I'm not just an action star

Chapter 433 "Predator"

After all, movies about the Amazon rainforest are all about mystery.In order to maintain a sense of mystery, the name and introduction of the movie have not been made public.

If it's other movies, I can't wait to start promoting it from the start of filming.

This movie just isn't like that.

But not making it public doesn't mean not promoting it.In fact, everyone knows that Wu Long has a second movie about the Amazon rainforest.The Amazon rainforest has actually been promoting the movie.

This not only maintains a sense of mystery, but also has a publicity effect.

Everyone didn't know until the premiere came out.The movie that everyone is looking forward to is called.

Even if I don't know the title of the movie, the pre-sales were filled with an alternative name like "Amazon Rainforest Adventure Part [-]".

When the audience came to the movie theater and saw the posters, they knew the real name of the movie.


Is it a war movie?

No, it should be said to be fighting!

Reminiscent of the retired soldiers accompanying Wu Long when he went to the Amazon rainforest to shoot, it finally fits with this movie.

In the middle of the poster, Wu Long's face was painted with camouflage, and he looked up slightly, with a shocked expression in his eyes.Below him was Angeli's terrified expression.On the left and right of Angeli are a few special forces, also wearing camouflage camouflage, with a shocked expression on their faces.Together with An Jili, it forms a semicircle, surrounding Wu Long.They all raised their heads slightly, looking upwards.

Above the pictorial is the back view of the Amazon rainforest.There is a vague figure standing there as the background.This figure is like a transparent mosaic, people only know that there is a humanoid thing at that time, but they don't know what it is.And it appears to be transparent, blending in with the surrounding Amazonian rainforest backdrop.

It's just such a promotional pictorial, which maintains a sense of mystery and only announces the name before the screening.

Undoubtedly, the expressions of Wu Long and those people in the pictorials have greatly attracted the attention of the audience, and people can't help but wonder what happened in the movie, which shocked the mighty Wu Long so much.

After seeing the posters outside the movie theater, the audience, who were already full of expectations, rushed into the movie theater excitedly to watch.

Wu Long's version is quite different from the original version.It was changed to search for the missing Dr. Cole and take a helicopter into the depths of the Amazon rainforest.

The movie begins, yes review.Three people died on those expeditions, Dr. Cole's son, the host, and the Ph.D. in Biology.Among them, the doctor of biology was bitten by an unknown poisonous snake before he entered the restricted area, and died of poisoning.Dr. Cole's son and host were killed by a giant anaconda in the Black Snake Temple.

Originally, the exploration ended here.The program group also ended the program, and Dr. Cole's family did not dare to look for Dr. Cole again.

However, Dr. Cole's signal appeared again.This time, the signal showed that it was deeper in the Amazon rainforest.

Because he caught the attention of a certain rich man, he has been secretly exploring the Amazon rainforest, trying to find Dr. Cole.

After receiving the signal from Dr. Cole, he immediately came to Wu Long, hoping to know where the coordinates of the signal were located deep in the Amazon rainforest.

Wu Long didn't want to go there at first, thinking that it was a forbidden place and no one could get out alive.

Regal reveals why he is continuing to search for Dr. Cole.Because Dr. Cole once said that he entered the forbidden area to find life.

Specifically, Dr. Cole is not sure.It is just that there should be a method or some kind of item or thing there, which can treat terminal diseases such as leukemia and cancer in modern times.

The rich man's wife is terminally ill. Even if the rich man has money and hires the most famous doctor in the world, there is no way to cure her.

Therefore, the rich want to get this possible medicine.If that medicine is useful, it can be researched to treat more terminally ill patients

Wu Long demanded that if such a drug is really developed, one-third of it must be used to treat people who have no money to buy it.Wu Long is responsible for supervision and execution.

Regal agrees.

After the relevant content was negotiated and the contract was signed, Wu Long, who received a high commission, decided to go.

The mercenaries were hired by the rich, and at first these mercenaries were unwilling to obey Wu Long's command.So Wu Long competed with them, from fighting to marksmanship, none of these people was Wu Long's opponent.

The helicopter set off with the team and flew to the place where the signal was sent.

"Long, why didn't you choose to take a helicopter. If you took a helicopter, there would be no trouble at all." Someone asked Wu Long.

This refers to the last expedition.

"Because we found the annunciator last time, but we didn't find anyone. We can only look along the way based on clues."

"Why is there an annunciator?" Someone wondered.

