I'm not just an action star

Chapter 436 The Waves of the Sea

The surface of the transparent human figure overlooking the crowd on the tree emitted blue electric light, and after the electric light disappeared, a monster appeared.

Although this monster is humanoid, it is obviously not human.

It only takes a second for the monster to appear, and then it immediately becomes invisible and turns into a transparent human form.

This transparent figure.If it is motionless, it will be exactly the same as the background, and it is extremely difficult to find.If it moves, it will make people feel that the background or plants are alive.

The enemy jumps from the tree and leaves.

"I saw you!" A team member chased out.

"Don't try to escape!" Another team member also chased out.

"Come back!" Wu Long shouted.

The two team members disappeared into the jungle in order to avenge, or did not hear.

Billy also wanted to chase out, but was stopped by Wu Long.

"Billy, take Angeli and leave quickly, and I will help Mike follow behind."

Billy stopped, hesitating.

"That thing will be invisible, we are not opponents. Go out and tell more people about the situation before you can come back for revenge!"

Wu Long's words, let Billy pick up his back and take Angeli away.Wu Long helped up the injured Mike and followed behind.

For the two team members who were chased out, their battle with the Predator Wu Long remained unchanged, and they died according to the original method.

Billy knew what Wu Long meant. The sacrifice of the two team members also bought time for their escape.

He and Wu Long help Mike together, which is faster.

"Let me go, you go." Mike didn't want to hurt his comrades.

"Don't say stupid things!" Wu Long said.

While going uphill, Mike's gun dropped.Angeli wanted to help get the gun, but was stopped by Wu Long.

"Don't take a gun. You're a woman and you don't have a weapon in your hand. Maybe they won't kill you!"

The four continued to walk, and a cliff appeared.A large fallen tree spans two cliffs, forming a bridge.

"That's right, this is the single-plank bridge we passed by when we came here. Not far there, it's where we got off the plane." Billy said.

Angeli crossed the tree bridge first, Wu Long helped Mike cross the tree bridge, and Billy walked last.

Suddenly, there were screams from the team members.

Billy stopped walking and turned to look in the direction of the sound.

Walking across, Wu Long turned around and saw Billy drop his backpack and gun, he shouted:

"Billy, let's go!"

Billy ignored Wu Long and took off his clothes.

Wu Long knew what Billy meant, Billy wanted to stay and stop the enemy.He supported Mike and walked into the jungle.

Billy dies like in the original, his blocking doesn't make sense.

Wu Long said to Angeli:

"You know the mark Billy made?"

"I know, I read it on purpose just now." Angeli nodded.She is not stupid, she knows how to remember the mark, and she can escape along the mark in case she escapes.

Wu Long gave Angeli the backpack.

"There is a radio inside. After you escape the signal interference area, immediately contact the helicopter to take you away. Remember, after contacting the helicopter, you must use the radio to tell the outside world about our situation here."

The reason for this is to prevent the helicopter from arriving, and Angeli has been killed.An Jili understood the hidden meaning in Wu Long's words, and nodded to show that she knew.

"then you?"

"You are a woman, as long as you don't hold a gun, you have a chance to run out. I will cover you, and even find a way to lead it in another direction. Whether you can survive is up to you. Remember, don't use weapons. "

"Go!" Wu Long urged Angeli.

Angeli left with her backpack on her back.After running a few steps, he looked back at Wu Long and Mike, and their figures disappeared into the rainforest.

"Ah!" Billy screamed from behind.

"Mike, let's go in another direction." Wu Long helped Mike go in another direction.

"Long, let me down, I will drag you down."

"I won't let you down..."

Three red dots appeared on Mike's head.A shuttle-shaped blue light flew towards him, Mike's head was blown open, and blood spattered Wu Long's face.

Wu Long also fell to the ground.He saw the transparent figure on the tree, and immediately raised his gun to shoot.

The bullet hit the tree, the transparent figure jumped to another tree, and the red dot fell on Wu Long.

A shuttle-shaped blue light flew over.

Wu Long dodges abruptly.


The gun in his hand was blown away and his body was scratched.

Wu Long stood up and ran.

On the screen, the perspective of the monster is displayed.It turns out that monsters look at humans through thermal imaging.The audience was stunned.

Different from the original version, the Wulong version only begins to appear from the perspective of the Predator.

Wu Long slipped and fell while running, went down the slope, fell off the cliff, and fell into the water.

