I'm not just an action star

Chapter 437 Global Engagement in the Caribbean

Because of the previous publicity, especially the secret promotion of the Caribbean Alliance, everyone knows that Wu Long's next movie is a pirate movie.

Unfortunately, due to the release of Predator.The popularity of pirate films, which were originally an outdated theme, cooled down instantly and was transferred to "Predator".

"Predator" has fierce battle scenes similar to the battlefield, with jungle adventures and weirdness. It is action, gunfight, adventure, weird, thriller, and science fiction themes.

The audience is tired of watching people beating people. People beating aliens, or aliens that can be invisible, of course, can arouse the interest of the audience, and they are very interested.

Especially when the aliens are dominant, they dared to give up stealth and fight Wu Long one-on-one.In the end, he was killed by Wu Long.

Some people say that even if the aliens don't give up their invisibility, Wu Long can kill the aliens in the end.This is not the halo of the protagonist, but that Wu Long really has this strength.

In "The River", Wu Long's eyes are temporarily blind, but he can still knock down the bat tribe.Wu Long's eyes are invisible, similar to the invisibility of aliens.

Aliens can be invisible, but they cannot hide their movements.The closer you are to Wu Long, the easier it is for Wu Long to spot you.

Wu Long does not carry a gun, and the aliens do not use gun-like weapons based on the principle of fairness, so the aliens can only fight Wu Long in close combat.

In close combat with Wu Long, after being tempted by Wu Long, he will definitely be able to judge the location of the alien by his voice.

The aliens were all defeated by Wu Long, so what kind of aliens will challenge Wu Long? When will Wu Long be the invincible player in the universe?

There are also people who don't understand how Wu Long can injure aliens, and what it means to beat cattle across mountains.Someone explained to those who don't understand the video of Wu Long's country that was carried over.Immediately, many people paid attention to Chinese Kungfu, and there is such a strange thing as being able to hit objects behind objects through objects.

These heated discussions on the Internet lead to Wu Long's "Terminator 2".In addition to fighting aliens, Wu Long should also fight future robots.Instead of playing a futuristic robot villain.

Although "Terminator 2" has been promoted, there are no details.Everyone only knows that the second part of "Terminator" is out, but they don't know what the second part is about.

Therefore, some people think that Wu Long is still playing the villain.

But there are also many fans who think it is normal for Wu Long to play the villain.Wu Long is the strongest, and the robot that returns to the present in the future must also be the strongest.If Wu Long doesn't act, who will act?

In these discussions on the Internet, the official website of "Pirates of the Caribbean" released a message, which is an event.

Wu Long plays Jack Sparrow, the captain of the pirate ship Black Pearl, so what kind of pirate captain Jack should you think?

This activity is for everyone to draw the pirate captain played by Wu Long in their minds, and the reward is to take a photo with Wu Long.

The event will be displayed on the official website. After all submissions have been reviewed, they will be displayed in the exhibition area, and netizens will vote for their favorite image.There is no limit to multiple votes, which means that if you like multiple design images, you can vote for them all.

Similarly, the image of the pirate captain Wu Long who participated in the design can also submit more works.Considering that there are too many participating works, each person can only vote for three works at most.

Wu Long's group photo is of course very important, but what is more important is the sense of participation.Many movie fans fantasized that their designs might be favored by Wu Long.Or his own design is similar or consistent with Wu Long's design.

Many people began to draw the image of the pirate captain played by Wu Long in their hearts.

The most common one was that Wu Long was blind in one eye, and that blind eye was wearing a black blindfold.Such image design, the best designer is the well-known cartoonist Jie Ming in the comics industry.

He is a fan of Wu Long, and he believes that toughness is a characteristic of pirates.Wu Long's previous roles, whether they were villains or terminators, were not strong enough.

In the design he submitted this time, Wu Long wears a captain's three-cornered hat.There is a white skull on the black three-cornered hat, and two bones cross under the skull.

These are normal classic pirate captains.

Next, he painted a portrait of Wu Long, adding a few wrinkles to the corners of Wu Long's eyes, and then one eye was covered by a slanted eye patch.

Coupled with the beard all over his face, Wu Long's toughness was immediately shown on the design draft.

Others wear a black blindfold, nothing special.But wearing it on Wu Long has a different flavor.How to see, how interesting.

Just because Wu Long is more handsome than others!

Others have beards all over their faces, nothing special.But adding a beard to Wu Long, a sturdy and vicissitudes of manhood came to his face.

