

Zhao Liying took the initiative to ask Wu Long for sparring routines. Her skills are weaker than both Wu Long and Wu Jing, so she has to make up for her weakness with hard work.

Wu Long was busy choosing the filming location, and then asked Xing Zhongfei for the filming funds.

The original version was filmed in the late 90s, and the production cost was $300 million.The global box office totaled more than 6000 million US dollars.

This high-yielding explosion not only allowed the film to continue to be made, but also became a classic.

It stands to reason that money in the past is worth more than money in the present.Now Wu Long's investment should be much more than 300 million US dollars.But Wu Long has an advantage, he is not here so he can call for shots, and he has the help of the system, so he doesn't need to take a lot of unnecessary shots.

Normal filming and TV shooting does not mean how many shots are presented in front of the audience, but how many shots are actually shot.No, that's not the case.There are many shots that need to be shot, and they need to be selected during the final editing.

For example, the original version took a lot of film.This is not only a question of the cost of film consumption, but also involves shooting time and progress.The increased shooting time is also money.

Now I don't use film.The shooting time can be extended, but it still costs money.

Wu Long's filming does not have these troubles.He can shoot according to the ready-made shots given by the system, without wasting time taking unnecessary shots.

In the original version, the lead actor doesn't know martial arts, so he spent four or five months practicing martial arts.It's a pity that even so, including other actors, their movements are still only superficial, without strength.

The action is fancy, without the impact of power.

It is said that the film was mainly shot for about half a year, and the fighting scenes in the subway alone took ten days.Changing to Wu Long to shoot, with the influence of Wuxiang Gong, it doesn't take so many days.It not only shortens the shooting cycle, but also saves money.


Bruno, director of the Lanxi National Tourism Administration, scratched his hair annoyed, because the number of tourists visiting Lanxi Country had decreased significantly, and he had been asked to find a solution in many meetings.If he can't solve it, the above will solve him.

He has repeatedly stated at the meeting that this situation is only a temporary phenomenon.It is because of Wu Long and his movies that tourists from all over the world first flow to the Amazon rainforest, and now they flow to the Caribbean Sea.

When this trend passes, the tourism volume of Lanxi Country will come back again.After all, Lanxi Kingdom has been the center of European culture and art since ancient times, and it has led the fashion of the whole Europe and the world.

All kinds of luxury goods, famous brands, fashion circles and models in Lanxi are places that people in Europe and even the world yearn for.

What's more, this country has the most romantic love in the world.Romantic encounters, romantic love at first sight, and romantic nights are all in this country of brilliant art and culture.

So, why not attract people to travel?

Even if it is affected now, it is only a little impact, and in his opinion it is not big.

But at today's meeting, he was questioned again by his competitors.His same answer, no longer valid.The opponent said, if Wu Long is allowed to make movies in other places, what if this trend continues?

He was angry at the time.What can he do?Could it be that Wu Long was invited to come to Pali City to make a movie?

The other party asked, why not?

So, he either finds a way to promote tourism, or finds a way to invite Wu Long to make a movie.Even if Wu Long's movies can't increase the number of tourists, the responsibility is not on him.

However, is it so easy to ask Wu Long to make a movie?

Besides, what are you asking Wu Long to shoot?Shoot the Lancy Pirates?joke.

Filming the romantic love story of Lanxi Kingdom?

It will not attract tourists.

When he went home for dinner at night, he didn't concentrate on eating.What's going on in my mind is either the accusation from the boss or the questioning from the competitor.

"Dad, why are you upset?"

"Is it about work?"

The youngest daughter Sophie asked her father with concern.

The wife also looked at her husband.She knew that it was not easy for her husband to take the position of director, and the work pressure was very high.

"It's okay." Bruno didn't want to bring troubles home, and he didn't want to bring troubles to the family.

"No, Dad, you should tell us that this will release your work pressure. You can't complain to your colleagues, you can't complain to your friends, you can only complain to your family. Because your family is the only person you can trust .”

