I'm not just an action star

Chapter 438 Failed Character Image Design

New York City, the economic center of Merrickan.

A networking meeting is being held here, and many professionals in marketing are gathered here.Among them were marketing managers for several film companies.

The topic of today's meeting is about Wu Long and the operation of his films.

Wu Long was invited to this exchange meeting, but Wu Long had no time to come because of filming.

Why is there a discussion on operations with Wu Long as the theme?In fact, Wu Long's operation was very successful this time.

Yes, the filming hadn't even started, just the prep work, and the marketing gurus thought the film would be a hit.

This is completely different from the views of several big film companies in Haolaihu, and it is also different from the views of those professional film critics.

Combined with Wu Long's various operations of his films before, his successful cases have made many marketing masters feel that they can be used as textbooks.

The discussion started when Wu Long entered Haolaihu.At that time, Wu Long's publicity was still a traditional publicity method, using his own advantages in martial arts to do live broadcasts.

The first ones that caught the attention of the marketing world were the less well-known ones.The box office and the income of its documentaries are actually greater than the average level of the film and television industry.

It's just that Wu Long's other films shine too brightly and cover up.

And the protagonist Rocky is the focus of Wu Long's operation.Wu Long forcibly turned an ordinary sparring boxer into a UFC champion.It was also made into a movie and documentary, making Rocky a true UFC star champion.

Wu Long's operation has sprung up suddenly from the Amazon Rainforest series.The pseudo-documentaries in the film and television industry have come up with new tricks.

Take advantage of the African savannah experience and transition to the Amazon rainforest.Both places are amazing natural places on this planet.

Gives the impression of being mysterious.

Wu Long fictionalized a Dr. Cole, leading to the Amazon rainforest series.And change the normal promotion of film and television works, reverse operation.

Other people's movies always reveal some attractive content first.And like, everyone doesn't know the name and general content of the movie until it starts broadcasting.

Thoroughly bring the mysterious elements in the movie to the real world.It makes people think that Wu Long's Amazon rainforest series are all real.

In order to promote and these two movies, a TV series was specially made.

Let the mysterious elements of the Amazon rainforest be disseminated to the audience through the TV series, and then let the audience mistakenly believe that this pseudo-documentary is real through the real video of beating anacondas.Then it creates an illusion for the audience that it is true and true.

The plots of the two films are not new, and the standard is not very high.If there were no director and lead actor Wu Long, and someone else would have acted and filmed, the current box office would definitely not have been possible.

In particular, the level of secrecy was even considered to have been taken too far.If it weren't for Wu Long, I'm afraid other movies would dare to do this, and they would hit the street to a large extent.

And Wu Long also knew this, so he fabricated Dr. Cole and his experience before filming, and began to unconsciously influence the thoughts and interests of the audience and movie fans.

According to the analysis of marketing masters, there is no secret transaction between Wu Long and the country where the Amazon rainforest is located.In other words, Wu Long is simply operating his own movies.The Amazon rainforest saw an opportunity and used Wu Long's movies to play their own game, thus gaining their own benefits.

The success of the Amazon rainforest helped Wu Long create a more advanced and terrifying operation.

That's the Caribbean!

The filming of this film is related to the Caribbean Union.This can be hidden from ordinary people, but not from these marketing masters.After all, with their experience, vision and connections, they can more or less receive news.

The operation seems to be unsuccessful in the early stage.At least for the Caribbean alliance.

But this failure is for the Caribbean Union.

For Wu Long, he was successful.

This is also the reason why Wu Long did not charge the Caribbean Alliance for a luxury cruise worth more than [-] million US dollars.

After receiving the money, we have to do things.

How much to charge and how much to do.

Wu Long's success is because he didn't let the Amazon rainforest series and the Pirates of the Caribbean system beat himself.

Therefore, when the Amazon Rainforest series was still available, Wu Long only mentioned Pirates of the Caribbean appropriately, so as not to let Pirates of the Caribbean steal the limelight of the Amazon Rainforest.

After it was removed from the shelves, Wu Long skillfully brought the mystery caused by the Amazon rainforest to the Caribbean Sea.

