"What happened?" Wu Long asked Dach.

"I saw it!" Dach said with a blank expression.


Wu Long asked: "What did you see?"

"I saw it!" Dutch still used "it".

"You form a battle formation to search, be careful not to separate." Wu Long ordered.

Afterwards, inspect Brian's body with Mike.

"He was killed by a broken neck." Wu Long judged.

Mike couldn't believe it.

"Brian is tall, with a thick neck and great strength. It's hard for someone to break his neck without making a noise and getting our attention."

"If you want to break the neck without attracting the attention of the people around you, you need to have a stronger force than Bu Lian. Only in this way can you break Bu Lian's neck in an instant, so that Bu Lian can't warn you." Wu Long analyzed.

"You just said that the enemy is provoking us, and now I believe it. They are right beside us, killing our companions, but we didn't respond." Mike clenched his fists. "What a disgrace!"

Angeli walked to the front and found an unusual green liquid on a large leaf.The liquid glowed green and caught her attention.

Wu Long noticed her abnormality and came over to ask:

"Found what?"

"I don't know what these liquids are?"

No one would have thought that such a green fluorescent liquid would be the blood of the enemy.

When the camera turned, a green fluorescent liquid was dripping from a dead tree lying on the ground.A transparent figure appeared on the screen.

The transparent figure sat down.With the sound of "beep", the transparent human figure found a change, revealing a sci-fi armor-style battle suit.A palm that is not a hand, and an incomprehensible instrument on the arm.On the feet, a green fluorescent liquid flowed out.

Press the button of a metal box with the palm of your hand, and the box opens to reveal surgical instruments.Inhuman palms operate on themselves with instruments to dig out bullets from their feet.

The camera jerks away as the bullet emerges from the flesh.Reveal the enemy's truth, a humanoid inhuman!

The non-human roared in pain, and the roar echoed in the rainforest, attracting Wu Long's attention.

At this point, the audience knew that the enemy Wu Long and the others faced was not human beings, but non-human beings who could be invisible!

Wu Long and the others heard a terrifying roar.

"Mike, does the radio work?" Wu Long asked.

Mike shook his head:

"Unusable, all electronic equipment is unusable."

When Billy and the others came back, they shook their heads to indicate that they hadn't found the enemy's corpse, nor had they found the enemy's whereabouts or abnormalities around them.

"Did you hear the cry just now?" Wu Long asked Billy and the others.

Billy and the others nodded.

"I heard the anger. I think we will usher in revenge. Be careful, everyone, leave this area as soon as possible. Return to the place where we landed, and immediately contact the helicopter to pick it up." Wu Long ordered.

Dach threw the six-barreled machine gun, and after the bullets were fired, the six-barreled machine gun was useless and became a burden because of its weight.He carried Bullen's body on his shoulders and walked in the middle of the line, following Angeli.

"Daqi, you called the enemy, did you see him?" Wu Long asked Daqi.

Dutch recalled.

"I see something, but I don't know what it is."

"What do you mean? Dach, you know, we will know how to deal with it only after you make it clear. Otherwise, all of us may not be able to get out of here!"

"I rushed over and saw Bullen's corpse. I also saw that the scene next to Bullen's corpse was moving, and there were two eyes-like things that flashed and glowed green."

"So, you didn't see anyone?"


Wu Long remembered what Billy said when he was in a daze. What appeared in this restricted area was beyond ordinary common sense.No one thought that the enemy would be invisible, they just thought it was wrong to express Dach's poor mental state.

"Found the marker," Billy said at the front of the line.

Finding the marker means they can return along the way.This is very important in the rainforest.Whether it is a rainforest, a jungle, or a forest, because the trees block the line of sight, it is impossible to find a large reference object to distinguish the direction.

And because the rainforest is not flat, the high and low tilt will change the sense of direction. If you think you are walking in a straight line, you may be walking in a curve.

Therefore, in this kind of dense forest, you must make a mark or remember the characteristic trees, so that they can be used as coordinate reference objects.

Just when everyone was happy for Billy to find the mark, three red dots appeared behind Dutch, who was carrying Brien's body.These three red dots are arranged in an equilateral triangle.

Mike, who was walking behind Dutch, noticed the three red dots on Dutch's back, and immediately realized that Dutch might be targeted.However, generally speaking, there is one red dot, why are there three red dots?

Just when Mike was about to speak to remind, a shuttle-shaped blue light flew over and hit Dach on the back.


A big hole exploded in the front of Daqi's body, and blood and flesh flew everywhere.

"Enemy attack!" Mike's voice shouted at the same time.