Looking at his daughter, Bruno said:

"Speaking of which, Wu Long is to be blamed. He first went to the Amazon rainforest to make a movie and brought tourists from all over the world there. Then he went to the Caribbean to make a movie and brought tourists from all over the world to the Caribbean."

"It's reducing the number of people visiting our country. But it's happening in other parts of the world, and my bosses don't care about it and say it's my responsibility."

"Is it my responsibility?"

"What can I do?"

"Do you really want me to invite Wu Long to make a movie to promote our country?"

"But we have neither the mysteries of the Amazon rainforest nor Pirates of the Caribbean."

However, Su Fei's eyes lit up, as if she had been ignited.

"Dad, that's a great idea, why not?"

Bruno was puzzled, and thought back to his own words.Ask my daughter:

"What's a great idea?"

"Please invite Wu Long to come to our country to make a movie!" Su Fei replied excitedly.

Bruno shook his head:

"How is that possible? Wu Long's film schedule is full, and he is now returning to China to make films. He will make three films. That is to say, Wu Long will not make films abroad for two years."

"Besides, what kind of movie should we make to promote our country? Fashion? Trend? Romantic love? These are not enough to become a big hit."

"Father, I think your boss and your opponent are right. You are indeed responsible. You see, you denied this method without trying it yourself. Only then will your opponent seize the opportunity to attack you. "

"However, this is obvious, and it is impossible to succeed. If possible, people from other countries and tourist areas would have gone to Wu Long long ago." Bruno felt that his daughter's thinking was naive.

At the age of 20, the idea is still so naive.

"Wu Long is not an ordinary star, and it's not something you can invite just by asking."

"Dad, what you said makes sense. But it doesn't mean you don't try. If you try, you may have a chance. If you don't try, you will never have a chance."

Sophie tried hard to persuade her father.She is a fan of Wu Long, because of Wu Long, she even wants to be an actor.I have this idea, just to be able to make a movie with Wu Long.

Unfortunately, with her status, it is impossible to become an actress.

"Su Fei, you don't want to follow that Wu Long, do you?" The mother asked her daughter suddenly.

Sophie shook her head quickly.

"That's official business, how can I go?"

"I heard that Wu Long has relationships with many famous actresses, don't be fooled by him."

"Don't worry, I know. I just don't want dad to worry about work. He just needs to go to the imperial capital to meet Wu Long. If the negotiation fails, it's because Wu Long doesn't want to. He can let his boss know, it's not that Dad doesn't want to." way to increase the number of tourists.”

"Well, I've actually thought about it this way. It's just that it's very distressing to do something that you know is a failure." Bruno sighed. "Also, I don't know how to convince Wu Long."

Su Fei raised her head and thought for a while, then suggested:

"I heard that Wu Long's flying car skills are very good, so I asked him to come to our Bari City to shoot a car chase scene. This just shows the artistic beauty of our Bari City architecture. Just tell him that in the cultural capital of Bari City The flying car has a different feeling from the flying car in other places.”

Bruno shook his head:

"There are too many such gunfight movies and car chase movies. There are many in Europe, and there are also many in our country. They have no characteristics at all. You must know that the films made by Wu Long have their own characteristics."

Continue to eat, Sophie thought while eating.

"Dad, you said tourists come to travel, do you want to take a taxi? What if we let Wu Long play a taxi driver? He drives the fastest taxi in Europe, no one can compare to him. Then tourists come to travel, Maybe you can meet Wu Long who plays the role of a taxi driver. It’s like the tourist check-in card in the Caribbean.”

"That's impossible. When Wu Long is making movies, tourists can't take his taxis. If he doesn't make movies, Wu Long can't drive a taxi either. Tourists are not stupid, and they know this."

In order for his daughter to understand, Bruno went on to explain:

"You have to be clear about the essence. What attracts tourists in the Amazon rainforest is not Wulong, but the divinity there. Wulong just attracts the audience. The place that attracts tourists in the Caribbean is not Wulong, but pirate treasures or shipwreck treasures. It was also advertised everywhere in those two places.”

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