I'm not just an action star

Chapter 444 Another one

Falling in love with you, I'm not just an action superstar

Swinging the shotgun with one hand and loading it in a circle, this action looks handsome, cool and chic, but it is not so difficult to actually do it.There must be enough wrist strength, enough skills, and enough patience to practice.

Some people break their fingers when they do this.

Some people are so stupid that they reload it during practice, and the shotgun goes off and accidentally injures others.

For a while, no one was able to perfectly make this movement and shoot.

As a result, some people began to suspect that Wu Long's action seemed real, but it was impossible to realize it in reality.

"Wu Long deceived us."

"Swinging a shotgun with one hand and loading it in circles is simply impossible in reality."

"We were all deceived by Wu Long!"

"Wu Long, a liar, broke my finger!"

"Wu Long, you caused me to accidentally injure my girlfriend. I want to sue you and demand compensation!"

These remarks angered Wu Long's fans.They counterattacked in groups, presenting a siege.

"It's ridiculous, did Brother Long say it's real?"

"I can't tell the difference between the movie and reality, how dare you call it on the Internet?"

"Do you want Brother Long to tell you that the Terminator is real?"

"Be careful, Brother Long let the t-1000 end you."

"If you want to be cool, don't blame Brother Long."

"Who told you to load the bullets for practice?"

"Brother Long can do push-ups with one finger, can you?"

Wu Long has a lot of fans, but what they did aroused some people's resentment, and they began to scold Wu Long's fans and black Wu Long without thinking.There are also many people who are jealous, or have a dark psychology, or have some kind of purpose, and so on, join the ranks of opposing Wu Long and opposing Wu Long fans.

Fox noticed these situations on the Internet, put on a mask and rode on a motorcycle, performed the action of Wu Long riding a motorcycle, swinging a shotgun with one hand to load it in circles, and finished shooting.

He uploaded this video on the Internet, and when someone saw it, he immediately forwarded it to help him promote it.

Wu Long's fans also refuted those people with this video.

It's just that there's a problem with Fox's video, he's wearing a mask.For this reason, some people say that this is Wu Long pretending to be. In fact, this video is fake and made by special effects.

Seeing his own people saying that his video was fake, Fox was very angry.But it is inconvenient for him to show his true colors to others, is he going to kill all those people one by one?

He's a killer, but he's not a killer.Even if you want to kill, you can't kill him.

Fortunately, some people made this move one after another and uploaded their own videos.Many of these people are shooting enthusiasts, and some are even ex-military.These people did not wear masks, showing their true colors.Some people are well-known people in the circle, known and known by many people.

Finally, the dispute gradually cooled down and was finally forgotten by the Internet.

After nearly ten months, "Pirates of the Caribbean" was finally completed.Lion Films, Weller Films, Gervin and Solana from the Caribbean Alliance attended the screening together.

In the first four minutes or so of the film, none of the male and female protagonists appeared, nor did the second male protagonist.It took nearly 5 minutes for the heroine to appear.

Such a long aforementioned statement made some people frown.Fortunately, the heroine's appearance is good, she has the beauty of ancient Western beauties.

Many people nodded secretly, at least there is no problem with Wu Long's casting.

For more than eight minutes, Wu Long, the protagonist, has not yet appeared.More people frowned, what kind of art is this?

Thinking that Wu Long is still from the land of China, it is even more strange why Wu Long wanted to shoot like this.You must know that most editors will not read the online articles in China, not to mention that the protagonist does not appear in Chapter 1, or even the first three paragraphs, and they will not submit the manuscript directly.

Nearly nine minutes later, everyone saw the back of Captain Jack played by Wu Long in the exciting background music.

I saw Captain Jack with one hand on his hips and one hand on the top of the mast looking at the distant port. The sea breeze made his long hair flutter and his red turban fluttered.

With background music, the aura of a pirate captain overflows the entire screen.

Everyone nodded, no matter whether Wu Long is a director or a starring role, he still has some skills.

The camera is shown frontally, and Captain Jack under the smoky makeup seems to be quite serious.Then, Captain Jack looked down, and jumped down.

The camera zoomed out, and everyone watching the sample was caught off guard.

The ship in the picture is not a pirate ship at all, but an ordinary small sailboat.The small sailboat is only a few meters long, and there is only one person on board, the so-called pirate captain Jack.

So, this pirate captain, is he serious?

However, judging from this picture, everyone already knows what style of movie this is.

This pirate captain is really not an ordinary pirate captain.As expected of the smoky makeup, even the boat has such characteristics.

