I'm not just an action star

Chapter 432 A Future Superstar Appears

In fact, Wu Long can fully invest independently, not to mention the funds from the Caribbean Alliance.

But it doesn't work.

Once the film became a big hit, there would have been outrage that McCann's film company hadn't been involved.

Don't say that you gave them a chance, they gave up by themselves.

The truth is such a truth, but if the truth can make sense, the world will be peaceful and peaceful.Under jealousy, who would think that they are wrong?

After leaving Lion Films, Wu Long returned to the company and called other film companies to ask if there was any intention to co-produce a pirate film.

Among them, Weiner Films is also included.

Speaking of it, Wu Long and Weiner Pictures did not conflict to the point of irreconcilability.The two parties did not continue to cooperate, but the offer from Lion Films was lower.

If the offer from Lion Films did not meet his requirements, he might have continued to cooperate with Weiner Films.

Things don't look good.

When other film companies heard Wu Long talk about making a pirate film, they had to think about it without even reading the script.

For them, the theme of pirate movies is outdated, so why do they still read scripts?Without even this point of judgment, the film company has long since gone bankrupt.

And they didn't mean to invest, they just thought that Wu Long had finally come to an end and ushered in a trough.This is summed up by the failures of countless famous directors and movie stars, and is considered to be an objective law in the film and television industry.

Once a director or actor reaches the peak, there will be a trough.The good situation is that the film keeps its capital, and the bad situation is that the box office is dismal and the film loses money.

This is especially true for big-budget films, which are more prone to such situations.

The movie Wu Long wants to shoot is a big production and outdated theme.

Everyone is not optimistic about Wu Long, but they will be optimistic about Wu Long's films after the fiasco at the box office.

When Wu Long failed miserably at the box office, he would invest in making movies again. This was for helping Wu Long when he was in trouble, and Wu Long would definitely be grateful.

Those film companies all think so.

Except Weiner Pictures.Because Weiner Pictures also has Tom who is sitting on the bench.

Tom went to see Wu Long in person and read the script.

"It's really a pirate movie. Long, why did you think of making a pirate movie? Nowadays, no one dares to make a pirate movie. If you make one, you will lose one."

Pirate movies need water and sea, which is much more difficult and expensive than ordinary action movies.

"This is not a traditional pirate movie." Wu Long corrected Tom.

Tom made a face.

"You added fantasy elements to it. But it is still a pirate film in essence, and it is still a treasure hunt. In fact, someone thought of this idea ten years ago. At that time, the pirate film had turned from prosperity to decline. Many directors wanted to save it. The big ip of pirate movies, unfortunately, did not succeed."

"But, I just want to try."

"Long, after becoming famous, many directors are like you. They think that they are omnipotent, that they can change history and create history. In fact, history just makes you happen at the right time. Those directors and film stars who don't listen to persuasion, all It failed. As a friend, as someone who has experienced it, and as a witness who has witnessed many failures of Haolaihu, I sincerely advise you to change the subject matter."

"It's better to continue to make a second film, or a second film, which is worse than your pirate film."

"Lion Films promised to invest tens of millions, and I can also invest. Can you see if your Weina Films are willing to join in and cooperate together?"

"Okay, since you insist. I'll go back and do my best to convince the higher-ups."

Seeing that Wu Long couldn't be persuaded, Tom stopped persuading him.He took the script back to Weiner Films and handed it over to the senior management for discussion.

High-level evaluation seminar, Tom listened.

"I do not agree to invest in Wu Long's filming this time." Someone directly objected. "Pirate movies are outdated. Even if Wu Long himself said adding fantasy elements, it is outdated. He is not the first to think of adding fantasy to pirate movies."

"I also don't think it is necessary to participate in this film. On the contrary, after Wu Long's pirate film loses money and no one gives him money to make a film, we will cooperate with him again. At that time, Wu Long will be grateful. It's really good for him."

"Lion Films is actually no different from us, and they don't dare to invest deeply in this pirate film. This is obvious, and Wu Long can't escape the laws of the film and television industry. He reached the top, became proud, and then headed for failure."

"No, I think this is the best chance for us to rebuild our relationship with Wu Long. Even if the film fails and loses money, wouldn't it be better if we give money to Wu Long and make Wu Long feel indebted to us?"

