I'm not just an action star

Chapter 434 The invisible enemy

Billy suddenly stared at a place without moving. Even if he didn't give a gesture, everyone stopped talking and moving nervously, but raised their guns, carefully alerting possible abnormalities around them.

"Billy seems nervous?" Wu Long asked Dutch in a low voice.

"do not know."

"Did he smell something wrong? He said he had an unusual nose."


Wu Long held the gun and pointed the muzzle at where Billy was looking.Carefully approach Billy and come to Billy's side.

"What is it, Billy?" Wu Long asked Billy softly, but he didn't get a reply from Billy.

Wulong is next to Billy, thinking that Billy should be able to hear him.But Billy didn't reply, which was strange.

He turned to look at Billy, who was still staring motionless somewhere in the tree, fingers tensely clutching the amulet on his chest.

Wu Long shoots Billy.

"what happened?"

Billy turned his head to look at Wu Long, and said seriously:

"There should be something on that tree."

Wu Long squinted his eyes and observed where Billy was staring, but found nothing.

"What do you see? Why can't I see it? Where is it?"

"I can't see anything," Billy replied.

Instead of blaming Billy, Wu Long asked Billy, "Then what do you think?"

Billy didn't answer right away, and said helplessly after a few seconds:

"Maybe nothing, just me being too sensitive."

"Go." Wu Long signaled to return.

The others came to where Billy was standing, looked where Billy had just looked, and found nothing.

Some shook their heads and left, while others were wary of their surroundings.

In the end, Dutch and Brian were left.

"We continue to look for Dr. Cole?" Dutch asked.

Brian shook his head:

"There are too few people."

The two had no choice but to walk back behind the team.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a sound behind him.

The two quickly turned around and raised their guns to aim.Nothing behind.I looked up and searched the trees, but couldn't find anything.

"I felt like there was something nearby," Dutch said.

"I don't feel too good either. This weird rainforest is damned!" Brian frowned.

The two cooperated with each other, keeping an eye on what was behind them, and slowly retreated to keep up with the team.

However, the team stopped advancing.

"There is interference!"

"The map cannot be displayed!"

"Unable to give directions."

In the rainforest, there is no instrument to assist the direction. Unless you are a local, it is difficult to tell the direction in the dense rainforest.

Wu Long took out the compass and found that the compass kept turning.

"The compass doesn't work either."

"Billy, can you still tell which way we came from?"

Billy looked up, looking at the sky through the thick foliage, looking for the sun.

"Over there." Billy pointed in a direction. "Should be able to find the mark I made."

At this time, Hawkins, who was on the sidelines of the team, was on guard. When he turned his head and looked to the side, the camera was facing behind him. The leaves of those plants suddenly seemed to come alive, and a transparent human figure came out.

Like through a glass, you can see what is behind the glass.It's just that this glass is now a moving figure.

Hawkins became alert and turned his head suddenly.He saw a scene that he will never forget, as if a transparent figure was rushing towards him.

Horrified, Hawkins wanted to yell.But a transparent hand grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

Hawkins couldn't cry out, struggling desperately to fire a warning shot.The arm that can hold the gun is firmly grasped by another transparent arm and twisted hard.


Hawkins' arm holding the gun was wrenched off.His neck was twisted hard by the transparent arm, click, and his neck was broken.

The transparent man dragged Hawkins away, and the sound of leaves and weeds being knocked away alarmed Wu Long.

Wu Long looked at Hawkins' position and found that the leaves were shaking over there.

"Hawkins!" Wu Long shouted.

Wu Long, who didn't get a response, immediately ordered.

"Mike, left! Billy, right! Quick!"

"The rest keep up the battle formation!"

Wu Long chased them out while giving orders.An Jili immediately followed behind Wu Long, not daring to leave.

Daqi and Bulian looked at each other, and hurriedly followed the team.They turned their heads from time to time to prevent someone from sneaking up on them.

Wu Long chased along the road and saw Hawkins' gun fell to the ground.There are also Hawkins' backpack, equipment, clothes, pants, boots and other things along the way.

It looked like someone had taken Hawkins and stripped him all the way.

Thinking of the upside-down corpses he saw just now, Wu Long had an ominous premonition in his heart.