So handsome, with such a handsome beard, coupled with such a handsome one-eyed, immediately let Wu Long's fans and the majority of movie fans see a different Wu Long.

This is an image of Wu Long who has never appeared in front of the public.

But when this combination is added together, there is an indescribable feeling immediately.Moreover, Jieming is very good at drawing, and Wu Long's handsome features were captured by him and displayed.

Everyone can still recognize at a glance from the one-eyed and bearded, this is Wu Long.

Someone asked Jieming why he painted Wu Long so old.Wu Long should be the young pirate captain.

But Jemin said that pirate movies are outdated.If Wu Long wants to revive pirate movies, he must find another way.Handsome, young pirate captain, not when pirate movies were popular.However, in the end, the decline of pirate films could not be saved.

Wu Long must subvert the image in order to save pirate films.

That's why he painted Wu Long like this.He believes that such a Wu Long gives everyone a more mature, stable, experienced and resourceful appearance.

The image of the pirate captain Wu Long designed by Jie Ming currently ranks first in the number of votes.

Similarly, there are still many people who think that pirate captains are meant to be tough.

Some of them designed a scar for Wu Long, which is more than one-eyed.Some pass through the nose from the upper left to the lower right, some pass through the nose from the upper right to the lower left, some are only on the face, and some are only on the forehead.

Some scars are vertical, running down the forehead, past the eyes, and parting half of the face below the eyes.

The design of these scars also makes Wu Long's image refreshing.

In addition to those drawn in the tough and fierce style, there are not a few designed in the style of the most handsome pirate captain.Especially many female fans shouted on the Internet that Wu Long will be the most capable, handsome and stylish pirate captain in movie history.

The most stylish refers to Wu Long's figure.

There are still people who dare to design the image of Wu Long as a pirate captain with fluttering hair.And this design actually squeezed into the top ten of the rankings.

They don't even consider the appearance of long hair fluttering, which is not conducive to work on sea ships.

Just when more and more design works participated in the exhibition, one work was released for display, and it was quickly promoted to No.2.

This work is actually a PS work.The original picture is Wu Long's role as Sitting Tiger in "Legend of Railway Heroes", and the screenshot is taken from the scene when Sitting Tiger is on stage.

That's a classic shot.

The face is a little dark, with wrinkles and vicissitudes of life, Sitting Tiger's eyes reveal a hint of toughness and ferocity.Sitting Tiger was originally bald, but at this time he was put on a pirate captain's three-cornered hat.The clothes are also like the undressing of the pirate captain.

With the blue sky, sea and sailboats in the background, it looks like a vicious pirate captain.

Ranked third is the pirate captain made by Hannibal in "The Silence of the Lambs".

Ranked fourth is the pirate captain made by John Wick in "Quick Chase".

The pirate captain made by Leonidas in "300 Spartans" ranked sixteenth.

In "Terminator", the pirate captain made by the t-800 Terminator ranked 23rd.

In "Predator", the pirate captain made by Wu Long ranked 38th.

"Predator" is off the shelves worldwide, and the pirate captain Wulong is getting popular.Because of this, the number of people who pay attention to the Caribbean Sea has also begun to rise.

Seeing the image design activity of the pirate captain organized by Wu Long, Solana actually came up with an idea.And after obtaining Wu Long's consent, he told Ge Wen.

When Ge Wen saw this idea, he thought it was Wu Long's contribution.He didn't think that Solana, a woman who lived by her beauty, could come up with such a good idea.He guessed that it must be on the bed. After Wu Long was satisfied, he told Solana the idea.Solana begged Wu Long to say this was what she wanted, and Wu Long agreed.

Why does Gervin think so?Because many people think that although Wu Long is romantic, he keeps his promise and he will help the woman he got.

Such as Judy, such as Angelique.Especially Angeli, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the movie "Devil" was written by Wu Long specially for Angeli to win the award.

In films like "The Devil", there are no martial arts action, no car chases, and no fierce gun battles.It talks about literature and art, it talks about depth, and it talks about acting skills.

Such a movie, as long as any senior filmmakers understand, is dedicated to winning awards.

There are movies like this every year, and there are many more.The difference is that some have won prizes, while others have done well at the box office.What's more, throw it into the warehouse to fill the inventory.

Not everyone has acting skills, not everyone is a good screenwriter, and not everyone is a good director.

And Wu Long didn't lack any of these.He tops three.

Look at Kaila, who went directly to the imperial capital where Wu Long was located, and captured Wu Long's heart only with her classical beauty.As soon as Wu Long made a film, he directly set the shape for Kaila.