This is to bring the heat and flow to the Caribbean Sea.

Unusual propaganda was used.Everyone only knows that there is such a film, but they don't have a detailed understanding of this film.

Instead of continuing to use this kind of operation, we thought of a different way to promote it.

This ensures the transition of mystery and curiosity that runs the two films.

Mystery often wins curiosity.When you become curious, you will be attracted by Wu Long, and finally you will obediently pay to see Wu Long.

The marketing manager of the film company learned a lot from this exchange meeting.They were all thinking, should they do what Wu Long did in their movie promotion in the future?

However, if you want to learn from Wu Long, how do you learn?

Where do you study?

What can be learned and what can't be learned?

Some videos of the exchange meeting were posted on the Internet to let people know what an important person Wu Long is.

And some professional articles related to operation and marketing are also published or put on the Internet for anyone to watch.

What, what, stuff like that.

A movie that has not yet started filming will directly stimulate the tourism industry in the Caribbean.

For a time, Wu Long was not only more famous in the film and television industry, but also famous and respected in the marketing industry.

A marketing master who can act in movies and make TV.

"My God, Brother Long is actually a marketing master?"

"It seems reasonable."

"I didn't expect Brother Long's operation methods to be so superb."

"When I thought Brother Long was the best actor, he told us he was the best director. When we thought Brother Long was the best director, he told us with facts that he is actually a marketing master."

The image design activity of Captain Jack the Pirate is drawing to a close.Not only fans want to know what the pirate captain played by Wu Long looks like, and how similar it is to their design, even the crew is also curious.

Wu Long kept silent, deliberately keeping it secret.

Until this day, he started taking makeup photos.

Makeup, he does it himself.The crew invited a makeup artist to be responsible for the makeup of other actors.These makeup artists were also very curious about what the pirate captain Wu Long himself designed would look like.

And these days, Wu Long also deliberately grew a beard.When you see Wu Long growing a beard, you know that the image of the pirate captain he designed should have a beard.Not a handsome pirate captain with a clean shaven face.

Well, it should be a handsome pirate captain with a beard.

Makeup artists and other crew members thought so.

Wu Long started trimming his beard, trimming the beard above his lips into shape, and growing some beard below his lips.The chin beard was tied into two braids.

The hair was a wig, and he didn't have time to keep it that long.Brown wig, a bit curly, but not too curly.

make up……

The makeup artist and crew were stunned when they saw Wu Long's makeup.

This, this, this is, smoky eye makeup!

It's so surprising.A pirate, or a pirate captain, how can you wear smoky makeup?

This is so counterintuitive.

Everyone started talking quietly.

"Did you see that? The dragon is putting on smoky makeup?"

"It's smoky makeup."

"So, a pirate captain wears smoky makeup? This is too unexpected."

"I remember that in the image design of Captain Jack the Pirate displayed at the event, none of the works are smoky makeup?"

"Neither do I remember."

"Dragon doesn't design smoky makeup just to be different from those image design works?"

"If you say that, it's really possible."

After putting on smoky makeup, Wu Long hung two strings of beads on both sides of his cheeks.He also wrapped himself with a piece of red cloth, which was Captain Jack's turban.

Put on a distressed tricorne hat without the skull on it.

"Brother Long, why is there no skull on your cocked hat? Shouldn't the pirate captain's cocked hat have a skull, so that he looks like a pirate?" Someone couldn't help asking Wu Long.It was not easy for him to ask Wu Long why he wore smoky makeup.

As a crew member, you should have an understanding of the characters on the crew.Wu Long explained to the other party:

"Captain Jack is going to set foot on land. If there is a skull on the hat, it is obvious to others that he is a pirate. In a normal place, a pirate would be caught and hanged."

The other party nodded in understanding.

"Brother Long, why do you wear smoky makeup? I don't think a pirate captain should wear smoky makeup. Such smoky makeup makes the pirate captain not look like a pirate captain. He is not fierce or domineering. A sissy feeling." Finally someone asked the question everyone wanted to ask.

"I am a pirate captain who subverts everyone's perception. Otherwise, it cannot become a classic, and it will not be more attractive to the audience."

