Wu Long said that the filming in the Caribbean will be announced online after the filming.This not only promotes the movie, but also promotes Caribbean tourism.

Today's shooting made many people very nervous and worried.

Here, shortly after the film starts, Captain Jack is about to jump into the sea to save Elizabeth.

In order to make the performance more realistic, Wu Long did not choose to shoot the diving scene in the pool, nor did he use editing to reduce the plot of diving to save people.

He decided to shoot the real thing on the spot.Of course, it was not Kayla who was rescued by him, nor a real person, but a dummy.

After on-site measurement, a place with a depth of 30 meters was selected for shooting.

In order to confirm that the scene of saving people in the movie was actually shot, a special underwater camera was used for simultaneous shooting.In consideration of ensuring the safety of the cameraman, people will not be allowed to dive to shoot, but use remote-controlled small submersibles.

The underwater camera looked up at the surface of the water and filmed Captain Jack played by Wu Long jumping into the water from the boat.Simultaneously captured the scene of Wu Long entering the water, and then the underwater camera synchronized with Wu Long entering the water, filmed Wu Long diving and swimming towards the dummy that fell into the water, and rescued the dummy to the surface.

"Brother Long, it's too risky for you to do this." Kaila persuaded Wu Long.

"The reason why my film is attractive is because of the adventure of my leading role. I don't need a double, I don't need special effects, and my actions can never be completed by others. This is where my film wins."

Cornus persuaded: "Brother Long, there is a considerable distance between the boat and Elizabeth's falling point. Why don't you swim up the water first, and then dive after reaching the falling point? It will be much safer. You jump into the water from the boat and dive directly to the water. You need to hold your breath longer in the water."

"Because this is what makes Captain Jack so special. To save people, you need to fight against time. Swimming takes the shortest distance and the fastest time. And Captain Jack's doing this not only shows that he is enthusiastic about saving people, but also shows that he is unusual. underwater swimming techniques."

"A pirate must know how to swim. An excellent pirate must have better swimming skills than others."

After listening to Wu Long's explanation, Kaila, Cornus and others all expressed admiration for Wu Long's professionalism in making movies.At the same time, he was shocked by Wu Long's strength.

"Brother Long, I didn't expect you to be so good at martial arts, and your swimming skills are also so good!"

Wu Long's words made everyone look shocked.

"For Chinese martial arts, swimming is also a kind of kung fu."

"What? Games are also a kind of Kung Fu?" Knuth, who had learned Kung Fu from Rocky, was so shocked that he couldn't speak. "But, I learned kung fu from Rocky, didn't I hear him say that?"

"Rocky has only learned a little bit of Chinese martial arts. There are many things he doesn't know. For example, swimming skills are recorded in the four great Chinese classics."

"Huh? There are swimming martial arts in the four great classics?" Keira was confused. "Brother Long, I'm studying Chinese, and I've read about the four great Chinese classics, but I haven't found any records of swimming martial arts?"

"Yes, I also played a role in it. It's just that I didn't play the character who can swim kung fu, but played the villain."

Keira and Cornus said at the same time: "?"

"Yes, that is. There is a character named 'Langli Baitiao' in it, and this character is named Zhang Shun, and he knows a set of water martial arts. Because his nickname is 'Langli Baitiao', so his water martial arts are also It's called 'Langli Baitiao'."

Regarding Zhang Shun's nickname, there are actually two theories, one is "Bai Tiao in the Waves" and the other is "White Tiao in the Waves".

Wu Long didn't know which one was right. Anyway, everyone was arguing about the two nicknames.

But in order to act in this movie, Wu Long specially exchanged a set of kung fu.This set of martial arts is called "Langli Baitiao".

System introduction, Langli Baitiao's martial arts comes from the world of Water Margin, and he learned Langli Baitiao to be as comfortable as a white fish in the water.

As for this set of martial arts, the reputation points that need to be exchanged are relatively small.

The filming is about to start, and the medical staff and professional divers on the scene are very nervous.Professional divers need to wear frog suits and oxygen cylinders, but Wu Long not only has no equipment, but also wears costumes.This kind of diving exceeds 50 meters and the depth is about 30 meters. For professionals, this is indeed quite difficult.

What's more, this is still making a movie.

Everything is ready to shoot!

Wu Long jumped out from the ship's side, like a big fish, crossing the air, quickly changed his posture, put his hands together like an arrow, and plunged obliquely into the sea.


The underwater camera also enters the water synchronously.

The assistant director, who was in charge of guarding the monitor, saw Wu Long's posture when he was diving, and was so shocked that even the smoke fell out of his mouth.

After entering the water, Wu Long stood with his hands side by side, his palms swinging up and down.The feet are also brought together, bobbing up and down like a fish's tail.

This is not the breaststroke commonly used in diving, but swimming like a fish.Moreover, Wu Long's hands and feet are not only powerful, but also very fast.

