I'm not just an action star

Chapter 440 The True Face of Captain Jack

After the location of the outdoor shooting is selected, plan, arrange the shooting sequence and schedule.

The filming officially started, and the crew finally saw a real Captain Jack, and also saw a pirate who was definitely different from the traditional pirate films in the past.

This is definitely a pirate that subverts tradition!

With smoky makeup and orchid fingers, she took a step forward, actually carrying the waist twisting movements of a model.The left foot and the right foot are all stepping on a straight line like a proud cat.

The temperament exuded by the whole Captain Jack is extremely enchanting!

Or rather, he's like an expressive, neurotic cat with a bit of ADHD.

All the people in the crew who saw Captain Jack either opened their mouths wide open, or they were all stupid on the spot.




"Fack, you told me this is a pirate captain?"

Shaking his head, his whole body is sloppy, not in shape, and he often rolls his eyes.Especially when talking, like a twisting and enchanting flower.When the neck is tilted to one side, the head is tilted to the other side.

Said he was a sissy, but also like a lawless bastard.

Said he was like a gangster, but also like a charming and charming sissy.

Such a pirate captain completely surpassed everyone's perception.

I thought it was a bit weird at first, but with Wu Long's performance, everyone felt that this pirate captain exuded an indescribable charm that attracted everyone.

Seeing such a pirate captain, you not only find him interesting, but also feel that he must have an unusual story.

After the first day of filming, everyone fell in love with such a weird pirate captain.

"Dragon, the character you designed is so wonderful!"

"Yes, this character will definitely become a classic!"

"Must be the most charismatic pirate in movie history!"

"I'm looking forward to the movie and can't wait for it to be filmed right away."


After the literary drama was filmed, some locations were also built.

For example, the pier, for the sake of tourism, the Caribbean Alliance suggested that Wu Long should not build it in a studio or by himself, but choose an old pier in the Caribbean to renovate.

The cost does not need to be borne by Wu Long and the crew, but by the government where the filming location is located.

For such a good thing, Wu Long did not refuse.

Things like the blacksmith shop, Elizabeth's house, and the place where Elizabeth fell into the sea were all urgently rebuilt and made old and antique for film shooting.

After the movie was shot, the tourist attraction was put into use immediately.Although a movie shooting location is finished, it is impossible for the movie to be released.

At this time, those who came to travel first not only chased after Wu Longhe's hot spots, but also promoted the increase of hot spots.There are also more artificial tourist attractions in the Caribbean.

The first action scene of the movie took place in the dock town.About 10 minutes into the film, Captain Jack, who appeared on the scene, was arrested for saving lives and had to hijack Elizabeth to save herself.

This scene is not complicated for Wu Long.And the dangerous action is only performed by him alone, and it is directly completed in one shot.

However, this scene is also quite dangerous.The same is true for Wu Long and others.

The danger for others is not to be hit by falling heavy objects.

Wu Long told everyone how to move and asked everyone to rehearse.Actors who fall into the water should also be careful not to get hurt and take necessary protection.

During everyone's rehearsal, Wu Long gave Kaila a lecture.

"Kayla, this is your first long shot, and it's a test for you."

Kayla nodded nervously.

"You should be surprised when I strangle you with an iron chain. Because you are helping Captain Jack, you didn't expect to be taken hostage by Captain Jack."

Wu Long made a surprised expression after being strangled, and Kaila followed suit.

"You'll be offended when Captain Jack asks you to help put on your hat and sword."

Wu Long taught Kaila to act in this scene. After the two played against each other many times, the others also rehearsed.

"Attention everyone, we will fight for it once!"

From the beginning of filming when Captain Jack was put on handcuffs, when Wu Long pushed Keira away, he kicked off the clip and was pulled to the top of the pole by the rope.

At this time, the drone first shot upwards to chase Wu Long up, and then shot down when it was higher than Wu Long.It can be seen that the trestle below was smashed through, and some soldiers stepped into the pit and fell into the water.

Wu Long was circling in the air, and the camera was chasing Wu Long to shoot, just in time to capture the surrounding scenery into the frame.

Shooting from below, Wu Long threw it out with the force of rotation and reached the top of the second pole.

There was no change of camera during the whole process, and the camera followed Wu Long to capture the power he threw through the rope in the air and landed on the crossbar on the top of the second pole.

In order to increase the effect, Wu Long deliberately did not stand firmly, and his body shook a few times before he stood up.

