Falling in love with you, I'm not just an action superstar

The premiere of "Terminator 2" started in Asia, and gradually premiered westward over time.

After all the world premieres, the hot discussion on "Terminator 2" on the Internet has also become a global hotspot.

""Terminator 2" is several times more exciting than "Terminator 1"!"

This is the most common view.

"Wu Long swung the shotgun with one hand and loaded it in circles, so handsome!"

This is the second common perception.

"I must learn from Wu Long's movement of swinging the shotgun in circles and loading it with one hand!"

This is the most common view in Western countries where guns are not allowed.

"The idea of ​​a liquid metal robot is awesome!"

This is the admiration of many people.

"The actor playing the liquid metal robot t-1000 is so cool!"

This is the praise of many people.

Then, it is to count the wonderful plots and classic scenes in the movie.

The scene where the heavy truck rushed straight down and chased him was the most talked about.Said that this setting is very in line with the behavior pattern of the robot, I am invincible and I am casual and imposing.

And this kind of scene is also very shocking, making people feel that such a car chase scene is really extraordinary.Unlike ordinary car chase scenes, it is worth seeing.The usual flying cars are just cars or motorcycles. In "Terminator 2", Wu Long went directly to the heavy truck.

This kind of big guy rushed directly out of the road and flew down, what an exciting scene it was.

Someone commented that Wu Long's head is just different.For the same car chase scene, he can always come up with new tricks. The car chase scene in "League of Assassins" is like this, which is regarded as a classic by many car fans.

The reason why the car scene in "League of Assassins" is regarded as a classic is because the thrilling car skills in it are achievable in reality.

Wu Long did it, and so did another car stunt master.

So far, some people on the Internet have replaced it with a dummy to practice the car stunt of spinning and drifting into a car.

"Terminator 2" does not have the kind of car stunts in "League of Assassins", but there is another form of action that people can't help but want to learn.

That is the action of riding a motorcycle with one hand and loading a shotgun with one hand in circles.This action is not only technical, but also handsome.

This reminds many people of horseback archery, or pictures of western cowboys riding horses and shooting.

Motorcycles are iron horses!

On the Internet in the land of China, everyone is talking about the plot after the arrival of the Terminator 800 played by Wu Long in the beginning.

"Brother Long's design is amazing. If there is no such design, facing a country that bans guns, how can Brother Long be cool without a gun?"

"This plot design not only allowed Brother Long to get the gun, but also punished those criminals."

"Brother Long rides a motorcycle like a general!"

"Yes, I have the same feeling. I feel that Brother Long riding a motorcycle is like an ancient general riding a horse to fight, majestic and majestic."

"The main thing is temperament, that kind of sitting posture, not everyone can learn it."

"The newcomer Wu Jing's performance is remarkable, the temperament of t-1000 is performed by him!"

"Brother Long really has a keen eye, Wu Jing is handsome and can fight, he must be the next Brother Long!"

"I think the scene where the liquid metal robot turns its arm into a sharp sword and directly stabs Zhao Si's adoptive father to death is very cool. Although it is a villain, it does bad things."

"I couldn't understand that movement at first. Wait until the camera moves to the right to see clearly, and then think back to the t-1000 that became Zhao Si's adoptive mother, changing the phone to the right hand, and making an off-camera movement with the left hand, and immediately imagined the invisible picture. Action. This brain supplement is what makes people feel refreshed."

For the setting that the liquid metal terminator can pass through the railing, movie fans all over the world are very fond of it.

"The psychiatrist in the movie saw the liquid metal terminator go through the railing, and the shocked expression was the same as that of me in the movie theater."

"I was also shocked when I saw it. Thinking about it again, since it is a liquid metal robot, this setting is very logical."

"I think "Terminator 2" is a very logical sci-fi film with a novel and interesting setting. Especially the liquid metal has passed, the gun has not passed, and it is stuck on the other side, which makes people feel funny."

"Being a sword and stabbing into an elevator, and turning into a crowbar to pry open the elevator door, that's also powerful."

"The one who is powerful should be shot in the head. Then the head is like blooming, and it closes and returns to its original shape."

"Brother Long's six-barreled machine gun is very domineering. The one in "Predator" also uses a six-barrel cannon, which is much less powerful than Brother Long."

"I think the most shocking thing is that the liquid metal Terminator was frozen and smashed with a shot. As a result, these fragments became fluid and aggregated like mercury under the high temperature of molten iron, and then turned back into a Terminator robot. Such tenacious vitality, It's horrific!"

According to the box office statistics on the premiere day, the first-day box office in the Chinese film market is temporarily the highest this year, and it is the highest first-day box office in the history of Chinese film statistics.Set a box office record for Chinese films on the first day.

