I'm not just an action star

Chapter 439 The Highest Realm of Making Movies

The original Captain Jack is indeed a classic.However, if you only look at the character's appearance design, it's not so good.If a character wants to be outstanding and classic, the expression and physical performance of the character must also be added.

Without these, the character image has no soul.

In the makeup photo, Wu Long did not show the soul of Captain Jack, so everyone didn't think Wu Long's Jack was so brilliant, they only thought it was very ordinary.

Ordinary is the shortcoming of watching the old pirate movies now.In other words, the previous pirate films have already shown the normal pirate captains or protagonists that should be shown, and no matter how the people behind them act or shoot, they are just repeating the previous pirate films.

Therefore, if you still act according to the previous role design, there will be no new ideas, and it will not attract the audience.

But if you want to be special, you can't spend too much effort on makeup and appearance.In the previous pirate films, many appearances and images were basically performed.Even in the later stage, you can use whatever makeup you want to be ugly or vicious.

Therefore, what Wu Long can do is to give a special smoky makeup as in the original version.The smoky makeup and the two braided beards on the chin form a sharp contrast.

In the uploaded makeup photo, Wu Long did not open his mouth to show his teeth.During the official performance, he still had a few gold teeth in his mouth.

The character image design activity of Captain Jack is over.Excluding the image of Wu Long's previous character P, the top ten on the list won the prize.Ten winners will be randomly selected from all remaining participating works, and will be included in the award-winning list.

When the list was announced, it was specially stated that originally only ten winners were scheduled.Because the number of contestants exceeded the expected number, Wu Long decided to add ten more winners.

Twenty winners can come to the crew to take a group photo with Wu Long.Wu Long will take a photo with them and sign his name with the image of Captain Jack.The travel expenses and three-day accommodation expenses for the winners will be provided by the crew.

These winners come from all over the world.Someone who lives in Merrican Country immediately rushed to take a photo with Wu Long after learning of the award.

It turned out that Wu Long still had gold teeth in his mouth.Moreover, because Wu Long's expression is that of Captain Jack in the movie, the entire image of Captain Jack comes alive vividly.

The photo of the winner and Wu Long is static, but the Captain Jack felt by the winner is dynamic.Therefore, when the winner posted a photo of himself and Captain Jack played by Wu Long on the Internet, he couldn't help promoting Wu Long.

In particular, the famous cartoonist Jie Ming is highly praised.

"The character image of Captain Jack designed by Long himself is so perfect, he will definitely become a classic!"

Some people are jealous of Jieming because Jieming can take a photo with Wu Long, and when they see Jieming saying this, they say that Jieming lied and said things against his will because of taking a photo with Wu Long to beautify Wu Long.

This kind of comment has been praised by many people.

Everyone thinks that the character image of Captain Jack designed by Wu Long himself is not outstanding at all except for the smoky makeup to show that he is different from others.

But Jieming praised the character image of Captain Jack designed by Wu Long, which made people feel ashamed.Jemin explained again angrily:

"No, you guys don't understand. The makeup photo uploaded is still, without the performance of the dragon. If the performance of the dragon is added, the whole character will become richer. The smoky makeup with the eyes of the dragon, the two With the braided beard and the rhythm of the dragon's speech, the whole character looks completely different from the previous pirate captains.

For the role, acting skills are still needed to show the soul of the character.

Long is the king of movie stars, only he can present such a role to the audience, a pirate who is definitely different from previous pirate films!

I swear! "

As a well-known figure in the industry, Jaymin dared to swear publicly on the Internet that what he said was true.

His great admiration for Captain Jack played by Wu Long immediately made many fans and audience look forward to it.

Wu Long has been surprising them all the time, every character has never disappointed them, why should they be disappointed this time?

Why can't you give Wu Long some support?

Twenty winners came one after another, and after taking photos with Captain Jack played by Wu Long, they were all uploaded on the Internet one after another.

And what they say, whether it is a man or a woman, whether it is an old man or a young man, will tell everyone that Wu Long matches the character image of Captain Jack he designed very well. It is definitely the most classic, perfect, and design that best fits the character image. .