Also, the boat was leaking.Captain Jack still has to bail out.

When the boat reached the dock, the entire schooner was submerged.That is to say, our Captain Jack, the film begins to appear, even the little sailboat he was on is gone.

Looking at the way Captain Jack turned and walked after being stopped to pay the docking fee, it turned out that this pirate captain was a bit unscrupulous.

Soon, everyone was attracted by this weird and enchanting dishonest pirate captain.It can be said that since the appearance of Wu Long, this movie has relied on the role of Captain Jack to attract people.

This is a movie that attracts audiences by its characters!

Moreover, this role subverts Wu Long's previous role.Compared with Wu Long's previous roles, it has formed a great contrast effect.

This kind of contrast is also what the audience and movie fans are willing and like to see.

As soon as Captain Jack came out, many people who watched the sample film secretly nodded, thinking that even if the film was not a big hit, it would definitely not lose money.

As the movie played, everyone was attracted by Captain Jack, and gradually became fascinated by the story told in the movie.

When the film ended, everyone applauded.

Those from the Caribbean Union, especially Gervin and Solana, applauded the loudest.


"I knew dragons would do it!"

"I said, trust the dragon."

"This movie is going to be a hit, I swear!"

"Sure enough, as Long said, this is a pirate movie that subverts traditional pirate movies!"

At the sample meeting, "Pirates of the Caribbean" passed in one fell swoop and received all the praise.People from Lion Films and Weina Films were very excited. They didn't expect Wu Long to be different from other directors in that he had no downturns.Even making a pirate movie can be so different.

After thinking about it, it seems that "Pirates of the Caribbean" was written for an all-round actor like Wu Long.Looking at the whole scene, it seems that no one can play Captain Jack better than Wu Longlai.

However, "Pirates of the Caribbean" without Wu Long starring Captain Jack has become a traditional ordinary pirate film.There is a high probability that it will hit the street, and it will be bad.Even if you don't hit the street, you can only say that you can barely maintain a loss.It is simply impossible to make money.

But with Captain Jack starring Wu Long, "Pirates of the Caribbean" seems to have injected a different soul.The whole video it came alive!

People from the two film companies secretly rejoiced that their decision to insist on supporting Wu Long was not wrong.And the people from Weiner Pictures are even more sure that there is absolutely nothing wrong with supporting Wu Long without thinking.

At this moment, Tom shook hands with Wu Long.He won the attention of others at two studios.

The bosses of Weiner Films are very glad that they decided to adopt Tom's decision during the meeting.It can be said that Tom saved the relationship with Wu Long for Weiner Pictures.

The people at Lion Films regretted it a bit.I regret that they didn't trust Wu Long firmly and resolutely.If they dare to fully invest, where is Weiner Pictures now?

It's a pity that I didn't regret taking the medicine.

Now, Weiner Pictures can only share part of the profits.

"Terminator 2" can earn a global box office of 15 billion US dollars. I hope that "Pirates of the Caribbean" can take advantage of this trend and earn about one billion US dollars in box office.

At the same time, they are also a little jealous of the Caribbean Union.The boom in Caribbean tourism initiated by Wu Long will probably make the Caribbean Alliance a lot of money.The funds invested in the film may have been paid back long ago.Even if the movie is not divided, they will never lose money.

Really know how to do business.

Unfortunately, such transactions cannot be replicated.

Wu Long will hand over to Weina Films and Lion Films for the subsequent review, release schedule, publicity and other matters.In order to make more money, they will definitely do their best to promote it.Nobody wants to make more money.

Arranging the schedule is not random. A good schedule will definitely increase the box office.In this regard, both Lion Films and Weiner Films have rich experience and connections.

Wu Long didn't worry, he went back to the imperial capital to rest for a few days and started the next movie.

Invest in the last mission and get a movie world.It means that he has one more chance to be resurrected.How about completing the next task?What rewards will there be?Another movie universe?

Wu Long is looking forward to it.

In the few days after returning to the imperial capital, I first contacted the relationship.When I went home to visit my family, my sister-in-law gave birth to a son and was going to have another one. They hoped it would be a daughter.

My mother didn't urge the marriage like other mothers, but just told him to pay attention to safety when making movies.

Wu Long has already planned what movie to make next.



space universe?


"Terminator" is equivalent to a future film, so Wu Long still focuses on the future.First shoot the future of the earth, and then shoot alien films.

Marvel's animation has attracted many fans, and it is being spread around the world under the name of Wu Long.

It is still in the seedling stage, and it will be time to harvest when a large number of Marvel fans are cultivated around the world.