Wu Long shook his head: "I don't know."

Angeli pointed to the scenery below and exclaimed: "Look, there is a huge statue below!"

Wu Long looked down and said:

"There is the Black Snake Temple, and we encountered three huge anacondas."

"We heard that you killed three big snakes. I think it's safe down there now."

Wu Long shook his head.

"Who knows if there are only three?"

"We have guns, don't worry."

"Guns can kill them if you can hit them."

The helicopter flew over the Black Snake Temple and continued to fly deep into the rainforest.The signal is still ahead, not at the Black Snake Temple.

"It's a pity, I can't go down and kill the big snake." Someone sighed.

Wu Long shook his head and sneered at this.

Beep beep!

The helicopter sounded the siren, the plane began to shake, and the flight was abnormal!

"Instrument jammed!" the pilot yelled.


Through the intercom in the helicopter, Wu Long yelled: "Turn around, fly back!"

"I'll try my best!" The pilot tried to control the steering of the helicopter.

The helicopter turned around while shaking and descending, and finally relied on the pilot's superb driving skills to make the helicopter turn around successfully.

Below are the treetops, and the helicopter almost fell.Fortunately, after a successful U-turn, the helicopter returned to normal after flying out for a while.

"The interference ahead is too strong, we can't fly over. You should go down here and walk to the signal point. Or we will return!" The pilot discussed with Wu Long.

The mercenary Dutch frowned and asked:

"How about going around in the other direction?"

The pilot shook his head:

"I don't want to die here. It's not only because of my good driving skills just now, but also because of luck. If there is another interference, can you guarantee that this plane can withstand it?"

"Hurry up and decide, I always have a bad feeling in my heart!"

"Give you ten seconds, I will return immediately!"

The pilot controlled the helicopter and flew back slowly.

Dach made a decisive decision: "Go down here, let's walk to the signal ground."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Wu Long, who did not object.

The crowd descended to the ground by cables, and the helicopter flew away immediately.

"Long, I thought you would object." Dach tidied up his equipment.

"What if I object?" Wu Long asked back.

"Go back by yourself, we will look for it by ourselves." Dach said with a smile.

Player Bulian picked up a big bag on the ground and put it on his shoulder.

"Dragon, I thought you would return."

Another team member also said:

"I'm also worried that the dragon will return. The commission is too generous, and I don't want to lose it."

Following the instructions of the signal receiver, after determining the direction, everyone moved towards the place where the signal was sent.

Various strange noises sounded in the rainforest from time to time, which made people feel uneasy.

"Shet, there is no normal bird singing here?"

"Maybe not a bird."

"Long, is the story in Li true?"

"That's a TV show!"

The audience laughed knowingly when they saw this.

The team is advancing.Suddenly, Billy, who was walking in front of the line, stopped.When everyone saw Billy's gesture, they quickly stopped moving forward and were alert to the surrounding situation.

After getting Billy's instructions, everyone approached carefully.

It turned out that there was a crashed helicopter in the tree!

Wu Long asked Billy to search the surroundings, and then asked him to go to the helicopter to check.The people who checked came down and reported that this helicopter was unusual, with many reconnaissance equipment and instruments on it.

"Can you see why the helicopter crashed? I mean, is it possible to be attacked by the ground?" Wu Long asked.

The opponent shook his head.

"No signs of being hit by missiles or rockets, no signs of being hit by bullets. Looks like it crashed in an accident."

"Like we met before?"

"Yes. Thanks to our pilot, he was very skilled and saved our lives."

"Also, there are no dead bodies on it."

"There is no body, are they all out of trouble?"

Billy came back, shook his head and said:

"There are no human footprints around."

"But there's no dead body on the helicopter," Bullen explained.

Things are weird.

"Go ahead!" Wu Long ordered.

It was Billy who took the lead and continued to move in the direction of the signal.

"The signal is ahead."

"Billy go check it out, everyone pay attention!"

Billy took the knife and walked to the range of the signal. He didn't see anyone, and he didn't see the camp.There are trees, vines and rainforest plants everywhere.

He stopped and looked around carefully.Seeing a vine, cut it off with a knife, and drank the water that flowed from the broken vine.

He raised his head to drink, and suddenly felt something was wrong in the corner of his eyes.Slowly turn your head and look diagonally upwards.

There seems to be something on a tree.

He quietly climbed up the tree and pushed aside the leaves.