The pirate captain who subverts everyone's perception?

Many people complained in their hearts, but you really did it.

However, I am afraid that it will be more difficult for the audience to accept your image.

The hype has been hyped for so long and widely, and you have released such an unacceptable image, aren't you afraid that the box office will be dismal?

Some people thought of the previous comments of those film critics, and thought of the unfavorable opinion of the film company, and couldn't help agreeing with those people's views.

It seems that Wu Long is really going to fall into a trough.

Wu Long, who had put on makeup, faced the wind blowing by the electric fan, with his long hair flying.His firm eyes looked forward, as if he was staring at something, or as if he was staring before stepping onto the battlefield.


Makeup photos are taken and uploaded!

This photo will be a shot of Captain Rijack's appearance.

In this shot, he has no orchid fingers, no sissy, and no exaggerated expressions.

It seems normal.

Well, at the beginning of the film, the picture of Captain Jack standing on the mast and looking out looks normal.

Except for the smoky makeup, he seems to be an ordinary pirate, not worthy of the position of pirate captain.

The photo was uploaded to the display area of ​​Captain Jack's character image design activity, which immediately caused an uproar from netizens.

Immediately, it also attracted an uproar from the film critics.

More media rushed to report the photo of the pirate captain played by Wu Long.

On the official website, in addition to the comments on Captain Jack's character image design activities, there were also heated comments on Wu Long's makeup photo on the forum.

"That's it?"

"It's too ordinary. Is this a character image designed by Brother Long himself?"

"Did someone else design it for him?"

"No, Brother Long said it himself, he designed it himself."

"Why smoky makeup?"

"Too ugly, not handsome at all!"

"Handsome is handsome, but without Long's original masculine temperament, it gives people a sissy feeling instead."

"Failure, the character design of Wu Long is a failure!"

"Why do you want to design smoky makeup? Which pirate captain would do it? Not even a pirate!"

"It's not a pirate at all!"

"It also has long hair. Compared with the handsome pirate captain with straight long hair, the character image designed by Wu Long himself is too bad!"

"It's also a beard, not as tough as that bearded face."

"Is this smoky makeup deliberately designed to prevent people from winning prizes?"

Film critics sent out comments after seeing Wu Long's makeup photos.

"Except for the smoky makeup, he is just an ordinary, ordinary pirate. Wu Long's image design this time was a complete failure. In order not to be the same as the image designed by others, he could only forcefully add smoky makeup under ordinary attire.

Too deliberate!

If the redesign is not corrected, I bet the box office will be less than expected, and it can even be described as dismal. "

Some people directly pointed out that Wu Long has been at the peak for so long, and finally he is going to the bottom.

"Wu Long has no inspiration at all. This is actually normal. No talented director or actor can always maintain a peak state, and no screenwriter can always have good inspiration.

A pirate captain with smoky makeup?In previous pirate films, no pirate captain would wear such smoky makeup.Because pirates are fierce, and smoky makeup just makes the audience feel funny.

Wu Long wants to revive the rise of pirate movies, and deliberately uses smoky makeup to design a pirate captain who goes against the norm.

Unfortunately, this idea of ​​designing for the sake of design and distinguishing for the sake of distinction cannot be recognized by the audience.

If the audience does not approve, it is doomed to fail. "

Seeing the photo of Wu Long's fixed makeup, Lion Pictures immediately felt chilled.I didn't misread Wu Long before, and it really will go downhill in this film.Fortunately, not too much investment.But the amount of 5000 million now seems too much, which makes people feel heartache.

Weller Films also shook its head at Wu Long's makeup photo.Don't think about it, it will definitely fail.Fortunately, Weiner Pictures had foreseen that the 5000 million would be the repair fee for resuming the relationship with Wu Long.

It's just that the repair fee is a full 5000 million, which feels a bit too much now.Some of the top executives of Weiner Pictures regretted it, and some felt heartbroken.

Other studios were secretly delighted.

Wu Long finally started to fail, luckily they wisely predicted this and didn't invest.Next, just waiting for a loss, Wu Long fell into a trough, and they helped him.

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