Unfortunately, his reminder was one step too late.Dach and Bulian's body fell to the ground together, and the others immediately squatted down to find a place to hide when they heard Mike's reminder.

No trace of the enemy was found around, and the enemy did not continue to fire.

"Mike, where is the enemy?"

"I don't know. I saw three red dots appearing on Dach's back. When I wanted to remind him, the other party had already fired."

"Watch around, Mike, cover me!"

After Wu Long finished speaking, he bent down and ran out, grabbed Daqi's arm and pulled it down the tree.This was a risky act. Wu Long was not so much Radaki as he wanted to lure the enemy to attack so that he could judge the enemy's position.

However, the enemy did not launch an attack.

After waiting for a long time, the enemy still did not launch an attack.Wu Long began to check Da Qi's wound.

Dach was dead, a big hole had been blasted in his chest and abdomen, and he looked terrible.

"There is no trace of gunpowder on the body, what kind of weapon can cause such lethality?" Wu Long wondered. "No fragments of ammunition either."

Mike came over to check it out.

"His wound looks like it was burned." Mike shook his head: "I haven't seen any weapon that can form such a wound."

Wu Long looked around.

"Before the enemy attacked us, they were melee attacks. I thought that the other party did not have powerful long-distance attack weapons. Now the enemy starts long-distance attack, which means that the enemy has powerful long-distance attack weapons, but it has been useless before."

"Why didn't you use long-distance attacks before, but now you use long-distance attacks?" Wu Long looked at the surrounding players.

Mike said: "Is it because the enemy has no chance to get close?"

Billy shook his head.

"No. Long said that the other party's purpose was to provoke us. We didn't fire before, we fired and shot just now. So, we used long-range attack weapons, and the other party also used long-range attack weapons."

Wu Long nodded.

"Probably like Billy said. The enemy has such weapons, and it is unrealistic for us to escape. The only way to leave is to fight and defeat the opponent."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

The enemy is in the dark, they don't know where to hide, and they don't need to get close to attack.They are now moving targets, ready to be attacked by the enemy.

The enemy is provoking, you can only accept the provocation, build a defense and fight the opponent.Maybe that's what the enemy wants.

"We set up a defensive position on the ridge over there and use all the explosives."

Defensive positions use explosives, which means making traps.

Everyone came to the location designated by Wu Long to set up traps. According to Wu Long's intention, these traps should make them unable to get out by themselves.

Since you can't get out, it means you can't get in either.

"As long as something wants to come in, it must touch our trap." Mike said to everyone after setting up the trap.

"Angeli, you'd better stay here and don't wander around." Wu Long told Anjili.

Angeli nodded.

Mike asked Angeli: "Angeli, did you see anything?"

Angeli shook her head.

"I don't know what I saw. I just felt like the jungle came to life, and the jungle came to life and took Brian away."

"You are a zoologist, so you say the jungle is alive? If you are an architect, do you want to say that the house is alive?" Some people think that Angeli is not telling the truth.

But seeing Angeli panicked, Wu Long didn't blame anything.

Angeli is not a soldier, and seeing the body being skinned and disemboweled, it is already very good that it has not completely collapsed.

"We fired so many bullets, and grenades, and it didn't kill them. What the hell are they?"

Mike looked at Billy.

"Billy, you must know what it is, what the hell is it?"

Billy replied, "I'm scared."

"Fart, you're not afraid of anyone!"

Billy looked out.

"There's something out there waiting for us, and it's not people. It's going to kill us and it won't let us go."

Billy took two steps forward, turned around and said to everyone:

"We're all going to die."

"Like those corpses."

At night, Mike heard the movement and rushed out immediately.


A burst of fire, the signal is triggered.

Mike shoots, and a shadow leaps at him, knocking him down.He rolled with the shadow, drew his dagger and stabbed at each other.

Everyone called Mike's name and rushed over.

"I got it!"

"I killed it!"

Wu Long took a flashlight to shine on the black shadow on the ground, and it turned out to be a wild boar.

"My God, you killed a pig!"

"Mike, I think you should find a bigger wild boar, that would suit your status."

Everyone laughed for a while, in exchange for Mike's abuse.

"To be trapped."

Wu Long pulled the wire again and made a simple alarm trap.The others stood guard around and waited for Wu Long to finish before going back together.

Back at the camp, Angeli was found trembling.

"Angeli, what's wrong with you?"

Angeli stretched out her trembling hand, pointing to the place where the bodies of Bulian and Dach were.When everyone went over to look, the two bodies were gone.

"Damn it!" Mike yelled.

Wu Long looked around.