As everyone mentioned, makeup photos are static, and movies are continuous activities.Wu Long is alive. When Wu Long appears in the role of Captain Jack and interacts with them, they can feel that the person in front of them is a pirate who came out of that era, and he is a different pirate. .

It is definitely different from the pirates in the previous pirate movies!

Seeing this situation, those film companies were very depressed.Originally, I saw that Wu Long's character design was too ordinary and too deliberate, so I thought he would lose many viewers and fans.

Unexpectedly, this character design event, which was thought to be a failure, turned around a lot because [-] winners met Wu Long and spoke good words for Wu Long.

Even those masters and elites in the marketing industry have expressed their opinions on this one after another, thinking that it is an excellent idea for Wu Long to take a group photo with the winners, and it is also a turning point that Wu Long planned in advance.

The movies made by Wu Long are scripts, and Wu Long's life is also a script.

The character design activity was done with great momentum and global participation, and achieved good publicity and promotion effects.This is a wave of rise.

When the character image of Captain Jack designed by Wu Long came out, there was an immediate reversal, and the situation declined sharply, forming a wave of decline.

After the event winners took a group photo with him, they spontaneously promoted and affirmed him and his role, and the situation immediately reversed and rebounded.

Wu Long is not only an excellent marketing master, but also a superb trader!

Only when there is a comparison, is it impressive.

There are ups and downs, and the trend will be attractive.

Wu Long applied the practices of finance and stock market to new marketing methods and applied them to the operation and promotion of movies.Let this movie, from the start of filming to the present, the topic has been continuous.

It's like watching a TV series, the plot is twists and turns, attracting the audience to watch it, and they don't hesitate to spend time chasing the drama.

When it is released in the future, those attracted audiences will definitely be led to the cinema to watch this film.

The film and television industry did not brag about Wu Long and him, on the contrary they would be worried or not optimistic.

Movie fans and audiences, there are some who are talking about it and others are criticizing, the more people who are optimistic about it, the more people who are not optimistic about it.

Only the marketing circles, those masters and elites who didn't pay much attention to the film and television entertainment industry, especially respected Wu Long.This formed a strange image, and it also made more people wonder how this movie is different from the previous pirate movies.

Many people have speculated based on Wu Long's previous movies that in the movie, Captain Jack played by Wu Long must be the strongest pirate in the movie.It is also the strongest pirate in movie history, bar none.

However, the majority of movie fans and audiences do not know.Wu Long wants to subvert not only the image of pirates, but also his own image.

Captain Jack is not a powerful pirate, but a pirate who always wants to escape when he sees danger.His saber is only used to show his identity.His swordsmanship is the worst among those pirate captains and other available characters.

Presumably, when everyone watches Captain Jack played by Wu Long in the movie in the future, they must be capitalized "Fuck" in their hearts!

Filming is progressing according to plan, with the boat still under construction and the treasure cave being set up on set.Wu Long didn't pay much attention to the construction of the cave.Just give the drawings to the scene designer and prop artist who are responsible for the construction.

For example, antique gold coins need to be piled up in caves in large quantities.These will not be made with post-production special effects, but real imitations.The post-production special effects weren't really heaped there to be real.Besides, the imitation of ancient times is not handmade, and the cost of technologically produced things is not expensive, on the contrary, it is much cheaper than using computer special effects.

Unless you are using Wumao special effects.But this kind of blockbuster, how could it be possible to use [-] cents special effects.

Some of the sea and water plays are done in artificial lakes or pools, and many of them are done on the real seaside.

The Caribbean Alliance is responsible for finding suitable places for shooting, for Wu Long to choose after inspection.

Shooting in the sea is the real shooting.It can not only promote Caribbean tourism, but also get more real shots.

The publicity of the film follows the progress of the filming.The specific content of the shooting was not disclosed.But where to shoot, where to find the scene, there will be a video after the shooting, so that the global audience has a virtual sense of participating in the shooting.

As for the different backgrounds around the seaside, it can be solved with a green screen.

After the character image design of Captain Jack was over, Wu Long's guidance on various scenes, props, studio construction, and sailboat construction was basically implemented.

He finally arranged the time to inspect the locations provided by the Caribbean Alliance, and took a luxury cruise ship provided by the Caribbean Alliance to find suitable shooting locations in various places in the Caribbean.