The other crew members watching the filming saw Wu Long not standing firmly on the crossbar in the air, and they were all so frightened that they wanted to shout.

You know, in order to save the trouble of special effects in the later stage, Wu Long has no safety rope for protection, and there is no sponge pad or corresponding protection measures on the ground.

In case Wu Long falls from above, not only will he be injured and affect the shooting of the film, but his life may also be in danger.

Fortunately, Wu Long stabilized his body and continued to escape.

These are the feelings of the people watching the filming.

None of the actors who participated in the filming in the camera were worried about Wu Long.Influenced by Wu Long, they all devoted themselves to the movie world.In their eyes, there is no Wu Long at all, only the pirate captain Jack.

At this point, they are going to catch Captain Jack.And Keira also entered the scene, because Captain Jack hijacked her just now, and she was angry with Captain Jack, so don't worry about Wu Long.

Wu Long used the iron chain on the handcuffs as a tool, and slid to the shore along the cable.When he hit the ground and continued to run forward, the filming ended.

He didn't watch the replay right away, but returned to the trestle and asked if the actor who fell into the water from the smashed trestle just now was okay.

After the other party said it was all right, he came to the monitor to watch the replay.Everyone waited nervously around, some looked at Wu Long, and some prayed in their hearts.

Kaila also nervously walked to Wu Long's side and watched the replay together.

"It's a good shot." Wu Long was very happy, and encouraged Kaila beside him. "Your performance is also very good. It is the first time to shoot a long shot, you have such a performance, your talent and acting skills are very good."

With or without the influence of Xianggong, it really is a one-off!

If this kind of scene is shot without a long shot, it will waste a lot of time and affect the progress of the shooting.

"Thank you for your guidance. Without your guidance and your superb performance that allowed me to enter the play, I would not have acted so well." Kaila hastened to express that it was all due to Wu Long.She knows that she is a newcomer, and her acting skills can't really compare with those first-line actors or actresses.

"Everyone performed very well, one pass!" Wu Long announced loudly.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.


"I didn't expect that such a long shot could be shot at once."

"It's your first time making a dragon movie. If you follow along and make a few more movies, you will know that the movies made by dragon are all magical!"

"Just now I thought the gun in my hand was real, and I wanted to shoot Captain Jack."

"I thought it was true too."

"This is Long Ge's performance, which makes us think that what happened is real. This is called entering the play, entering the movie world, and we take ourselves for granted as characters."

Tom Kernus was also watching Wu Long's performance.I was shocked that Wu Long shot a pass under such a difficult stunt performance.

He had heard the rumor of Wu Long making a movie, and Rocky had also told him about it.But it's all about hearing, but now that he saw it with his own eyes, he was deeply impressed.

In the past, he just admired Wu Long and was a fan of Wu Long.Now, he thinks Wu Long is a god, the god of the film industry.

God, the movie he made was a big hit at the box office.

This god can win the best director award and the best actor award.There are also two actresses who will come out.

And for him, it is an honor in his life to be able to make movies with God.

"Long, is the sword fight between me and you in the blacksmith's shop also a long shot?"

Wu Long shook his head.He wanted to take a long shot, but Knuth couldn't make it.Although Cornus learned some kung fu from Rocky, he still can't do it like a professional martial artist.

"No way. You have to fall off the cart and bounce off the cart to the beam. There are other shots that cannot be shot in one shot."

When Knuth heard Wu Long say that he didn't need to take a long shot, he felt a burst of relief.

"Great. Otherwise I would be really stressed and not confident to finish at all."

"Haha, don't worry, I won't demand too much from the actors in order to pursue long shots."

Afterwards, Wu Long asked him.

"How is your swordsmanship?"

Captain Jack and blacksmith apprentice Will Turner have a sword fight, and Wu Long invites Chiba Huasui to teach Cornus swordsmanship.Wu Long first taught Chiba Huasui the compiled battle routines, while Cornus learned at the same time.Afterwards, Chiba Framesui instructed Cornus, and practiced with Cornus.

Chiba Kasui is a master of swordsmanship, so naturally he also has an understanding of Western swordsmanship.Wu Long has a system, let alone a problem.

"No problem." Cornus replied confidently.

As long as you can really do it, sometimes you need to express your confidence appropriately.And Westerners are better at expressing like this than saying modest things.

For the shot of throwing a sword and nailing the door, Wu Long's shot is somewhat different from the original version.Throwing the sword is played by Wu Long as an apprentice blacksmith who throws the sword. At this time, there is a dummy wearing Captain Jack's clothes at the door.