When all the things on Hawkins were gone, Wu Long no longer had any clues about Hawkins.He chased for a short distance and finally stopped.

Mike and Billy came from both sides.

"Did you find anything?" Wu Long asked them.

The two shook their heads.

"Hawkins' things fell all the way, including clothes and pants. After a while here, I didn't see anything again. I didn't see any traces of passing around, as if the whole person disappeared out of thin air."

After Wu Long finished speaking, he told Billy:

"Billy, you search again."


Billy searched around, and the rest of the team arrived behind him.

"Where's Hawkins?" Dutch asked.

Wu Long shook his head.

"There are no clues here. Let's look separately, within ten meters. Bulian, you stay where you are and protect Angeli."


Bu Lian put down his big bag and unzipped it, revealing a six-barreled machine gun.

Angeli was dealing with panic all over.Hawkins just disappeared without a shot.This is beyond her imagination and cognition.

"Bren, what took Hawkins?" Angeli asked Bren.

Breen shook his head.

"You are an expert in biology, flora and fauna, do you think there is anything that can take away a living person silently?"

Angeli shook her head.

Brian asked again: "Is the big snake okay?"

"Big snakes don't work either." Angeli shook her head again. "No matter how fast the boa constrictor in the jungle is, there are sounds and traces. If it is a large boa constrictor, it will not appear in such a rainforest. They like to be by the water or in the swamp. In the water, they are very fast and easy. Hide your body."

Wu Long and the others searched back quickly.

"Any clues?" Breen asked.

Wu Long and the others shook their heads.

"You also saw that Hawkins' clothes fell off." Wu Long meant that Hawkins would be skinned and his skull dug out like those corpses hanging upside down.He just didn't say it directly.

Everyone heard Wu Long's meaning and remained silent.

"I decided to search again within a radius of [-] meters, and pay attention to the trees. Everyone maintains a battle formation, do not separate, do not leave the team alone. The distance between each other should not exceed three meters. In everyone's eyes, there must be another Team member."

Three meters is not far away.But in the rainforest, at a distance of three meters, you may not be able to see your companion at all because of the cover of leaves.

By asking everyone to search separately just now, Wu Long probably lured the enemy out.

The team began to search forward.Angeli is a non-combatant. She did not carry a gun and walked in the middle of the line with a bag on her back.She is responsible for paying attention to the situation of each team member, and calling for support directly if there is a problem.

Holding a six-barreled machine gun, Brien carefully searched among various low plants.Suddenly, there was movement in the bushes, and he immediately pointed the six-barreled machine gun at the place where the leaves were shaking, and then opened fire to attack.

"Found you!"

"You bastards, get out!"

Breen whispered to himself.

As a result, a small animal came out of the swaying leaves.

Wu Long led a team to search, but found nothing.Not to mention Hawkins' body, but Hawkins' belongings, or traces of someone walking by, there are none.

"There are no clues at all. I decided to give up the search and leave before dark. The other party can snatch people from under our noses during the day without leaving any clues. At night, I'm afraid we are all lambs waiting to be slaughtered."

No one objected, and no one said yes.

No one could agree, because if he was caught instead, he would definitely hope that his teammates would come to rescue him.

But in the current situation, it's not that Wu Long doesn't want to save him, but he doesn't know how to save him at all.Everyone has searched a range of [-] meters, not only did not find anyone, but there were no clues.The entire rainforest is so big, who knows where and in which direction he was arrested?

Most importantly, how did the other party do it?

Thinking that this is a forbidden area, everyone thought about the weirdness.

"Billy, can we go directly back to the place we came in from here?" Wu Long asked Billy.He feared that the enemy would ambush him on his way.

Billy shook his head:

"The rainforest here is different from other places. There is no navigation and no compass. The error is too big to rely on the sun alone. If you make a mistake and then correct it, it will take more time, and you may even go further and further off. Why not Go back to our original line and find the marker, it's more reliable."

"Then do it your way."

With Billy leading the way, everyone began to return to their original route.

After walking nearly [-] meters, Dach felt something was wrong.

"Billy, did you take the wrong direction?"

Billy wasn't offended at being questioned, he looked up around.

"It should be right. You see, there are still traces of being stepped on here."

"But why didn't you see what Hawkins left behind?" Dach said, and the others suddenly became nervous.