Similarly, the box office in various parts of Asia, including North America, is also temporarily the highest box office on the first day of this year.

It temporarily ranked first in the world's first-day box office this year.

After the first day, the word-of-mouth has been positive all over the world, with an online score of more than nine.The next day, the box office rose.On the third day, the box office continued to rise...

In the first week of box office, the global box office curve of "Terminator 2" continued to rise.It set a box office record in the first week of the global film market and became the first film not produced by Haolaihu that surpassed many popular movies of Haolaihu.

As far as the current global movies are concerned, there are very few movies that can compete with the movies produced and shot by Hao Laihu.

And Wu Long, the movie "Terminator 2" he starred in and shot, was the first to achieve such a result.It not only competed with the blockbusters that are popular, but also surpassed them to win the box office record in the first week of the global film market.

This made many film critics in Haolaihu shouted, Haolaihu was strongly challenged.On the land of China, many people are happy and cheering for this achievement.

In the second week, the box office in the first three days still maintained an upward trend, but the growth became less.

Wu Long asked people to throw out some shooting tidbits and inside stories.

For example, how is the sound of the liquid metal terminator t-1000 deformed?Is to wrap up the microphone, and then sample the sound of dipping in cereal.

The six-barreled machine gun used by Wu Long is a real machine gun.This machine gun is usually used on helicopters or cars and can fire up to 6000 rounds per minute.However, in the actual shooting, for shooting needs, it was reduced to 2000 rounds per minute.In this way, the effect of the sprayed flames is better, and it looks more violent.

The footage of the Liquid Metal Terminator T-1000 rolling together at high temperatures was really shot with mercury.Shoot out solid mercury by placing it on a hot plate.

The liquid nitrogen leaking out of the tank truck is real because there is no substitute for the real effect.And using special effects to make it look real is more expensive than using real liquid nitrogen.

When the liquid metal terminator t-1000 in the steel factory threatened Zhao Li, his fingers turned into iron needles.This iron needle is real, not a special effect.

The distance was staggered during the shooting, so as to avoid hurting Zhao Liying.It's just that the movie is two-dimensional, and it looks like it's really going to pierce Zhao Li's eyes.This kind of dislocation shooting is used a lot in movies.

Last but not least, that flowing molten steel is actually milk.

When these shooting tidbits were released, it once again aroused the attention and discussion of movie fans.

Especially when it is said that the molten steel is actually milk, it caused a lot of fun for many people.Many anchors used small props and milk to shoot videos of milk molten steel to gain popularity.

In order to verify the behind-the-scenes of the shooting, some people deliberately bought tickets to watch it again.

After the publicity of the filming highlights, the box office of "Terminator 2", which had fallen, rebounded again.

"Terminator 2" hit the shelves until it was removed from the shelves. Whether it is the global box office, the North American box office, the European box office, or the Chinese and Asian box offices, it is at the top of the list this year.

If there are no accidents, it will be this year's box office champion in the world, North America, China and other places.

Just for the box office, with an investment of about 15 million US dollars, the global box office has exceeded [-] billion.

The investment of the original "Terminator 2" is about 2 million US dollars, and the global box office is [-] million US dollars.It's just that the original version of "Terminator [-]" was filmed earlier, and the [-] million US dollars at that time must be more valuable than it is now.

But "Terminator 2" was filmed in Haolaihu, and the cost was much higher than that in Zhonghua.Especially the cost of special effects, Shi Lei's film special effects company is cheaper.And because the era is different, the modern computer special effects are more advanced than the original era.

The original Terminator 2 is said to have been shot extensively, using over a million feet of film.The film used in the end is less than 100% of the shooting film.Many lenses are discarded and only the best or most suitable are selected.

Wasting film is a common problem of many directors.

This movie, which was not shot by Haolaihu, was such a hit that many people were surprised.Some people say it has something to do with Wu Long, he is a well-deserved superstar.Some people say that it is because Wu Long said that only two "Terminator" films will be made, and there will be no third one.Because he couldn't think of anything more powerful than a liquid metal robot.

The word-of-mouth of the original "Terminator 3" plummeted, and the routine was old, which disappointed fans.Wu Long himself has no good ideas, so naturally he will not make "Terminator 3" again

The release of "Terminator 2" also means that "Wolf Warrior" starring Wu Jing will be released soon.

The filming of "Wolf Warrior" did not have so many special effects. After "Terminator 2" was finished, Wu Jing started filming. When "Terminator 2" was still in post-production special effects, "Wolf Warrior" was being filmed.

"Terminator 2" not only sold well at the box office, but also made Wu Jing famous in one fell swoop.

He was the first actor Wu Long made popular, and he was directly picked out from Wu Xing's first glance.