The next story is the same as the original.Wu Long found that the enemy couldn't see the mud on his body, and he also saw the true face of the Predator at close range.

It's just that after the battle, Wu Long's version is different from the original version.

The Predator took off his helmet and fought Wu Long, but was defeated by Wu Long.Wu Long is not A Nuo, Wu Long knows martial arts.

Wu Long didn't hurt the Predator at first, so he used Geshan to beat the Predator and wounded the Predator.

The first part of the original version starring Arnold was filmed in the 80s and cost less than 2000 million US dollars.

There are not many special effects. The Predator's dress looks fake except for the realistic head and fake hands.The battle between the Predator and Arnold was nothing to watch.

In the Wu Long version, Rocky played the role of the Predator.He learned martial arts and fighting from Wu Long, and became UFC champion with Wu Long's help.

With such a foundation and strength, it would be exciting for the Predator played by Rocky to fight Wu Long.

The two fought from the shallow puddle to the shore, and then fought in the woods.Wu Long also used the rebound of the branches to deal with the Predator, stepping on the trees in various ways, dodging and moving between the branches, all of which made the audience watch without blinking.

In the end, the Predator fell to the ground by Wu Longko.The seriously injured Predator activated the self-destruct device, and Wu Long escaped without being killed.

Wu Long, who was lucky enough to escape, came to the place where he got off the helicopter and found the radio left by Angeli.He radioed the helicopter, and finally the helicopter arrived.

The movie ends here, leaving behind the origin of the Predator and the suspense of what is in the restricted area.

Viewers who watched the premiere posted comments on the Internet one after another.

"Looking good, it turns out that the Predator is an alien who can make himself invisible!"

"Spoiler out!"

"How do you know it's an alien?"

"Look at those equipment and armor, they don't belong to this planet at all."

"There are ancient civilizations in the Amazon rainforest, and the legend is that they are aliens!"

"Brother Long is amazing. After defeating lions and hyenas, he fights anacondas. After defeating anacondas, he fights aliens. It seems that there is no longer any opponent for Brother Long on this planet. Brother Long can only compete with aliens."

"Brother Long's Amazon rainforest series is very suspenseful, logical and reasonable. From this combination, the mutated animals in the TV series are understandable. Those animals are likely to have escaped from the alien laboratory. mutated animals."

"Understood, Dr. Cole discovered the mutated animal, wanted to find out the truth behind it, and ended up going deep into the restricted area of ​​the Black Snake. Even if he is not eaten by the giant anaconda, he will be killed by the aliens."

"When I saw Rocky in the cast list, but Rocky never appeared, I knew that Rocky was the terrible Predator."

"The Predator is really stupid. He gave up his advantage and fought with Brother Long hand-to-hand. After he came to this planet, wouldn't he check the information to find out who Brother Long is?"

"Brother Long, known as the No.1 strongest unarmed player on the planet."

"No, even with cold weapons, Brother Long is the most powerful in the whole planet."

"If the Predator is not invisible, even if he shoots at each other, Brother Long will win!"

"If the Predator dares to go invisible and fight with Brother Long, he will definitely be tortured to death by Brother Long's gun fighting skills."

It has been shown worldwide, and the premiere box office champion in North America and the world premiere box office champion.

A week later, Rocky posted a video of him donning the Predator prop costume on YouTube.It turned out that it was really the prop costume of the Predator.And wearing a hood, the Predator's strange mouth can still move.

Rocky also performed a set of punches while wearing a Predator costume.

After this video was released, the number of hits soared.By the way, let the declining box office rise again.

The Amazon rainforest took advantage of the opportunity to launch rumors that there are aliens deep in the rainforest, and there are also rumors that someone has seen a ufo.

So, someone released a video of the ufo.Some ufo videos are fake at first glance, but thanks to them, the number of clicks is still high.

Originally because of the heat of snatching, I returned to the Amazon rainforest again.

The Cultural Propaganda Department of the Caribbean Alliance held a meeting to discuss the countermeasures.

"Wu Long didn't accept the cruise ship because he expected this situation."

"He made it, of course he knows how influential his films are."

"Unfortunately, if he takes over the cruise ship, he can now help us save the situation."

"Who would have thought that he would not be greedy for money. He would not want a cruise ship worth more than [-] million US dollars. Who of you can do it?"

"If I was asked to pay the maintenance fee, I would also refuse. But we cover the maintenance fee, and he can still refuse... Could it be Gwen's problem?"