After editing, Captain Jack, played by Wu Long, walked to the door, and when the sword was nailed to the door, Captain Jack turned his head to look at the sword in surprise, forming a more shocking picture than the original.

The sword throwing made by special effects is not comparable to the real sword throwing.

What's more, Wu Long's flying knife stunt is known all over the world.

In the shot before throwing the sword, Cornus made a gesture to throw the sword.

Then shot from behind Will, the blacksmith apprentice played by Wu Long, and shot Wu Long throwing the sword. The sword directly rubbed against the left side of the dummy's head, and it was nailed to the door and wobbled.

The camera zooms in very quickly, staying on the side of the shaking sword, capturing Captain Jack's surprised expression and turning his head to look at the still shaking sword.

In the battle between Captain Jack and Will on the beam, most of the actions are played by Chiba frame sui as a stand-in to fight Wu Long.

Chiba Frame Sui used to fight with swords on the fence when filming, so he has experience in this area.

The fight scene he and Wu Long performed together is much more exciting than the original version.There are not too many close-up facial close-ups, and more shots are shown to the audience. The two are fighting on the beam, which is very thrilling.

This is wonderful, not because Wu Long played well or how powerfully, but because Wu Long was in danger from time to time and avoided it in a hurry.The highlight is Captain Jack's adventure, which shows that Captain Jack's swordsmanship is not high.He just relied on other means to win against Will.

In order to reduce the special effects work in the later stage, Chiba Framesui, like Wu Long, did not tie a safety rope, and there were no protective measures such as sponge pads underneath.

The performance of the two of them, one pass.

Put on Konus again and go up the beam, and fight Wu Long again according to the route that Chiba frame sui had fought.Cornus' movements don't need to be so perfect.It's just to intercept some shots so that the audience can see that it's Cornus.

Through editing and synthesis, the audience can't tell that the sword fight between Will and Captain Jack actually involved a double in the filming.

There are many dramas at the pier.The most important scene is that Barbossa drove the Black Pearl, attacked here, and took Elizabeth away.

The plot was not easy to shoot because it involved explosions.For the real explosion scene, the same scene will be reconstructed for blasting shooting.

At the same time, this plot is also a test for Keira.She has the most roles.

The pirates came to catch her, she had to escape and fight the pirates.She has to show panic, but also to show calm.Through the pirate's narration, she thought about the problem of gold coins, and thought of a way to save herself temporarily.

Unlike the original filming, Wu Long filmed most of the scenes in the Caribbean.This has something to do with the need for the Caribbean Alliance to promote the Caribbean.

There is another plot in Wu Long's fighting scene, which is the final duel with Barbossa in the treasure cave.

Compared with the original version, the fight shot by Wu Long must be more exciting than the original version.Similarly, it is others who are wonderful, Barbosa played wonderfully, while Captain Jack is always thrilling and passive.Almost got stabbed by Barbossa, or hit.

The fight between Will and the pirates is also more exciting than the original.

Speaking of the treasure cave, the Caribbean Alliance also wanted Wu Long to find a hole in the Caribbean to shoot.Wu Long did not agree.

Humanistic buildings, the Caribbean Sea Union is built.Not shooting in caves, safety is the most important thing.Of course, Wu Long's statement to the Caribbean League was not so direct.

Wu Long said that places like the wharf can really exist.

How can a place like Treasure Cave really exist?

Those places in the Amazon rainforest are also not real.The sense of mystery is the biggest and longest factor that attracts tourists.Discovery and curiosity keep tourists flocking to the Caribbean.

Like the Amazon Rainforest series, the treasure cave exists only in legend.Only in this way can people believe that there is a treasure cave, and some people will fantasize about finding the treasure cave by themselves and suddenly become rich.

If you find a hole to shoot, then point to this hole and say it is the treasure cave in the movie.Once the movie boom is over, such holes will no longer attract tourists.

Treasure caves are different from artificial attractions.Artificial attractions are convenient and safe.The treasure cave is more troublesome, it may be far away, it may be inconvenient to go, and it may not be safe.Tourists struggle to see, but there is nothing to watch inside.This will affect reputation.

If fake treasures are placed in the treasure cave, it will appear very low-end.Gives the feel of a cheap tourist attraction.

Wu Long's statement has been recognized by the Caribbean Union.They lamented that Wu Long is worthy of being a marketing master, knowing how to choose and how to truly attract people.

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