Isn't this speed the same as Angeli's back then?

Angeli deliberately came into contact with Wu Long at the shooting club, and Wu Long immediately gave him the role.

It's just that no one expected that Wu Long's hobbies are so extensive that he even has feelings for a.

&nbThe grown-up Solana, with her Caribbean heat wave style, how could she not be able to win Wu Long?

Now, the benefits of winning Wu Long are immediately apparent.Wu Long immediately gave a good idea to benefit the Caribbean Union.

Therefore, the beauty plan is well used, and it is more useful than a luxury cruise ship.

Solana didn't know what she was thinking, but the people in the Caribbean Alliance thought it was Wu Long's idea.Even if she knew, she couldn't refute anything.

If she doesn't understand the rules, argues desperately or proves that this is her own idea, then she will not be valued by the Caribbean Alliance in the future, and she may even be left out on purpose.

Because, everyone thinks so.These people would not think that they guessed wrong, but would only think that Solana would do anything in order to gain credit.

Soon, the tourism industry in the Caribbean launched a tourism-themed activity, "Guess where Wu Long's "Pirates of the Caribbean" will be filmed."

Once this theme tour was launched, it immediately attracted tourists from all over the world.Even people who have traveled to the Caribbean can't help but want to go there again.

The theme is simple, where in the Caribbean do you think the crew of Pirates of the Caribbean will be filmed, when you visit there, put up a homemade sign saying that this is where you think Pirates of the Caribbean will be filmed.

If the crew of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is filmed here in the future, a lottery will be drawn among the tourists who participated in the event. The first prize will reward the tourist's travel expenses within a week during the check-in period, and the tourists will keep the relevant consumption vouchers.In addition, there is also the opportunity to take a group photo with Wu Long.

It doesn't matter whether you can win an award, what matters is the sense of participation.If afterward, "Pirates of the Caribbean" is really filmed in the places you checked in, such a thing is worth talking about for a lifetime.

You can show off to your friends, look, I have traveled there, Wu Long went there to film "Pirates of the Caribbean" after I went there.Explain that his vision is as accurate as Wu Long's.

You can show off to younger generations, such as a father to his son or daughter, or a grandfather to his grandson or granddaughter:

"Look, when I traveled to the Caribbean, I held a sign saying that Wu Long's "Pirates of the Caribbean" would be filmed there. As a result, Wu Long actually filmed "Pirates of the Caribbean" there."

At this time, the son, daughter or grandson or granddaughter will definitely look at their father or grandpa with admiration.

Ah, what a father or grandpa, to be able to travel to a pirate's land.

Once this activity is displayed online, it will attract a bigger wave of follow-up.If someone follows suit, it means that more people will travel to the Caribbean.

"I'll come, I'll witness. Captain Jack will definitely appear here!" The two beauties held up a sign and took a short video, uploading it to the official website of the Caribbean-themed tourism activity and uploading it to other video sites as well.

In the picture, the blue sky, white clouds and rippling sea waves.There are cliffs and reefs next to it, and the beauty swayed with the waves, swaying and swaying...

"Long, your idea is great! Because of your idea, our tourism in the Caribbean has not only stopped the decline, but has begun to rebound."

Ge Wen deliberately brought money to see Wu Long.Wu Long is checking the construction of the sailboat to see what needs to be modified.

For the sailboat built for the filming of "Pirates of the Caribbean", the Cultural Promotion Department of the Caribbean Alliance has planned to buy it after the filming of the series of films, and use it for Caribbean tourism promotion.

Therefore, ship construction is not just a fake, but an antique sailboat that can really sail on the sea.

"It's not my idea, it's Solana's own idea." Wu Long corrected the other party's mistake.

Solana on the side was grateful for this.Wu Long is really different from some people.Even if some people are rich, powerful, and powerful, they are still used to robbing others of their achievements.

Wu Long did not, which is rare.And after others misunderstood and thought the result belonged to him, he would still explain it.This is even more rare.

As a result, Solana heard Gervin say in a strange tone:

"Haha, I understand, I understand, I understand."

"It's really Solana's idea. Gwen, this must be made clear, I am not that kind of person. If it is not my idea, it is not mine. This is Solana's credit, I can't say it is me of."

"Haha, I understand, it belongs to Solana."

Gervin said so though.But whether it is Solana or Wu Long, they all know that Gervin doesn't believe it in his heart.

Wu Long sighed inwardly, sometimes things are often like this.

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