"What's wrong with me?" Gervin didn't want to take the blame.

"When you talked with Wu Long, you should make up your mind on the spot. We can also bear the cost of the crew and berthing fees. Let Wu Long use the cruise ship without paying anything. I think Wu Long will definitely accept the cruise ship. "

"Well, it should be like this. Orientals are stingy and greedy for cheap. When Gervin negotiated with Wu Long, he should really adjust his plan according to the situation at that time."

"However, that was the bottom line back then." Gervin argued.

"The bottom line is because we don't know what kind of person Wu Long is. If you talk to Wu Long and go to Wu Long, you should know what kind of person Wu Long is. Wu Long doesn't accept cruise ships, you can call back suggestion."

Gwen knew in his heart that these people were nothing more than looking for someone to take responsibility.I asked Wu Long to make a movie, but the popularity didn't come through, and someone needs to be responsible for it.

He stopped arguing, knowing that he could not win by himself.

"Gwen, you fly to Haolai immediately to find Wu Long, and ask him to find a way to restore it. We must pull the heat from the Amazon rainforest to our Caribbean Sea."

"Except for Gervin, you should bring one of our Caribbean girls over there. Let the Caribbean style melt him."

"This point, I want to talk about Ge Wen. There is a trick in Eastern culture called beauty tricks. You can speak Chinese, but you don't know how to use this trick?"

"Look at that Keira Nelly, she ran from the country where the sun never sets to Wu Long's country to find Wu Long, and sent herself to Wu Long from a long distance. Look at the heroine she will play right now. Wu Long When Long had her, he just dumped Angeli."

"That Keira also has a pretty face. Let's find a girl with big breasts and let Wu Long change his taste."

Gewen soon came to Haolai to look for Wulong.

Wu Long is making preparations.The pre-production work of this film is very complicated.

Ge Wen brought the famous star girl Solana in the Caribbean to meet Wu Long.

"Hi Dragon."

"Hi, Gervin."

"This is Solana. She is in charge of your connection with our Caribbean Alliance's Cultural Propaganda Department. You can entrust her to help with all the arrangements for your filming in the Caribbean."

"Hi Solana, hello, nice to meet you."

"Brother Long, hello, I'm your fan." Solana greeted Wu Long in not-so-pure Chinese.

"You can speak Chinese?" Wu Long looked at Solana carefully.

This is a typical Latin beauty with a proud figure.The whole body exudes the enthusiasm and romance of the Caribbean Sea.

Especially her pair of eyes, people can feel the waves of the Caribbean Sea, as well as the warm sunshine and sandy beaches of the Caribbean Sea.

"I can speak a little bit, but I can't speak it well." Of course, the Chinese that Solana learned temporarily is not very good.This is also because Keira Nelly's ability to speak Chinese inspired Gervin and the others.

"Gervin, are you still in charge?"

"I'm still in charge. It's just that I have other things. It's more convenient for Solana to connect with you."

Wu Long nodded to express his understanding.

"Long, I'm very distressed, and I need your help." Gervin didn't take long to talk about the purpose of his visit.

"My help? I'm shooting now, isn't it just a favor for you?"

"It's like this. Yours is too hot, and the popularity of tourism has shifted from our Caribbean to the Amazon rainforest. I hope you can find a way to help us stir up the heat and grab the heat of the Amazon rainforest."

"Don't worry, I already have a plan. But it's being screened, and I can't implement the plan in advance, which will affect the box office. But I promise, once it's off the shelves, I'll start the plan immediately for publicity."

Such a request is normal.Impossible to beat my own movie box office for you carribean alliance.That's what fools do.

"Long, you didn't accept the cruise ship we gave you, we decided to give you money instead..."

"Gervin, it's not about money, it's about word of mouth. The movie's box office is very important to my word of mouth. Just like if it's released, no one else can let me do things that affect the box office."

"Well, I was too anxious. Solana wants to go deep into the crew, can she work with you? This will help you a lot when you are shooting in the Caribbean. It’s not very familiar, it’s a learning process. The more she understands how the crew works, the more helpful she will be when you come to the Caribbean to shoot.”

Gervin makes a request.He looked at Wu Long and prayed in his heart that Wu Long would not refuse.

"No problem." Wu Long agreed.

"Great! I can work with you, and your other fans will definitely envy me. Thank you, Brother Long, thank you for giving me the opportunity." Solana's gaze was like the blue waves of the Caribbean Sea, rushing. Pat to Wu Long.

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