A sci-fi movie about the future, and if it’s an action movie, you can’t avoid the classic action movie "The Matrix" for sci-fi fans.

Returning to the imperial capital from home, when he came to the studio, he saw a beautiful blonde sitting in the reception hall.

Seeing Wu Long coming in, the blond beauty stood up and greeted Wu Long.The receptionist explained to Wu Long:

"Brother Long, she's here to look for you."

Then he approached Wu Long and whispered:

"Like that Kayla."

After finishing speaking, he winked at Wu Long.


After Wu Long said he knew, he just nodded to the blonde beauty and went in without speaking to her.

First, he dealt with some official business, and then he asked Qiu Ya what happened to the blonde beauty outside.

Qiu Ya gave Wu Long a blank look.

"What else could be going on? There is something to learn from. Keira approached her directly and got the opportunity to act in "Pirates of the Caribbean". Naturally, someone will see this possibility and follow suit."

"In the future, more beauties will follow. Maybe you can consider moving the studio to a bigger place, so that the reception hall can be made bigger and accommodate more beauties to report."

Wu Long almost blurted out that Qiu Ya was jealous.It's just that it's better to say less about such jokes.

"What's her name? Where did she come from, did I tell you?"

"Her name is Scarlett Johnson, and she's from Merikan Country, New York City, I think."

Wu Long closed his eyes and recalled.

When he saw the other party just now, he felt a little impressed.In the previous life, it seemed that he was also a star?

"What? Are you reminiscing about her beauty?" Qiu Ya's voice was a little playful. "From my point of view, this woman's plain makeup is not good-looking. Moreover, it is very likely that she has a sausage mouth."

Sausage Mouth!

Qiu Ya's words instantly reminded Wu Long, and also made Wu Long open his eyes.

Sausage mouth!

Not that he likes sausage mouths.It was that he finally remembered who the other party was.Because Sausage Mouth has a very classic movie, and her sausage mouth can be seen in it.

This movie is awesome.The production cost was only 4000 million U.S. dollars, and the global box office revenue exceeded [-] million!

If it was her, it would be useful for this woman to keep her!

There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Wu Long's mouth, which was seen by Qiu Ya.

Qiu Ya curled her lips imperceptibly, and hummed in her heart, man!

"I asked her to come in?"

"I'll let the front desk tell her to come in." Wu Long was embarrassed to ask Qiu Ya to bring her in, and felt that if he did that, Qiu Ya would be like a bustard.

"Okay, then I'll go back to the office."

Qiuya turned around and went out, and when she closed the door, she hummed again, man!

Scarlett knocked on the door cautiously and entered.

"Hello, Brother Long, I'm Scarlett Johnson, your fan. I admire you very much, so I want to learn acting from you, and I hope to get your teaching."

Wu Long did not expect Scarlett to speak Chinese, although not as authentic as Kayla.

"Please sit down." He gestured for Scarlett to sit down.

"Why do you want to come to me?"

Scarlett's eyes flickered, and she was hesitating whether to say what she had made up.Better yet, she decided to tell the truth.

"I want to be famous. I want to be famous like Judy, Angeli, and Keira. If they can do it, so can I. Keira learns Chinese and comes to you, and I will also learn Chinese to find you when I know it."

"Using a sentence of Chinese I learned, I can do it if I go to me."

"I not only learned Chinese, I also learned how to make soup. I heard that the oriental diet is extensive and profound. If you want to keep a man, you must keep his stomach."

"Brother Long, I don't want to keep you, I want to stay by your side."

"I learned Farewell My Concubine Soup, Cordyceps Huaishan Suckling Pigeon Soup, Shaojiu Wolfberry and Bullwhip Soup, Cistanche Lamb Loin Soup, Eucommia Walnut White Rabbit Soup, Black Bean Dog Meat Soup, Gongjing Deer Tail Soup, Morinda officinalis and Gojiberry Quail Soup..."


Wu Long looked at Scarlett who was being introduced in a serious manner, and hurriedly shouted to stop.One hand couldn't help supporting his waist.Just hearing the names of these soups makes people feel back pain.

"Where did you learn these soups?" Wu Long meant to say where did you learn these unscrupulous soups?

"I learned from a young mistress." Scarlett answered seriously, fearing that Wu Long would not believe her words. "It's true. I've studied it very seriously. I can make it for you right away."

Wu Long sighed in his heart, you work so hard, do other actresses know?Looking at Scarlett who was still so serious, he didn't know if this woman was acting.Maybe she knows what kind of soup these are.

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