Many vultures screamed and flew up, revealing corpses hanging upside down!

The stench from the dead body made the uncomfortable Billy turn around and go out to breathe the fresh air outside.

The people who heard the movement and came saw the corpse hanging upside down from the tree.These corpses were all skinned!

The skull was also dug out!

Behind the tree, clothes and a signal transmitter were found.

These clothes are camouflage uniforms, as well as guns and ammunition.

Wu Long asked Billy to look around for traces, and ordered people to rummage through clothes and backpacks to see if there was any identity information of the deceased.Maybe there is Dr. Cole in it.

"There is no ID card for Dr. Cole. Looking at these equipment, they should be mercenaries like us." Dutch said.

"I feel that these people are the same as us. The signaling device that emits the signal is not Dr. Cole's signaling device at all." Wu Long said.

Dutch nodded:

"Dr. Cole's annunciator has been found by you. So, we've all been duped?"

"It should be cheated!" Wu Long immediately made a decision: "I think we should return."

Dach didn't express his opinion immediately, but seemed to be thinking.He looks at the others.

"what do y'all think?"

Billy is back.

"I searched all around, but there is no trace."

Everyone was shocked.Dutch asked the others:

"Do you think it was made by the natives here?"

Aborigines in some places will attack or kill outsiders.Killing and then skinning and hanging upside down, no matter how you look at it, it seems to be a warning to outsiders.

Billy shook his head:

"If it's indigenous, there should be footprints. I haven't found anyone's footprints, including them."

Billy looked at the upside-down corpse. The meaning of "they" refers to these corpses.This means that either the footprints are removed, or there are no footprints at all.

But if there were no footprints, how did these people get here?

Thinking about it carefully, I really feel that things are weird, and people are full of shock and fear.

"Is it possible that these natives cleaned up their footprints?" Brian said. "They took Dr. Cole."

"What about the annunciator? How to explain it?"

"Dr. Cole secretly activated the annunciator?"

"Bren, do you mean to continue looking for Dr. Cole? Maybe Dr. Cole died long ago and was eaten by a big snake."

"Billy, what do you think?"

"I feel very uneasy. I have a feeling here, it is very dangerous. However, if you feel that you continue to search for Dr. Cole, I have no problem."

"Why? Since you feel uneasy, you should leave, shouldn't you?" Angeli asked.

Ever since seeing those hanging corpses, she has been in a state of tension and fear.She is only a doctor of biomedicine and has a good understanding of animals and plants, so she was hired by the rich and paid a lot of money.

"Nothing makes me feel alive like taking on danger," Billy said grimly.

"Dragon. Since our mission is to find Dr. Cole, we should move on. Don't worry, we have guns." Dutch said.

Wu Long gestured to the corpses that were hung upside down from the trees, skinned and their skulls removed.

"They have guns too."

He picked up the annunciator, identified the direction of arrival, and said:

"I'm going back. I wish you luck in continuing your search for Dr. Cole."

Angeli hurriedly followed Wu Long.

Billy also came to Wu Long's side.

"I'll go with you."

Breen was not happy.

"Billy, that's not what you meant just now. You said that as long as we keep looking for Dr. Cole, you're fine. You also said that taking risks can make you feel alive."

"Yes, so I left with Long. You guys have to keep looking for Dr. Cole, I have no problem. I can feel alive only if I live." Billy replied seriously.

The audience laughed.

The depression and worry of seeing the corpse hanging upside down just now were temporarily diluted by Billy's words.

As Billy followed Wu Long, other team members also chose to leave with Wu Long.

Only Breen and Dutch are left, wanting to continue searching for Dr. Cole.

"You guys!" Dach said angrily, "Why? We haven't finished the task yet!"

Someone replied: "We've done it, got the annunciator, and filmed it."

Dach said again: "At least, we're going to bury them."

Everyone looked at Wu Long.

"This is a warning. It's like someone breaking into your house, and you have to give the intruder a warning." Wu Long shook his head: "I won't do anything, and I advise you not to do it."

Da Qi reprimanded Wu Long.

"Shut up! How can you say something like that!"

"If you are like this, do you want others to pass by and find you, and not bury you?"

Wu Long shook his head.

"What I have to do is to leave as quickly as possible and try not to let myself become like this."

After speaking, Wu Long turned to leave.But Billy suddenly walked to the side, then looked up blankly at the tree not far away, and seemed to find something.

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