He also came from a martial arts background, the same as Wu Long.This made many people try their best to squeeze into the martial arts of Qi Ke and Sun Jian, hoping to become the next Wu Jing.

In fact, at the request of the Hong Kong film and television industry, Wu Long also asked Zeng Zihong to play the villain.Unfortunately, the influence of "Slaying the Wolf" cannot be compared with that of "Terminator 2".

"Slaying Wolf" can't even compare with "Terminator", let alone "Terminator 2". "Terminator 2" surpasses "Terminator" by a lot.

After Zeng Zihong played "Slaying the Wolf", Wu Long never took him with him.Although he acted in movies by himself, he was also very successful, but he was much worse than Wu Longlai.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

And because Wu Jing was supported by Wu Long, his momentum was close to that of Zeng Zihong.

The movie "Wolf Warrior" is not suitable for global screening.Xing Zhongfei knew this very well. Although Wu Long didn't say anything, he knew how to do it. He didn't put "Wolf Warrior" directly on Feihong Pictures' global film market channel.

He knew that when Feihong Pictures' global film channel was first established, it was time to build word of mouth.If everything is stuffed in, it is easy to damage the reputation.

What others are looking at is not other movies, but Wu Long and Wu Long's movies.

Wu Jing is not well-known, and the content of "Wolf Warrior" is relatively narrow, which is not suitable for globalization.However, the release of "Wolf Warrior" did achieve good results in the Chinese film market.

And Wu Jing also has many fans because of "Wolf Warrior".

At the same time, many people began to invite him to make movies and TV shows.

Wu Long, who was filming far away in the Caribbean, received news from Wu Jing, mainly asking him to make a lot of films, and he would give priority to Wu Long's films first.

Wu Long let him decide for himself, and he sent Wu Long a TV script.

"I Am Special Forces: Knife Unsheathed".

Wu Long was shocked, and quickly used the system to search.Sure enough, the same TV show appeared.Wu Long didn't give Wu Jing any advice, he only said that as a good actor, he should learn how to choose scripts.

Wu Jing decided to take over the filming of this TV series. He said that he had a dream and always wanted to make a TV series that reflected his military career.

The success of "Terminator 2" has made many fans look forward to "Pirates of the Caribbean".At the same time, I also look forward to what kind of movie Wu Long will make after "Pirates of the Caribbean".

Lion Pictures, Weiner Pictures, and even other film companies have asked Wu Long sideways, wanting to know what Wu Long's next movie will be.

Although "Terminator 2" is a big hit, these film companies have their own set of evaluations.Anyway, "Pirates of the Caribbean" is still a pirate movie.

Movie fans change their views, but it does not mean that film critics and film companies have changed their views.Professionals like to think that ordinary people are not as professional as they are.If professionals have the same views as ordinary people, how can it be shown that professionals are better than ordinary people and smarter than ordinary people?

The more ordinary people change their minds and become optimistic about "Pirates of the Caribbean", the less optimistic professionals will be.When "Pirates of the Caribbean" hits the street, professionals will naturally be promoted to the altar.

The film company wants to invest in Wu Long's next film in advance.Once "Pirates of the Caribbean" hits the street, such an attitude will make Wu Long grateful to them.

According to Wu Long's filming habit, after the filming of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is finished, he will return to China to make a movie.But if "Pirates of the Caribbean" hits the market, Wu Long will change his plan in most cases in order to prove himself or eager to prove himself, instead of returning to China to make movies, he will continue to make movies in Haolaihu.

Facing inquiries, Wu Long only said that he has no plans for the next Hao Lai Hu movie.In fact, if "Pirates of the Caribbean" is a big hit, he will continue to make the second and third "Pirates of the Caribbean" in Haolaihu.And it is two continuous shooting, which can save some money.

The filming of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is finished, and the post-production special effects are left.For such a film, post-production special effects are also very important.

Shi Lei's film special effects production company finished "Terminator" and started working immediately after taking a break.Wu Long's movies are obtained from the system, which leads to a phenomenon that he knows a lot in advance.

No extra shots will be shot for selection in the final cut.

Props can be planned and built ahead of time, and unlike some movies where props are made or sets are built, it's best left alone.

Similarly, it is also possible to inform the film special effects production company in advance what kind of special effects are needed.Let the film special effects production company model in advance and make 3D scenes in advance.

Another year of the Oscars, "Terminator 2" was shortlisted for six nominations.It's a pity that there is no Best Actor Award, no Supporting Actor Award, and no Best Director Award, just some small awards.

In the end, four awards were awarded for Best Sound, Best Sound Editing, Best Visual Effects, and Best Makeup.

For the two awards of Best Visual Effects and Best Makeup, almost everyone thinks they are well deserved.No other movie in the same year could compete with it, and the two Terminator robots, especially the liquid metal robot, were too shocking.

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