Wu Long said: "I know that Billy did not lead the wrong way. Maybe someone took Hawkins' items during our extensive search."

"Why?" Brian asked.

Wu Long replied: "Maybe, they are provoking us."

Everyone was silent.

"What shall we do?" Angeli asked.

"According to the original plan, find the way you came and return. They want to provoke us, so we can't be provoked by them. They will definitely do it again when they see that we don't respond to their provocation. So, the way back, we need enough Be careful, you can't be attacked by them again. Be careful, they may set traps."


Billy, walking ahead, stopped suddenly and gestured warningly.

Everyone became tense again.

Wu Long stepped forward and saw Hawkins' backpack, clothes and other items.These items are piled together on the ground, which seems to be where Hawkins was just before he disappeared.

There is a large pool of blood on these items.There appeared to be blood, dripping from the tree.

Wu Long and Billy looked up and saw Hawkins hanging upside down from the tree.

The two gritted their teeth.

Others noticed the strangeness of the two and walked over, and also saw Hawkins on the tree.There is no clothes, the stomach is cut open, and the intestines and other internal organs flow out and hang down.

Angeli turned her head away.


"My God, what did they do!"

Bullen, standing at the back of the line, cursed:

"Damn it, let me see them, I must put all the bullets in their bodies!"

Two transparent hands stretched out from behind Bu Lian, one covering Bu Lian's mouth, the other grabbing the back of Bu Lian's head, and twisting hard.

Click, Brian died instantly.

However, everyone was still shocked by Hawkins' body, not noticing that Breen had been quietly killed.

The transparent hands carried Bulian's body and moved away from the ground.

Angeli, who didn't turn her head to look at Hawkins' body, noticed something strange from the corner of her eye. She turned around and saw a scene that horrified her.

Hawkins drooped his head, lifted his feet off the ground, and walked away from them.In the background behind Hawkins, the jungle seemed to come alive, and a transparent human figure loomed.

Angeli trembled, reaching out to pull the people around her.But the people around her were far away, so she couldn't reach them.

Her abnormal behavior was noticed by Dach who was diagonally behind her.

Dach hurriedly turned his head and found that Brian was gone.He turned around immediately, and saw Bullen's figure smashing through the leaves in a strange posture and disappearing behind the bushes.


Dutch yelled and rushed to where Breen disappeared.

When the others heard his call, they immediately turned around and saw that he had rushed out.

After Dach rushed through the weeds, he saw the six-barreled machine gun that fell on the ground, and also saw Bulian's body lying on the ground not far away.

At the same time, he also saw that the scene next to the corpse seemed to come alive and move!

Where it moves, the outline looks like a human figure.

On the head of the transparent humanoid, two pieces of green light flickered, which seemed to be two eyes.

When the other party saw Dach, he turned and fled.

Dutch pulled the trigger and fired at the transparent figure.

Da da da!

"Accept the enemy!" Dutch yelled.

Wu Long was the fastest and rushed to Da Qi's side first.He didn't know the situation, but he also fired in the direction Dutch shot.

The others rushed over and all fired forward with the guns in their hands.

Everyone didn't know where the enemy was, and only fired at places where they felt that the enemy might be hidden, attacking indiscriminately.

Dach finished firing the bullets, picked up the six-barreled machine gun on the ground, and continued shooting.

Branches were broken and leaves were blown away.

Mike opened fire with the grenade gun, sending rifle grenades forward.




Going to a piece, Mike blew up all the way.

"Madfak! You bastards! Go to hell!" Dutch yelled, firing with six-barreled machine guns.

After Wu Long finished firing one magazine, he changed another magazine and continued to fire.So are others.

Everyone was angry because of Hawkins' tragic situation, and vented to the invisible enemy with bullets.

It wasn't until Daqi's six-barreled machine gun fired all the bullets that everyone stopped firing.

But Dach, as if he was stimulated by something, the bullets ran out but he didn't let go of the trigger.The six barrels rotated at such a speed, and the sound of the rotation made everyone look at him.



Wu Long was beside Da Qi, calling Da Qi to wake him up.

Dach, who heard Wu Long's shout, finally let go of the trigger, and the six barrels stopped turning.Everyone looked at the gunpowder smoke ahead, and was careful that there would be undead enemies appearing.

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