"The wild boar may have been thrown out on purpose to attract our attention. Maybe the enemy didn't attack together before, but they just wanted to play such a show and take the corpse away under our noses. It provokes us and deters us."

"There are traps and alarms all around, how did it sneak in without triggering the alarm?"

"The most important thing is to take away two corpses!"

"Maybe the enemy is not alone!"

When the day came, everyone went to check the place where the wild boar appeared.

"No footprints except the boar's track," said Billy.

"Long, the alarm traps you made are still there, how did they get out?"

"Could you not go out?"

"Our camp is only about 50 meters in diameter, how could it be possible to hide here without being discovered by us?"

"Scatter search in the camp!" Wu Long ordered.

This means sacrificing one person and finding the enemy.If the enemy is still in the camp, there is no escape!

As a result, everyone searched and found nothing.

"Since they have come in, why don't they kill people?"

"Maybe, they are laughing at our trap. They can come in and out at will. Last night was just a warning, and they will come to kill next time."

"Angeli, what did you see last night? Did you see the enemy?"

"It's too dark, I can't see anything." Angeli replied. "However, you shot yesterday, maybe you hit it. I found an unknown liquid on a leaf, and suspected it was its blood. But, I'm not sure."

"Bleeding? Whether it is or not, just treat it as it is. As long as it bleeds, we may kill it." Wu Long said: "Our thinking is limited by habits, and we only make traps on the ground."

Wu Long looked up at the tree.

"This is a rainforest, and there is a passage between trees. Maybe the other party came from a tree." Mike said:

"Then we'll make traps in the trees."

Wu Long nodded.

"Traps are also made on the trees, using metal wires. But some traps need to be removed on the ground to form an inconspicuous passage."

"You want to put the enemy in, and then hold the passage before fighting?" Mike asked.

Wu Long shook his head.

"No. I think the enemy should be able to see the wire, so they avoided our trap perfectly. But they should not see the trap."

"On the trees and under the trees, all the metal wire traps are designed to prevent them from coming in. Then, on the unobvious passages left on the ground, we use soil methods to make traps with vines, branches, and trees."

Angeli said: "But, is it possible, just like yesterday, we were setting traps, and the enemy was actually watching around."

"It's possible." Wu Long sighed. "I can only bet that they won't come back soon after taking the corpse away."

After the body was taken away, why didn't it come back soon?Everyone guessed, but no one said anything.

According to Wu Long's instructions, he began to set up traps.After the trap is set up, everyone waits vigilantly. The main direction is the direction where the passage is deliberately left unobvious.

Also, everyone carefully observes the trees, not the ground.

"Here it is, right outside!" Billy said suddenly.

He looked up at the surrounding trees, but no one could see anything.

"Maybe we need bait." After Wu Long finished speaking, he put down the gun in his hand and walked out.

"Why doesn't he have a gun?" Angeli asked.

Mike explained: "Long thinks that if he doesn't have a gun, the opponent will not use a long-range attack weapon. This way, it is more sure to let the opponent enter close contact, thereby luring the opponent into the trap."

Everyone saw Wu Long carefully observing the surroundings and the trees, walking slowly between the traps, not letting himself touch the traps.

Standing among the traps, Wu Long seemed to feel something approaching.He stopped and looked around and above vigilantly.

At this time, Wu Long turned his back to his camp and his comrades, but felt that the danger seemed to come from behind.

On the screen, Wu Long frowned, and there was a movement of squinting and looking back.

At this moment, the trap behind Wu Long was suddenly triggered.A net with numerous leaves, the prey in the package is pulled up.Accompanied by the strange cry of the prey, everyone was refreshed.

"Shet! Got it!"

"There is nothing behind the dragon!"

"How did you trigger the trap?"

Everyone gathered around and raised their guns to aim at the top of their heads.

However, there was a jet sound and a flash of light in the large net.A shuttle-shaped blue light shot out from the net, landed in the center of the crowd, and exploded.

Everyone did not have time to shoot, so they quickly avoided.

Another shuttle-shaped blue light shot at the wooden stake tied with a large net, the rope was broken, and the wooden stake hit like a pendulum.Mike was raising his gun to shoot at the big net in the air, and he couldn't dodge and was knocked to the ground by the stake.

At this time, a thing was drilled out of the broken net and jumped onto a nearby tree.

Anyone who saw it understood what Angeli and Dach said at the beginning, and the jungle or the background came alive.

That's really it.

The jungle, or the background, seems to come to life, showing a human figure.

This transparent figure jumped from one tree to another, stopped on a branch, and looked down at the people on the ground.

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