"That's right. When Wu Long's pirate film fails, we will invest in him again. Don't others think so? The last time we missed out on continuing to cooperate with Wu Long, we have such an idea. But Lion Pictures did not We do it according to the usual practice, so we can cooperate with Wu Long. Now others are unwilling to invest in Wu Long, so we invest, which makes it appear that we will always support Wu Long and gain his favor.”

After some quarrels, he habitually asked Tom for his opinion.

Tom stood up, straightened his suit, and said seriously:

"I think we should give up the debate and discussion, and tell Wu Long immediately, immediately and firmly, how much money he still needs, we, Weiner Pictures, will cover it all."

His words stunned everyone in the meeting.Tom had never spoken to them like this before, and it was the first time.

And his tone didn't look like an employee lower than their position at all, but like their boss.In Tom's position, who gave him the guts?

"Why?" Someone asked subconsciously.

"There's no why. You ask my opinion, and that's my opinion."

Someone shook his head:

"No, you have to say why."

Obviously, Tom's attitude irritated them and made them a little angry.

Tom smiled.

"Since you insist on me telling why, well, I'll tell you why."

"Last time, it was the same meeting. I expressed my suggestion carefully and cautiously. As a result, I was thrown into the corner by you. So, I really don't know how you feel, asking—I—for— what!"

"This is my explanation."

Actually, Tom could have said it differently.However, he went all out.My allegiance is to Weiner Films, not to a certain person, or not to some incompetent people who only want to play tricks and play tricks.

He hated being thrown into the corner like a piece of trash, and the whole company was secretly laughing at him and watching his jokes.

Fire me?

My money is enough for the rest of my life.Tom scanned the higher-ups with a look that I do.

"Papa papa!" Someone applauded. "Well said. It was like this last time, and then I disagreed with your suggestion. As a result, Wu Long cooperated with Lion Films. This time, if it is still like last time, there will be another Lion Films to cooperate with Wu Long .Then put the responsibility on you. So, you really don’t need to explain why. Anyway, if you explain it, some people will disagree. Anyway, in the end, no one will listen to your opinion.”

After he finished speaking, he walked up to Tom and patted Tom on the shoulder.

"I support you."

Then say to others:

"There is no need to continue the discussion, let's vote. Anyway, it is right or wrong, and it is not the first time."

In the end, Weiner Pictures decided to participate in Wu Long's pirate film.However, it is not like Tom said, the rest of the investment is fully covered by Weiner Films.Instead, it only invests 5000 million yuan, and if Wu Long exceeds the budget, no additional funds will be invested.

Finally, the investment was introduced, 5000 million from Lion Films, 5000 million from Weiner Films, and 5000 million from Caribbean Alliance.Wu Long is divided into directors and starring actors, and the four parties will share equally, with each receiving 20.00% and five.

After the formal signing, according to the meaning of the Caribbean Alliance, it will be announced immediately.During the promotion, the financial investment of the Caribbean Alliance was deliberately concealed.These internal funds and finances do not need to be disclosed.

Wu Long's new film is officially launched.The male protagonist Wu Long plays the young pirate captain Jack Sparrow of the "Black Pearl" pirate ship, the female protagonist Elizabeth Swan is played by newcomer Keira Nelly, and the second male blacksmith apprentice Will Turner is temporarily vacant.Additional actors are also being recruited.


Wu Long's new movie is actually a pirate movie!

On the Internet, the popularity of the upcoming second part of the Amazon Rainforest was suddenly robbed by Wu Long who started filming.

Such a situation made the Caribbean Alliance nod secretly after seeing it, thinking that this decision was very wise.Their plan worked!

Film critics from all over the world saw that Wu Long was going to make a pirate film, and commented one after another, thinking that Wu Long would hit the box office this time.

Pirate movies, how many years ago was that a popular theme?


There are no pirate movies on the screens these days.I don't know how many years ago, when the pirate movies were booming and bad, one show hit the street and the other one hit the street.In the end, many pirate films were shot, but they were not screened in theaters at all, and could only be stored in warehouses to eat ashes, or transferred to the video tape market.

Of course, there are also those who are very fond of Wu Long, and think that Wu Long likes everything he shoots.I even believe that Wu Long can make a different pirate film.

There are also people who are not focused on this, but newcomer Keira Nelly.