Soon, Wu Long swam to the dummy wearing Elizabeth's clothes, carried the dummy upstream, and surfaced.

"Is it okay?" Wu Long asked the assistant director.

The assistant director shook his head: "When entering the water, the underwater camera did not keep up with the synchronization."

"Come again!"

This shot took more than a dozen shots before it was finally completed.

The assistant director thought at the time that if it didn't work, he would suggest Wu Long to make a fake shot by editing.Fortunately, it succeeded in the end and got a very precious lens.

Everyone applauds together.Those professional divers came to take photos with Wu Long one after another, and expressed their admiration for Wu Long.Wu Long's swimming skills are much better than theirs.

Shooting is shooting, not live shooting.

After filming this scene of diving to save people, Wu Long started live diving.

For this live broadcast of diving without equipment, please come to the notary of the Gyrgis World Records for notarization.Special ropes are vertical to the bottom of the sea, and the depth is measured.

The underwater camera transmits the image to the sea surface in real time through the cable, and then broadcasts it live in real time.

Through Wu Long's hard work and negotiation, this live broadcast has achieved global live broadcast on different live broadcast platforms.

After the countdown, the live broadcast begins.

"Hi everyone, I'm Wu Long." Wu Long greeted the audience in the live broadcast room in eight languages.

Viewers from all over the world sighed in the live broadcast room that Wu Long can speak multiple languages.

As you can see, Wu Long is preparing for activities on a luxury cruise ship.

"This is the sea area near the shooting location, with a water depth of nearly 200 meters. Today, I will broadcast live here for everyone, challenging the record for the deepest diving without equipment."

The camera was shown to the notary of the Jijisi World Records, who announced that the deepest diving record without equipment is 130 meters, and hoped that Wu Long could break this world record.

"You know, I'm making this movie. It's about pirates, and I'm supposed to be able to swim as a pirate."

"How can I prove that my Captain Jack is an excellent pirate? Just use swimming skills to prove it."

"Look everyone, there are eight professional divers here. They wear frogman suits and oxygen cylinders. Some are on the surface, some are in the middle, and some are more than 100 meters underwater. They will challenge me for this live broadcast. Protect."

"Thank them first!" Wu Long expressed his gratitude to the professional divers.

There are also many discussions among netizens, among which there are extreme enthusiasts who popularize science for those who don't understand.

Diving is actually a dangerous sport.Even wearing a frogman suit and an oxygen cylinder, there is still the possibility of death.

Not to mention deep diving without equipment, which is more dangerous than dangerous.Among the most dangerous extreme sports in the world, deep diving without equipment ranks in the top three.

Diving without equipment, also known as freediving.One of its dangers is drowning.

Anyone who has attended school carefully knows that water is under pressure.The deeper the water, the greater the pressure.The greater the water pressure, the greater the impact on the body's lungs, ears, heart and heart blood.

"When I was filming, there was a plot that required me to dive to save people. When I decided not to shoot in the pool, but actually filmed me diving in the sea to save people, many people advised me not to do it. It is not only difficult to complete , and dangerous at the same time. In the end, I did it."

"For this reason, I initiated this unequipped deep diving live broadcast."

"Maybe some viewers will say, this is wrong, your live broadcast has been announced very early. I will explain, there is nothing wrong with it. Because I have a premonition that my filming will be successful. Because I know a kind of underwater martial arts."

When Wu Long talked about martial arts in the water, the audience was shocked.

There are martial arts in the water?Are you sure this isn't a joke?

When the crew saw the audience's reaction in the live broadcast room, they were overjoyed.I think they had the same expressions and thoughts when they heard this.

Now, it's the others' turn to repeat their performance.

"I know everyone must be surprised. You can't imagine why there are martial arts in the water. In fact, you can understand it in a different way. It's nothing surprising."

"Because in ancient times, in order to show that you are different from others, good swimming skills were called martial arts. I also learned this kind of martial arts. The martial arts I learned was called 'Langli Baitiao', which means to look like a fish in the water. Just as easy and fast."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience on the land of China exclaimed, good guy.

Isn't "Langli Baitiao" the nickname of Li Zhangshun?How did it become a martial art?

"It's fake. Langli Baitiao is a nickname, how did it become martial arts?"

"Brother Long is really good at fooling around. I happened to have seen it."

"Brother Long, you also participated in the show anyway, why do you want to fool us?"

"Brother Long should have played Zhang Shun in the first place."

"With Brother Long's makeup skills, it's not impossible to play Ximen Qing first, and then Zhang Shun."

Wu Long also briefly introduced the martial art "Langli Baitiao".Because underwater swimming needs to hold your breath, the first practice of this martial art is to hold your breath.

"Practicing to hold your breath is practicing breathing. In fact, Chinese Kungfu is very particular about breathing. Practicing breathing is practicing lungs."