The time when Wu Long went to investigate was during the time of the filming location event launched by the Caribbean Alliance.Sometimes, tourists traveling in the Caribbean will encounter a luxury cruise ship when they are playing or checking in.

As a result, they saw that the person on the luxury cruise ship was Wu Long, and immediately waved to Wu Long excitedly and shouted.

Wu Long didn't go down to take a photo with them, but he waved back to them.

Some people happened to be clocking in, and immediately pointed the camera at Wu Long, and shouted excitedly.

"God, who do you think I saw?"

"It's a dragon! His appearance here means that we have clocked in right here!"

"This will definitely be the shooting location!"

After the video of such a chance encounter was uploaded, more people were attracted to travel to the Caribbean Sea.

Anyway, they are all traveling and playing in the sea.How about going to the Caribbean, where you may meet Wu Long, or you may check in successfully, and have the opportunity to take a photo with Wu Long.

Soon, tourism to the Caribbean skyrocketed.

The members of the Caribbean Alliance lamented that they bet on Wu Long this time, and they made the right bet!

Unexpectedly, the activity of clocking in the future shooting location and Wu Longlai's search for the shooting location would overlap, causing a qualitative change.

Gervin said:

"Don't you think that all of this is actually in Wu Long's plan? His plan, step by step, is so perfect."

"Design the character image of the protagonist, and then take a group photo with the winners. Through the activity of checking in the future shooting location proposed by Solana, and then come to find the shooting location to create encounters with tourists. If the activity of checking in the future shooting location is proposed by Solana , how could it be such a coincidence?"

Gervin's words were echoed by the Caribbean League.

Also happy with their beauty tricks.

If there is no such a beauty trick as Solana, how could Wu Long propose this check-in for future shooting activities?And why would you take this opportunity to find a shooting location?

"Anyway, Solana still deserves credit." Gervin pointed out. "This is actually another way to make friends with Wu Long."

That said, the uptick in Caribbean tourism deserves credit for Solana.To commend Solana is actually to curry favor with Wu Long.

This suggestion has been recognized by many Caribbean alliance leaders.

Haolaihu film companies, film companies around the world, Haolaihu film and television circles, and global film and television circles have all noticed Wu Long's situation.

It turns out that the same can be done with making movies.

Filming can also be combined with markets and tourism!

Some people have secretly calculated that Wu Long's investment is 5000 million.Relying on the incremental tourism income in the Caribbean alone, the money has been earned back.Of course, the premise is that the Caribbean Alliance will distribute the money to the crew.

Will it be divided?

of course not.

However, in private, Wu Long must have been soft-hearted when he took money.

New York City, one of the global economic and financial centers, has a large number of marketing and elites there, once again praised Wu Long's operation without hesitation.

It seems that Wu Long is not a world-renowned director, not an actor, but a marketing master.

This is to promote the economic development of a region with the power of one person.At the same time, it also makes tourist destinations around the world pay attention to such a way of publicity and promotion.

Is it possible to replicate this phenomenon?

If Wu Long doesn't have time, or Wu Long's price is high, then find someone else.

If I don't know how to play this way, and I don't understand the tricks, I can invite those marketing masters and elites in New York City.

When those marketing gurus and elites in New York City receive inquiries from tourist attractions or tourist cities around the world, they laugh.

Consultation, they also have to charge.

If a marketing plan is required, it will be more expensive.

After all, those closest to Wu Long are the ones who know Wu Long's operating methods best.For this reason, they also held an exchange meeting with Wu Long as the theme.

Look, a marketing trend that revolves around and is characterized by Wu Long has developed and grown so rapidly.

The marketing masters and elites in China, Wu Long, the Caribbean League, and New York City have all found their own profit growth points in this trend.

"It's just a pirate movie, but it actually became a trend?"

"Throughout the history of global film, only Wu Long has achieved such a great influence."

"Wu Long has already left the circle. He is a marketing master who was delayed by the movie."

"Wu Long is the best marketing master among all the famous top directors. He is the best marketing master for making movies among all the top marketing masters."

As for acting and actor, no one said much.Because, as we all know, those marketing masters are actually film kings.Those marketing elites are all first-line actors.

Really, Vanity Fair is also a showroom.The better your acting skills, the more you can convince others.

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