Who is this newcomer?

Everyone found out that such a beautiful woman did not have her introduction.Fortunately, someone in the country where the sun never sets knows Kaila and introduces her immediately.

Immediately after her introduction got out, people with good intentions compared her photos with those of Angeli and Judy.

"Judy has an intellectual beauty, Angeli has a wild beauty, and Kayla has a traditional beauty."

"But her breasts are too small!"

"Brother Long has so many hobbies."

"It is said that Keira can speak Chinese, which is recognized by Wu Long."

"I just don't know if she will be the queen of the movie in the future."

"Impossible. It is absolutely impossible for a pirate movie to win the Best Actress."

Wu Long did not let Rocky play the role of blacksmith apprentice.It's not about Rocky's acting skills, but Rocky's not handsome enough.

Although Captain Jack is played by the handsome Wu Long, he has weird makeup and weird behavior. It can be said that he is weirdly handsome.

If Will, the Blacksmith Apprentice, wasn't handsome enough, he couldn't hold up the whole show.

Wu Long also has high requirements for the actor playing this role, not only must he be handsome, but also have strong muscles.How can you be a blacksmith without muscles?

Wu Long didn't want to ask Rocky to act, but Rocky came to him.

"Teacher, I heard that you are casting actors, what do you think of me?" Rocky winked at Wu Long.

"It's okay if you want to act. However, you don't have the role as the second leading actor."

"Why? I have muscles, and I can fight. I can dance knives and swords."

"The reason is simple, you are not handsome enough."

"Why handsome? The second male lead is too handsome, isn't he stealing your limelight?"

"Because I am no longer handsome in this film. So I have to support it with a handsome character, otherwise the whole film will be a bit inconsistent."

"I have a friend who has acted in a few films and his acting skills are good. He is also handsome. If you have muscles, you don't need special training. Can you consider it?" Rocky said the purpose of coming this time.

If Wu Long thinks he is suitable, he will definitely ask him to act.If Wu Long doesn't call him, it means he doesn't intend to let him act.For this, Rocky is very clear.

If it was just for himself, and Wu Long didn't ask him to act, he certainly wouldn't come to ask Wu Long for a role by himself.Wu Long is not his friend, but his teacher, a strict teacher.

But for friends, Rocky is different.

This friend also met while acting together.Rocky is famous for his UFC championship, and he also starred in his own documentary. He is also famous in the film and television circle.He is often asked to act in plays, and he has also met many friends in the film and television industry.

Rocky knew that Wu Long didn't mind such an introduction, and he wouldn't guarantee that he would be admitted if he was introduced by an acquaintance.

"You bring it here, I will audition myself. If possible, I will choose him." Wu Long agreed.

"He's just outside." Rocky snickered.

Wu Long laughed and shook his head.

"Call him in."

Lodge immediately went out and brought the man in.

When Wu Long saw the people following Rocky, he couldn't help but feel moved!The appearance of this person is too familiar, and he was deeply impressed by this person in his previous life.

A handsome action star!

The two look alike!

"That's him, sir. His name is Tom Cornus."

Seeing Wu Long, Tom Kernus showed a little excitement.

"Teacher, I'm Tom Cornus, and I'm your fan!"

Wu Long shook his finger.

"No, you are not my student, you can't call me a teacher."

"Can I worship you as a teacher?" Cornus also learned the word apprentice.

Wu Long shook his head.

"I don't accept students anymore. Let's audition and let me see your muscles."

Cornus took off his shirt, revealing all his tendons.

"I have training, and I often go to Rocky's club to practice boxing."

Wu Long asked Cornus to try the play again, and nodded his praise for his performance.

As early as the nineteenth year of Konus, he began his acting career, playing the role of a brave and skilled non-commissioned officer.If you can play a soldier, you must have a decent figure.

At the age of 21, he acted in another movie, but it was a comedy.Also learned about rebellious high school graduates, about football players.

Being able to play a rugby player has proved his figure again.

After confirming that Tom Kernus will play Will Turner, the apprentice blacksmith, the rest of the cast will be taken care of by Werner Films' Tom.He began to prepare for the filming.

It is a blockbuster film, and at the same time, many props need to be produced, so the pre-planning and preparation tasks are heavy and the time is tight.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about the ship to be prepared is a big problem.

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