Wu Long unbuttoned his clothes, revealing his upper body in front.

Everyone saw that Wu Long's abdomen was completely sunken, as if the abdomen had been evacuated, and the skin on the front seemed to stick to the back.The organs in the entire abdomen feel as if they have disappeared, and they are easily reminiscent of mummy, which looks a bit scary.

Because the clothes are heavy after absorbing water, Wu Long only wears swimming trunks.Do warm-up exercises on board, and then swim a few laps in the water to acclimatize to the sea temperature.

"Attention everyone, I'm about to start diving." Wu Long reminded the audience.

This reminder attracted many swimming and diving enthusiasts to remind Wu Long in the live broadcast room to ask Wu Long to clamp his nose with a nose clip, otherwise it will easily cause choking.

Choking on water during a deep dive can easily kill you.

Wu Long's deep dive didn't use a nose clip to clamp his nose, which surprised many professionals who watched the live broadcast.Not to mention they were surprised, but the divers who did protection were also surprised.

Someone specifically reminded Wu Long that after Wu Long said he didn't need a nose clip, the other party said anxiously:

"Long, when you make a movie, you don't pinch your nose for the effect of the movie. It's okay. After all, the deepest there is only 30 meters. But now you have to dive to a depth of more than 50 meters, and you only rely on your own consciousness to control it. It is easy to make mistakes. Choking in water."

Others also persuaded Wu Long one after another.Wu Long is a generation of superstars, of course they don't want any accidents to happen to Wu Long.Besides, they collect money for protection, of course they have to fulfill their responsibilities.

"Thank you for your reminder. I understand the danger of doing this myself. It's just that I have practiced martial arts in water since I was a child, so I can control it. You don't have to worry."

After Wu Long explained again, everyone stopped persuading Wu Long.

While the countdown is in progress.


With an announcement, Wu Long plunged into the water.

The underwater camera filmed Wu Long's dive process.

"Omega, he swims like a fish!"

"His hands and feet are so flexible, it's like he has no joints."

"The speed is so fast, the hands and feet are like propellers!"

"Brother Long's swimming posture is so graceful, it feels like he is a mermaid."

"Brother Long is a man."

"Do mermaids have men too?"

"Perhaps Brother Long learned his underwater martial arts from the mermaid."

Some people began to make scientific scores in the live broadcast room.

"At a depth of ten meters, there is about one atmosphere of pressure, that is, ten kilograms. If Wu Long dives 100 meters, it is equivalent to ten atmospheres, or one hundred kilograms."

"Look, the divers are diving with empty water bottles and empty big Coke bottles. Those water bottles and big Coke bottles have been crushed by the water."

"Brother Long must be under so much pressure."

"So, Brother Long's lungs will be crushed?"

"Perhaps being shrunk down."

"The ears are also under a lot of pressure, right?"

"Will Brother Long's eardrum be crushed?"

There are markings on the vertical ropes in the sea to let people know the depth.After Wu Long's dive passed a certain mark, everyone can listen to the host's explanation of how many meters he dived in the live broadcast room.

50 meters!

60 meters!


100 meters!

"Brother Long broke through 100 meters!"

"It's amazing. You can dive to 100 meters without even using the nose clip."

"100 meters is about [-] kilograms of pressure, how can Wu Long withstand such a large water pressure without a nose clip?"

"There is another danger. At standard pressure, nitrogen gas is insoluble in blood. But if the pressure reaches three atmospheres, nitrogen gas starts to dissolve in blood. And as the pressure increases, the solubility rises rapidly. Too much nitrogen dissolved in blood will cause oxygenated blood. Insufficient blood supply leads to insufficient blood supply. After a long time, people will feel uncomfortable."

"I forgot to mention it upstairs. I feel uncomfortable because of insufficient blood supply, and I have a strong desire to breathe. But Brother Long didn't ask for a nose clip, which is dangerous."

"Once a mistake is made, the blood supply is insufficient and it is easy to fall into a coma."

Soon, Wu Long dived to the Gigis world record of 130 meters.There is a marker here, and Wu Long can go up and return after taking the marker.

However, Wu Long didn't take it and continued to dive.

At 140 meters, Wu Long continued to dive.

At 150 meters, Wu Long took down the marker and floated back to the surface of the sea. The 150 meters has already broken the record, and he doesn't want to be shown too amazing.

Floating is easy and diving is difficult, because water has buoyancy.But the faster the floating speed, the faster the pressure will drop.If the pressure is relieved too quickly, the body cannot respond, and accidents are prone to occur.

The water pressure is reduced, the blood leaves the heart and brain quickly, and it is easy to cause dizziness.

Many deep diving accidents happen when surfacing.

The security guard nervously followed Wu Long to the surface for protection.

Ten meters, five meters, three meters, two meters, one meter!


Wu Long surfaced!

There was applause from all around, and cheers in the live broadcast room.

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